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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. That's because you're not being honest about it. The national post is owned by postmedia - a CANADIAN company. And what they don't like is foreign government interference in our gov't. Nobody is saying other people can't own a business in Canada. But - must cover your liberal masters i guess. right? Who is this specifically. I doubt anyone here spends much time watching fox. Agreed - you have no principles. If you have to lie to make a point, you probably don't have a very good point.
  2. Well you're playing with terms there a bit. And the brits are locked in this debate right now as well - they refer to it as the difference between 'state ' media and 'public' media - suggesting that one is driven by a state agenda and seriously controlled whereas the other is more open and allows for a wider range of opinion and voice. THe CBC is extremely rigidly controlled and is the state voice for the liberals. So - it's more like state media. And not many countries have that any more. And the ones who do aren't very nice as a rule.
  3. And what am i manipulating? Your english just keeps getting better. I have no idea what you mean here. Awww muffin You've completely lost your mind haven't you. Sure - why not little guy Buddy - you can't even put forward a coherent sentence most days. I have no idea what you're ranting about - but whatever it is you seriously need to up your meds.
  4. They pretty much do in canada. As much as the liberals anyway, who went to the courts to block gay marriage, refused outright to legalize hookers and who despite being in power for 10 years did nothing about abortion at all. Swing and a miss kiddo Oh and both parties members supported making dope legal and both don't want to make more legal. the NDP doesn't support more legalization either other than 'safe supply' funding. So you completely missed But yea - they kind of support ideas like free speech. Which the left hates. Freedom of religion Which the left hates. Freedom to own property. Which the left REALLY hates. Freedom of movement which the left is not excited about. And - seeing as we're talking about 'bodies' and 'choices' - the left ABSOLUTELY SUPPORTS FORCING medical treatments on people. I happen to be pro vaccine and got all mine, but i would never force someone to do that. You would. So tell me all about how you care about rights. We like that as well. Are the people of Lac-Megantic who died any more free now that a train that was HEAVILY gov't regulated destroyed their town? What a dumb thing to say. Accidents happen, regulation or not. It's dumb to suggest that without regulation people WANT accidents to happen . Just like trump stole the 2016 one with the help of the russians ? LOLOL - we heard THAT for 4 years didn't we
  5. Removing even one statue IS attempting to erase lincon. It's LITERALLY trying to erase him - as in we'll just scrub him off the face of the earth here... Sorry - it's like saying "Just because hitler killed SOME jews doesn't mean he wanted to kill ALL jews". And republicans are quite happy to have the civil rights move ment taught. show me one single republican who says they want ALL civil rights movement history banned. There is a massive massive difference between " I want to take what we have and make changes to improve it" and "I want to tear down everything we have and rebuild it from scratch into my vision of utopia" Your response shows you KNOW you're wrong. Republicans would never say that. Republicans, as you note ,make positive changes all the time. Republicans WOULD asy that YOUR desire to tear down america entirely and rebuild a socialist state is a result of your hatred of America. And they'd have a point - wanting to destroy something is pretty much a solid indication you're not a fan. You're talking to the mirror again i see The authortarian fascist left are the ones who want to fundimentally change america, No.. still you. And this is a constant tactic we see from the left - Accuse others of what you're doing to cover your tracks. If you're a facscist call yourself an Anti-fascist for example. You HATE democracy. You wish you could end democracy and force others to do what you believe in. THat's why you cancel people.
  6. Why on earth would one do that. At the end of the day i don't think people can really post a 'different' way for long, i think that they'd go back to posting the way they are naturally unless they're being paid or something. Why would you waste your time? Why would you even ask that? Were you planning on changing your identity and posting differently? Why not save the time and just post differently now?
  7. Well we don't get any votes until 3 years from now unless the ndp backstabs the libs. Which is looking unlikely. Or unless the libs decide to commit suicide.
  8. Are you TRYING to make us all lose sleep at night?
  9. They're actually having a big argument as to whether the bbc is a "state" or "public" broadcaster and what that means and whether it should continue. However - as we're going through the same thing basically and as i approve of blaming the British as a general principle I'm going to say i agree.
