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Multiculturlism, Pc, And Life
Michael Hardner replied to Alliance Fanatic's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I have given some examples of my case - the cuts to transfer payments, welfare, etc. You simply say something - "both have shifted dramatically left" - and it's assumed to be true without any evidence You haven't supported your assertion that those three leaders are NOT mainstream. I have shown how the three were/will be elected to 6+ terms. Again, no evidence from you. People should vote against their own interests then ? This makes no sense. Again, no evidence. What entitlements have been offered to the lowest 50% of workers ? EI cuts ? Welfare cuts ? Healthcare cuts ? You're asserting that socialism has been in place in the USA ? When ? How ? The systems are fraying for many reasons. If you're saying that centre-left positions on social issues have moved to the left over the last twenty years, then I agree with that. But, then again, attitudes have changed greatly over the last twenty years. This can be seen clearly if you look at attitudes towards homosexuality in younger people vs. older people. I won't disagree with you here. I don't think Layton's "urban issues" platform speaks to the whole country. And opposing free trade at this point doesn't make sense. We'll never have the chance to see if you're correct on that one, though. -
Som Poll Shows Liberals At 57.5 %
Michael Hardner replied to Michael Hardner's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Goldie, I think you are right. I saw the Counterspin show. Peckford said he'll be joining another conservative party with Orchard, and presumably supported by Joe Clark. Scott Brison, who's in FAVOUR of the merger, intimated that he won't be part of the party if Harper leads it. This all bodes well for Martin, obviously. And whether or not people trust him, they may see Martin as the most recognizable, or the least detestable candidate. This is especially true in Ontario where Chretien regularly won around 100 seats. I have yet to meet an Ontarian who is/was enthusiastic about Chretien. Even Mike Harris, who has fallen from favour here, could have won 30 seats just based on his recognizability. -
Multiculturlism, Pc, And Life
Michael Hardner replied to Alliance Fanatic's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Well, since they were or will be elected to 3 majorities (Chretien) two presidential terms (Clinton) and at least one majority government (Martin-trust me) then, yes, I guess I would take them to mean mainstream. Who is a better example of the mainstream ? Harper ? Or other popular candidates like Gilles Duceppe ? As for being left, would leftists cut transfer payments for healthcare as the Liberals did ? Would they slash welfare, as happened during Clinton's watch with the Contract With America ? Calling centrist types like Joe Clark, Chretien etc. "socialists" "liberals" etc. is a cute way to get attention but it doesn't seem quite mature since nobody really referred to these types as socialists 15 years ago when the NDP was very socialist indeed - advocating the nationalization of industries etc. Were you alive then ? -
Som Poll Shows Liberals At 57.5 %
Michael Hardner replied to Michael Hardner's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
That's about as well as they could be expected to do, ie. hand the NDP the balance of power. Dare to dream. -
Relegalizing slavery would do wonders for our productivity !
More jobs at longer hours and less pay will always have a positive increase in productivity. At some point, though, these conditions help employers at the expense of workers.
CBC Story Unless something happens before the spring, I expect Martin will call on Canadians to give him a mandate to govern. 57.5 % Sheesh... That's a big meatball...
Multiculturlism, Pc, And Life
Michael Hardner replied to Alliance Fanatic's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Of course that's how you see it. And that's the point. After the immoral act has been committed, the immoralists that benefit must find a way to rationalize. This is exactly what you have done. I agree that the left has no moral high ground over the loss of morality, but your examples of Clinton, Martin and Chretien don't show this. You have to use leftists as examples. -
Multiculturlism, Pc, And Life
Michael Hardner replied to Alliance Fanatic's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I see individualism and greed as being an equal weighted factor in the loss of morality in North America. While it's true that sexual promiscuity and divorce have destroyed the traditional family, the insatiable drive for weath and its baubles have created a materialistic society unseen at any time in history. People will cheat on their taxes, mislead shareholders, anything to help themselves personally. This new morality is typified by PC leader Peter McKay, who has recently tried to boost his own career with a bald faced lie. We need to find a new comunity spirit. -
Pc Delegate Selection Updates...
Michael Hardner replied to sir_springer's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I dunno. Something about some guy lying and breaking a written promise I think. But I guess lies are forgivable when the morality of Canada is at stake. -
Right Wing Dreams Of Yesteryear - Boot Camps
Michael Hardner replied to Michael Hardner's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Read the article on Georgia. Boot Camps were a right-wing feel-good issue that didn't work. -
Attitudes Towards Same Sex Marriage
Michael Hardner replied to Michael Hardner's topic in The Rest of the World
I agree with you, but unfortunately public opinion does have a lot to do with it. I think it's important to note that people are starting to emerge from the dark fears and prejudices of the past. -
I happened to come across some articles showing increasing support for same-sex marriage and I'm not surprised. I'm finding more and more of my conservative friends have accepted the fact that gays deserve the same access to public institutions as gays. Canadian Public Opinion Polls It's interesting to note that younger people are far more accepting of basic homosexual rights than Canadians 55 and older. This does not bode well for SSM opponents. Clearly, their supporters will start dying off in the next ten years. US Opinions Changing "The reason for that is more families are coming out and identifying themselves, and America is able to see gay families. The census shows gay families are living in every corner of every county in this country, and that's having a profound effect on public opinion." I feel an obligation to explain to fellow Christians that it is essential to our faith that we accept, forgive, and love the homosexuals in our communities and our families.
