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Posts posted by Infidel Dog
I believe the first kick at the can broke this morning. I don't expect much to come of it but it's going to be fun to watch:
BREAKING: Jim Jordan to chair 'Weaponization of Government' Select Committee
QuoteThe 118th House of Representatives will see the formation of a new select committee, headed by Jim Jordan, to dig into the abuse of power and the Weaponization of Government. This investigative panel will demand emails and correspondence between the Biden administration and big tech companies, and follows the massive revelations that came to light through the recent release of the Twitter Files.
What the Hell. Gotta start somewhere.
Well, here's fact for you:
QuoteRepublican Governor of North Dakota, Kristi Noem says.
""My lawyers have asked the @WhiteHouse, the @USNatArchives, and @BennieGThompson which of them is responsible for leaking the Social Security Numbers of me, my husband, my 3 kids, and my son-in-law."
Somebody was objecting to my calling her being doxxed "an attack." I say Kristi feels her and her family are being Dox attacked.
Would you like to know why?
It's obvious.
I don't now why I have to keep pointing out the obvious to you and yours. You imply it's because you believe you have superior "facts" but we never see them.
52 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
You don't push proven facts....
Why did you have some "proven facts" to submit? Bet you didn't. But go ahead if you do. I'll listen.
Until that time I choose not to ignore the obvious.
Like remember how under Obama "politically-aligned (read mostly Conservative) groups, were either denied tax-exempt status outright or delayed that status until they could no longer take effective part in the 2012 election?
Now somebody like me would say even though Obama pet, Lois Lerner refused to answer questions about that on the grounds it might incriminate her I'm going to say she was behind it.
Would you like to know why?
Because it's obvious.
We have to wait until the summer now to see the rest of Season 5. Boo hoo.
Will Beth kill Jamie? Will Jamie kill Beth? Will somebody stand between the 2?
January 6th wasn't an insurrection. It was Fed-surrection.
A fed perpetrated "
breach team set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.
Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.
Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself."
This is just another case where the left has been brain-trained to ignore the obvious.
Like a used up, dementia ridden old politician who campaigned from his basement or when he did campaign, couldn't get enough supporters to fill a high school auditorium got more votes to be President than any other Presidential campaigner in the history of the country.
If you haven't been trained to ignore the obvious you can believe that. If you haven't you can't.
Of course the left launched this doxxing attack of high level Republicans. It's obvious.
I wouldn't say non-existent. There's enough evidence for an educated guess. It only seems to be Republicans who were attacked.
The impression I got from info that leaked out during the Mar a Lago fiasco is the National Archives is a Prog-infested sewer. Read that as leftist in this case.
If there's not security around these reports released by the partisan Democrat Jan 6 committee, why not? They should know who leaked and why. They won't tell us. And no interest is shown in having anybody pay for the deed. It's either incompetence or a dirty deed. Either way it's leftist.
Republican Governor of North Dakota and victim of the Doxxing attack identifies 3 leftist bodies in her Tweet:
""My lawyers have asked the @WhiteHouse, the @USNatArchives, and @BennieGThompson which of them is responsible for leaking the Social Security Numbers of me, my husband, my 3 kids, and my son-in-law."
16 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:
What actually happened, as per the link... "When the House Jan. 6 committee released hundreds of documents from its investigation online at the end of the year, it inadvertently made public nearly 2,000 Social Security numbers belonging to high-profile individuals who visited the White House in December 2020, according to a report."
Who's been fired then? Somebody should be fired for a boner like that. So who's been fired?
Nobody, you say?
Best guess says that's because it wasn't inadvertent. The guy who could is most likely laughing and giving the guy who did high fives. He, she, zim or zer will get a raise soon.
6 hours ago, ironstone said:
The one's that engaged in violence should be charged.
The ones that actually engaged in violence, absolutely. And although Garland's crackerjack troop of storm-troopers have been able to locate and charge perps like little grandmothers that did little more than walk around snapping photos there are a number of individuals the new American version of the Stasi don't seem interested in.
