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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. Just now, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Context though - the pandemic threw millions out of work. 

    The revenue losses were not much worse.  And nobody - NOBODY - spent anywhere remotely even a little bit close to what he spent.

    THe conservatives borrowed less in office than he did during his years BEFORE covid.  And most of his borrowing wasn't covid related.

    2 - he will.

    3- yes you do. Dishonestly claiming you can't read what was written just a few posts ago is silly. What you really mean is you don't want to address it so you'll pretend not to understand.

    4 - not addressed.  it is demonstrably true and simply blowing it off without any reason given just suggests you know i'm right and don't want to deal with it.

    5 - no hope required -the banks have weighed in on this and explained why. It's not hard to cut spending. Cna't do massive cuts day one but you can certainly make significant cuts.

    6 - He will deserve it entirely. Just because the recession is ending doesn't mean the recovery is going to go well and if it does that's good management.

    8 - he can have much to do with demonstrations in canada.  When the leader of the country speaks up and makes an effort at unity, it makes a difference. Trudeau only tries to divide.  Of course - i think we all HOPE the war is over long before the next election but there will be some crisis somewhere, and good leadership is huge when it comes to keeping people level headed.  Look at the queen in ww2.

     9- you absolutely do.  "oh his doubling of the debt is normal" etc etc.

    Bud i doubt there's a single person anywhere on this board who truly believes you're a conservative and that you dislike the libs at all -  stop with the bullshit. You're just embarrassing yourself and chipping away at what limited credibility you have left.

    I get why people dont' want to admit to being a justin supporter but when you defend him every chance as you did here it's rather obvious.  you can't start every reply with 'from the river to the sea' and then claim you're not pro Palestinian :) 

  2. 6 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    While the poll shows Conservatives over Liberals, 61% are not in favour of conservatives.

    BTW -



    That poll you're referring to says 50 percent of people will consider voting conservative.

    So when you say that 61 percent are not in favour - that's just wrong.

    In fact 39 percent have decided absolutely - up to 50 percent is thinking about it,

  3. 6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. I strongly disagree with your opinion.  Did Chretien or Harper have to deal with anything of this scale ?  I don't see it.

    Sure they did. Well - harper did anyway. And the vast vast majority of justin's spending was unrelated to covid.

    But lets not forget justin went 100 billion in the hole with a STRONG economy that he inherited long before covid came along.  And he was warned - the way he was spending would lead to disaster if there was any kind of economic downturn.  And his spending since has been horrific.

    SO you can disagree being a trudeau fanboy as you are - but the facts are not in your favour.

  4. 1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Adding a massive amount to the debt is required sometimes.  Conservatives do it too.

    Nobody has EVER done that. That was literally more than EVERY SINGLE PRIME MINISISTER before him borrowed.  That is unique in the history of canada as far as levels of borrowing go, even his dad didn't do that.

    ANd most of it was not related to covid.

    so no - nobody has ever done this before. This is new.

    2 - JT ruined many many trade relations - china, india, the us, europe, saudi arabia -  and he screwed up tradew with both trump AND biden.  Sooooo - doesnt' matter if trump is around or not. All PP has to do is make one trade relationship work and he's further ahead.

    3- no you didn't.  You just tried to minimize it and blow it off.  JT's strategy was to divide people, PP's strategy will be to unite people as harper did successfully.

    4 - Nobody gives a crap who PP gets his pic taken with.  They will care about results. They are in desperate straits after trudeau's time in office.

    5 - You've been wrong before if that's what you mean.  Cutting spending will make a massive difference.  And i suspect we'll be well into and almost out of the recession by the time PP comes to power.  There's SO much room to cut without even touching basic services. We don't need the constant spending on arrivecan apps, contractors who are 'friends' of the liberals, the CBC, etc.   The scotiabank noted that most of our interest and inflation issues vanish if spending goes down even three percent.

