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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 2 hours ago, robosmith said:

    The Clintons are not worth "billions."  $280M estimated. Almost ALL since holding office.

    CDNLIar living up to his name.

    Nov 3, 2023  Bill Clinton's net worth is estimated to be $160 million as of 2023, making him one of the wealthiest former presidents in American history. He ...
    Jul 28, 2023  Hillary Clinton is an American politician, author and media personality who has a net worth of $120 million. That is a combined net worth ...

    LOL - what's the matter Robodope? Have i intimidated you so badly that you're afraid to speak to me directly? Awwww - poor little guy :)  It's not MY fault you always wind up making yourself look stupid :)  For example - i never said the clintons are worth billions.  

    But hey - if you find my smarts and pointing out facts to be so scary you have to stick your head in the ground and pretend to talk to me through others - you go ahead. I woudln't want to traumatize you any more :)

    At any rate @Aristides   While Robosmith correctly points out that the clintons are worth hundreds of millions, that in and of itself isn't an indication the money was made due to their political office.  However that was the case.  And they're hardly alone.

    Its one of the 'perks' i guess.

    7 minutes ago, herbie said:

    definitely brain locked with whataboutism as usual.

    No, aboutism is something else.  In this case the question was asked "do others do this'. The answer is yes.  Sorry if that's not convenient for your personal echo chamber narrative, but it is true.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    While they were still in office?

    For sure - hillary anyway.  There were a number of cases  - such as when the saudis were looking for approval to buy weapons and hillary happened to be in charge of that and just by chance at that very moment they decided to donate several hundred thousand to their charity which pays Bill tens of millions of dollars every year and then they happened to suddenly get approval.  All coincidental of course ;)  

    And hunter is no different. Even if you accept that he's not funnelling money to his dad he's very clearly trading on his influence and while that's not illegal it's the same thing.

    Canada has more laws against this kind of thing. For example Paul Martin had to  put his shipping company into a trust. But even we're light on it.  Trudeau's charity got major donations from the chinese as you'll recall.

    I get the problem. People won't run for office if you force them to shut down their businesses to do it - after all they won't be in office forever. At the same time there's too many loop holes that allow abuses and profiting from the positions.  But it's certainly not new.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

    Biden wasn't democratically elected because the media favor him and discradited his opponents.

    I'm not sure you understand what 'democracy' is.  The media ceratinly tried to influence voters but at the end of the day the voters still made their choice. You get that's how democracy works right?

  4. https://torontosun.com/news/national/free-hotel-rooms-meals-for-refugee-applicants-reportedly-cost-769m-in-2023

    The government rang up a $769-million bill to provide free hotel rooms and meals for refugees and illegal immigrants this year, according to the Department of Immigration.

    Manseau didn’t detail how many refugee applicants and illegal immigrants were accommodated at $769 million.

    “Where are you putting these people?” asked Sen. Larry Smith (Que.).

    “Leases with the different hotels,” replied Manseau.

    “How long do people stay in these facilities?” asked Sen. Smith.

    “It varies from a few weeks to a few months,” replied Manseau.



    And that does not Include any medical services or any other services. We are spending billions on these people while our own people are going without and it all drives up inflation. And even better - some of those immigrants still had to sleep on the streets because there wasn't enough housing.

    I understand that there are people in the world who are suffering and need a home, but maybe we need to worry about our own people till we have enough homes for them before letting others come.

  5. 7 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

    Too bad for the Republicans that they have over the decades become labelled as the party of the WASPs. (nothing to do with the insects nor the band).

    It didn't harm them when WASPs were over 80% of the population but nowadays it is easier said than done to try to appeal to segments of population which were previously considered almost as being enemies.

    LOL - and people say the right is racist :) 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

    Politically motivated is eluding to the suspect timing, vs the actual charges. The charges are legit. Will they result in an arrest, isn't guaranteed, but isn't the point.

    Am sure they left zero stones unturned, to prevent him from running. Even to fully suppress his voice.

    The standard should be universal.

    Do something illegal, and get punished for it. There should be zero exceptions.

    Trump isn't the first corrupt president, and won't be the last.

    To state he is the worst, is irrelevant. The standard should be the same across the board.

