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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 10 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    The only ones calling Jewish people Nazis are the ones branding Zelenskyy and they aren't from the left.

    Nope - americana antifa does pretty regular, till i pointed out that someone's going to report her one of these days if she keeps it up.

    Also said that the isreali gov't are nazis. Compared their actions to the nazi's in the war as well, but out and out said they're nazis.

    But you do raise a point - there are those here who take a perverse interest in calling zelensky, a jew, a nazi.

    I guess the real takeaway is it's becoming very acceptable to call anyone you disagree with a fascist or a nazi.

  2. 9 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    ^TWO STRIKES. Wanna go for 3?

    Oh i'm sure you're past three at this point but sure, lets see what you've got for us in the way of swings and misses this time ';)

    9 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Manafort was CAMPAIGN MANAGER acting on Trump's BEHALF.

    And didn't collude with the russians. That's according to the fbi. He talked to the russians but then so did hillary's people, that's where the 'steele dossier' came from supposedly.  I'm going to call that  a 'foul ball' rather than a strike tho ';)

    9 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    And the Republican led Senate Intel committee concluded he was giving private polling DATA to Russian intelligence (IRA)

    Private as in information he owned? So he gave information he owned to people. That's nice. But according to the FBI that's not collusion. So - there's your strike three kiddo ':)   I kNEW you had it in you :)

    So the FBI looked at all that and said 'not collusion'.  So no matter what the committee may think - there was no russian collusion according to the experts. Not only that - but the fbi noted there was no EVIDENCE that there ever was.

    Failed again did you :)  Well - i'll say this much. You're obvious;ly dumb, can't figure out how english works, and i don't recall ever seeing you say anything that's correct and you fail ALL the TIME  - BUT .. by GOD you're CONSISTENT!  And Consistency is important in this day and age, so well done :)

  3. 8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Despite ^this fantasy,

    You mean the 'fantasy' that's backed up by actual statistics and reported in forbes?

    Is that you're new line - "NO need to LISTEN to this FACT backed by FACTS!!!!" :) LOLO(L

    8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    IT WAS FULL EMPLOYMENT as defined by the EXPERTS. Like I SAID.

    Nope. Sorry kiddo, as noted in the article i posted that's not accurate.

    8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Your EXCUSES notwithstanding. People who are not looking for a job don't count.

    Of course they do. Labour force participation is a huge indicator - Statcan reports it every month along with the job numbers because it's integral to the issue of employment. Many economists in the states take it further and  add in factors like are they working above the poverty line - It gives what they call the 'true' unemployment rate.

    Here's some info about that in the states and it explains why the unemployment rate can be much higher than just the jobless rate.


    So sorry kiddo - you were wrong again :)

  4. 23 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    Also doesn't help when you have members who call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.

    It does not.

    This is reminiscent of the 'punch a nazi' craze the left had going for a while, where it was encouraged to 'punch a nazi' and of course everyone who disagrees with the left is a nazi, as we've seen here. How far is it to go from 'punch a nazi' to 'brand a nazi'. 

    Considering the joy we've seen those on the left even on this board take in calling jewish people nazis perhaps this kind of thing was inevitable.

    but - what the hell do we do? This can't continue.

  5. https://www.ktnv.com/news/swastika-carved-into-back-of-jewish-student-at-las-vegas-area-high-school

    So this is pretty disgusting. Take a jewish kid with autism and carve a swastika in his back.

    Incidents against jews are growing more and more in the states and tending to become more and more violent. Christians are the next targeted group and they're going up too, especially in Canada.

    We see it everywhere - Americana Antifa on this very board has posted dozens of 'news are nazis' comments and the like, and it's become common on the left to hate jews.

    And it seems like it's spreading to religion in general.  I mean sure - i get frustrated when our resident doorknob turns every thread into a christian bible study  but it would never occur to me to carve a swastika on him or take up violence  - how is this getting this out of control.? We just saw a christian school shot up the other week.

