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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

    Biden has been tougher on China than Trump ever was. And frankly, both he and his main challenger, Desantis, seem to be very, very, VERY soft on Russia. I also don't think either one would challenge China if they went after Taiwan. I'm not even sure they'd challenge China if they went after Japan. Both seem to be of the belief that the only time to bring the US military into play is if and when an enemy lands in Florida.

    A significant number of Republicans seem to very much like Putin and all the misery and slaughter he's wreaked so far. 

    I might concede russia, but china? Nope. Trump was not only harder but clearly steering a path to be even more confrontational unless they opened up their markets.  Biden is their bestest buddy pal in comparison to trump.

  2. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    **** 'em then if that's the case. They deserve the governance they get for not paying attention.

    Paying attention to what? The gov't and it's media minions haven't exactly been allowing that kind of story to get out there. And when it does it's portrayed as an isolated case where the people involved are all gone now.

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain :)

  3. 1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    It seems easy enough given the decades and decades of conniving Machiavellian governance that we've been subjected to before this. 

    I don't think the average person knew that it was this serious.  Further historically  people tolerate a little abuse but when it gets serious they get angry. Everyone knows the liberals have always been corrupt but the sponsorship scandal set people off with it's scope and brazenness.  I think this would tend to fall under the same thing normally,

    3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

     How bent out of shape do I have to get and what's the payoff look like?

    Give me a dodecahedron and 20 push ups and we'll call it fair :)

    Bent enough to speak out about it and not vote liberal next election and even better let some liberal mps know how you feel. And let the party you do vote for know you expect them to get to the bottom of this.

    The pay off is that while you're not going to stop this kind of abuse entirely you can seriously curtail it.  which is good for our democracy.

    The pay off is that if enough do that then the libs will suffer at the polls and realize that

  4. 1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    I don't see why when the whole planet is in the same boat at the same time. 

    Well that's partly because you refuse to see things that don't fit your narrative, and partly because ALL gov'ts during covid overspent to keep their public safe,  but if you look closely you'll note inflation has not been the same everywhere. And that's fairly reflective of how they chose to handle things.

    THe countries with the worst inflation tended to all spend a great deal on 'covid support'.  Countries that  didn't excessively spend in that department like Sweden and japan all have much lower inflation.  Countries that did such as Canada, the us, uk, france, greece, spain, all have much higher inflation rates.  And of course some European countries were a little more dependent on russia and ukraine for food and oil and were affected a little more strongly than Canada was by that war.

    Not only that but canada entered it's high inflation cycle much earlier than most - and because inflation is compounding that makes the effect of the current inflation much worse.


    Further - food inflation is worse in canada than most countries,


    Canada is VERY high in food inflation - and yet this is where most of our food is made. So it's not 'supply chain issues', that's for sure.

    Canada SHOULD be on the lower end of inflation. We SHOULD be closer to japan. But like the US we went insane with spending and made bad decisions and now there's a price. Imagine that.

    1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    Yes but now everyone is Greek.  

    no, most countries are still solid. And while canada is in a much worse position than it was in 2015, if we stop being braindead about finances we'll still recover.

    1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    We can if just kill everyone that's bent on wreaking these severe consequences.  I mean how many people exactly are you talking about who are threatening to foreclose on the human race?

    All of them.  This may shock you but it's not aliens that drive up food prices. It's not some small group of people who are making our housing market unaffordable.

    This is the NATURAL AND PREDICTABLE effect of dumping unearned money into the economy.  This is what happens, and if it's not countered then it becomes a disaster. So interest rates have to go up to prevent an exponential runaway like we saw with the last trudeau and that hurts the economy and causes people to suffer more, and causes rents etc to go up - AND then there's less money for social programs so you either borrow more and drive things up again or let people suffer - it's all kinds of fun. 

    No aliens required.

    1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    I get what you're saying and why it apparently matters under 'normal' circumstances but I also note every time we need to borrow and spend our way out of some catastrophe or into a war there's no shortage of cash and no one getting all pissy about the debt. 

