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Everything posted by jdobbin

  1. He only appears if there is a cure?
  2. He's scheduled to appear.
  3. Earlier on in this thread or somewhere else, I suggested was that the forces could be withdrawn in favour of a rapid deployment force based nearby. Ultimately Afghans would take of Afghan affairs but if training camps for al Qaeda were set up.... BOOM! Fast strike and back out again. The British general said he gave 4 months to see how this move to stabilize the country would work. At that time, it will be interesting to see a new evaluation of what is going on.
  4. I was being a bit obtuse there. I don't know if a million troops would have been possible without a draft. Certainly, the predicton that the end result of Saddam being removed might be a civil war was too easily dismissed by Bush and his people. It was just another thing in a long line of things that they underestimated.
  5. There are a few people here with a wide variety of interests and opinions on numerous subjects. It is always interesting to hear, especially from people with articulate and well thought responses. I can honestly say some folks have changed my mind on something because their argument on it was compelling. There are others who are bloody single minded about issues and don't move from from them. They put down, insult and justify just about everything to argue their position. And in the end, they generally turn everyone off with their responses. I think we all know of a few threads that are just too my side - your side back and forths. There are too few threads that ask people what they think and then interact on that premise that maybe they'll learn something from one another. To that end, I'm going to try to not be drawn in so much to these dead end discussions. What are other people thoughts on the forums? Are too many being highjacked by single issue people? Are there some threads where some knowledge is actually imparted? I certainly am interested in those type of discussions. Anyways, just thinking aloud here. Once again, I'd like to say that there some really interesting folks here and that often they say something that makes you really stand up and take notice. I really appreciate that.
  6. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories Lots of people are wondering why.
  7. More talk of civil war in Iraq after after another brutal day. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14302066/ Maybe if the United States sent in a million troops, all would be well.
  8. I doubt very much that you've read them. And of course, you've dismissed out of hand the gospel that was left out of the bible altogether. What did you call it? Ah yes...obsure. And yet, it is being studied by many and brings into question the orgins of the bible and what they chose to leave out. But enough fruitless discussions. Assert whatever you want. I don't why I bothered since it doesn't affect me one way or the other. Nor does it convince me of one thing or the other.
  9. Why don't you prove that the bible have never been altered. I want details.
  10. I think that would require a far larger military committment than NATO would be willing to make. Afghanistan has asked repeatedly for a force in the hundreds of thousands to fight off the Taliban and al Qaeda. The whole strategy thus far has been to get the Afghan forces up to the task of doing the job.
  11. Some people are not going to believe anything you say and it really is beside the point. Prove that the bible hasn't been altered in any way is what I say.
  12. I never did. Oh? I never raised this topic at all. I responded to your point that the bible has never been altered. I personally don't care that it has been altered. And since you kept asking for examples, I have given you Mark and John from the King James version. Why don't you prove to me that those aren't alterations?
  13. Several of the above links have numerous omissions in the bible over the years. That should keep anyone busy trying to explain how the bible hasn't been altered. And while people dismiss the the Dead Sea Scrolls as being obscure, they prove that there were competing gospels that were removed from the start.
  14. King James Bibles now have added footnotes referring to what are said to be "better manuscripts" which indicate that certain changes should be made in the King James text. The most famous such changes are the omission of the last twelve verses of Mark and the first eleven verses of John, chapter 8, but there are many other important omissions, as well as some additions and many word changes that have been incorporated in these new versions, with the implication that all these changes have been derived from these "better" ancient manuscripts. Much of that information is being debated now about why those ommission were made. Many other bibles completely omit material. There are numerous websites out there that show this. Any theologian will tell you. I have named two. Mark and John. That is a retelling of the story through omission. Quite honestly, I don't care though because I don't believe any of it and I have no idea what it proves or disproves. http://www.theseason.org/omissions.htm http://www.anointedlinks.com/niv_omissions.html http://av1611.com/kjbp/charts/various.html http://www.mag-net.com/~maranath/bible.htm http://etext.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/KjvAEst.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Bible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_cons...y_and_the_Bible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_English_Bible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omissions_in_the_Gospel_of_John http://www.bessel.org/bibles.htm http://mafg.home.isp-direct.com/que4003.htm
  15. Would you settle for deported?
  16. I mean applied in modern times.
  17. It was the U.S. working with others that came up with this so-called cynical plan. Perhaps they should have contributed all of the troops and kicked ass.
  18. How does colonial rule work?
  19. That's easy. One.
  20. Should the Democrats be declared an illegal party and their leaders and members arrested? Just curious.
  21. When was the last filibuster? And how many have there been during Bush's government?
  22. Exactly. It is very tiresome indeed.
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