    You cannot use the law in politics, to suppress the voice you do not agree with. It sets a dangerous precedent that other future presidents can and likely will exploit in the future to jail perceived threats.

    Its such a third world country way of running a country.

    You're supposed to be setting the global standard.

    Blaming Trump solely for this, is to say no other US presidents have committed a crime that should be further scrutinized.

    Also - a charge can be politically motivated and still be approved by a grand jury.  The jury is not there to ask why the charge was laid, nor is it there to test the evidence. it ONLY has to determine that there's enough reason to believe it MIGHT be valid to allow it to continue.   The real trial will test the evidence and motivations and make a decision, not the GJ

  7. 2 hours ago, Gaétan said:

    I am glad that some leaders of the Muslim community finally notice that Trudeau is an hypocrite and a butcher but it is never to late to do something good by cutting their support to him.

    How is that good? It was the liberal party they supported.  Now the libs will look at them as useless allies.  So they'll ever have more than a token amount of clout in the future.  And they still don't have a ceasefire.

    I mean, i hate the guy too and love seeing people turn away from the libs - but this wasn't terribly smart on their part.

  8. 2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    At the turn of the 20th century, the Chinese population in Canada was 17,312. 

    That's not all that many, really. The railroads were mostly built by the Irish. There was an awful lot of them around.

    Dude, there was only like 5 million people in all of canada.  17 thousand is a lot, especially considering they were mostly in one province. And they did play a large role in the railroad towards the west coast.  BC was told that if they wanted a railroad they had to provide the labour and John A dictated that to save costs it should be chinese. 

    You'd hardly claim that the chinese built canada or even bc but they certainly played a very significant role.

  9. 3 hours ago, Aristides said:

    Yes, a grand jury listens to evidence and decides whether there is a case. Unlike anonymous internet posters who decide based on hearing no evidence. 

    Now now - don't be so hard on yourself :)

    At the end of the day the grand jury won't be deciding if a crime has been committed. So their decision to proceed is not in any way a finding of guilt - just that there's enough that the question should be asked by a trial.

  10. 2 hours ago, robosmith said:

    Some Canadians don't understand what the GJ determines.

    They determine whether a crime was committed and who the likely perpetrator was.

    "Politically motivated" charges do not qualify for indictment.

    They absolutely do not determine that  :)


    The grand jury listens to the prosecutor and witnesses, and then votes in secret on whether they believe that enough evidence exists to charge the person with a crime. A grand jury may decide not to charge an individual based upon the evidence, no indictment would come from the grand jury.


    How do you NOT know this in your OWN COUNTRY?!?!!?

    Feel free not to answer - i imagine you're feeling pretty embarrassed right now.

  11. 12 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    And look at Trump's face (on video) when he demanded Russia find Hillary's emails. That was a scowl not a smile.

    AKA, he wasn't joking, as he CONFIRMED after a follow up question.

    I'm sure that's how it looked in your mind.  Everyone who's sane recognized it as being a jab at hillary designed to mock her but also to make her uncomfortable (i mean - they just MIGHT have more on her :)

    Only die hard nutjobs actually believe he was calling on russia to do something illegal with any expectation they would.

  12. 2 hours ago, Gaétan said:

    I am glad that muslims punish one of the butchers of Gazans and they won't give their money to Poilievre as well but to the NDP and the Green Party.

    They didn't. He was going to lose the next election anyway so all they've done is cut off their political support from that party. And the next party in power, the cpc, doesn't have any particular love for them either.

    These are unusually stupid people.  They've blown their political power and gaza is still getting bombed to rubble.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    I am pretty sure the electorate has nothing to do with this dilemma.

    I also think there is no court case regarding born male taking tit making drugs participating in female sports is going on.

    Interesting there are no female born converted to men participating in competitive sports?

    I am vehemently opposed to allowing transgender persons participating in sports in anything other than what they were born as.

    Makes me wonder how they'd feel if it was a requirement. As in - if you claim to be a trans male you MUST participate in the male category. I doubt you'd see them excited about being forced to compete with males.

  14. 4 hours ago, Gaétan said:

    People think that the butchers of Gaza like Trudeau, Netanyahu or Biden were democratically elected but this is not true, they were elected by bribing the media with money, they bought their votes with state money or donations from business people

    So.... sanity. Just wasn't working for you?

