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Posts posted by KrustyKidd

  1. oh it's judged. you mean, they tend to get away with it.

    let me throw in an analogy.

    this is for you krusty!

    so, like, people like bonam are okay with pedophilia in thailand because the pedophiles can get away with doing what they're doing?

    Why are you looking for a safe place to bury a minor's hole? As screwed up as you have shown yourself to be I never figured you for an evil sicko. :angry:

  2. you've sunk to DoP level of ridiculous comments. i don't know what he babbles about now since i have him on ignore, but really krusty.

    2 year old grandson = gandhi 'followers' ?

    that's just too much.

    If you are incapable of understanding the relationship between Gandhi and his followers then why would you for a moment figure the guy is even worth mentioning? They did what he told them to do and, what he told them to do was to put themselves in harms way where they were certain to be beat to a pulp.

    Much like a father would place a two year old in harms way.

    So, was he a great leader or just a name and why?

  3. lols!

    another krusty analogy!

    2 year old grandson = gandhi supporters!

    Try followers. You know, Gandhi is a leader, they are followers. He tells them what to do and they do it.

    I would say that this is all lost on you but you seemed to grasp it for a moment here;

    damn gandhi for preaching non-violent protests! he is responsible for anyone who gets hurt in these non-violent protests!
  4. damn gandhi for preaching non-violent protests! he is responsible for anyone who gets hurt in these non-violent protests!

    It's like you placing your two year old grandson in the middle of a busy street and then blaming the guy who runs over him for his death and then, finally, you, 'Dub the Peaceful' get to proclaim that there should be a traffic light there to slow the cars down.

  5. eh?

    you replied with this:

    so in response to my question about your claim in regards to the 'all the video footage', you gave me something that did not explain your claim to the video footage.

    so it's you who is confused and cannot even keep up with what you're saying.

    so yes. here is another chance for you to show all the video proof from the gaza war that AI missed.

    I was responding to this comment

    have you gone to gaza and done a competent investigation?

    That I did not comment nor post any video should have alerted you to the possibility that I wasn't talking about nor posting a vid. i did post a story by Newsweek thoughg. Why don't you read it to see how Hamas uses it's own population as a human shield rather than wallow in stupidity disguised as outrage born of confusion.

  6. He didn't cause anyone's death. It was the British that did the killing.

    And even they didn't do it. It was the guns and clubs that did. Now as for who created the situation where those people would be sure to be beaten and shot, it was Gandhi.

    He knew the British would react with violence, in fact, he counted on it and so, sent his followers out to be beaten and killed knowing that the propaganda victory would be his. Just like Hamas fires rockets from the middle of residential areas in the hopes that Israel will attack and cause civilian casualties so they too, can have a propaganda coup.

  7. what does this article have anything to do with all the video footage you claimed are lying around?

    you failed to back up your claim: "With all the video footage of Hamas using human shields left right and centre"

    are you going to back up your claim or are you going to ramble on and paste irrelevant articles?

    You are confused as usual. I never contended anything about video in this portion of the discussion. I did however, give a link and this quote so you can see that Hamas as policy, uses their own people as human shields as reported by newsweek;

    It was another of Hamas's homemade Qassam rockets being launched into Israel—and the mobile launchpad was smack in the middle of the four buildings, where every apartment was full, most of them with newly made refugees.

    Hey Dub, just wondering, don't you think it is sort of dangerous to be firing those things unnecessarily in the middle of a residential area? It might backfire, return fire might happen. All sorts of dangers Hamas is putting their people in by storing and having these prohibited weapons where women and children congregate.

  8. your opinion falls flat on its face when compared to the investigation:

    My opinion? Only loon bats would classify Israeli action as terrorism. Not even the UN or the biased AI does this. A military operation with the intent to deny the enemy capability to attack is not terrorism no matter how you spin it or no matter how scary it may seem to some. Terrorism is completely senseless violence, and, even a moron knows that Hamas operates fluidly everywherre in Gaza.

    On the other hand, rockets lobbed to land wherever and whenever with no set target is certainly terrorism as the victims are completely random and, there is no military purpose or reasoning in the action.

  9. simpleton.

    Let the Jews who claim to be the chosen race prove their title by choosing the way of non-violence for vindicating their position on earth. Every country is their home including Palestine not by aggression but by loving service.

    They did and then they were attacked by six Arab nations. Four of them are still at war with them.

  10. what you wrote above has more gibberish than meaning.

    terrorism = the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

    one does it with homemade rockets and another with american made weapons.

