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Posts posted by CdnFox
12 minutes ago, myata said:
Time flows differently in those lofty dimensions.. entitlements and benefits though, right on the clock in this Universe.
All I"m saying is that it's hard to believe Justin Trueau is the best we could do with 4 billion years of evolution to work with.
4 minutes ago, myata said:
Wow. Only took just under two decades to close a major loophole. Amazing efficiency how can you beat it.
These are the people who took 7 years just to buy the same airplane they cancelled 7 years ago. Frankly, considering their track record we're lucky it got closed before we evolved into a higher life form.
7 minutes ago, myata said:
The science has been making strides of late you know... till about 130 active age, he'll have many, many more happy returns to leave his lasting impact on the country. OMG such a happy idyll was it a tear?
Still gonna die tho
Either of old age or another liberal's knife in his back.
At 4 a.m. on Saturday morning, two buses from New York City arrived at a gas station in Plattsburgh, NY, where groups of migrants carrying luggage and determined to cross into Canada disembarked with no knowledge of the closure of Roxham Road.
Their faces were stunned as two taxi drivers, who had shown up only to give them the news, told them they could not drive them there.
They were four hours too late. They had boarded their buses unaware that by the time they arrived in Plattsburgh, the city closest to the illegal border crossing, they would not be able to follow in the footsteps of the thousands of migrants seeking new lives in Canada who had crossed there before them.
The temperature was –4 C and several of the migrants wore only hoodies. They shivered and looked at each other in disbelief, pleading with the drivers to take them to Roxham Road anyway. The drivers said a United States government directive had come down that they were not to drive them to the illegal crossing after midnight.
And typical CBC - the story is all about how terrible this is for those who were happy to break our laws and not a peep about how illegal immigration affects canadians who don't have enough housing or medical services.
Trudeau will try to sell this as a victory and an accomplishment, and in a way it is but his base won't see it that way and many will look at him the way this CBC article is, and those it WOULD impress already hate him tremendously.
At any rate - it's good that it's finally done.
1 hour ago, myata said:
Well, that's an if, not when, eh
No, i mean eventually he'll die of old age....
5 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:
Communism was a thing since Ancient Greece.
Tell me you have no idea what communism is without telling me.
If you mean in the general sense that people work hard and share what they have sure it has - that's what a family is. Bur even the greeks knew it absolutely didn't work on any scale larger than that.
5 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:agree, but we also have to accept that this just isn't going to happen until wealth is more evenly distributed throughout society.
Wealth cannot be distributed. Wealth is not a material you can collect and hand out. There's no such thing as 'wealthonium'.
Wealth is a result of economic activity. Owning land isn't wealth - growing food on the land and selling it to someone else is wealth. Creating something of value that you can use or trade is wealth.
The whole commnist socalist thing was that only the elites had any means of creating that activity. But - those days are LONG gone.
Anyone at all can be rich. Most rich people come from poor or middle class families. Anyone can earn a good living and be middle class.
So the ability to create wealth has ALREADY BEEN distributed more evenly. There's nothing left to do there.
7 minutes ago, myata said:
And this is no laughing matter please stay with me only for a moment. By pumping third world millions and giving them a sprinkle of a handout Trudeaus figured out how to get reelected" for pretty much, ever. This is Venezuela model already, Nicaragua. Most of the country is poor, dependent and will push anything for a handout. Employee-representatives" will vote for anything Central Committee tells them, what already? Nothing will matter anymore, scandals, interference, corruption the silent majority will shrug off anything for another piece of a handout. Nothing to keep governments to account, not even investigate, just take them on their good, benevolent word (or else). There can be protests they will be shrugged off like in Venezuela. Think of it, it may be coming because one question only: why couldn't it? What is there to stop it?
Cons now maybe have the last or one of the chances for the country to break the scary idyll, and prophesy; create a proportional system where parties cannot have everlasting monopolies. But they won't do it, even consider seriously. The place at the trough is too precious, and the bounds of the past, too heavy. Show must go on... and the country, doomed.
It is true that the most effective way to ensalve a person is to provide for their every need. Then they're too afraid of what would happen if you weren't there to do that, and they'll do whatever you want.
39 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:
Do you follow German politics at all? Parties like the Alternative für Deutschland talk about pretty much nothing but immigration and the Muslim "invasion." In the past few years they adopted the anti-trans insanity, but that's also fear-based.
I'm sure that's true in your mind - you have a habit of editing out what you don't like to hear.
39 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Seriously, try to find some East Germans who vote for the AfD for reasons other than their anti-immigration stance.
Most do. Problem solved.
39 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Show me examples of AOC calling for violence.
Well there are many - how about the time when she was asked about the violence and destruction from the riots in the states where 4 billion dollars of damage were done and she replied that this was proper, that protests are SUPPOSED to make people uncomfortable and scared like that.
That chick would happily take a flame thrower to people who disagreed with her if she could get away with it.