Ray Epps tops that list but there are number of other criminals who were actually committing crimes on camera Garland's finest could care less about.
There's a great description on the pre-arranged strategy of how 9-11 was laid out HERE that starts about half way down the page:
The “Big Bang” moment that kicked off the riot was when a small “breach team” of just a few dozen people violently knocked over the first set of metal barricades between 12:50-12:53 p.m. They forced back the police, and therefore opened a clean walkway entrance to the crowd behind them.
The tactical importance of this breached location is that it was the very first walkway entrance into the Capitol grounds that every Trump supporter would arrive at first as they walked from the Trump rally to the Capitol.
The Breach Team had the amazing foresight to pry open the one walkway entrance that no one could avoid.
The breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.
Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.
Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself.
As we described in more detail in our October 10 report, the Breach Team thus set up what may amount to the largest legal booby-trap in American history.
Indeed, when the DOJ indicted Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown in September for “trespassing on restricted grounds” (18 US Code § 1752), the Justice Department explained that any January 6 protester who stepped foot within the red line below had committed a federal crime and could be kept in prison without bail until a criminal trial 12+ months away."
The perps in what he's calling the "Breach Team" are all identifiable on video. You can see the videos and instructive graphics on the site. Any interested have at least one of the names from a separate incident the police attended the previous night. But authorities have shown no interest in identifying these perps or even looking for them.
There's also the "Scaffold Commander" who was waiting atop a media scaffold at the end of the walkway the trump ralliers had been herded down. He was shouting pleas and commands to anybody within earshot to enter the capitol building. Garland has shown no interest in finding him.
The FBI also is not interested or incapable of what should be an easy snag of the guy who supposedly planted a pipe bomb. It was supposedly discovered just before it was time to herd the Trumpers down the walkway thus insuring less of a police presence. Capitol police had to attend.
But yeah the one's engaged in violence should be charged. Also the ones who actually set the chaos of Jan 6 up. And it wasn't Trump. A for real bipartisan committee might be necessary to get actual investigators looking for them.
Coming to think of it...
There were cops all over the scene protecting the road from Ashley Babbitt's mother's aged footsteps.
Where are they in the picture above?
Jaywalking. It's OK when we do it.
Ask any leftie.
2 hours ago, Aristides said:
She was trying to stop others from breaking window but was the first one through when they were broken. Ya sure.
One more time until you hear. She didn't go through. There's no proof she ever planned to go through. Last video shows her standing on something leaning through. It's just as likely she was blocking the window or yelling through it to the guards on the other side about what was going on in the entrance.
Go ahead prove me wrong. Show me a video where she has a leg through the window. You can't. It doesn't exist.
You don't actually know what was going through her head. I don't either but you need to stop pretending you do. It's a lie.
1 hour ago, robosmith said:
What if the officers that committed suicide days after Jan 6th were the Trump supporters who believed him and let the insurrectionists into the Capitol?
Who knows why cops commit suicide. they didn't all commit suicide "days after" Jan 6. At least one was the following month.
The first one was sleep deprived 3 days after though.
PTSD? Maybe. Maybe he felt guilt for all the underhanded crap the police were up to that day. Who knows. Cops commit suicide. It happens.
But great diversionary save for bringing in events that don't fall under the claim in the thread title, R&R. That is still a lie. And those that push it are still liars.
Speaking of stuff they don't tell you. Nikki Babbitt, Ashley Babbit's mother has been in Washington since August protesting outside the jail.
They knew who she was. They knew what she was doing there. They took her away and charged her for Jaywalking.
1 hour ago, Aristides said:
Nothing was covered up, it was all on video.
Yes, it was, and no, it wasn't
The review board that shook the swamp agent perp's hand and sent him on his way to make money off his murder was a private hearing. There was no George Floyd style circus on that one. They kept it quiet. The media didn't appear to mind.