    Really? One terrorizes with Russian made weapons and the other conducts a militarary operation with clear objectives - to take out the capability of the enemy to terrorize. If they only wished to terrorize they would simply drop bombs indiscriminently rather than target military leaders, tunnels, suicide bombers houses etc.

    ter·ror·ism (těr'ə-rĭz'əm)

    n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

  11. terrorism is not caused only by militant groups. it can also be caused by states.

    Only iin certain cases where the state elicits the aid of a terrorist group to purposely create terrorism against an entity. Terrorism is pretty much senseless acts of violence against random victims in order to create a reaction favorable to creating conditions desired by the group supporting the terrorists from the people targeted or the government protecting the people.

    A government normally has the power simply to force people to do something or, simply carry out a military operation to force action to create whatever conditions they desire.

  12. Keep trying to spin it, but she's spreading the wealth. I have no problem with that. You should.

    She is paying out profits to each and every Alaskan. If she were spreading the wealth, she would be taking money from the rich and not so rich Alaskans and giving to the poor and not so poor Alaskans.

    Now, in Obama's case, he just takes the company over completely,refuses to sell it back when the company wishes to purchase it, places somebody who has never managed a business in charge of it and then takes from the rich and gives to the poor beyond normal taxes and, as the companies he has taken over no longer can make a profit, unlike Alaska under Palin, nobody gets a share of the profits hence, the poor get money from the rich. That is socialism.

  13. Ummm, the money could have been oil company profits...if she weren't spreading the wealth around. Didn't those oil companies deserve it more than everyone else? They did all of the work. In other words, why is she using tax money to spread wealth? Why is the right supporting this?

    Why is Chris Mathews not a real male in your opinion?

    The agreement is that when the oil company drills into the people's land, they pay money hence, it is not the oil company's money but rather the people's at that point. Golly, it's simple capitalism at work.

    As for Mathews, he says he gets a tingling up his leg when he hears Obama speak. It's on the vid.

    Oh, I get it...she's a communist.

    No, she is a good leader who gives out money to the people which the state earned from capitalist entities that produced a profit as per an agreement with the state to the people. If she were a communist, they would recieve none of that money and be living in state housing while she spent that same money on whatever she felt the state needed.

    You might want to crack a book or two if you find this confusing.

  14. Oh, so she likes the idea of spreading the wealth, does she?

    She doesn't take that money from anybody though, it's already there coming in so instead of filtering it to pet projects of special interest groups and supporters she spreads it to all which is what all good leaders should do once the basics have been covered.

    Great thread though. Nine months after her relevancy she is still the focus of the Left. More talked about than Bush for crying out loud.

    And hot. Mmmmmmmm. While Obama might do it for quasie male lefties like Matthews Palin does it for any red blooded man.

  15. This has nothing to do with his administration, it is a distraction and the more proof Obama gives them the loader their voices get. He word wasn't enough, so the team pointed to the news paper clippings, wasn't enough so certificate of live, wasn't enough, it will just keep getting bigger and has nothing to do with anything.

    It was a distraction wasn't it? Strange they just didn't show the goods to begin with rather than play games like this which only added to the suspicion. Sort of like when asked for two pieces of ID you pull out a pen and paper and write your name on it twice,then when pressed further, your friend vouches for you then when pressed even further you show whomever your keychain with your first name on it and when cornered, you pull out your library card backed up by a gym membership. All the while your drivers license and health card with photo are right in your back pocket.

  16. How about the hundreds of other sites which confirmed it. Including crazy conspiracy theory site world news net daily which hates Obama?

    I think the ones who state Obama was not born in the US I believe are wrong. I also believe that to single Obama out without a firm reason like this is also wrong. However, wrong as it may be for them to ask, to ridicule people for asking for available verification is somewhat silly given we live in a world where this sort of proof should be provided by public officials given this particular one attempted to portray transparency rather than secrecy as one of his pillars of office.

  17. Krusty, why the dance? Embrace your birther sentiments... c'mon Krusty - accept your nutjob fringe leanings... loud and proud Krusty... loud and proud!

    c'mon Krusty - google is your friend! The courts dismissed that wingnut Berg's assertions about Obama and factcheck.org... only Krusty would recycle right-wing Republican birther talking points that have no basis in fact.

    Krusty the clown... has no clue! :lol:

    Apparently it is you who has no clue as I, unlike you, would certainly never use a pro Obama site to provide proof to back something of his up with. I said

    who's board members contributed over three hundred fifty thousand dollars to his political campaigns.

    Annenberg was intertwined with dozens of organizations who's activists and heads scratched each others backs.