39 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:The reason you can't name any mainstream leftists or liberals who call for violence is because they don't.
I did name some. So - i take it you're just lying to try to make yourself feel better that you're wrong.
As i noted MANY if not MOST dems especially farther to the right call for violence and support violent protest. The left wing is very very violent and hate filled.
But - as noted the left LOVES to accuse others of what they do themsevles as some sort of weird cover. it's like a defense mechanism.
51 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:
That's insane troll logic.
That's pretty much how you define anything that's truth. You seem to find Truth offensive. It's like holy water to a vampire
51 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Also, the only Democrats she called right-wing were Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. She criticizes other Democrats for both policy and strategy, but she doesn't call them all conservative.
Nope - claims all the ones that disagree with her green vision are not left enough to be democrats, and they're bad people. Sounds a lot like you.
51 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Aww look - the other leftie game
Hide what YOU do by accusing others of it
RIght? Like pretending your anti fascists and accusing everyone else of being fascist when you're actually fascist?
46 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:
. But if the person has a dick, better not go in there.
Dude - you may have hit upon the solution right there!!!
We stop calling it 'mens and womens" and start calling it "people with dicks" and "People with vaginas". Hey - if you're a "woman" with a dick no problem - door on the left where it says "people with dicks".
That eliminates the whole gender issue altogether.
13 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:
You said AOC only criticizes the Right. I pointed out that she criticizes Democrats all the time,
By calling them the right. So that's still critisizing the right,
13 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Did I break you?
Hardly - you can be a hate filled bigoted racist fascist and it hardly affects me.
The real question is who broke you? What made you like this? How does someone get to the point where they think other people are sub human the way you have said? And the hatred! I'm curious to know.
2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:
Nothing Freudian about it. Firstly it’s not as easy as it looks.
A shocking number of politicians manage it every day without screwing up the country they're in,. Actually the only other person i've seen do it is trudeau.
2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:Try reading a speech like that off a teleprompter live.
Have many times - have from memory too. Sure you can make a mistake but this was a very specific mistake.
And he's not some highschool kid or CEO of some mid sized corp - he's literally got the top job in the entire us. Get it right or get out.
2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:Secondly, he’s old. The right age for heads of government is 40-60.
So you're saying he's too old to do the job.
So here's the thing, i might buy that - but why 'china'. Why make the mistake and say 'china'? It's simple, That's what he was thinking about. That's how people make mistakes. That's why it's called a freudian slip.
if it was just a telepromter mistake then you stumble over your words, or get them out of order, or have an awkward pause, or say a word thats almsot identical - you don't correctly state a completely different word as a rule
7 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:
Like I said, East Germans vote for the anti-immigration politicians, despite the vast majority of immigrants living in West Germany.
Nope. They don't care about the anti immigraiton part. They vote for them for other reasons. So - more lies from you
QuoteName some mainstream leftists or even liberals who talk that way.
And most of the others to be fair
9 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:The only politicians and pundits who call for violence are on the Right.
AOC does. And i previously pointed out several others. MANY on the left support and condone violence. They give a cursory 'i'm not saying i condone violence BUUUUUTTTT then go on to condone violence.
The left is OUTRAGEOUSLY violent and promotes it regularly. They want to "fry pigs like bacon" (police). They frequently call for harm to those they feel are not of the same mind as them. They have an entire "punch a nazi' campaign and then - just like you - they claim EVERYONE WHO IS RIGHT OF THEM INCLUDING TIM POOLE is a nazi. So anyone who disagrees with them.
The left is full of horrible violent bigoted racists angry people who condone violence. Even Pelosi said she didn't understand why people weren't violently rioting but hey maybe soon....
Just now, Americana Antifa said:
Get back here with those goalposts!
Awwww - realized i'm right so you have to try distraction tactics like that? How sad.
Just now, Americana Antifa said:I disagree with liberals, but I never call them fascist. My main criticism of liberals is actually that they suck at recognizing and stopping fascism.
you are fascist, It's kind of hard to believe you when you claim you want to stop them.
Just now, Americana Antifa said:Really, this is projection on your part. Fascists claim that anyone who disagrees with them is, as Trump would put it, "a far-left radical socialist."
no, it's an accurate observation of you. Sorry kiddo - you've made it quite clear. You're a hate filled bigoted racist fascist. You think people who are different than you are lesser people. You want to harm them if possible by force of law. You're pretty much the dictionary definition of fascism.
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:
But they still vote based on fear of those people.
They vote in fear of people they don't even know about? LOL Nice trick
Nope - it ain't fear kiddo
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:?
Righties really never change. It's always "we had to do an authoritarianism because you made us!"
We on the left hate you!!!! You're scum -- we wish you were dead and we'll hunt you down!!! Hey.. why are you banding together against us????
LOL - Leffties never change.
They spread hatred and bigotry wherever they go, then get mad when that's turned against them.
You never learn do you
Well - there you go.
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:
You had to lie because you know I'm correct here.