  15. 11 hours ago, Rebound said:

    Why is this bad news for lefties? If Hunter Biden broke the law, he should be prosecuted.  


    The left has made a huge massive fuss over anyone connected to trump having been found to have done anything wrong (often far less than tax evasion).  So - that sets the bar and they can't easily separate someone connected with Joe from Joe having done that.  And who's more connected than his son?

    Also - it establishes that Hunter is the kind of guy who happily breaks the law and there fore it becomes more believable that he would help daddy break the law.

    It's definitely not a good look


    What is not clear to me is whether he’s charged with paying his taxes late (which isn’t much of a big deal and people don’t go to jail over) or if he filed the returns late AND they were dishonest (which is a big deal and people do go to jail over). 

    Well, and there's also the issue of 'was there an error or deliberate attempt to hide revenue'. Mens rea counts a little for some of this.  Some of it should be somewhat defensible, like where he declared hookers as an expense (snort!) he could claim he somehow thought that was a legit expense and made a mistake rather than deliberately attempting to defraud.

    We'll see.  I'll say the same things i said about trump - smells fishy but nobody's been convicted of anything yet and while his father is a different story hunter is not a public figure and while speculation is always fun it's not really something we need to worry about as far as his taxes go. 


  16. 53 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    The Grand Jury thought otherwise.


    No ,the grand jury did not think otherwise.  Despite the name, the grand jury does not actually come to a verdict on the case. Their job is to see if there's enough of a case to justify having a real jury and a real court case.

    So they could very easily say "it looks politically motivated... but it's up to a jury to decide that, there's enough evidence to proceed.

    How come you don't know this stuff?

  17. 19 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Nope. Struggling against NIMBY's who want to keep it low.

    I won BTW. Density has increased.

    Boy you change your tune a lot.  I guess it's easy to win if you just keep changing your position often enough :)  

    And you haven't explained why our areas of highest density are also our most expensive in this country :)

    But at any rate, at the end of the day density isn't our problem. We've been building homes - it's not like there's no where to build homes.  We just need to build in 5 years what we've been building in 7 years.  If we don't, all the 'density' in the world won't help.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    How do you pardon someone who has yet to be found guilty of anything? If you need a pardon, the logical assumption is that you are guilty.

    No, it's recognized. Usually it's in connection with an event or thing, as in "We do not know whether any of the actions  that may or may not have been taken in relation to this man's work violate the law but in any case we declare if that is so he is forgiven for any such offiense in relation to blah blah blah. There's been pardons for any acts involving piracy or the like (a specific pirate defended a city and got pardoned for basically any piracy crimes he may have committed). 

    Often pardons have been blanket like that.  They don't list the specific crimes.  Pardons can be weird things - they can even impose various penalties fines etc.  As in ok, 500 bucks and he's off the hook :) Pardons can be a reward for meritous service later on, etc etc. 

    So you don't have to know of a specific crime or even if there was a crime for sure, you can just end any future discussion on the subject by saying 'pardon him', and now even if they do find evidence of a crime involving that later he's off the hook

    Interstingly Regan did NOT pardon olile north saying he believed north could win in court and if he just pardoned him then the 'suspicion of guilt would forever hang over him' etc.

    I feel it's too sweeping a power and too easily abused but it is what it is ,



  19. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-transgender-female-swimmer-50-changes-with-young-girls-at-barrie-event

    Girls from age eight to 16 in a Swimming Canada-sanctioned swim meet in Barrie last week not only found themselves in the same pool as a transgender female swimmer but in the same changeroom, too. 

    “The girls were terrified,” said one parent of a child involved.

    And mortified.

    From the changing area, where parents put up makeshift towel-tenting apparatus so no one could see their daughters and they could not see the person with male anatomy changing with them, they got into the pool to race against this 50-year-old who was competing in several categories.

    “We have no idea why it is allowed,” said a parent. “We know it’s not fair to the girls who are training at their sport and some of whom are hoping for scholarships.” 

    I really feel like this is just building up to a massive backlash that's not going to be a good thing for anyone.

    But seriously - a 50 year old male swinging his stuff for teen girls and then competing against them....   i just don't see that ever being considered 'normal' .

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