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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 42 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    C'mon admit it, you really don't have the first clue what an APC is, what it does and especially what it doesn't do.


    You claimed the libs were bringing in people to jack the prices of homes.   Now you're trying to change the subject?

    So I take it that you/re admitting you were wrong and look stupid, and that's why you'd like to discuss something else.

    See - this is why nobody believes what you say.

  2. 3 minutes ago, West said:

    You are talking about two different things and the judge is an imbecile. 

    They still think that the assessment  - which is based on revenues from the club - is the same as market value - which is what the bank would get if they sold it to cover the loan.

    they still think the assessment for taxes is the same as the market value.  There's only so much stupid you can fix over the internet unfortunately.

  3. 4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    When is the last time you attended a local APC meeting?  I spent the last 4 years on mine reducing red-tape and increasing density.

    Literally nobody believes you. 

    4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    No, we do that to juice our property values.

    No, we don't.

    Think about it - the increase in housing prices has been one of the biggest thorns in the libs side for years. They could win craptonnes of votes by solving that problem. They are losing votes because that problem is very serious right now.

    So why in the hell would they DELIBERATELY do something that is going to wind up gettitng them kicked out of power?  You have to be at least 8 different kind of dumb to think that for a single moment.

    They bring in lots of people because in the SHORT term it increases revenues and makes it look like the economy is doing ok. Not because you want higher home prices that people can't afford for chrissake.

  4. 15 minutes ago, herbie said:

    Did you know that a dog can obtain more real information just by sniffing another dog's ass than a Republican can watching four years of Fox News?

    Sounds more like you're trying to excuse your ass sniffing fetish with trump :)   Were you hoping to learn state secrets or something?

    12 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    So he ran on a platform of not protecting classified information? If so, that is one campaign promise he kept.

    So, your knowledge of politics is that if someone DOESN"T run on something then he automatically runs on the opposite?

    Actually - that explains a lot about you :) LOL

  5. 30 minutes ago, taxme said:

    Everybody who owns property and wants to sell it will always up the value of their property. What? Do you think that anyone selling their property is going to under value the price of their property to try and sell it?

    Nothing to see here, folks, other than just more demonrat lies and bullshit. As was said in court already, there was no one defrauded of anything. No one came forward to tell the leftist leaning judge that they were defrauded of anything by Trump. Trump was set up by the demonrats and the DA comrade and the appointed demonrat judge to find Trump guilty no matter what. 

    Do you honestly believe that all these hundreds of charges and lawsuits ever since Trump decided to run for President are all for real? But no matter what these demonrats try and do, Trump will become the next President of the USA and they know it. So, let's try and put Trump in jail before then. They are all in a panic because they know that Trump will becoming for them. Revenge will be sweet for Trump. ?

    Honestly - it's meaningless.

    Any person offering a loan could easily have verified the valuation with their own people. When i get a line of credit secured by a proerty, the bank sends an appraiser of their own.

    And the bank isn't complaining, and the loans were repaid as i understand it

    At the end of the day a valuation is a valuation. If trump says his place is worth a billion dollars in his opinion then that's perfectly valid - if you disagree have your own valuation done and go with that.

    Which does raise the question -  As i understand it and i'm not watching this like a hawk or anything, but nobody actually complained or claimed that they personally lost money over this right? The loans were repaid, everyone involved is happy?

    So ...  why is this even a court case? Everyone involved is happy. Nobody lost anything.

    This really does feel like a witch hunt.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Rebound said:

    It is Donald Trump who said under penalty of perjury that the property was worth $18 million. So you’re agreeing that Trump committed fraud, right? 

    The assessor determined that the property was worth $26.5 million and Trump appealed the assessment, claiming that a set of deed restrictions lessened the value to $18 million.  

    I didn’t decide Mar-a-Lago is worth $18M, the New York judge didn’t, Trump and the assessor did.  

    Context is everything - and once again you're being dishonest. Trump didn't "decide" that at all.

    For example - lets go back to how the valuation the county makes is done:

    The method the county appraiser uses for a property like Mar-a-Lago is called the income approach, which reflects the club's finances.

    "For the income approach, what we normally do is we request financial statements from individual businesses, and request income and expenses, so that we can kind of figure out what income we could use to capitalize the value," Haltermon Robinson said.


    So when they're appraising his place - they're looking at how much the 'club' makes.

    Not how much the property is worth for resale.

    Now you braindead dolts were TOLD that the tax valuation is not the same as market value, but you didn't want to listen.