    So what the hell do we do about this?   This has to end badly if it's not corrected.

    • Sad 1
  6. 2 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    It warms my heart to see a guy like you, so eager to compromise in order to reach an agreement that might be amiable for all sides.

    There you have it.


    You claim all conservatives and republicans are scum in dozens of threads :)

    Pot - meet kettle. Kettle, pot.

    now - if hypocrisy could solve the problem you'd be the worlds greatest hero :)

  7. 5 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Yes, they do. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN

    Ohhh  - sorry little guy, the problem here is you don't really undestand the issues.

    The jobless rate went down because labour force participation went down. In other words - people gave up looking for work. You see - unemployment only counts people actively looking for work.  So if 5 people are looking and 1 gets a job, and the ohter four give up or work under the table, then magically we're at 100 percent employment! Yay! except - we're not.

    As you can see - it nosedived for his entire time as people simply gave up looking for a regular job.


    So no - there were still a large amount  of non working workers.

    Wrong again kiddo :)  But hey -  at least you made an effort.

  8. 3 hours ago, taxme said:

    In reality, you are not all that amusing at all. Boring is more like it. 

    You literally just said i brought you more amusement than i could ever know :)  Surely even you could keep your lies straight for at least two posts in a row!

    3 hours ago, taxme said:

    I heard that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mom in the face. You must have been one hell of an ugly looking baby. ?

    LOL - well you ALMOST got that joke right :)  Not quite - but good effort :)

    3 hours ago, taxme said:

    Watch out for a missile that Putin may be sending your way very soon. Putin has your location. I love it when Putin drops missiles on Nazi corrupt Zelensky lovers and supporters homes.  Well deserved indeed. That is what one gets when you support a corrupt Nazi. just saying.

    Well that may be a problem - i hear the allies caught egypts plan to send him 40,000 missiles and they've had to cancel his order :) Poor guy, just can't catch a  break :)

  9. 4 minutes ago, taxme said:

    You are supplying much more comedy relief here than you will ever know.  You are the joke here. ? 

    It is pretty funny i'll admit :)  probably not for the reasons you think but i'm sure lots of people are getting a chuckle :)

    4 minutes ago, taxme said:

    Actually, I am having dinner with Putin next week. I will be telling him about the many buffoons that we have in Canada. I will make sure that I mention your pro Nazi Zelensky name.

    You do that :)  Also - your mom isn't actually putin. She just looks like him.


    4 minutes ago, taxme said:

    Oh boy, you may be in a bit of trouble with Putin. Good luck. ?

    Ohhhh noooeeesss - well if his track record is any indication that means he's going to try to break into my yard and with a little harsh language i can get him to lock himself in the outhouse ;) 

  10. 1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    Trump took Obama's full employment and CUT TAXES which overstimulated the economy until the inevitable CRASH combined with the completely mismanaged pandemic.

    Well... no. The facts don't support that.

    Obama had a mild recovery, slow but it was there. trump cut taxes and the economy improved much better but was no where NEAR being overstimulated - it was actually a pretty good rate. And it didn't crash at all.

    Biden overspent during the pandemic which as always creates inflation - rates have to go up to fight inflation and high interest rates are about to cause a crash, which is basically what always follows high inflation. As the man said "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary issue".

    1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    Then he spent even more for pandemic recovery. But the economy didn't recover to previous levels until Biden took over.

    That simply isn't true. Sorry. You are now just making crap up at random.

  11. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    As much as you yourself are in denial about God, the evidence for God is all around us.

    No, that's stupid. Sorry. The only reason you think the evidence is all around you is because that's all you think about 24 hours a day and that's all you see.

    If you spend all day thinking about hammers, everything looks like a nail.  you have to be 7 different kinds of stupid to think there's ANY evidence of god - the whole POINT is to require 'faith'.  Go read up on the babel fish argument and leave your imaginary friends out of it. 