    Virtually every time there's a shortage of cash and people get pissy.

    We god away with it in the wars only by introducing income tax and radically increasing people's tax burden. Well you can't do that forever. WE already tax about half what the average person makes or just over, you gotta leave them something.

    Later, we saw disaster. The rampant spending of the 70's led to massive financial hardships and problems in the 80's.  THere was DEFINITELY a shortage of cash and MUCH pissyness.

    We've seen the same several times since as well.  And every time we come out slightly less able to cope.

    And again - greece. Spain, Venezuela. Now france is teetering, Every time you think you can spend whatever without consequence the country winds up imploding.

    1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    The economic stratagems and contraptions we invent are like the laws of physics or forces of nature. Don't forget economics is a just a social science.  And hey, knowing that should actually be liberating in the potential it has for inventing new contraptions to get us out of our pickles.

    Nope. Sorry - but the 'science' of economics such as it is is completely bound by human nature. Generally you cannot create a system that is not in keeping with human nature and expect it to survive for long. THats' why strongly socailist or communistic type models always fail, and why capitalism is effective.

    At the end of the day there's really not a massive magic wand when it comes to economics - there's no silver bullet or the like.

    1 minute ago, eyeball said:

    In any case I was quite serious about pie in the sky financing.


    It's like a big fat cherry just waiting to be picked.

    I've heard similar things about the asteroid belt and such - i have no doubt one day we'll wind up mining the hell out of space.

    Plus - mercury is mostly iron. Seriously - who'd miss it?

  5. 4 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

    that's not actually true

    the oath that CSIS officers swear is as follows :

    I, [name], do swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III

    thus this CSIS officer is invoking a Canadian republic which does not exist, as their justification

    hence I would say that the Prime Minister has a case

    that this officer is in fact in violation of their oath, and is admitting so publicly

    Seeing this is about canadian sovereignty why don't you leave it to Canadians to discuss. You can go back to your drivel elsewhere.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    but we should at least stiffen resistance while we still run this country.

    Well this is the thing. And you can do MUCH to reduce the influence if that's what you want to do.

    Laws requiring agents of other gov'ts to register, laws about foreign nationals donating to political parties, etc etc They all help make it less worth the pain.

    And public shaming of any candidate who accepts such donations - keeps them from soliciting it.

    So far tho - doesn't sound like trudeau wants to do anything

  7. 37 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:


    I just don't see how you fix something like this.

    You probably don't - over time eventually one group will come to dominate and become the gov't one way or another.

    But while i feel for your family the best thing for us is to stay the hell out of it and let nature take it's course. Otherwise we'll just wind up with two fists and a foot stuck in that tarbaby and we'll get dragged down with it.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    But that's the point. His theories weren't actually tried in the Soviet Union, China, East Germany, or any of these other countries. It was just fascism dressed up with socialist imagery.

    this is the other lie that the left tries to perpetuate - "true communism has never been tried!"

    It has. This is how it ends up, how it will ALWAYS end up, how it has to end up. It corrupts itself almost immediately.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Name some people who have been arrested in Canada for misgendering someone. Not for trespassing or whatever, but literally just because they misgendered someone.


    There's that guy.

    And of course plenty have been threatened - i told you about the Sheppard case.

    But i'm sure you'll try to claim somehow those or any others i post don't count because 'reasons', it's getting pretty questionable if you really care about the truth. We'll see

    16 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


    Again, the bill prevents discrimination based on gender identity. Shepard got in trouble for being transphobic in a setting where transphobia is banned

    That is a blatant lie.  And the school got sued over it and lost. She didn't do anything wrong and the school authorities immediately acknowledged that when she went public  The president of the university herself appologized and said that should never have happened.

    Remember what i've told you - if you have to lie to make a point you probably don't have a very good point.

    16 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

     However, she didn't get arrested.

    They threatened her with it.  That was part of the whole deal and was a big component of her complaint.

