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Posts posted by CdnFox
10 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:
If we have a large portion of the population that is mentally unstable to the point where they're violent, maybe it's not a good idea to let them have guns.
Because having them stab people is better? Or running over them with a truck?
Anyway i understand that most democrats are not gun owners so most of the violent mentally unstable are already disarmed.
10 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:We can enact red flag laws and close the loopholes, in addition to providing free mental healthcare. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
Red flag laws and mental health intervention and similar policies are 90 percent of the answer. That would include training the public on the issues and what to look for as well. And not just to gun violence but to all mass killings (other than crime). The fact is once someone has decided they're in a place where they want to hurt others, they'll find a way, gun or not. You need to catch that BEFORE they get there.
Just now, eyeball said:
There were guns in nearly every home in Iraq when Saddam Hussein tyrannized the place.
Most iraqis agreed with him. He was outrageously popular. It was the americans he 'tyrannized'.
And they went and got him. With guns.
25 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:
AHa HA HA...so deluginale.
I saw what you did there
I don't really agree with the post, but i'm giving you an upvote just for the sheer punnery of it
13 minutes ago, West said:
Giuliani had nothing to do with it lol
I think their argument is that giuliani, acting as trumps lawyer, made statements that the machines had been tampered with.
I think they're dead in the water there but you know how it is with lawsuits - sue EVERYONE and then see where the dust settles.
1 minute ago, West said:
You mean like when lefties falsely claimed Donnie worked with Russia and his daughter in law had white powder sent to her home?
You play the victim but the behavior of the left over the past 6 or 7 years has been a disgrace
it's a really good point.
For 3 years the left wing political party and media claimed that trump "stole the election' with help from the russians.
And after exhaustive investigation it turned out to be completely untrue and that the left lied. And the left and their supporters are fine with it.
Trump claims some machines stole the eleciton and the right wing media agrees and it turns out to be untrue and the left claims it's just the worst thing ever and the right always lies and lives in fear.
It's sad what's happening in amerca these days.
10 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Wow.... How long have you been living in fear?
Probably as long as youve been a Foxpropaganda viewer.
Ya know - for someone who was just whining about how people aren't civil you sure spend a lot of time being a rude snit
Sounds like fox is the most popular out there by a long shot.
2 minutes ago, Aristides said:
Compared to Dominion executives, employees and their families having to live with death threats for 2 1/2 years?
For sure - the kids and their families got death threats too.
To be honest while i think both are pretty damn bad i think he's got a point that the cnn example is worse.
But it's a little like saying one guy jumped from a 30 story building and another jumped from a 40 story building and arguing over who's more dead.
1 minute ago, Rebound said:
Donnie spoke at the NRA convention just three days ago, saying that “mass shootings aren’t a gun problem.”
So, yeah, we’re upset at that. It’s obviously the guns.
It's obviously not the guns, and it's obviously not donnie.
But that's what the left will focus on because 'tribal'
1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Great. You've just lost the privilege of my responses.
Good luck going back to the 1950's in your black hole.
Ohhh noooooess - how will i live?
You go stick your head in the sand to your heart's content. I get that intelligent people intimidate the hell out of people like you. Your fear and desire to hide is understandable. Honestly your responses weren't contributing much anyway, they're not necessary.
Just now, CrakHoBarbie said:
Do you really think that dissecting my statement about time always moving forward has won some imaginary battle for you?
Grow up
ROFLMAO!!!!! YOU were the one who pushed it!!!
I really think you're an !diot who's no where nearly as smart as she thinks
I think you thought you made a good point and i pointed out it wasn't accurate and you tried to double down
And i think when you wind up "losing" a point you just fall back on insults and pretending you didn't care in the first place. when you clearly did.
Like i said - don't hate me just because i'm smarter than you - you're going to wind up hating most of the planet at that rate ':)
19 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
When was the last time that your clock ran backwards?
ROFLMAO - ahhh now it's not just time 'stopping' - it has to run backwards!
So you basically aren't done looking stupid yet i take it?
Time does run backwards and forwards in the interior of a black hole. In regular spacetime you can move any direction in space but only one direction in time, but inside a black hole that's reversed and you can only move one direction in space but you can move any directions in time.
So if you thought you 'had' me there, sorry
Also as i noted time is an act of entropy - but entropy is statistical, So it is actually possible that time can run backwards on it's own. It's just outrageously statistically unlikely. Time running backwards is not a problem for physics at all in and of itself, it's the information issue that gives us the arrow of time.
And then there's the quantum eraser of course - which strongly suggests the future can affect the past. Which is basically a clock running backwards.
THe thing is - you wouldn't notice. It would be the same as if time had never happened in the first place, and then it would move forward normally.
Any other questions? Maybe a hard one or something? I know these are beyond your ability to undrestand but they're kind of simplistic for me.
1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
You act like a petulant child.
Pot - meet kettle.
1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:Nothing is off the table for you. Disconnected rants. Fabrications. Direct insults.
no - that's just your perception of anything that clashes with your echo chamber.
Generally i meet politeness with politeness, insults with insults. And i try as hard as possible to speak the truth. When you're rude then i'm rude. I'm just a lot better at it.
And don't hate me just because I'm smarter than you. If you do that you're going to wind up hating a lot of people
1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:Youre antics wouldn't last ten minutes on regulated forums.
Translation: Gosh i sure wish i could cancel you.
Look bimbo. Every post where you've spoken in a polite fashion and made valid points has been replied to in a respectful fashion with valid points.
YOU act like a bad person - THEN get pissed when others treat you the same way you treat them.
You're a weak minded child. That is YOUR problem - quit trying to make it mine.
3 minutes ago, eyeball said:
It's kind of like a religion in you isn't it?
