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Posts posted by punked

  1. Yeah, I think people earning $60,000 and up can afford to brown-bag it. If that's the best example of the effects of sequestration that she can come up with, maybe sequestration isn't so bad.


    The majority of sequestration cuts don't roll out until may so maybe you want to pull back on that one the furlough are just going out now I believe on Thursday the DOD is going to tell 800,000 people how long they will have to take their Rea days for. Most the military sequestration which are the ones that are going to hurt the US are just rolling out now.

    Remember this is a trickle and almost all of it hasn't happened yet.

    PS Shady no one takes your posts from right wing blogs seriously after your whole "I wish Obama didn't kill Osama so he would be as popular as Bush was with one country" post from the right wing blogs. GET OUT OF THE BUBBLE!!!

  2. Of the 300 000 who signed up to vote in the liberal leadersip finale,only 117 000 have registered (40%)

    Where the age is known,59% are over 50.13% are from 25 to 34,19% 35 to 49 and 8% are under 25.

    46% of the total are from Ontario and only 11% are from Quebec.

    To me,these numbers are proof that the liberals are starting to deflate.

    Also that much of their intitial support will fade away very fast and is not reliable.

    If my assumption is true,then the liberals real numbers put them at arount 18-20% support.

    And when Justin starts to really answer the questions??????

    Any thoughts as to what registration numbers mean?


    There was never 300,000 people it was always a lie. BTW there are only 117,000 Liberals (including those who didn't pay) while the NDP had 130,000 members that eligible to vote in their leadership.

  3. YES! The US to enforce the ceasefire. The US.

    Again you don't see the stupidity in this statement "Breaking the terms of ceasefire is such a horrible act that we will cause a war which will kill 150,000 people to do it"................."We will enforce this ceasefire by breaking the terms of the cease fire!" That is some straight up 1984 logic right there Shady. All this for what? Well of course for WMDs that didn't exist because Iraq kept to the terms of the cease fire.

  4. No, the terms weren't being enforced by the UN. They have no means to enforce them.

    Dumbest thing said in this thread. That whole Powell presentation was about the US getting the go ahead to enforce the ceasefire under the UN terms which they never did.

    So the justification for the war was Iraq broke the terms if the ceasefire (kinda) so in order to teach them a lesson for the terrible crimes of breaking the ceasefire the US breaks the terms of ceasefire. WOW that's some real Shady logic there.

  5. It wasn't about WMDs and you know it. WMDs were a pretext for the conclusion of a US/UK Iraq containment policy that pre-dated Bush and was no longer acceptable post 9/11.

    Really because Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said: "For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue - weapons of mass destruction - because it was the one reason everyone could agree on."

    So the Bush admins reason was WMDs. Maybe you think their were other reasons but they didn't share them with the public. Powell lied and people died.

  6. what do perceived violations of a 91 ceasefire agreement have to do with the U.S. bypassing the UN and self-authorizing its armed forces to, "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq"? Where was the imminent threat to the national security of the U.S.?

    It does seem weird that this ceasefire agreement was between Iraq and the UN. Shady keeps pretending it wasn't but it was.

  7. So there's 5 trillion dollars interest on 1 trillion dollars? Stop making ridiculous things up.

    I am citing numbers quoted from the LA Times story from 3 days ago. I am sorry you don't read any news story after 2004 Shady probably why you still support this war. Maybe if you ever got out of the bubble and picked up a real paper.

    In case you were wondering, the price tag for the war in Iraq could eventually top $6 trillion.

    Tuesday marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion, occupation and slugfest of Iraq, which, lest we forget, was begun in the name of protecting us from weapons of mass destruction that never existed.

    A study by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies finds that the war has cost $1.7 trillion so far, with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans.

    Those costs could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next 40 years, the report concluded.


    I agree the story sounds made up because of how dumb of a decision it was in the first place. Its funny how the deficit hawks around here pretend this war isn't the cause for America's finical troubles even though in the end it will cost half of America's present debt.

  8. So what? Blix didn't fight GW1....Powell did. The US and UK gave Saddam and his henchmen more than enough time to capitulate peacefully. Even your favorite war monger Chretien said that Saddam brought it on himself.

    No one is talking about Saddam we are talking about the 150,000 Iraqis and 4000 Americans who died. You act like there was no cost. There was a cost not even mentioning the 6 Trillion dollar (when we count in interest) price tag. All about what? WMDs that didn't exist. Powell lied and people died.

  9. At the time, Blix was very adamant that such violations must be corrected and that more cooperation must be forthcoming. Blair and Bush used the material breach findings as additional rationale for an invasion that was committed to long before. For instance, Saddam was found to have extended missile ranges beyond those permitted.

    Agence France-Presse

    Sunday 23 February 2003

    Chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has issued an ultimatum to Iraq

    to start destroying its stock of banned missiles within a week but

    according to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed

    ElBaradei, Baghdad is still not co-operating fully over arms


    By imposing a deadline of March 1 for Baghdad to begin the demolition

    of its Al-Samud 2 missiles and warheads, Blix has thrown down the

    gauntlet for Iraq to provide rapid proof of its good faith and

    willingness to comply with UN demands on disarmament.


    At the time Blix asked the US to but out and let him do his job. No amount of rewriting history is going to change it.


    Blix says he received little intelligence during his time in Iraq that his teams could ever confirm.

    And the former Swedish foreign minister had this warning for the future:

    "I think one has to be cautious in making use of the armed forces on flimsy or shaky grounds that it has justification," Blix said.

    In the end Powell lied and people died.

  10. I just heard on the radio that they're looking to exempt people with less that 20,000 euros in their bank accounts. Makes sense.

    They aren't doing anything. The voted down the bail out. They went to Plan B a wealthy Russian or 5 is swooping in to bail them out. BTW word on the street is the Russians are willing to help because they are about to lose their only naval base in that area when Syria falls so buying out Cyprus will sure help them as a world power.

  11. It depends. In Greece it was found that a good number of people avoided paying taxes but demanded services from their government that we would find laughable.

    If that's the case in Cyprus too, then yes it is the public's fault as well.

    This measure seems like forced tax collection. In reality the CRA can do similar stuff if they believe you owe them more than you've paid.

    What's galling about what Cyprus is doing, is that it's across the board. You could be struggling to save and be living pay cheque to pay cheque and you'll take a massive hit to the money you need to live.

    What is happening in Cyprus isn't rocket science follow the money:

    Cypriot banks, had the vast majority of their money invested in Greek bonds, and this is where the mistake lies. In case you are wondering, this is probably a combination of incompetence, and historical/cultural connections between Cyprus and Greece. As soon as the EU took the decision to wipe the value of those bonds by 80% for saving Greece, banks in Cyprus took a huge hit and these are the effects now. Its the same thing that happened in Spain, banks inflated a bubble and now the average person needs to pay for it.

  12. Nope...if you go back and read the Congressional resolution for war (2002) and Iraq Liberation Act (1998), it was a long list of Saddam's transgressions stemming from the 1991 Gulf War in addition to any WMD issues, real or imagined. George Bush didn't just show up in 2001 and invent the conflict out of thin air.

    As for the "world", two other prime ministers agreed and the rest didn't really matter, including Canada which we now know wanted plausible deniability while supporting the invasion. It was a shock to Canadians to find out that 'moral outrage' didn't count for a damn thing, and Canada's "allies" didn't really need them to do the dirty deed, same as in Gulf War I.

    Nope he invented the reasons for conflict out of thin air.

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