  10. Nobody was asking you - i was telling you. It's obvious you do hate them. You've even explained why. Why else would you be here so upset that the pope made a statement that doesn't even have anything to do with religion? The only reason is that it infuriates you that he's relevant and that catholics have some sort of say in the world. And I get that. Fine - you hate Catholics, you hate the church, you hate the pope. You've got all the hates. Great. Lots of people hate things, nobody expects you to be perfect. But you let it cloud your thinking - don't do that. It's a VERY bad habit that leads to very bad things over time.
  11. I'm not sure what you want me to explain there exactly? While most countries have public access broadcasters and some funding, thats being questioned more and more. Places that still maintain a state broadcaster are places like russia and china. That was your point. Don't try to dance around it by babbling like a fool. And that was neither a psychoanalysis nor a straw man. It would be best if you learn what the words you use mean before you use them. Ummmmm - i don't think you know what ignore is or how it works. It's not something you'd have to 'remember' if you did it right. The national post isn't gov't funded. And it isn't an american company, Postmedia is canadian. SO if your point was that you're wrong - well there you go. The cbc IS in fact gov't funded. To the tune of about 1.5 billion these days. The vast majority of it's money comes from the public. And yet they USE that money for the purpose of supporting one political party above all others by a huge amount. If it makes you feel better i don't think the gov't should give any media company a penny in money other than ad space revenue as they're a customer like any other and that business should be distributed. But the national post is not a gov't paper - it lives or dies on it's business model. The cbc should go the same way. It does NOT serve the public any more and shouldn't be funded by the public
  12. Well especially with the other ethics violations. And the suggestion of accepting chinese money - you'd want to look a little cleaner than this. I think they know they're going to lose the next election and they're just trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of their power now. But it's pretty blatant.
  13. That's nice. You very very cery clearly have severe hatred towards the catholics. You should not let that distort your logic or reason. I mean seriously - you posted quotes that disprove your own statements. That can't be a good sign.
  14. That completely has nothing in the slightest to do with the points raised.
  15. You very very very clearly have much hatred for the catholics. Perhaps you have a few you like, the way some racists have 'friends who are (whatever)". But you're hatred drives you to be irrational. That is clear. It's like hitlery saying he doesn't really hate the jews. Does god's word preach hatred?
  16. PPs been going up poll after poll for some time as a trend though. Considering he started off far behind trudeau and now has surpassed him its impressive. His other approval scores are up as well. Their 'power' metric is also up. I would never suggest a single poll in isolation is proiof in and of itself exclusively in between elections but when you add it to the trend - yeah, pp's climbing slowly but steadily. If this trend continues PP will be far ahead of justin before the end of this year.
  17. Your own quote shows that not all first nations signed treaties. Further - not all treaties cover all claimed land. Finally - if a treaty is formed based on erroneous ownership claims they may not be entirely enforceable. Some or all of it may not apply. It would be like negotiating a lease for a property when the 'landlord' doesn't have the right to the property. The lease wouldn't be valid. Is there any chance we could get you to think about the stuff you're actually posting before making comments your own evidence refutes? We get you have a burning hatred for the catholic church. That's obvious. but you shouldn't let your unreasonable hatred of a group of people cause you to lose your own mental faculties.
