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Michael Hardner

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Everything posted by Michael Hardner

  1. I only watch one contemporary comedy show - The Office. Andy Angela Toby Kevin Oscar Stanley Phyllis Dwight Michael Jim Pam Meredith Meredith is indeed the type of female character you say can't be portrayed. But I wouldn't be surprised if what you said is generally true. The writers of these shows play to stereotypes as well as what's fashionable, and what is considered acceptable.
  2. That's different. It's not 'anecdotal' in terms of studying data, this is an example of wrongdoing, in which case a single validated instance warrants investigation. If you know of these things, it's your duty to report them. If you don't have the stomach for it, most large organizations now have snitch lines to help you.
  3. I didn't get an answer from lukin on this one.
  4. This makes no sense. A study uses stated methodology, and presumably the scientific method. To say that there is agenda behind the study may be true, but you can determine that for the most part by looking at the study itself. Anecdotal information may be a catalyst for an investigation but it means nothing on its own.
  5. I guess it's worse ethically, but the amount of damage done is almost zero in this case. Fair enough, I just wanted to understand.
  6. It's a seismic shift, so about as often as a major earthquake ! The first time it happened, I was surprised. But since I live according to principles, and am not a blind follower, eventually it had to happen that I agree with those that I generally disagree with.
  7. Just curious - did you look at the curriculum itself or are you basing your opinion on the news item ?
  8. Pliny, I appreciate your perspective on this. There are certainly examples of 'blind spots' in the media that don't appear to be ideologically driven. Spain was a dictatorship into the 70s I believe. Likewise, Chile had an oppressive regime that executed peaceful protesters and students in that era. My question is: how many of those blind spots persist today and what are they ?
  9. Really ? I'm surprised. He sounds like a clown to me, but I don't think he's particularly deserving of attention. Certainly his stupid behavior hasn't done as much damage as, say, politicians who "managed" gun registry and eHealth initiatives through hundreds of millions of waste. I don't really have a strong opinion on the guy, but I'm surprised that you do.
  10. So the answer is no. I'm not sure what you were reading to mislead you on the causes of global warming, but there is a separate thread on that topic.
  11. Of course I am. Why would you think I wouldn't be ?
  12. Not at all. In fact, I much prefer to discuss issues with intelligent and reasoned persons who disagree with me. I tend to learn more that way, and it's not unknown for me to modify my views. I have done so on: - the Charter of Rights - Workfare - HRCs - Global Warming How often do your views become more liberal ?
  13. Fair enough, but I do consider such opinionated thoughts separately from those of experts or those who at least try to be objective and accomodating. I also get angered by pesky mosquitoes.
  14. The specialist interest is in the groups that agitate in the media, and make statements that can be easily misunderstood. There is no special interest in teaching reality, i.e. that body parts are not named `boo-boo` and that there are such things as single parents and same-sex parents. Less than if he is treated as someone who shouldn`t be discussed in polite company. Agreed. The educators, I`m sure, would just include these topics without lobbying.
  15. Another Dalton supporter. I guess the good thing about a jellyfish premier is that everybody can get behind him at least some of the time.
  16. Why would this happen ? At which school were you "at" ? When were you at it ? I'm so unconvinced of this that I want to look up the statistics.
  17. Yes, McGuinty is quick to react to pressure and is truly a politician without any courage who follows the blowing wind. Glad you like him, though.
  18. Really ? What happened to 'teachers don't have the right' ? Anyway, this whole thing blew up because of a Family Group (that's the agenda) and a Premier who likes to be gutless. Now we know. Gays aren't going anywhere, nor are gay parents who are rightly demanding that they are acknowledged in a curriculum that reflects post-Eisenhower society. I don't underestimate the power of a committed special interest minority like this (look what they've achieved already) but eventually they will die out... just like the preacher who kept booze out of west Toronto for so-many-years. RIP.
  19. No. I'm not upset, but rather I'm tired of the 'lone gunman' type such as yourself who comes onto the board guns-a-blazin. It's pretty much everyone's way, thank goodness.
  20. I concur that you shouldn't have to.
  21. They're supposed to do what their employer tells them, not what you say. Thank goodness.
  22. How about somebody who plows onto the board brandishing his prejudices without any embarrassment ? Is that reason enough to not trust his anecdotes ?
  23. I suspect your first-hand observations are wrong. Most are. Spellcheck too, ok ?
  24. That's funny. You're arguing whether it's their right - but it's their job. They're supposed to teach those things.
  25. Fair enough, but why worry about the curriculum at all then ? I trust the majority of teachers to teach as they're directed to.
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