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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 18 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    It's weird that they think they're furthering their argument by saying "Facts don't mean shit, jack! Just listen to my incoherent jibber-jabber!"


    - present's facts, citations, documentation, evidence, corroborating sources, charts and graphs, peer reviewed studies, expert analysis, note from god


    Some days it's hard not to find my mind wandering and thinking about what it would be like to hunt these people for sport.

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, theMadArtist said:

    Show me a post that I don't have a reply.

    Copy means text you semi literate anti Semite.

    You can't post something that's just a picture. All posts must include text. And not just a link, but actual discussion. In short a picture can support your argument but not be your argument if that makes it easier to understand

    Just follow the rules and stop being a tard.

    • Haha 1
  3. 17 hours ago, eyeball said:

    The fishing industry was mismanaged largely due to unregulated political machinations.  Now it's just a shadow of its former self. 

    This is certainly true. The first explorers off the coast of the atlantics described fish populations so numerous that it "did stop the forward progress of our ship".  Now they're worried about a complete collapse and it will never recover to what it once was,

    But - it was largely the federal liberals who mismanaged that,  And this is what baffles me - why the hell are the atlantics so stuck on the libs federally?  When asked for many it boils down to the freebies the feds offer but you wouldn't NEED those freebies if they hadn't screwed you in the first place.

    There's a saying that the best way to enslave a person is to provide for their every need, and that does seem to be the case in atlantic canada sometimes -  "we've destroyed your livelyhood but we'll give you money to survive so you better vote for us and do what you're told or it'll get taken away". "Yes sir!"

  4. 11 hours ago, robosmith said:

    No. I referred to your attempt at refutation. Duh


    Sure i get it - you're changing your tune now because you don't want to get lumped in with the other terrorist supporters.  Understandable :) 

    And you're thinking too hard  - you're drooling again

    11 hours ago, robosmith said:

    ^Failure to address the EVIDENCE which proves you wrong once again. LMAO

    The evidence proves me correct - what your statement proves is that you literally can't tell the difference between right and wrong :)

  5. 3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    It's just absurd how these guys can ignore all the facts of a topic and just keep spouting lies as if nothing ever happened. 

    Caswell is actually pretending to not know about FBI lies and crimes, and he's just gonna keep plucking away at the keyboard while his head is firmly lodged in his ass. 

    It's getting hard to think of these guys as human. I think we're dealing with a lot of crappy bots now. 

    They're AI, but not good AI with the capability to function at or above a human level, they're the crappy AI like the ones that lose to 8 yr old kids who are just playing Fortnite for the first time. 

    I must confess - i don't understand it.  It's one thing to have a different interpretation of what the facts or evidence means and it's one thing to agree to speculate when there's limited or no real evidence but to carry on in denial of easily verified evidence that simply isn't open to interpretation...   i mean, how blindly devoted to your echo chamber do you have to be for that to seem like a good idea?

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, cannuck said:

    As I understand it, Palestine refuses to accept the two state model as that would recognize that Israel exists.  Similarly, Israel would like Palestine to just go away, so there isn't a lot of traction there either.


    Israel is not excited about palestine existing  but they'd be happy with peace. In fact they were into peace negotiatons with the palestine authority right up until that group did a deal with hamas - which was a deal breaker for israel

    For israel it's more about trust - they expect that palestine will stab them in the back and so they look for assurances in the form of restrictions and such that palestinians don't like - and that doesn't help. But you could work around that with time and negotiation and without  a doubt as things progress if they're peaceful then everyone relaxes.  Takes a while but doable.

    The problem with hamas and it's supporters is as you say - there can be no peace.  They will accept nothing less than the elimination of israel entirely.  NO peace can be possible. They will not accept any result that allows for a jewish state to exist there.

    So - there's some room on one side even though it's tricky,  but there's just ZERO on the other. There is no peaceful solution here.

  7. 12 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

    So far all you say us hearsay, no source. I mean, other than the MAGA  Don and his children. 

    Well that's not true in the slightest.  And your claim demonstrates you know you're in the wrong.  FBI agents were convicted of crimes, the report was generated that says the FBI acted inappropriately,  FBI members who werre having an affair DID exchange those texts - those are all matters of official record. Judges rulings, official reports, congress hearings -  No heresay involved.  All Verified.