    Here is a start for you Wlado

    Obama Contributors Emerged from Staff and Boards of Annenberg Grantees

    Through the course of Obama’s political career, 91 people who served at some time as staff or a board member for one of the groups that received CAC money also contributed money at some time to one of Obama’s political campaigns, which include his runs for the state Senate, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Senate and the presidency.

    The information on contributions to Obama’s state senate campaigns comes from the Illinois State Board of Elections, and the information on contributions to Obama’s federal election campaigns comes from the Federal Election Commission, either directly or through the Center for Responsive Politics. (See list below.)

    And the list does go on my simple friend. Indeed, it does go on, and on and on. About two hundred donations worth millions just by having a cursory look.


    The Obama presidential campaign did not respond to inquiries for this story despite repeated phone calls and e-mails sent to the campaign by CNSNews.com.

    Transparency huh?

    Waldo! Using Obamacheck.org. Classic! :lol:

  18. Accept Congress which is the court of law for presidents, ergo impeachment voted yesterday to declare Hawaii his birth place.

    Huh? Hardly a declaration. Congress voted on a resolution that marked the fiftieth anniversary of the state of Hawaii and also mentioned within it that Obama was born there.

    From CBS;

    However, it appears Congress has moved on and has accepted Obama's island birthplace. The U.S. House on Monday unanimously approved a resolution recognizing and celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii becoming the 50th state. A clause was included that reads: "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961."

    Good for him. Legally now he has been declared born in Hawaii. All on the word of one single state employee.


    Yah you are the I don't believe this but guy right? I don't believe George Bush is a racist but he did let a lot of black people die in New Orleans. That is he guy you are right now.

    Explain this with something to clarify what the heck you are saying please.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    In other words, the idea that a certified copy of a birth record (no matter how it is called) is incomplete unless physician information is included is based on what people wants thing to be, not on what they actually are.

    So you are saying that Obama would not have the hospital, doctor attending etc on his? Strange, if he were born in 1961 in Hawaii he would as that was the practice at that time and, that information would have been transposed to an electronic form when the transition to paperless occurred.

    Actually, the requirement is that the person be a "natural born citizen" (that is, born a citizen), be at least 35 year old, and has lived in the United states for at least 14 years. Nothing in there about place of birth. the text from the National Archives and Records Administration's website

    In Obamas case, since his mother was not 19 (resided in the US for five years after the age of 14) and his father was non US, to be natural born he would have to be born on US soil.

    How often must it be repeated that has HAS produced a VALID document and that he has no obligation to produce another document, which in any case the State of Hawaii will not issue.

    So of course he wil defend himself against frivolous lawsuits. To do otherwise would be legal suicide.

    Why would it be legal suicide to produce a copy of the doc when it is costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight these 'frivolous' lawsuits?

    Under the U.S. Constitution, all matters not specifically delegated to the federal government belong to the State or the people. Registration and certification of births is not mentioned in the Constitution, therefore it is a State issue. Certifications of live birth issued by the State of Hawaii are accepted on face value by federal authorities so, unless there is reasonable ground to believe that a federal crim has been committed, the issue is, by law, strickly a State one.

    Or a matter of national security and interest such as a Presidential election.

    Not only has Obama provided the proof already, but since he is accused by the nutjobs of having issued a forgery and.or occupying the Office of the President of the United states illegally, it is yp to TJEM to prove their allegations, not the other way aroiund.

    The non-sense in that paragraph has been debunked months ago in another thread. You will never learn.

    It was not debunked months ago in another thread. Are you denying that Annenberg owns factcheck? That $350 thousand was donated to Obamas campaigns by executives of Annenberg? That he and Ayers chaired the Annenberg challenge? What part is viewed as false that you need a link for?

    When did he provide the proof? To my knowledge he has never, ever produced any birth document to a federal elections official for examination. In fact, isn't that the bill being brought up by Posey so that this sort of thing does not become an issue again?

    You got it in reverse. It has never been proven in a court of law or by any federal agency that Barack Obama did not meet the requirements to become a President of the United States, or that he made public a forgery.

    In fact, each and every case submitted to courts to invalidate his election has been thrown out or is in the process of being thrown out.

    You are right on both counts. It has never been proven in court of law that Barrak Obama did not meet the requirements but really, when somebody asked him to prove he did meet them the case was thrown out. To some, this seems rather odd for a campaign who's main cornerstone was that of transparency.

    He has not proved a thing. A web site is not a court of law nor is it a federal elections office.