There's all kinds of video most people have never seen from the events leading up to the tragedy.
I've posted one because it was somehow leaked out this month. Ashley Babbitt was trying to stop the instigators from breaking the windows. She winds up giving one of them a shot in the head.
More damaging is what the media have managed to put into peoples' heads that video doesn't support.
Everybody is sure Ashley Babbitt was climbing through that window. Look again.
I challenge you to find something showing Ashley doing something more than standing on something leaning through the window. The perp has to step away from the wall where he's hiding to get an angle for a shot.
1 minute ago, Contrarian said:
It's a practical question.
What would you call one man that supports an illegal faction which wants to overthrow the legal establishment government of a foreign government?
That is your resume. Is hard for me to pay attention, but will do you a favour and read what you posted for entertainment purposes.
Well, if any of that were true I might waste time trying to work up an answer but it's not so all I can do is thank you for another smile.
Quote4 minutes ago, Contrarian said:
I can't help it. I enjoy arguing over politics. Like any politician, i forget my promises.
That's OK, thanks for the laugh when you spew a barrage of name-calling vitriol in objection to being called a name-caller.
That was funny.
5 hours ago, Contrarian said:
---> I won't spend too much time arguing with fanatics,
Now to me that seems to be a name-caller responding in advance to anybody who might dare to respond negatively to your wild-eyed rhetoric.
Sheesh...do you guys not think we know how to use the quote function or do you forget what you post the moment you post it and just assume it's the infallible work of some deity with no possible flaws?
7 hours ago, robosmith said:
Why are democrats lying about officers being killed on January 6th?
Not lying. Officers DIED as a RESULT of Jan 6th
These Are the 5 People Who Died in the Capitol Riot
NYT has a paygate. But go ahead name the "officers" who were "killed ON" January 6.
Spoiler alert: There weren't any.
Officer Brian Sicknick died the next day at home of a stroke.
An officer from Alabama had a heart attack but he was visiting Washington to support Trump. He was a protestor.
A woman was trampled to death when the police pushed the crowd on top of her.
Another protester also had a heart attack.
So yeah if you or the NYT are saying "officers" were "killed on" January 6th, you're lying.
And as long as we're posting videos, this one has an interesting point or two:
Not sure if I'm one of these fanatics but I don't really care what name-callers think anyway.
So here's a different documentary that shows the other side:
Also I don't think right or left matters. The Global Reset is a uniparty kind of thing.
Here's one I'd be interested in hearing from a left wing perspective though.
What do you think of the push to remove nitrogen from fertilizers? That one does exist and does affect food production.
6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:
Its the “left” that’s been trying to warn people about “big food” for decades, much to the anger of conservatives who have only tried to shut them up Remember documentaries like “Super Size Me”, the culture wars over things like trans fats, hormones in milk?
I’m not sure I follow your narrative of GMO food is good but the Big Food companies that make them are bad also some other bad guys are burning of big food processing plants It all just sounds like jibberish
Usually when I see the GMO good or bad debate pop up they start with Golden Rice. As I recall the claim is something like it's saved millions of lives or will. Vitamin A deficiency in poor countries or something like that.
Doesn't really matter.
My prediction of "you will own nothing and you will eat bugs," relies more on what global reset types have actually said regarding their plans and what they've done.
The rest are all interesting little sidebars and memes. Doesn't really matter if they're true or not. They pique interest. Then you start looking. Then you're surprised to learn what they're actually telling you about what they have planned.
Also if I'm honest my time frame of 2023 for my prediction is a hasty one. It's doubtful it can happen that fast. You'll see more interesting developments pop up regarding the possibility though.
"Why are democrats lying about officers being killed on January 6th?"
Because they're liars.
Far left loonies in the Jan 6 committee release personal Social Security numbers of political opponents
in Federal Politics in the United States
Still waiting to see those superior facts you seem to think you're holding, Barbie.