Speaking the truth? Well - more of a devotion than a religion but sure.
The fact you would consider that to be a pejorative thing says a hell of a lot about you
9 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:
So what will be done about the more serious problems at MSNBC and CNN?
Nothing. Nothing TO be done, same as fox. THey are giving the consumer what they want.
The left wing wants to be lied to - cnn and nbc lie. The right wants to be lied to, fox lies. Occasionally they'll all get caught over it and sued but it's still profitable to lie
If you want proof look at @robosmith reply above - already making excuses for the lies of the other corporations. People WANT their news to lie to them, they ONLY get mad at other people's lies.
17 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Ok. I'm the problem.
Yep. You and your kind
17 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:And you are completely incompetent when it comes to addressing me.
Sorry - should i have been drooling or mumbling or the like? I don't get to speak bimbo often..
17 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:Another failure on your part.
Sure kiddo
15 minutes ago, robosmith said:
No REASON to believe ^this OPINION.
The study says exactly what i did - they used the fbi designation. Sorry kiddo
But here you go
FactCheck.org, Feb. 1, 2013: The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”
Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.
LOL - sucks to be you kiddo -
On 4/18/2023 at 7:45 PM, robosmith said:
I wonder if right wingers here will FINALLY admit that FOX LIES, after continually sticking to their guns in FACE of overwhelming evidence that FOX is NOT a legitimate News organization. AKA, they sacrifice truth for PROFIT.
I'm sure they will just as fast as the left admitted that CNN lied after they got sued the last time for lying
Or nbc.
honest people know that all media lies, it's become a serious problem.
Just now, eyeball said:
Yes what i said is 100 percent true. You can't live for 50 years in a place that's only been there 40 years.
So it's not pedant, what you said isn't possible. Which is why i was kind and said 'i think you misspoke a litlte'. Apparently that's not the case and you're just retarded and don't know what numbers mean.
God you are dumb.
well everyone knows you're a liar - you probably were just lying about where you live and screwed up the numbers and now you're mad at me for pointing it out. What a tard.
6 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Gee.... Who could be whipping the population into a frenzy?
Well, when a corporation lies about election fraud... Which leads to a complete distrust in our electoral system, in this one instance we can directly place part of the blame on Foxpropaganda and their bi tch Donald.
Sorry barbie - it's you. You're the problem.' And your kind.
Long before the eleciton thing cnn was pushing a false story about kids who were catholics attacking first nations people and creating all kinds of hatred - and that was a complete lie. And you are fine with that.
NBC deliberately lied to whip up racist anger at the martin incidnet - and you seem ok with that as well.
There are TONNES of other examples.
I think they're ALL bad. But - you only care about the ones that your tribe disapproves of.
And that's america today. Which is why it won't stop, and will get worse and the beatings will continue until morale improves.
6 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Just not enough to stop the mass shootings.
It would never be enough to stop the mass shootings. It's like saying "we have enough avocados - but just not enough to stop mass shootings'
you have enough to do the job that background checks can do. More will not make any difference.
6 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:Just no good ones.
Lots of good ones.
The answers are not difficult. The implementations can be but even there - not THAT difficult.
but for the left it will always be about guns, and for the right it will always be about stopping the left takign guns. No good solutions will be discused.
1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Oh? So tell me genius... When has time ever stood still?
It does for every particle that travels at the speed of light. Including light for starters.
This is way over your head. I can see this turning into a 5 hour educational discussion and you'll still be confused.
Further, time technically stops at the event horizon of a black hole, but that gets REALLY seriously complicated.
go take a few physics courses if you want to understand more. Time relative to the observer - time is not a 'fixed' thing that moves at the same rate every where. In fact - gravity itself is a temporal distortion - when you are standing your feet are moving at a slower time than your head.
To quote the good doctor - time is more of a big ball of wibbly-wobbly-timey-whimey things.
We percieve the 'arrow of time' due to the process of entropy, and it's believed that we percieve the 'present' due to the effect of local quantum decohesion that turns the future from probability packets called wave functions into actually existing particles.
Any other questions?
21 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
I said "all" gun sales.
Wouldn't make a difference. At all. The level you have now is enough.
21 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:I was an avid shooter and reloader for over 40 years. My arthritis took that away. But I do not see either side coming up with a viable solution to mass shootings.
I don't have an answer either.
I have answers - i just don't think they'll ever be discussed in the us
the left will focus on guns, the right will focus on the lefts focus on guns - both will become more entrenched over time and at the end of the day that's where it stops.
I just don't see real solutions being discussed seriously.
17 minutes ago, eyeball said:
That's a fact is it? Try reading it again. Here's a clue, the house is in the same place I've been for 40 years.
Sigh. What is english, your 3rd language? 4th?
You said you lived in the same place for 50 years in a house you built 40 years ago. If you just built the house 40 years ago you can't have been living in the 'same' place for 50 years, You were living in a different place for 10 years then began living in the current house 40 years ago
that's how english works.
Now - i assumed you meant you lived in the same area for 50 years, or perhaps there was some other dwelling on the property for the first 10 years, or whatever and you just said it poorly. Which is why i said i'll just assume you didn't word that well.
But now you're displaying your stupidity to the world by doubling down on it.
If you built the house 40 years ago - you havent' lived in it for 50 years. so you weren't living in the same place for 50 years. Damn you're dumb.
24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
Time always moves forward, regardless of how much you long for your youth.
It doesn't actually - but of course nobody thought you were a physics student.
in any case - while time may move forward that is not always true of people or cultures or even countries. Most of them will come to a point where they can no longer move forward.
Dominion takes Big Bite outta Fox Arse
in Federal Politics in the United States
You're probably right ( i don't remember) but they'll still sue anyone who used the word 'dominion' at any point and see where things fall