    6 -  people have expained it to you plenty.  You just choose not to understand or dismiss it as it doesn't feed your narrative. He can leave the provinces alone - that goes a long way to easing tensions. He can NOT call people that disagree with him names, or turn every issue into an 'us vs them' discussion. He can look for things that bring peple together that they agree on and focus on that instead of trying to pass laws to divide people.  And as far as the economy goes - slow down immiration for 3 years, work with the provinces to get more homes built (rather than trudeau's divisive attack on the provinces we're seeing right now),  And much more as well

    7 - western alienation was quiet - the quebec separatists were badly reduced, there were no muslims in the streets demanding the genocide of jews, there were no parents marches over lgbq issues, Familes were not being ripped apart over issues like mandatory vaccinations -  do you need more? there's more.

    You spend all of your time here defending trudeau and his decisions. You pretend to be conservative every now and then and virtually everyone here laughs at the idea ,


    Lets be clear - you're a justin trudeau appologist, a left wing supporter, and relatively dishonest about how you go about that.

    For example - your claim that trudeaus over spending is normal and lots of prime ministers do it.  What the hell is wrong with you? That is so OBVIOUSLY untrue it's painful to watch you attempt to defend him.


    Lets make this simple for you.  Trudeau and the liberals have driven canada into a hole that is worse than EVER before in our history.  Period.  Both economically and in terms of unity.

    PP will radically change that. And people are realising that which is why his approval is rocketing up, not just justin's nose diving. This is not hard to do - although fixing all the problems justin has left behind will take decades he can make a good start and things will slowly get better.

    And being dishonest about it won't change that. Meanwhile bc and alberta will gain more seats, and it's going to get harder and harder for the libs to win a majority without the west, which they won't win anytime soon



  5. 4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. No more than emotions are.  People are emotional, and in my experience populist types even more so.


    That's also an irrelevant postion.  So you didn't have a good response so you tried to distract? Empathy IS an emotion btw - so what you're saying is that emotions are as irrelevant as emotions.  Well...  thanks for contributing i guess.


    2. Let me guess how this ends... it's an NDP skunk right ?

    Sure - why not. Making fun of a very difficult experience and demonstrating a complete lack of empathy is obviously the appropriate response to a discussion where you're claiming we should have empathy.

    I take it yet again you cant' address the point so you're just lashing out.



    3. This is Old Yeller you're plagiarizing but ok.

    You don't think that happens all the time on the prairies?  Oh but you saw it in a movie once so it doesnt' matter.

    Hey - i saw rambo so i guess the civillian deaths in gaza don't matter and i shouldn't have empathy


    4. If you follow this principle then you end up somewhere that says targeting civilians is ok.  Which was the initial crime

    You don't at all.  Not even remotely close.



    5. There are lots of pro-Israel protests, I don't understand.

    Nobody said pro isreali.



    6. Ok... you like war just like Hamas does and Likud... which is how we got here.

    Ahhh yes- once again no argument so attack the person and try to distract.

    Very much your usual response Mike. Dishonesty - distraction - personal attacks (which will be followed by complaints that i attack you back) - and complete hypocrisy.

    You're not a very good person mike. You should think about your response and what it says about you.  You didn't even make a point, you just lashed out like a fool.

  6. 2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    A tonne would be around 35000 ballots assuming they each weigh an ounce.

    That's a pretty liberal response :)   Rather than address the issue or rationally discuss the problem, attempt to take issue with an obviously clear turn of phrase to distract :) 

    Sure kid, you're absolutely right and that makes her ballot box stuffing perfectly ok right? :)  LOL - do ALL you left wingers have such small brains?

  7. 6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    No it's just that I can't recall a war where the intended target is more like the collateral damage compared to the numbers of civilians being killed and injured along the way. You make it sound like that is the only way.


    ww2 - vietnam - ww1 - korea - Afghanistan - the iraq war -

    I'm having trouble finding a war where that WASN"T the case.

    This IS what always happens, and it happens even more when the "bad guys" use their civillians as meat shields.

  8. 3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Yes that's an odious term but this is a discussion board not a board for goofy videos.

    Of course LGBTQ people can care about devout Muslims, Jews, and Christians - especially the innocent ones who bear the violence of war.  I guess that's confusing to people who only see enemies and allies in the world.

    It's possible to empathize with people who are intolerant to you, but I can't teach such matters of the heart.  I can only point it out, it's up to you to accept it.