    Not to mention that more people have killed other humans in the name of 'god' than pretty much any other cause over the years.

  12. 2 hours ago, Aristides said:

    The claim was made that BRICS was outperforming the USD. I want to know what this mythical BRICS currency is called.

    The Chinese Yuan is down 11% against the USD since the Ukraine war started and the Indian Rupee is down over 8%. The Ruble is down slightly so which currencies is he referring to?

    Well then say that - don't pretend you don't know what BRIC is  and then claim to know it after.

    2 hours ago, Aristides said:


    You might want to take a bit more than 6 seconds.

    Why? I got it right. I wasn't the one who made any claims. And frankly i have serious doubts that you knew what it was  before i posted it for you.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

    but do you think that same message will have the same impact now, 8 years later, after all the friction and scandals?

    Well as i just said in the section you quoted, no probably not :) You never know - it certainly has been used before - kennedy ran on 'make america great' and regan ran on 'lets make america great again'.  But i think it's too soon to dust it off for this go around. 


    29 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

    What new ideas or policies do you think Trump can offer to convince voters that he has a somewhat picture for the future?

    Well that's the million dollar question. It has to be simple and it has to resonate.

    But pretty much every candidate runs against the incumbent with a message of change.  Clinton was 'for people for change"  Obama was 'change we can believe in"  and 'Yes we can".

    So maybe something like 'America Back on Track" or something like that - "america was doing great the last time i was president, now after four years of sleepy joe everything's ruined. Let's get america back on track".  Then pitch the same things as last time - better paying jobs, better reputation internationally, bring the enemy to heel, focus on giving opportunity to the people.

    You know - all the good republican things :)

    If he was smart (which he really isn't) - he'd hammer home how people like what sleepy joe says - but not what he does.  Whereas with trump you may not like what he says, but you like what he does (better economy etc). - ties into the  'back on track' motif.


  14. 14 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

    I don't see MAGA and their name-calling shenanigans can cut it this time around. It's not like back in 2016 when insults could get you elected. 

    Dude , it's exactly like 2016 when insults could get you elected. If anything it's more so.

    14 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

    I get why the Dems would prefer MAGA as an opponent for ol' Joe, unless the economy tanks and makes folks mad enough to consider Trump, that would be the only way, for him to come in and offer himself as a solution if things are bad.

    Well you have to understand how us politics works a bit. Voter turn out plays a huge roll, and momentum does too.

    Polling shows that people are deeply disappointed in biden. So that won't be the problem - and there's no indication he'll get better.

    But the one thing trump needs to do is present a vision for the future - not just 'i'm trump, vote orange'.  The last time 'make america great again' really resonated with people. I"m not sure you can just recycle that 8 years later and hope for a win. And you can't get by with promises here and there , it has to be a coherent picture.

    If he fails,  it will be because he forgot about that. You can have insults but if you don't have a vision then nothing works.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    These leftists believe everything they see on CNN, they come on here and act like it's all 100% true, then after it's proven to be BS they act like no one ever really said it all.

    "Trump knows he’s an illegitimate president" was a central theme of the MSM for years. When he said that he never colluded with Russia the MSM called that a lie and said that the witch hunt would determine the answer, as if somehow he didn't know whether he colluded or not. 

    The tribal nature of both sides is depressing - but the left's ability for self delusion is next level.

    I've heard many right wing pundits point out that while they disagree with trump's claim the election was rigged, they note that it's also extremely common for the left to say that when THEY lose and it just seems to be an american thing where whatever side loses decides it was rigged. Which is demonstrably true.

    But the left wing pundits ALL claim the dems NEVER do that - that no dem EVER claims an election is rigged or the results aren't legit or the like.

    Despite the fact that they all do. "Hanging chads", Russian collusion, endless recounts -  the dems are every bit as bad. But they are far far worse about lying about it.


  16. 4 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    The claim was made that BRICS was outperforming the USD. I want to know what this mythical BRICS currency is called.