    So - trump could absolutely tell the tax people it's worth less than 18 million assessment based on revenues - and yet tell a bank that its wroth hundreds of millions based on resale value.

    Ya done being !diots yet?

  7. 2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

    He is poker facing when stating all is fine. 

    He has lost it all, when you consider what he could have kept, without the invasion. 

    However, both Ukraine and Russia have lost a lot. But none as much as Russia.

    But to say Russia could be beaten on the battleground, I feel would not be possible.

    But if you see loss in what one has left on the table overall, then yes. You have a point.

    Russia is that riches to rags type of person, with nothing to lose at this point.


    Fair points, all.

    I don't  know about 'winning' or 'losing' on the battle field - i guess that depends on how you define victory. is it possible ukraine will take back the territory it lost during the invasion?  Maybe?  Crimea as well? I doubt it.  I think they'll run out of time before other countries get sick of supplying them endlessly with weapons. That' can't go on forever, especially if there is a world wide economic slowdown which many are predicting.

    Honestly i suspect they have to end of summer next year and then financial and military support will start getting thin. At least thin enough that sustained offensive operations are challenging.  I could be wrong, but we'll see.


  8. 2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    If we're talking about emotional damage, let's consider the obvious and gaping hole in your life that has you sitting at your computer all day, every day, shitting up every corner of the forum and insisting to people how you're making them "insanely butthurt."  


    I'm sure in your imagineation it's like that, and your lack of technology skills probably has you thinking that people still do this in front of a computer only.  :) Or that you even need a keyboard instead of just saying things. 

    And observation isn't insistence :)  - you jumped into this thread, you're freaking out like a lunatic over how many times someone you don't know posts on the internet as if it affects your life - and you're imagining what i do all day.

    ROFLMAO - yeah...  i'm "insisting", it's not obvious or anything :)   Kid - i live rent free in your head.  And honestly - looking around in here i'm still paying too much.  :)  

    So on both counts... as is so often the case when we speak... you're wrong. 

    I realize that typing with two fingers slows you down a lot, but if you want to post more just learn to use voice dictation and an Iphone.

  9. 18 minutes ago, herbie said:

    You mean defending all the 'conervatives' who insist the govt should do something about the cost of housing? IOW interfere with the Free Market?


    No... sigh, sit down we'll try to explain it again.  Here - put down your soother for a minute and try to pay attention.....

    The gov't is currently HEAVILY MASSIVELY interfering with the free market on many levels, provincially federally municipally, etc. They create massive red tape and burdens to  prevent the market from doing it's job.

    They then ARTIFICIALLY increase the population beyond what it can support with infrastructure.

    So - what we're talking about isn't adding gov't interference, it's looking at how to mitigate and reduce it.

    You see - the way math works is that if you have a lot of something, and you reduce that something, then you have less of something.

    Is that more clear for you? Here - have  your crayons back.

  10. 1 minute ago, Perspektiv said:

    I don't think Russia cares on casualty count, or a couple kilometers lost, in the almost entirely of the land that it has grabbed.

    They only care in what land they have grabbed, as an insurance policy for an otherwise failed attempt to overtake an entire country, and plug a puppet regime in its place. This is a strong hand, as they will refuse to leave empty handed.

    To me, as long as Russia occupies the land that they do, one can spin it like they please, but nobody is "winning" this war.

    This is survival at best.

    Both parties surviving suits Putin just fine, as it essentially is a beleaguered Ukraine not being admitted to NATO, and weakening by the minute.

    I think that by most objective measures they're losing.

    They had a goal - they are not going to come close to meeting that goal even if they don't lose another inch.  They've lost a lot of the land they gained, so there's not a lot mitigating it either.

    They have lost an insane amount of gear. That's very hard for them to replace right now. Which means they are seriously weakened militarily. That is  a very very serious loss for them. The loss of their ships is expecially bad.

    They had intended to create a buffer between them and nato and prevent Ukraine being used by nato for intel work etc.  Now - safe bet that one way or another nato is going to arm ukraine to the teeth and instead of being more secure the russians will have a very real threat on their border which wasn't the case before.

    The russian economy has taken a hit. Both in terms of lost business but also there's a hell of a lot of young working age men who aren't coming home or if they do are coming home disabled and shell shocked.

    The russians have lost a lot of prestiege and influence around the world.  Who wants to be a russian satellite when they can't even deal with ukraine and western gear is kicking their butt so bad?

    This has led to new nato memebers which is the LAST thing russia wanted.

    Economically, politically and militarily russia is significantly weaker than it was, and has not gained anything of significant value having even lost access to the nuclear reactors they were hoping to use for power.