    Empathy is irrelevant.

    when i was younger, our beloved black lab managed to get bit by a skunk and got rabies.

    I loved the dog. I empathized with the dog  - it was not the dog's choice, the dog didn't know what was happening, the dog didn't want to be sick.

    But we coudln't cure the dog. And as much as we loved it we shot it. Because it was a danger to everyone around it and there really wasn't a choice.

    Hamas is rabid and the civillians who supported and aided them are not much better.  You don't see demostrations demanding hamas surrender to stop the fighting, or that they release the hostages to arrange a cease fire, or that they stop hiding behind civillians

    Empathize all you want.  But pass the ammo.  Until the threat is ended there's only one rational response,

  9. 3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    While the poll shows Conservatives over Liberals, 61% are not in favour of conservatives.

    A lot more than 61 percent are against trudeau. And far less even than that for the ndp.


    Also - the poll doesn't ask who's "not in favour" of the cpc. Many people might say the libs are their first choice and the cpc is their second and they're just fine with that.  The fact you prefer one doesn't mean you don't support the other.

  10. 2 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    Ok. How am I wrong.


    Literally posted that not 4 replies above.  Your own sources demonstrate that it was not regan who began letting people out of mental health institutions in the slighetst.  You obviously didn't read them

    So - you were obviously unable to understand that explination - i'll  make it simpler.

    You are wrong because you're the kind of tard who does 3 second google searches to try to prove a point she just made up and then posts links without reading.  In short - you're wrong because you're dumber than a stamp hammer and twice as ugly. 

    (the ugly part may or may not play a role in why you're wrong, but i felt it was worth mentioning just in case :) )

  11. 3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    As usual you try to twist my words.


    If you don't mean what you say - then say what you really mean.


    I meant if you are supposedly a good guy you are not supposed to justfy acting evil by saying that I am justified because bad guys did it too.

    Where is that written? Who says there ARE good guys and bad guys - there's just "guys" and we look at their actions.

    But what you seem to be saying is that you want to hold SOME countries you DON"T like to  a higher
    good guy" standard when it's convenient and then critisize them for being bad guys when you feel like it.

    ANY "guy" has the right to defend themselves.  Israel was attacked and has declared war. ANY action they take at this point to neutralize that threat and win that war is "good guy" stuff.  If they start doing things that AREN"T part of winning the war then there's a problem but if it's necesseary to blow up a MLLION palestinians to win - that's what they do and they're still the good guys.

    The 'bad guys' are the ones who started an unprovoked war in the first place.

  12. 3 hours ago, Hodad said:

    That one is crazy though. -- Her boss has been mayor of that town for most of the last 30 years. The guy resigned after being convicted of federal felony corruption and still managed to get himself elected to the same job again. WTF is happening in Bridgeport, CT that a felon convicted of corruption can run for office and still get people to vote for him?

    That'd be crazy, right? Right?

    OH - and Hodad - you know how we KNOW you know you're in the wrong?

    Your first instict was to defend the woman.  "Maybe she's not breaking the law, maybe she's just sort of kind of breaking the law".

    If you TRULY did NOT believe that the dems didn't stuff ballot boxes ...  a non bias person's first instinct would have been to say "how do you know she isn't a republican?"   - but that never occurred to you :)  

    Gotcha kiddo.  :) 

  13. 3 hours ago, Hodad said:

    No, ya goofball. The point was that in a county of over a million people with a single drop box there would obviously be many, many people dropping off multiple ballots. There would have been hundreds--or potentially thousands--of people doing this legally with no concern, in broad daylight.


    Still not lawful.


    The idea that CNN "catching" it on camera is a big deal is ludicrous. The only thing that claim proves is that, once again, you people should start getting your "news" from someplace other than memes and janky chain emails.  

    Instead of getting it from CNN you mean.

    And once again - the old leftie trick of "if you can't refute the claim, then pretend it's no big deal and mock them for bringing it up". 



    And here we go again - "there is no such thing as voter fraud" ....  when we win.  If they liose - 4 years of 'russian collusion'.