  18. https://nationalpost.com/news/uproar-as-liberal-cabinet-ministers-relative-appointed-interim-ethics-commissioner Martine Richard is sister-in-law of Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who ran afoul of ethics rules as fisheries minister OTTAWA — This week’s appointment of an interim ethics commissioner with family ties to a Liberal cabinet minister caused an uproar in the House of Commons. In a heated exchange during question period on Wednesday, Conservative MP Michael Barrett revealed that newly appointed Interim Ethics Commissioner Martine Richard is the sister-in-law of Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc — a veteran parliamentarian with a history of running afoul of Canada’s conflict-of-interest laws. Government House Leader Mark Holland did not deny the allegation, instead assuring that measures are in place to ensure the appointment didn’t violate the rules. “As the member opposite knows, the interim ethics commissioner is a career public servant who was, in fact, engaged by the Stephen Harper government to come into the ethics commissioner’s office,” he said. “She was number two in the ethics commissioner’s office, and she has been working there for over a decade. Holland said the appointment makes “absolute and complete logical sense,” and that “ethical screens” exist to ensure conflicts don’t occur. “The intergovernmental affairs minister — the new ethics commissioner’s brother-in-law — was found guilty of breaking the Conflict of Interest Act, the Prime Minister was found guilty of breaking the Act, the (international) trade minister was found guilty of breaking the Act,” Barrett countered. “How can Canadians have confidence in the officers of Parliament if these guys are stacking the deck?” I mean - it's like they're not even trying to hide it anymore.
  19. Wow. Lie harder. For conservatives it is about smaller gov't. Smaller gov't. less taxes, more rights, less gov't interference in our lives. That's what we like. And how thick do you have to be to tell conservatives that they don't know what conservatives are all about That's like a straight white guy telling a lesbian what lesbians like. The left wing, being much more authortarian, is the one who's fond of big gov't.
  20. Well for quite some time canada had the luxury of a low debt to gdp and strong gdp growth due to increasing population and other factors. So - we had the luxury of simply outgrowing our debt to a degree. We stopped accumulating debt in about 91 ish until about 09 ish, and then were back to balance within a few years of that. In the meantime our GDP grew rapidly. So - if you owe 100 bucks and you make 1000 bucks a year - that debt is 10 percent of your income. If you get a 'raise' of 100 dollars per year then in 10 years it's only 5 percent of your income, which is much more affordable. And so on. Unfortunately trudeau has slaughered that advantage and our debt to GDP is really getting up there.
  21. Uhhh - you get that this is a native issue right? The first nations is who was asking for this.
  22. They are saying that and it is TOTALLY erasing history. The left Hates america (and canada) as it is today. But - you can't exactly replace it with their socialist utopia if everyone still thinks its a great country. So - the left is aggressively trying to erase and rewrite history and destroy any symbols of it that are positive so that people will decide maybe america is bad. They lie - claiming lincon was a terrible person. They claim 'america was built on slavery' when only a tiny percent of americans ever owned slaves. They try to pretend there is NOTHING positive about it and it should all be torn down. It's dishonest - and so are you for lying about it.
  23. Thanks for proving my point You don't see people as individuals. You see them as a few big groups. ALL conservatives - ALL of them - are the way you think they are. You KNOW how you think is wrong - because you try to cover it up. "ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE DELUSIONAL AND THINK THE SAME WAY". Ohhhh - ummm -- but i still think of them as individuals. LOL You very clearly don't think of them as individuals at all Then you crybaby that other people don't understand that people are individuals. There is no difference. Sorry. You're just a racist bigot and like every racist bigot you THINK you've got a good excuse for your racism and bigotry. But all the blm marchers are aware that it's going to happen and these people will use the march to do that. So they're still accomplices. The MAJORITY of blm supporters tolerate this as part of their marches. Or they wouldn't march, or would take actions to prevent it. And they all tolerate the violence and destruction done by THOUSANDS (not hundreds) of their own supporters. Hell - they raise money to bail out the ones arrested. So MILLIONS OF BLM SUPPORTERS AID AND SUPPORT THE VIOLENCE. Yet - when a tiny handful of right wing people damage the capital buildings - the entire left screams for months that its' ALL CONSERVATIVES who caused it. Again - hypocrisy thy name is 'the left" I never even mentioned the jews. YOU were the only one to do that. So why are you trying to pin this on the jews? Why are you trying to drag the jews into this and give them a bad name? Can you point out anywhere i said ANYTHING about jews before you claimed they were involved in this? NO? Anti semitism is another trademark of the left these days. Drop the hatred of the jews please - it's disgusting and it's getting close to a line. Hate speech is still a crime in canada.
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