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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. AHhh again with your learned reasoned discourse i see. Still telling people not to be insulting by insulting them. Your parents must be so proud! So we'll add 'hypocrite' to your list of personality defects as well i guess. The fact that they didn't. Which i pointed out. I realize you get distracted while you're busy insulting people who havent insulted you yet but surely you can remember something that was said just a post or two ago. They absolutely won't, they didn't, and lets be honest - you probably haven't seen ANYTHING that suggests otherwise.
  2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-china-funding-interference-1.6771842 As Poilievre presses on election interference, Trudeau calls suggestion he isn't loyal to Canada 'despicable' "A large clandestine transfer of funds earmarked for the federal election from the PRC Consulate in Toronto was transferred to an elected provincial government official via a staff member of a 2019 federal candidate," the report says, according to Global. This is a pretty textbook deflection from the cbc. You see - trudeau isn't the bad guy! Oh no - Look, Pierre is PRESSING him! Pierre is the one doing the bad thing and attacking him! And trudeau points out that it's DESPICABLE to question him, and suggests that is what pierre is doing by placing the two things in the same headline. The message is "pierre attacks justin which is despicable."
  3. Sorry - literacy issue you're having or is it tourettes? China can't really stand against either of them right now. But - there are fundimental differences in the societies that make such a thing very very very difficult. Lets not forget that it was tried pretty agressively under ole' splotch-head. The russian gov't tried to take a more concillatory role in the world affairs and the wall came down and so on, but that didn't last and it's not what the russian people wanted. So no sense wishing for things we can't have. Obviously a peaceful world focused on making our lives better and more fulfilled is a superior choice - but it's not what mankind is going to support. Soooo in other words you feel that by calling me names you can convince me i should be nicer to you. Well - i guess that's ONE way of adverizing your low IQ. Rereading my post i don't see what the hell even gave you offense. I didn't "accuse" you of anything and i wasn't rude. I said you'd have to ask russia for the answer to your question (true) and it is what it is (true) and i don't know why you're so pro russian and suggesting we should be their ally instead of the us (true). I suggested if you prefer their culture you should move there and considering you are constantly bashing the us and our involvement with them that is a reasonable thing to suggest. So please remove your head from your ass area and if you can't take a civil conversation without having a hissy fit when your own position is pointed out then go play with the other children you mindless drone. YOU are the one dragging it to insults, Comrade. You can't even be civil in a discussion yet you're lameting how people can't get along as countries. Freak.
  4. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/trudeau-government-spending-canadian-history “Ultimately, the consequences of higher spending, as we’ve seen in recent years, is leading to higher deficits. That means there’s higher debt and growing interest payments that have to be paid by taxpayers,” said Fuss. “You ultimately can’t just continue increasing inflation-adjusted per person spending, without there being consequences associated with those decisions over a long time period.” Yup - and we're learning that for the second time under a second trudeau. Enjoy the inflation people.
  5. Remember when harper was the biggest dictator in the world and a horrible person who had to be thrown out when he prorogued parliament? Pepperidge farms remembers. Why do i get the feeling the liberals and their supporters will be singing a different tune this time around?
  6. True. The gov't functions best when it focuses on it's core duties, which you outlined for the most part. (missed justice system and a couple of others but basically you got them all). The rest of the duties should be the provinces' pervue alone. THis 'shared responsibility' thing is just not working. And that way if the people of a province want something like gun control or guaranteed basic income they can make that happen without affecting those who DON"T want it. It's a lot easier to vote out a provincial gov't for the most part. Unfortunately REAL change requires a constitutional amendment. Any changes the CPC brings in next term in power can be easily undone by the libs the next time they get in.
  7. Well you'd have to ask russia - they're the more belligerent of the two. I certainly can't explain the minds of leaders like putin or Khrushchev. But regardless of their reasoning, it's a thing. So pretending it's not is a good way to get killed. If we were an ally of russia as you have proposed we'd be sitting on the doorstep of a hostile population 10 times our size with the strongest military in the world and very limited trade (so we'd also be poor) and our big "ally" would be so weak the ukrainians can kick their ass. I don't know why you believe that's a good idea. If you're that fond of russian culture and such and believe they're in the right here then you probably should consider emmigrating to one of their many many regions. I'm sure you can find one to your liking. Russian is a pretty easy language to learn.
  8. Oh look - you're denying saying what you said again. What a shock. Everyone can go back and read it. Again, you're just making yourself look like a desperate loser. We both know what you said. It's getting to the point where you admit you've completley lost the discussion by denying the things you said previously as a 'tell'. It's like this reoccurring joke Sorry kiddo - the left wing papers you "read NOTHING but stories about china" in didn't really have hardly any. Sorry to burst your bubble. Yes - that's exactly what you're like but i wasn't going to say it So needy.
