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Michael Hardner

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Everything posted by Michael Hardner

  1. Good points, Wyly. I want to point out that hiring one civil servant would mean that $ X of bogus claims would be saved, for a lifetime in Canada.
  2. What do you know of the system ?
  3. How do you fix that business model ?
  4. Ouch. Better sell my shares !
  5. Of course, EVERYONE would check off the box on a ballot if it were marked 'Moonbox'... not.
  6. Happy Berated New Year.
  7. Why does this thread continue ? Mr. Canada, will you stop ?
  8. The thing that should absolutely piss people off is that they do this with things such as the gun registry and eHealth. Of course, journalism has been reduced to passing on press releases, so you can't really blame them. Read MLW, in any case.
  9. But it does take awhile for those 'maverick' theories to gain acceptance. Remember cold fusion at all ?
  10. Perfection is not a realistic state of being, but it is a goal. I will try to rise above. Will you ?
  11. No. Can you answer it ?
  12. This needs a <sarcasm> tag ?
  13. I find it odd that Von Mises was so critical of monetary practices that are driven by the private-sector, i.e. the banking world by the way. Did he favour a strong government presence in managing such things ?
  14. Interesting articles and links... but "why it won't work today" where ? It will work some places, but I presume you're saying not in Afghanistan ?
  15. Based on my 3-minute Wiki visit to "healthcare in Sweden", it sounds like it would work. Now explain to me how we "put the bell on the cat", i.e. how we get there.
  16. This is a good article: it outlines what has happened, and what is still pending, i.e. the Muir Russell report. It's important to note that it says: While it doesn't constitute fraud, the behavior is unprofessional and unbecoming. Thus, the UEA investigation may have worse ramifications for Professor Jones.
  17. Now, how are you going to end that ? You need a machine that looks into peoples' hearts to make it work. My friend had a marriage arranged for him in the old country from infancy. They had just arrived in Canada. When they reached adulthood, both parties thought the idea was quaint but had no intention to carry it through.
  18. I don't see the value to society of letting that happen. Effectively, the corporation becomes a remote-controlled entity. Anybody could be running it. Since they are afforded to many public allowances to their existence, ownership should be public knowledge.
  19. Sure, we have slightly less freedom than before 9/11. A major attack will do that. But it's a minimal level of restriction. As for Iraq, surely it's not as outwardly peaceful as under the dictatorship, but things are definitely improving. Read the column and blog from this Canadian Iraqi in the NYT: http://atwar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/back-to-baghdad/ http://atwar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/30/back-in-iraq-with-fresh-eyes/ There's no reason to believe that people will not continue to work for peace once they have lived it.
  20. To close out the year is fine... $3M is a drop in the bucket in our budget.
  21. But to be sure that it doesn't exist... that isn't supported and is therefore akin to believing in God. Keeping in mind, also, that it's not just "God" but the entire supporting logic - spirit worlds and so on - that are implied by belief in God.
  22. Another question: I have a friend who believes in pagan spirits but not in monotheism. What is she ? Be nice...
  23. Under one definition of atheism, that is indeed true.
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