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Michael Hardner

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Posts posted by Michael Hardner

  1. bjre, you're a contradiction.

    No information sources are good enough for you, it seems. The truth is that nothing is perfect, and no entity is free of influence. But even you must admit that you can express yourself on these boards more completely than you could in a controlled police state such as China.

  2. For that matter, here's a quiz on the 'ultra leftist' Mr. Layton ?

    How did he propose handling corporations in his 2008 election policy ?

    a ) Nationalize them

    b ) Sell them and give the money to the poor

    c ) Have the government seize them, but allow private ownership of a minority of shares.

    d ) A 22.2% tax rate, which is lower than all but the lowest (under $50K) corporate tax rates in the USA.

    You know what the answer is.

  3. You're daughter's reaction is a natural one when someone first hears of systemic special treatment for a group. However, the problem is that boys are falling behind, from what I hear.

    You should explain to your daughter about social programs that were intended to help women and girls in the workplace.

    If she's old enough, you might even watch an episode of 'Mad Men' with her. ( For God's sake, pre-screen the episode as some material is decidedly blue) Or maybe download some scenes. It's a strange thing to watch that era and realize how much things have changed. In fact, the real world wasn't likely as bad as shown, but maybe it was in the advertising world.

  4. lictor

    Because my mind is offended by double standards...

    Public interest doesn't follow a 'standard', and it never will.

    Why do we hear endless yammering about the holocaust and not so much as a peep as the comparatively worse Holodomor?

    If the point (as we're often assured) of "teaching the holocaust" and making it some sort of education pillar and ultra protected subject is to show people what happens when people turn bad...why not use the better example of what the communist butchers did?

    7 to 10 million people liquidated, many in ways to horrible to recite here... in ONE YEAR... and we hear NOTHING about it... I find that very maddening and disturbing.

    add to that the 119 worldwide victims of communist atrocity all over the globe... and the double standard become even more obvious.

    My only question is why aren't you similarly distraught by this state of affairs and why are you seemingly surprised at my reaction?

    by the way i'll tell you why they don't talk about the holodomor and sometimes even censor it: its because the only reason they push the holocaust is that it serves a political agenda, it silences criticism of Jews (who are very powerful in this country and the US) and it favors their globalist internationalist (crypto-communist) agenda... it supplements their religion of Political Correctness and egalitarianism...

    they teach the holocaust because the perpetrators were nazis... and not EGALITARIANS...

    and they keep the holodomor hushed up because the perpetrators of THAT atrocity were all egalitarians... and the message they want to forcefeed us and our children is that: COMMUNIST SOCIALIST EGALITARIANS... are good guys... that's why...

    and its sickening.

    Publicize your history. Talk about it. But it's petty to compare it to another atrocity, IMO.

  5. Shady,

    How is he repugnant? And you're right, he can't be unelected, because he hasn't been elected in the first place. blink.gif

    I'm taking it that you're visually impaired. My apologies.

    The fact that he is UNelected is a problem for the Republicans, as I said, because they can't make him go away. And younger voters are starting to equate the sticky old fat man with the GOP.

    A problem !

  6. Oh well, as Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) used to say, "Never mind!" tongue.gif


    The 'wussing' may have something to do with the fact that private enterprises don't have much to gain by sticking their necks out. McDonalds wouldn't do it, so why would the National Post ?

  7. what argument? what on earth are you on about? What valid argument can you gather from that tawdry and crude hoax called the Communist Manifesto? Can you name even one specifically?

    Important how? It was responsible for the greatest squandering of wealth life and resources ever? That it destroyed the order and stability of the world? That it created a nightmarish dystopia rather then a utopia wherever communism reeled its grotesque head in the world? That it swindled so many people?

    Fascists in communists clothes? What a shameful comment.

    Lictor - I will start a new thread on this one.

  8. Oleg,

    I would be pissed off if one group got all the benefits while all the other groups that deserved compensation got diddly squat - what about the 2000 acres the commies took from my father? And what about the 20 million Slavic dead - not counting the 16 million Ukranians starved by Stalin...and that Chamberlain fellow waving the promisory note from Hitler - why can't we sue his former handlers?

    Benefits ?

    Most of what he's griping about is media attention, as if there's a favoured child in the family. I find it distasteful. If you want to mourn your people then you absolutely should. No one is stopping you from doing that, and most will be empathetic to that horror as well.

    The Jewish presence in American life is the reason for the attention from what I can see, what would you have us do about that ? They were systematically isolated for extinction based on their race, and he's complaining that they get movies made about them.

    It's disgusting, actually.

  9. Well, I never said he was just an entertainer. So maybe you should continue that particular conversation with the Rush fan you referenced. He's definitely entertaining, and uses quite a bit of satire during his show. But he's much more than that.

    And unfortunately, people already listen to Hollywood's opnion on political issues. That's nothing new.

    You're right.

    And Rush remains as repugnant as ever, and a bigger problem for the Republicans than the Democrats, in that he can't be unelected. Too bad for them.

  10. kim/Shady,

    It's not like Rush isn't living in a glass house over the 'drive by' phenomenon. His inaccuracies are so well documented that when I protested them with a Rush fan, his response was that Rush was an entertainer, not a journalist and therefore not subject to the same standards.

    Okaaay... then that means we SHOULD listen to Robin Williams and Sinbad on political issues then ?


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