    So when you pretend it's all heresay - that's a lie. You know that's not true.

    Here's a hint in life.  If you find you have to lie to make your point, you probably don't have a very good point. If you can't defend your position with honesty, then you should probably change your position.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, robosmith said:

    It's not an electrical circuit. Duh

    "Shorted" means a smaller amount than was due. LMAO

    You're welcome.

    They say a sense of humour is a sign of intelligence.  You must be dumb as a stump :) 

    3 hours ago, Legato said:

    Don't think do, that would blow a fuse.

    I thought this threat was supposed to be about blowing up the fuse and their money.  Did i read that wrong?

  9. 2 hours ago, robosmith said:

    I'm sorry, but I don't see anything which is false. Can you specify it? I am not aware of the history of the star of David.

    But i am aware that there was a major discontinuity in the occupants/government of Palestine when the Romans conquered it 2000 years ago.

    So i guess that's two of them :)  

    I'm a little shocked at you robohater.  I may not have thought well of your thinking ability but you didnt' strike me as that kind of bigot. I get jew-hating is popular on the left but c'mon, you're not THAT tribal are you?

  10. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Yes really, it gives free licence to the principle that might makes right - to the point it becomes an obligation when considered in the context of security.

    Only to stupid people and sociopaths. Every one else knows that confrontation is always a very risky business. You put your safety at risk engaging in it even if you've thought everything through, and for no good reason if there was no real threat to begin with.  Ask hilter about that.

    Only a child would think as you do

  11. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    It usually does to lickspittles.

    No, lickspittles think that sounds perfectly reasonable. 


    You act as if corruption is a nothingburger -

    You literally vote for corruption. And every time i bring it up you cry like a  baby how unfair it is that you, a humble voter, should be expected to do something about it.

    You have never once suggested a reasonable 'transparency' solution - but worse, you have never explained why it would be worth bothering if people like you don't take action on the corruption we find already.

    You're a complete hypocrite.

    Any failure in your life is 100 percent on you - not some imaginary oppressor.  And all your whining about 'more transparency' and evil faceless people will more ability to influence regulation is just you trying to cope with your own failures and inabilities and inadequecy. 

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

    Sorry I don’t have to preface my criticism of America’s insane gun laws with mandatory compelled speech each and every time there’s yet another gun massacre. I can go straight to the point criticizing what I perceive to the problem without being falsely accused “celebrating”.

    You are being accurately accused of 'celebrating' :)   I'ts what you're doing.  YAAAAY - ANOTHER KILLING TO MAKE A CHEAP AND INACCURATE POLITICAL COMMENT ABOUT!!!!!

    I mean, screw the humans who got killed amirite?

    And yes - you absolutely CAN do that - it just shows you're kind of a piece of shit who cares more about political virtue signalling than the people who got killed , But yeah -  you do you.


    But in fact not one conservative expressed any sadness for any deaths.

    Sure they did.  Hell - i did.

    as you point out my first post was:

    “I  suspect that it'll go beyond bombing and that isreal will look at occupying a little more and denying access a lot more."

    yeah - that's a bad thing. I expressed concern the war was going to be bigger and expand into a ground war rather than just a few bombs here and there, And i was right,  And that sucks.  But it was predictable.  As i feared the war was a lot bigger than people thought it was going to be. 

    What i didn't post was "YAY MORE DEAD PEOPLE SO I"M RIGHT ABOUT GUNS!!!!"  - which is pretty much what you did


    And then here is the rest of you “celebrating”

    Nice try kiddo :P   People discuss it after it happens and what they posted is true - the bodies didn't even hit the ground  before you posted a political statement and started a thread celebrating. YAAAY - i GET TO MAKE FUN OF GUN OWNERS YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY

    You were SOOOO happy you got to make a political point, you couldn't even wait till after the headline. Just thrilled.

    But sure  - you can be that kind of person if you want. There's no law that says otherwise.


  13. 3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

    Dummy I was explaining to mor0ns like you who have ZERO knowledge of any history the situation got to where it is. It’s not my fault that you’re too simple to follow the plot.