    16 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


    The Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory is not just that Marxism is bad. It's the theory that Marxists are secretly using the media and academia to promote homosexuality, feminism, atheism, and trans identity in order to destroy western society. This is based on an earlier conspiracy theory, that was popular among Nazis, called "Cultural Bolshevism" in which the Jews are behind the conspiracy, whereas with Cultural Marxism it's just heavily implied.

    Sounds like you're just making bullshit up to be honest. And if anything the 'boshavists' were more of the gay haters than the nazi's.

    16 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    So yeah, Peterson may not be a Nazi himself, but he's promoting a Nazi conspiracy theory that has led his audience to Nazism.

    Nope - still calling bullshit there. Show me the interview where he says that it's specifically marxist to use the media to spread blah blah blah.  I will bet you can't.

    Your problem is that you have no credibility. For the things i know about in detail, i can see you're frequently blatantly falsifying the facts.

    SO when you talk about something i don't know that well, it's impossible to take anything you say seriously . It seems just as likely you're lying there.

    Like - claiming Lindsey was being transphobic? That is beyond dense. She played a segment of a university sponsored discussion between two university professors which was sanctioned by the university discussing the very subject she was going over with the class and EVERYONE agreed SHE presented it in a completely neutral fashion.

    So i know you lied there. So when you say petersen claims that specifically marxists want to spread blah blah blah and that makes him a nazi supporter if not a nazi - it seems 99 percent likely you're full of it.

    So lets see your proof. We'll go from there.  But i'm no longer interested in your opinion without proof, you lie far too much for it to be interesting.

    14 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


  10. 2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    e said they made their best guess based on conditions and the information they had at the time, and that it turned out wrong.  Should he have anticipated the Ukraine War or zero-COVID in China?  

    Nope - he said he screwed up before that.

    And he's admitted those are factors but not the only reason for our inflation. Justin's monetary policy and carbon tax play a large roll.

    2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    I'm saying that he's a career politician with little/no real-world experience

    Politics is a real world experience. Like - how do you not get that?



    Ad Hominem is bad!?

    What have you been doing here since you joined the forum?  


    Attacking your arguments with facts and reason. Which is not ad hominem. And yes ad hominem is bad, I guess i should have mentioned to you that lying is bad too. So many character faults to fix with you, so little time.

    3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    The stock market crashed into the ground? 

    Yeah - ask any pensioner who had savings in it right now. It's severely down and many many are suffering and are praying it bounces back a bit. Many saw their retirement savings evaporate to about a half of what they were. I'm seeing it every day.

    You didn't know did  you. Or you just think it's hilarious that people are suffering i guess.

    3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

    That's a profoundly stupid thing to say

    ROFMAO - only a liberal would think the truth and facts were 'profoundly stupid ' :)

    You're all too often on the wrong side of history, truth and facts Moonbox.

  11. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Of course you can.

    It's not like we're borrowing from aliens from outer space who are demanding payment or else.

    That said, there's an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter worth some gazillion quadrillion dollars and nothing comes easier to human beings than pie in the sky financing. Bar nothing.

    Of course you can't.  If you try, then inflation goes up and then interest rates have to go up and then you wind up into a spiral that quickly gets out of control.

    Gee - if only there was a modern canadian example of that happening.

    Anyway - if you want to find out how that ends ask greece.

    You cannot keep borrowing and spending without severe consequence.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    And yet the liberals are still in power and still hold a fair chunk of the Canadian voter share, which really say a few things either they don't really care about the consequences of all this spending,

    Well for most it's only starting to hit really hard now. During the last election neither side was talking that much about it and inflation hadn't run away like a scared rabbit yet.  It hadn't affected their lives.

    Don't expect massive change in the polling in between terms.  Until people see a campaign and decide someone has a  better idea they just tend to stay where they are.  BUt - that changes when an election starts and they're looking for something. to be different.

    2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    They are terrified the taps will be turned off, and they will have to start paying some of these bills...