    I don't think any rational independent observer could claim ANY of this is suiting putin well at all.  You MIGHT argue they're both losing and it's a  case of MAD, but there is no doubt this is going HORRIBLY for the russians.


  11. 14 minutes ago, robosmith said:


    ^This is YOU being an lDIOT again.

    This is me being truthful and accurate. This  is YOU spazzing out because you can't cope with the truth or accuracy.

    And any credibility you had went out the window when you tried to claim tax appraisals are based on market value :)  Sorry but you really shot yourself in the foot with that one.

  12. 5 hours ago, Rebound said:

    Woke just means accepting that black and gay people have the same rights as everyone else. Not more rights or special rights, just the same rights.

    It would require a gov't funded research team to think of a bigger lie than that.

    Blacks and gays had the same rights as everyone else. Which rights does some other colour or sex have that those don't?

    But they want more. They want the right to burn cities.  THey want reparations. They want to destroy the national history and tear down any statue they find 'offensive'.  They want to demand other people produce products for them. They DEMAND to have everyone else's children participate actively in their 'pride' celebrations regardless of religious or other belief - not just accept their right to have those but to demand compulsory participation.

    They demand all kinds of special rights. They demand special entrances to learning institutions, they demand that it's racist of someone says something about black people but not racist if someone says something racists about white people.


    As to woke - woke refers to a far left idea or policy that is focused on impractical social ideology rather than facts fairness or equity.  Like denying parents the right to know what's happening with their children under the premise that teachers should be the one raising them with their own cultural ideas.  Didn't we do that once? (res schools)

  13. 6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

    Trudeau is not dividing Canadians on this issue. The conservative knee-jerk opposition and demonization of anything remotely related to Trudeau is divisive.  Remember PP is the giy who is  currently trying to frame fixing the dilapidated rodent-infested 24 Sussex as “millions for Justin Trudeau’s mansion”.  Now THAT’S divisive!

    We can and should do everything we can to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine while also ending boil water advisories on reserves, addressing poverty and the like. Conservatives are also always trying to demonize and defund government, but despite their rhetoric government can do more than one thing at a time 

    Of course he's dividing canadians.  Remember when he shouted at a canadian to shut up because he's talking about ukraine and has no time for that guy?  That's divisive.  When he says this should'nt be a partisan issue and the opposition shoudln't be raising valid concerns, that's divisive. 

    And calling it a 'knee jerk' reaction is both insane AND divisive. After a year of suppling goods and cash while our own soldiers have NOTHING - no tanks no anti aircraft weapons, now not even new APC's or the like because he's given them all to Ukraine,  AND at a time when our people are going hungry, after all that people have a RIGHT to say 'how much more? How long is this going on for? What are we getting for this?"

    But typical leftie loser - rather than address those very legit questions and looking at the issue it's all "HOW DAAAAARRE YOU SPEAK AND ASK QUESTIONS!!!!!"  Why it's a "knee jerk reaction' (That took almost 2 years to have).  YOU SHOULD STAY SILENT AND DO AS YOUR LIBERAL MASTERS SAY!!!!

    I guess we're lucky he didn't declare the emergency act just because people asked.

  14. 12 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    Is that what you think you're doing here?  Debating? ?

    Spamming the board all day every day in battlemode and projecting your insecurities on anyone who disagrees with you doesn't count as "debating".  That's just a desperate cry for help and attention.  This forum has literally never seen a bigger no-life than you.  ?

    OHhh noooesss - The 'fox-made-me-cry' support group showed up :)

    Awww little guy - did i make you read too much again and your brain hurts? I mean - there WERE more than three sentences, not very fair of me was it :)

    I debate and discuss with lots of people here - then there's bitter and ignorant leftie losers who get insanely butthurt when they find out they're no where near as smart as they thought they were.  Those losers i just enjoy emotionally damaging.

    You know - till they do hilarious things like jump in out of the blue and complain i'm making them read too much :) 

    LOL -  don't hate me just because i'm smarter than you.  There's a LOT of people smarter than you, you'll spend all your time being bitter.  :) 

    • Haha 1
  15. 13 hours ago, robosmith said:

    It is very normal for you MAGA CULT members to believe ALL ^these FOS LIES.

       And keep repeating them over and over AFTER they've been PROVEN FALSE. ? 

    Except they were all proven true :)

    But hey - denial is where democrats live isn't it :) 

    56 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Must you? 

    Here is a Civic which rammed a concrete wall:


    Now show us the Civic which "rammed" the SUV. LMAO

    Was that you trying to park again?

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