Larry Spencer, "make It A Crime To Be Gay"
Michael Hardner replied to Greg's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Morgan said: And these groups gave the Liberals almost 100% of the seats in Ontario ? The Liberals are the party of choice for mainstream Canadians. I'm not sure why you don't see the obvious there. -
Larry Spencer, "make It A Crime To Be Gay"
Michael Hardner replied to Greg's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
LOL. No, I hadn't read about Kilgour's comments. I guess the Liberals are more out to lunch than even I imagined. Impressions matter. The CA should start caring more about the impression they're leaving if they want to make inroads. -
It's a good idea to point out that the "loony left" doesn't have a monopoly on social engineering ideas gone awry. Boot camps, touted as a panacea for youth crime in the mid-90s, are a failure. It's a good idea to point these things out once in awhile... Toronto Star Article And in Georgia: "The boot camps were an example of playing to the crowd rather than doing something that worked," said Stephen Bright, director of the Atlanta-based Southern Center for Human Rights. "Gov. Miller talked about how good it was for him to have been a Marine on Parris Island, but from what we saw of Georgia's boot camps, they did more harm than good." Macon Telegraph Article
Forget All Else: Islamic Law Comes To Canada
Michael Hardner replied to Neal.F.'s topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Yes, you can. As I pointed out you can choose a Rabbi to settle disputes if you so desire. Those of you who have predicted imminent stonings - please indicate how soon we can expect these so that we can weigh the accuracy of your predictions. Will it be before the end of 2004 ? -
Larry Spencer, "make It A Crime To Be Gay"
Michael Hardner replied to Greg's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Morgan: Because a member of the caucus said something so off-the-scale stupid, politically, while speaking to a reporter. I don't like politician to be too slick, as the Liberals are. But Spencer is obviously a dull-witted man, whatever his age. The fact that he's a member of caucus must mean there are slim pickings in the CA, intelligence-wise. Just my impression. -
Forget All Else: Islamic Law Comes To Canada
Michael Hardner replied to Neal.F.'s topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Neal, there's no other set of laws. It's dispute mediation. If you and I have a dispute, it's possible for us to have it mediated in any way we like, as long as it ultimately conforms to Canadian laws. I have seen notices in Toronto for individuals involved in small claims court to have a Rabbi resolve the case. It's the same thing. -
Conrad Black - Criminal ?
Michael Hardner replied to Craig Read's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
This is the man who, through his organ the National Post, helped push Stockwell Day to the forefront of the Canadian imagination for a short period of time in 2000. Black, and men like him, have the power to influence public discourse in a way that will directly benefit them, at a cost to the public good. A real capitalist innovates, invests and creates. A silver spoon capitalist like Black tries to squeeze more for himself out of working Canadians by lobbying government for lower taxes, and for concessions on workers' rights. -
Forget All Else: Islamic Law Comes To Canada
Michael Hardner replied to Neal.F.'s topic in Federal Politics in Canada
WorldNetDaily has jumped on this and lit the flames of hysteria. No surprise there. The key phrase is the Ottawa Citizen article is: If both parties agree to have their dispute mediated in this way, it's basically like Judge Wopner and the people's court. The valid argument against such an arrangement would be the added expense to the Canadian taxpayer, and the whole issue of multiculturalism vs. melting pot etc. etc. But stonings ? Would any reasonable person expect that the Canadian court system would allow people to be stoned to death ? -
Christianity, The Fractured Faith
Michael Hardner replied to Elder's topic in Moral & Ethical Issues
I think there is some historical proof of his existence. If I'm not mistaken, a Roman wrote of his crucifiction. Google search.... Catholic Study Page Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian (37-97 AD), writes: "At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders." He certainly criticized materialism, and encouraged giving to the poor and lived a communal lifestyle. The inital fracture happened with Luther... very complicated topic. Wow. I'd say the lesson is that humans are born into sin, and it's up to each individual to be the best person they can. Summed up in the Golden Rule: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you," Jesus said, "do ye even so to them…" (Matt. 7: 12) It's a great cornerstone upon which to build a civil society. Jesus, I think, evolved this idea from Rabbi Hillel who said: "That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow." But Jesus' words are more positive, imploring people to go beyond "not doing despicable things" and to treat people as you would have them treat you. I'm not any kind of biblical scholar, but I believe that this is how the Christian philosophy evolved. The degree to which it was adopted in day-to-day life in Europe is probably unknown, but it still stands today as a common understanding of decent behavior. Thus, even atheists and agnostics such as myself can call themselves Christian if they profess to follow Jesus' central message. Christian Atheism. It is possible. -
Larry Spencer, "make It A Crime To Be Gay"
Michael Hardner replied to Greg's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I'm not sure if that would work. As part of caucus, Spencer was supposedly a 'cut above' a backbench MP, and as the family critic, well... From what I understand, Spencer was only temporarily removed. The Alliance has once again shown why they're not fit to govern. And I also agree that stupid issues like this divert attention from serious economic issues that aren't as interesting to follow. -
The National Question
Michael Hardner replied to Alliance Fanatic's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
The premise here seems to be that low wage earners are not economically viable entities. This would mean that minimum wage earners are a net drain on the economy. Okay... Then who benefits from lower wages ? If the benefits from downward pressure on wages go to someone, shouldn't that person's net benefit be taxed somehow to offset the net drain on the Canadian taxpayer ?