    You're being an !diot.

    4 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    The Chinese Yuan is down 11% against the USD since the Ukraine war started and the Indian Rupee is down over 8%. The Ruble is down slightly so which currencies is he referring to?

    Did you even look at the link i provided?

    So you ask to be spoon fed the information and even when someone gives it to you, you can't be bothered. Do you need me to convert it to dr seuss rhyme and come read it to you at bedtime or something?

    If you disagree that overall these are not performing better than the USD then just point out why. Yeash.

  17. 14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    That's not what the data shows. The vast majority of 1% rich people either inherited their wealth or were at least born into the upper-class.

    I have already provided the data which says you're wrong.

    So now you're just lying. the data is very clear - about 2/3 earned it themselves and came from poor to middle class backgrounds.

    Remember what i taught you before kiddo - if you have to lie to make your point, it's not a very good point.

    14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    My point is that people have more or less advantages depending on the circumstances they're born into.

    I know what your point is - your point is simply wrong.

    With the one exception that successful people teach their kids how to be successful, which anyone can learn. And i've addressed that.

    14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    No, it's about leveling the playing field.

    That's leftist talk for "take from one side to give to the other".  Wealth or opportunity distribution. THAT - is equality of outcome. NOT equality of opportunity. And that is not only wrong morally it's insanely destructive - it reduces wealth and success for EVERYBODY.

    14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Even if that was true, you would be the exception.

    No. I wouldn't. That's the point.  And in fact there's many many examples of peoples being forced to relocate with nothing in the way of wealth massive barriers such as language, no contacts or the like - ALL the things YOU SAY guarantee failure - and the majority do very well for themselves. I can give examples from my own family's history.

    It is a left wing myth that poverty means you'll fail in the US.  Entirely.

    14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Do you think there are no high paying jobs in North Korea? They have an upper-class there that, technically, anyone can make it into

    that could not be less true. You are now officially an uneducated !diot.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    What is the name of this BRICS currency? Please explain.

    FFS dude - it is a TWO SECOND google search. Why are people being so lazy these days. Do your own research, and i mean everybody.  "oh it isn't being spoon fed to me? I guess i'll just live in ignorance then!"  HA!  And i'm not just picking on you, i see it everywhere and it really bothers me that people have become so complacent with ignorance.

    Here - i'll make it easy for you this time. Next time - invest 6 seconds and educate yourself.


    And i hadn't heard of the term either. But being an INTELLIGENT person i took a second to look it up.

    He's saying these currencies are outperforming the usd.  I'd heard that actually but there's a little bit of mathematic smoke and mirrors in there, i'm sure if you dig a bit you'll see it.

  19. On 4/11/2023 at 11:33 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

    Red Tories provide the closest thing to a perfect government.=

    For sure - IF your idea of a perfect gov't is corruption, graft, wasteful spending, national division, and long term unsustainability.

    Otherwise -not so much.  Better than the liberals. Or the ndp, But that's about it.

    On 4/19/2023 at 9:35 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

    If the overwhelming majority of climatologists and leading physisists believe we are facing a rapid global temperture rise in just a few centuries, I believe them. 

    Here's the thing tho - you don't talk to them. Do you.  I doubt you even read their papers.

    You talk to the media and to the gov't who TELLS you what those people said - and those people don't get to talk about it to you.

    So the gov't says "well all the scientists agree.... " and you think they all agree. But in fact many might not. But you'll never know.

    Scientists PROVED that a person could not fly an airplane faster than about 90 miles an hour - it would be too much for them.  They were CERTAIN that attempting to jump out of a byplane with a parachute was pointless because the wind would kill the person.

    More recently - science was SURE That antiboitics were very safe with no side effects - that was in the 60's. So they prescribed them for everything.  And they were very wrong.

    And just this year - proof that even einstien got it wrong once in a while at the nobel ceremonies.

    Trust in god. But tie up your camel.

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