    Many are. And others start to get worried that while they're not sinking yet the water is up to their chins. And they'll want change before it goes over their nose.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

    ---> The most difficult challenge would be bringing Putin to court. The ICC does not try defendants in absentia.

    Yeah, but that's got to seriously limit where he can go in the world now even if the conflict ends

  14. 1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

    The Bank agreed with him on what, specifically?  That Tiff Macklem and the BoC are financially illiterate (as PP claims)?  That Pierre Poilievre, the international relations grad who's never had a real job in his life, has a better grasp of economics than the economics PhD and professor running the BoC?  

    Pretty much - he said they screwed up, badly miscalculated and interest went higher as a result.

    And claiming that working for the gov't isn't a real job is about as thick as it gets.  So - teachers aren't doing 'real jobs'? for example? lawmakers and such aren't doing real jobs?   What a dumb thing to say. Not only is working in gov't a real job, it's the job that prepares you to be a PM.

    The fact you'd have to resort to such ad hominem nonsense shows you know you're wrong to begin with.

    1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

    They admitted that their forecasts were wrong, but they worked with the information they had at the time.  Hindsight is always brilliant though.  

    No, they admitted that they made a mistake.  Period. THat's not a 'hindsight' issue or 'best we could do' issue - they screwed it up and a number of prominent economists were saying that at the time.

    1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

    No he wasn't. 

    Sure he was. Like i said - point out a critisim that doesn't also apply to the stock market. You don't think having a stock market is stupid do you?

    1 hour ago, Moonbox said:


    While you and others froth at the mouth about 6-9% inflation, remember that good 'ol Pierre was boosting Bitcoin as the alternative to central bank fiat right before it lost over 50% of it's value! ?

    So you're saying there's nothing wrong with 9 percent inflation? That's your argument? we're just 'frothing' over it?

    How do you do it, making yourself look even more dumb than before again and again?

    As to bit coin, sure. Historically it HAD hedged nicely, and it failed this time. Know what else did? The stock market. It CRASHED.  So - is anyone who says the stock market is a good thing equally nuts?

    1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

    Except the stock market is full of wealth-generating companies that actually do something, while Bitcoin is nothing but a vehicle for zero-sum speculation.   

    Actually most of the stock market value is on speculation. Not production. Which is why it just crashed into the ground. SO no - its value is NOT based on wealth generating companies. The vast vast vast majority of it is a vehicle for zero sum speculation.

    But if you'd prefer we could talk commodities trading. gold doesn't 'do' anything. It's valuable because people perceive it is and it's in limited supply. Just like bitcoin :)

    Sorry - 90 percent of that whole thing was media hype and liberal lies. Bitcoin is absolutely a valid investment provided you know what your'e doing and undersatnd the risks just like the stock market and commodities.

  15. 2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    Isn't that what everyone wants? Spending money on Canadians. Getting stuff for free. Not having to pay and just having government give?

    Everyone should be more than happy to hear "government has spent most money per person per year in Canadian history", it is the ultimate government action. Give, give, give, so we can take, take, take.  /s

    IT's what everyone wants right until the consequences affect their lives :)

    Then half of them start caring about fixing it and the other half thinks the gov't should borrow more money to help them through these difficult times. :)  And hopefully the first half shows up at the polls and we get a conservative gov't who focuses on fixing that.

  16. 32 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Canadians can’t handle anything anymore?  Language is placed in the same category as violence?   Now the head of HR in Markham is suspended for saying the full “N-word” when using it in the context of describing racism in an anti-racist case study.  How sensitive are people now, yes all people of all races? What a spineless city in an increasingly spineless country.  This is the return to superstition and witch trials.  Don’t utter Voldemort.  No wonder youth throw derogatory words around inappropriately.  It’s the forbidden fruit fetishized through rap. People have lost their minds under EDI direction.  Of course the CBC can’t get enough:


    that's racist.

  17. 4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    Hey, like I said, it's OK to worship your own particular political party. Yours will always be better than the others.