Ummm - that is literally what you said ? Sooo yeah, not really a lie is it
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:If you criticize leftists, liberals, and conservatives like Mitt Romney who don't go far enough, but never criticize literal fascists, then you're a fascist even if you don't identify as one.
Dumbest comment ever. And this is the internet so it had some stiff competition. The definition of facist is NOT 'doesn't criticize people you don't like". Sorry.
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:AOC criticizes Democrats all the time. Please stop getting your talking-points from memes.
No she doesn't - she claims they're not real democrats first
She attacks anyone who doesn't agree with HER thinking of what a democrat should be.
Kind of like how everyone who doesn't agree with you is a fascist.
SO she doesn't attack anyone she thinks is a 'real' democrat - just those ones who are too right wing to be 'real' democrats.
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:Sure, but if you cover politics for a living, and you're constantly running defense for fascists because you agree with them, you're probably a fascist.
Still not how it works. Previously explained.
1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:I'm not saying some stand-up comedian is a fascist because they haven't denounced fascism.
Yes you are. You're literally saying anyone who doesn't attack fascists is a fascist. And not just fascists but ones you identify as being so only.
So everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist.
It's one of the lefts favorite games - just change the definition of a word that sounds scary and use it wherever you like
Just now, Americana Antifa said:
Only criticizing anyone to the Left of literal fascists definitely makes you fascist.
ROFLMAO - no, it just means you criticize the left. THat's actually what you just said and you screwed it up
- and there is nothing left of literal fascists - fascists ARE left.
Just now, Americana Antifa said:So how come he only criticizes liberals and leftists? How come he never criticizes the Right?
He does - you just choose to ignore it
But it would hardly matter. I mean seriously - think about how daft what you're saying is - AOC only critisizes the right - does that make her fascist? Tonnes of news outlets on the left ONLY critisize the right - does that make them facist?
There are those who focus on certain elements of the culture war - and that just means that's where their focus is, it doesn't mean they're facist. Fascism doesn't even have anything to do with being 'critical' of anyone. You're just using the term to cover up your own fascist tendencies.
5 minutes ago, Aristides said:
Shades of GW Bush. He got two terms.
I think it'll depend on who the republicans put up. His approval ratings are historic-low. People will dump him in 1 second if they see a better chocie. IF trump isn't the candidate i wouldn't be surprised to see him as a rare one termer.
5 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:
isn’t he, like 92?
Depends on how you look at it. Based on his birth date, yes, but seeing as i'm pretty sure he died about 7 years ago and hasn't kept moving some might argue we shoudn't be keeping track like that any more....
1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:
That proves my point. People who have irrational fears are more likely to fall for right-wing propaganda,
No, it refutes your point. Those people have no knowledge of or interaction with the newcomers so they have no fear of them.
Whats driving the far right is the same as what did in Germany in the 20's - people like you spewing hatred and pursuing a facist agenda based on your bigotry. It forces otherwise rational people to feel they have to choose a side. Obviously they're not going to choose yours - you literally hate them. So it pushes them into the arms of the far right.
Left wing hatred spawns right wing hatred in response. Always has.
Just now, Americana Antifa said:
It's actually a funny but stupid story.
Agreed - your story was stupid. And as usual based on your hatred and bigotry towards conservatives. What a sad person you are.
So there's the real reason guys - people like this one live in cities and nobody outside of the city wants to be like them
Just now, Americana Antifa said:
He might not know what fascism is or identify as a fascist, but he pretty much exclusively agrees with and runs defense for fascist politics.
No, that's just you projecting what you want him to be on his words. There's simply no truth to it.
1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:First of all, if you unironically say "woke," you're automatically wrong.
First - if you dismiss someone's argument as "wrong" because of one word in it - then you have no ability to think rationally and should be considered a child.
2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:Secondly, Tim Pool ONLY criticizes both the Left and the Democrats.
No, he frequently criticizes others and always has.
BUT - interestingly it's always the left who attacks him. The right tends to blow off his negative comments. So that's where a lot of the interaction winds up.
Sorry but you're seeing him through an echo-chamber confirmation bias lens - all you see is when he talks about the left.
And the look on his face after he corrects himself - it's like 'Did i get that right that time? Is it china or canada, these days i get them confused...."
Stunned faces and heartbreak for migrants heading to Roxham as they learn Canada will likely send them back (Roxham closed)
in Federal Politics in Canada
Well it's actually going to help. The issue is that until yesterday the law said that a refugee fleeing oppression must stop at the first 'safe' country they encountered and not proceed to another country's border checkpoint. Which allowed canadians to turn them back at the border crossing
BUT - it didnt' say anything about crossing the border NOT at a border crossing. So if they snuck across they'd have to be treated as refugees.
SO this will allow the rcmp to arrest or turn back people if they show up away from the border crossings and still allow for them to be turned back to america at the regular crossings.
they can still apply for immigration but not as refugees.