    To recap Israeli hardliners turned their back on peace partner the PA and started an extremely aggressive policy towards Palestinians.  The end result is they got Hamas in Gaza. Possibly this was the Israeli hardliner’s intention as it worked in their benefit:  Palestinian “government” such as it was in West Bank and Gaza now divided under  2 competing groups amd Has terrorism became a convenient excuse to declare the peace process dead. 

    The expression “seize power” includes elections and is especially apt for oppressive regimes like Hamas you’re just desperately try to troll and fime something to pick up by your knowledge of English is just as poor as the other subjects it seems. 

    What a load of shit.

    Israel was at the the table with the palestinians when they did a 'peace' deal with hamas - which broke off the negotiations.  Nice try rewriting history,

    And at the end of the day the gazans started THIS war and whatever they have to suffer till it's over is their own doing.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 11/1/2023 at 5:49 PM, BeaverFever said:

    Right wing dictators In no particular order off the top of my head :

    Vladimir Putin

    Augusto Pinochet

    Adolf Hitler

    Benito Mussolini

    Francisco Franco


    You can find a definition of right-wing dictatorship and an extensive listing here:



    All left wing i'm afraid.   Putin literally runs a socialist country - hitler was a market socialist,  et etc.


    So your idea is just to take all the left wing dictators and pretend they're right wing.  I guess that's one way of 'solving' the problem LOL

    You missed stalin and mao :) 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 5 hours ago, eyeball said:

    That's a good rationale for taking over the entire planet.

    Well some countries have said so over the years :)  

    But no, not really.


    4 hours ago, Gaétan said:

    These are lies from the stinking garbage radios of the rich who say to vote for Poilievre, the most polluter activist in Canada.

    And your next prime minister :)

  16. 3 hours ago, eyeball said:

    That's because you're not listening.

    I"m listening. It just doesn't always help as much with you, :)


    I don't like it when an individual's advantage and opportunity stem from their having a greater ability to influence the regulation of an economic playing field that everyone should rightly assume is level and true.

    A couple of problems with that. First - you say that as if the fact they succeeded "more" than you somehow is proof that their success is from a "greater" ability to influence regulation.  And to be blunt, that sounds like bullshit. 

    And second if other people's success opens more doors for you than would have been there before and helps improve the opportunities you DO have, then that's still a net benefit to you.  So how is that bad.

    And finally, you'd have to show that the person getting ahead somehow took AWAY from you to have any right to whine. Even if someone has better opportunities in one area than you do if it doesn't change your opportunities so what?  I'm never going to be a pro NBA player. Some other guy will have way better opportunites there, Doesn't change what i can do.

    At the end of the day if you're trying to tell me you don't have path's to strong financial success i'm going to have to say that's unlikely to be true.

    The field is level and true - but that doesn't mean everyone's got the exact same opportunities. Just that they have opportunities.

  17. 4 hours ago, robosmith said:

    ^Gross generalization that lDIOTS trot out when they cannot refute what was claimed.

    So you're saying that you can't refute the claim you're a terroist supporter?

     I mean... fair enough, but....


    BTW, I didn't create that narrative, which you would know if you actually exposed yourself to the news.

    No, but just like the terrorist attacks - you support it.  :) 


  18. 13 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    It should be a war crime, or crime against humanity to purposely hide yourself among civilians and hospital facilities as well as not allowing people to evacuate.

    Israelis have one heck of a well trained military. They're going to go in those tunnels and blow the hell out of those goddam coward raghead terrorists.

    Yeah. Wouldn't help much though, hamas is already guilty of war crimes, i doubt they'd shirk at breaking a few more

  19. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ndp-support-conservative-motion-carbon-tax-1.7016776

    New Democrats are planning to vote in favour of a Conservative motion to exempt all home heating fuels from the federal carbon tax.

    "The panicked reaction of Liberals a few days ago, it seemed to be tied to electoral chances more than anything else," the party's House leader Peter Julian said Thursday.

    The Liberals have been facing increasing political pressure to extend a carbon tax exemption to fuels such as natural gas and propane after announcing a three-year exemption for home heating oil last week.



    Wooo HOOOOOO - and THAT"S going to be a hell of a blow to Justin :)  That's going to put Severe limits on his future spending losing that revenue, and to top it off every climate freak out there will (correctly) blame him for 'killing the carbon tax'.

    He has totally blown his foot off with this and made the situation worse.

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