    And you're wrong. An intelligent person weights the evidence all the time and considers their opinon rather blindly following. I may have preferences in general for a party but not blind loyalty.  Ask the federal PC party about that. Good voters are prepared to turn on their party if it goes sideways

    But that's the thing - evidence. I keep asking, and you ain't coming up with much of anything.

    So the only person i see with blind devotion to their belief right now would be you, and i have to ask why?

    4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    Me, I am pragmatic, I think all are the same.

    That's not pragmatic, that's just lazy. Seriously, and i don't mean that as some random insult. There might have been a little more truth to that back in the 80's, but especially these days there is a great deal of difference between parties and politicians. Hell there's even a difference in a specific party depending who the leader is, parties are much more malleable. Are you telling me Jack layton's ndp and jagmeets are the same thing?

    But claiming they're 'all the same' allows you to not really focus on the differences, it's a wonderful excuse to not get involved,  it makes it easy to throw up your hands and say 'oh well, no point i guess i don't have to think about it." Now you don't have to work to build better parties, now you don't have to spend time doing your democratic duty and participating - i mean what's the point? They're all the same, no point.

    You might even convince yourself not to waste time on voting day. No point. they're the same.

    They're not the same and i would strongly encourage you to actually pay attention and dig into it. A democracy REQUIRES the people's honest participation or else it becomes a dictatorship very fast.

  18. 15 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    The answer to many government problems is for the citizenry to be more responsible and less placid. When Trudeau's major campaign planks about open government and changing the voting system were ditched overboard along with empowering MPs, the House and Committees he should have been thrown out in the next election. Instead, too many voters let themselves be swayed by very American-style hot-button scare campaigns over things like gay rights, guns and abortions.

    There is truth in there for sure, but even if he wanted to he would likely have managed far less change than he'd have liked. Like i said, that rot goes deep.

  19. 1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Putting Canadians further into debt by using their money to buy their votes is the Liberal way under Trudeau who says, “the debt will take care of itself.”

    If it were only that it would be bad enough.  But - it's not just that.

    They also drive us into insane debt and taxes by inflating the bureaucracy. Both trudeaus Radically increased the public service and number of civil servants and put their people in a number of key positions .

    That means when they're out of power for a while they will STILL have huge control over the gov't and can slow up or stall a lot of inititives and do some effective lobbying work. It takes many years for the conservatives to reverse that when they get in as a rule and by then the libs are ready to be elected again.  Meanwhile the bloated bureaucracy costs us billions of dollars.

    • Like 1
  20. On 3/15/2023 at 12:37 PM, Moonbox said:

    We've already talked about examples of his lying and deception.  His whole bullshit narrative about Justinflation,

    The bank actually agreed with him there. And so have many other banks at this point and most eocnomists. THere's no doubt that trudeau's policies have made inflation significantly worse than it should be.

    Do you have ANY evidence that they haven't had that effect? I've got boatloads that they do so if you can provide anything now's the time.

    On 3/15/2023 at 12:37 PM, Moonbox said:

    the Bank of Canada, and Bitcoin were farces,

    The bank of canada agreed with him there too. They've admitted they screwed up badly and should have put the breaks on sooner and they screwed up. He was quite right there.

    And to be blunt, he was right on bitcoin as well, other than the single 'hedge on inflation' comment.  The thing is - virtually every single 'issue' people pretended to have with bitcoin is true of the stock market as well. And the crypto's have been solid performers for years and likely will be again.

    Sooooo - no lies. No deceptions.  He was correct.

    So not exactly like truduea's 'the budget will balance itself'  was it :)

  21. 48 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Moving on... OW has characterized this as an anti harrassment bylaw.


    If so, this may all be hyperbolic hyperventilation.

    The devil is always in the details, but i'm sure regardless they'd try to make it sound less ominous. They're not going to call it a 'free speech removal provision' or the like :) LOL  We'll have to see what the actual language of any bill or order that gets put forward looks like.

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