  14. 5 hours ago, OftenWrong said:


    Sky is falling...   ;) 

    Is that it? I'd heard there was a wolf around or something....

    3 hours ago, Hodad said:

    Indeed, you make a lot of noise with no thought or meaning behind it. Perhaps someone in your household could stand by so that when it happens they can bop you on the snout with a rolled up magazine.

    Maybe if you stopped trying to sniff his butt.....

  15. 6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    It's what he won't do that's in question.  


    Well he won't double the debt, won't ruin our trade relations, won't pit every canadian against every other canadian, won't invite a nazi to parliament to thank him for his service....   I think people will be fine with that,


    If you think he's going to unite people and fix the economy, ok but... how?  We haven't heard that.

    We have heard this.  And it's simple. Spend less and don't go on the national stage and call anyone who disagrees with you a bigot misogyist for starters.  There's a bunch of other things he will and can do.  We had a VERY united country under harper.



    Merely being not Trudeau isn't enough. 

    He's been quite clear as to what he'd like to do differently. And people are agreeing with him in large numbers.


    I'm trying to post this in a way to sidestep your vilifying of politics that you don't like and look at the problems at a higher level.

    Oh are you :)  I'm trying to answer this in a way that sidesteps your ignorance, bigotry and deceitful nature.


    Trudeau's time has come but the need is for a leader who can repurpose what works while creating a new vision for us.

    And we have one. And people are realizing it and are ready to hand him a strong majority.



    I haven't seen anything from Poilievre beyond clever smartass politics against a hapless and beaten incumbent, but I hope that he has something up his sleeve beyond that, and beyond the usual austerity and tax cuts for the wealthy.

    You will never see it - not because it's not there but because you will always turn a blind eye to anything that isn't your beloved liberals.  What you REALLY want is for trudeau to lose the election by a hair, the libs to find a new leader you can like, and then immediately go back to the polls and take their rightful seat as rulers of the country.

    To suggest that PP has not said how he would be different than justin is a farce.  To pretend he's not identified key areas of concern is dishonest. Which is fairly typical of your responses.

    Polievre has made it clear that his priorities are to get spending under control as fast as reasonably possible, to reduce beurocracy and red tape, to stop wasteful programs like the 'arrivecan' app, to ease the tax burdens on Canadians and to promote and encourage investment so that we get back some of our competativeness and improve our quality of life.

    That's being a hell of a lot better than justin.

  16. 5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    That would be all well and good, except we don't have a military capable of performing its basic task

    Says who,  You? Buddy - you've already demonstrated you're so uneducated on the subject that you think having a military is the same as having a state controlled broadcaster.

    In fact we have a defense force. And it's acquitted itself very well in conflicts going back many decades.  There are people who have served in it on this very forum.

    The fact that they should have better gear and more spending doesn't change that in any way.

    5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Russia would have a challenge crossing the Arctic Ocean in force.

    They woudn't have much trouble.

    And we can't invoke article five if we areh't part of nato. And we can't be part of nato without a military,

    And we can have military conflcts with all kinds of countries - including russia and china. And we can be asked to respond to conflicts all over the world - that's what being part of nato means, you have to be able to respond to threats to other countries,

    So you've basically proven my point.  We need a military.  We do NOT need the crappy, useless, bias as hell CBC in the slighest.

    Scrap the CBC entirely.  Put the money towards the military if you think it's underfunded - i'm sure they'd be very happy to have another couple billion a year.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Hodad said:

    If you knew a single goddamn thing about wheat or climate, this would be much more reassuring.

    Perhaps that's why people will believe the scientific community instead.

    LOL - you represent the scientific community now? Or people for that matter?

    You're about as uneducated as they come. Wheat in canada stands to do better with climate change. And we really aren't all gonna die,

    And the science is pretty clear on that. So - seems you only like science when it suits you.

  18. 2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    No, because Israel is supposed to be a democracy pr the good guys not Syria or Saudi Arabia UNLESS  you admit that Israel is as bad as murderous Islamic republic or Assad of Syria or Saudi criminals?

    So you're saying if you're a "bad guy" then you can kill as many as you like and do whatever you like without reprocussion?

     Is that the story you want to stick with?

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