    BY LAW, a certification of life birth produced by the State of Hawaii is legal proof of the veracity of the information it contains. Courts can not reject it unless it is proven that it has been issued fraudulently, that it is a forgery, that the process for recording all births or issuing all certified copies does not meet certain standards, or that the form used in all cases does not contain sufficient information. Similarly, a federal agency cannot reject any birth certification submitted to it, unless in one of the cases above.

    Not sure but I think these birthers contend that it was issued fraudulently which might explain why they wish to see the underlying information.

    State employee decides fate of free world. Nice and legal, hope she's right. :lol:

  19. Obama HAS proved it. THe State of Hawaii has confirmed it.

    But sure. Feel free to lend credence to the nutjobs because they "seem to feel" his mother was out of the country at the time of his birth.

    It was never proved in a court of law or, by a federal entity hence, it has only been discussed much like it is here. If those people had a case, that proof, as seen on Waldo's 'Obamacheck.org' and a state employee giving it the thumbs up wouldn't stand up for a second.

    And how am I giving any credence to the nutjobs Lilly? I keep repeating that they have not shown any reason to have a case to begin with so I can only assume that because I don't jump in and agree with everybody like a sockpuppet, you take it to mean I'm in bed with the birthers.?

    Talk about black and white with free thought going down the toilet.

  20. Why aren't you asking these birthers to prove their claims?

    The burdon of proof is on the nutjobs.

    I'm afraid you have it backwards, they are asking Obama to prove something, not the other way around. I'd like for Obama to prove they are wrong however, it is they who are asking for proof and he is the one not providing it to their stated satisfaction. As I said earlier though, I would like to understand why they seem to feel his mother was traveling near the end of her term.

    Only Waldo would use the Annenberg Foundation to prove anything about Obama. you know, the same Annenberg Foundation that both he and Ayers worked for when heading the $46 million dollar Chicago Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The same Annenberg foundation that owns the Factcheck.org that he uses as proof and, who's board members contributed over three hundred fifty thousand dollars to his political campaigns.

    Edited to add: Waldo

    And, it's only available in electronic form.

    Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001.

    "At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting," she said.

    Which makes it all that easier to access the information that the original Birth Certification contained that the birthers wish to have produced.

    Waldo! You haven't a clue do you? :lol:

  21. It's a non-issue.

    I really don't see why it wasn't laid to rest when the State of Hawaii itself declared he was born there.

    What difference does that make?

    These birthers seem to feel that his mother was out of the country at the time of his birth. Why, I have no idea. If there is any validity to their claim (which I have not seen) then it is would be a serious federal matter requiring an examination of the document by a federal entity rather than a state employee simply saying that it looks ok to her.

  22. He has a certificate of live birth proving he was born in Hawaii... but you don't question his citizenship... just whether on not he was born in the US?

    He has shown the document given to him by the state of Hawaii. They say it's fine. Heck, even Ann Coulter says it's fine.

    Do you really want to be nuttier than Ann Coulter?

    I don't question that as I believe he was born in the US. I do wonder why an explanation of the difference between two documents as requested by Guthrie is considered by yourself as nutty though. Perhaps you can explain that one?

    As for the State saying it is fine I am sure it is quite legal though it may not contain any exacting information as to exactly where he was born and who was attending the birth. I do wonder why he spends tens of thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of dollars defending himself instead of producing a document though. For those who say that the birthers would not be satisfied, a counter suit could then be filed requesting court costs which would then more than likely stifle any continued suits.

  23. So?

    It's not found on mine or my kids' birth certificates either, but it's all the proof of citizenship needed.

    His citizenship was never in question. It is the criteria that any presidential candidate must be born in the USA. For example, Shwartzenegger is a US citizen however, can never be president, even though he has attained the position of Governor.

    The birthers are contending that Obama has not proved he was born in the USA and maintain for some reason, that his mother was not on US soil when he was born. Furthermore, when his fatehr is not a US national and his mother has not spent five years in the US when over the age of 14, he is not a US citizen and must apply for that status.

    While I feel it rather strange that Obama would take the trouble and cost to put up what must be a costly defense against these charges when he could simply show the Birth Certificate itself is only surpassed by the question I have of the birthers which is what leads them to the suspicion that Stanly Duram was not in this country and instead, in Kenya when he was born.

  24. oh kk, you didn't look at the pictures, whatever?

    Jews attacking Jews in the holy city of Jerusalem

    She was arrested and charged for starving the child, but what I do not understand is why the father of the child was also not charged?

    Is this an indication of the patriarchial nature of Israeli society?

    All orthodox religious people are very emotional and sometimes, extreme in their views be they Jews, Christians or Muslims. You know that. It is however, not indicative of Israeli society just as abortion doctor killers are indicative of US society.

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