  9. truer words were never spoken. Living in fear of the bad guys rarely convinces them to leave you alone,
  10. If we were part of russia which is the mortal enemy and right on their doorstep? I dunno - ask cuba.
  11. No. Absolutely no. No times no to the power of oh hell no. We kicked him out for perfectly good reasons and there was no 'china' element to it at all. He ran as a 'true blue' conservative who would wipe out any carbon tax. THen 2 months later he proposed a carbon tax. People were willing to let that slide maybe.. then the election and he presents a VERY liberal budget. Welllllll.... MAYBE, if he gets elected on it it's ok, we can't do anything about it now... THEN he threw gun owners under the bus. Gun owners BUILT the CPC. MUCH of the success of the CPC came from gun owners and still does. And then he had a horrible show in the last part of the election. Started off great, and died. Didn't have an answer to 'where's kenney'. And still - there was at least a little willingness to consider keeping him IF he owned up to what he'd done, apologized and said what would be done different. Which is what harper did after his first loss. And he survived the leadership review nicely. But NOOO - he doubled down and pretended he did really well and there was NOTHING he did wrong and DIDN'T break his word. Well that was what scheer did too and in the conservative party that means you're done. And THAT is why he is gone, and for no other reason. China had crap all to do with it, by the end most of us would have happily slit his throat while he slept for his two-faced lying turncoat backstabbing bullcrap that would have served him better with the liberals who appreciate being lied to. Turfing him from the leadership was the LEAST that was going to happen to him, the jackass.
  12. And have the much better armed united states who shares a land border with us as our enemy instead? I can safely rule out a successful military career for you
  13. Awww eyeball - did you fell left out Came to stick up for your buddy and to give your buddy a shoulder to cry on? LOL So - was your jumping in with insults and personal attacks and nothing to contribute to the discussion an example of your "high value'? Sounds like you're projecting again. Although i will concede for you it's true you're not dumber for reading his posts. You had already shown up that way.
  14. you - "I've been reading all these articles you might not like. Stay away from cbc and the star" Me - so you read the cbc and the star You "WAT - NOOOOOOOOO what ever could possibly have given you that idea?!?!?!?" ROFLMAO !!! Give it up kiddo, you're getting dumber with every post on this and the rest of us are dumber for having read your thoughts LOL~
  15. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/liberals-reject-user-content-amendment-online-streaming-bill This will allow them to censor a much larger group than they are claiming. This is pretty orwellian stuff.
  16. But russia is right across the straight to our north. You know that, right? And they've been disputing their border with us. You know that too right? So to pretend that this issue involves countries 'on the other side of the world' is simply not accurate. Russia is not some remote distant country that we have no interaction with. It is extremely to our advantage to have russia weak militarily. It's not like this has no impact on us
  17. Well even better ban it for 'less savory' countries. That's another way to smak them in the face But we're not even close to THAT yet - we don't even have a law saying that chinese agents have to register in canada and say what they're doing - a law most other countries have. So even if we DO find one that's been influence peddling , we can't charge them or the like. It's insane that we allow agents of the chinese gov't to operate here without any regulation. Hard enough to catch them but now even if we do we can't even say anything
  18. Yes, they were asking about racism in the Conservative Caucus in light of the meeting with the german bimbo.
  19. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-introduces-provincial-firearms-act-to-push-back-on-federal-gun-bill-1.6771176 It's interesting - between quebec and alberta i think we're going to see more and more of this sort of effort to cut back the federal powers on the provinces. They're essentially rendering the law unenforceable.
  20. You literally offered them as examples of left wing newspapers you had been reading alll these stories in - in fact nothing BUT these stories Turns out not so much with teh stories and now you're pretending you never meant to suggest there's any stories in them LOL - this is why nobody takes you seriously! "There's all these stories in these papers! Trust me! Don't look!" 'i looked. There isn't. " "WAAAATTTT - i told you not to loooooook! Derp!" LOL - give it up man.
  21. Yep. Unlike you I don't just use two fingers so it only takes me a moment
  22. You can still do business with them without tolerating having them interfere with your elections. In fact doing business with them is a good idea as it at least gives you SOME power or leverage over them. If, for example, we said we were going to stop selling them oil or coal right now and ban exports of those products to them, that would actually have an impact. So while i don't know i would have called you a "capitalist commie", i would have said you were wrong We should do business with such countries except for those items like military etc. But - that does NOT mean we shouldn't aggressively go after them when they pull this crap.
  23. Naaaah. I know your game. If you can't win, make the other guy work You'll ask for this, then you'll ask for something else and every time i take the time to go look where it is and cut it and post it you'll try to blow it off. Look at what you did with the whole "i didn't mean the cbc' thing in the other thread. You very clearly said something in plain english then tried repetitively to argue you mean something utterly ridiculous. I get it's amusing to make the other guy jump around from time to time and sure it's kind of funny but I'm not playing that game with you anymore. The carbon tax adds a sizeable amount of cost to our food bills and is one of the reasons food is expensive, and it's one of the things the gov't could address to ease the burden on consumer food prices if they gave a crap.
  24. He has this weird history of immediately doing things that look like a cover up even if he doesn't need to. Like when the military was looking at that sex case and he rushed out and denied his guy had heard of it and denied a bunch of other stuff when really all he had to say was 'the process was proceeding as per the protocol and we're satisified with that'. All the stuff he denied was utterly not relevant and THEN IT TURNED OUT TO BE ALL LIES and they DID know about it - so you lied about something that didn't matter, and now the controversy is about your lies even though you actually did nothing wrong! Here, if he didn't have any collusion he's sure making it look like he did. I hope it picks up steam. We both obviously agree this is a major major thing and people should be very upset about it, and if WE'RE agreeing on it it MUST be pretty damn serious
  25. it's already there. We both know it's true. And i haven't been arguing much this entire time - it's just been post after post of pointing out simple facts and correcting your errors But - hey, at least you've given up pretending that the carbon tax doesn't make a significant impact on food prices Glad we could move beyond that finally.
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