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Infidel Dog

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Posts posted by Infidel Dog

  1. 29 minutes ago, Hodad said:

    Racism and the opposition to civil rights continued to animate conservative voters through the 70s at least.



    Post-MLK, little by little, bit by bit it became less acceptable to be racist. In general. Everywhere.

    The progressive arm of the left decided they wanted to beat their chest and strut about under the banner of their acceptance of that is all.

    All the while further subjugating those they claimed to be saving.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Hodad said:

    Wow, that's a lot of posts to come around to exactly what I said: conservatives, of both parties, opposed civil rights, with a concentration in the south. Liberals won the contest for the Democratic party with Kennedy and Johnson, leading alienated conservatives (of both parties) to consolidate in the opposition party: the Republicans. This brought/pushed MLK and other civil rights activists on board with Democrats because their purposes aligned. 

    • Alienated conservative (anti civil rights) Dems flipped to the Republican party--voters and candidates.
    • The South flipped to a Republican bloc. 
    • Black voters aligned with the Democrats

    Once I've read BS like that I'll read no further.

    I never said any of that. Only in the twisted thought process of what you want to believe did I say that. And yes I know you can pick some little tidbit of what I did say to say I'm on board with every lie you put up there but I know how that brand of BS works. Don't even try it.

    The modern civil rights era began during Eisenhower. It became politically expedient by Johnson. Since that time it has become so corrupted under Democrat control there's an argument that says it has done more harm than good.

  3. Blah, blah, blah...

    MLK said people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

    Show me how the democrat favored, current practice of CRT supports that.

    Can't do it, right? That matters, because this thread is supposed deal with whether or not it's right for the Republicans of Florida to refuse to finance racist policies like CRT.

  4. BTW, LBJ was a well known N word spewing bigot. 

    When he decided to get on board with the steadily increasing civil rights proposals of the Republicans (in fact, hijack them and make them Democrat) he told 3 democrat Senators th?id=OIP.dzXaMfxjrxbJc5Md_5xzrQHaEV&pid

    according to an oft cited LBJ biography. I've yet to see testimony from the 3 senators who were present or anybody else that he didn't say it. It's pretty much accepted fact as far as I can tell.

    (Thanks for the graphic, Reason. ;))

    And blacks have found themselves trapped in the fatherless homes of the Democrat voter plantation accepting gifts like food stamps and Obama phones for their votes ever since.

  5. The one that seals that deal for me as far as was MLK more Democrat or Republican though - in spirit at least - is the quote about judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

    I don't know of a Republican that isn't on board with that.

    Are Democrats? The fanboys will say "Yes, of course."

    Very well then, denounce critical race theory because that's definitely not on board with the MLK quote that defines him.

    And that's pretty much what DeSantis doesn't want Florida to finance.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Hodad said:

    I don't have to say it. MLK said it. Openly and plainly. He supported Johnson. He worked closely with Johnson. 

    Republicans did not spearhead civil rights. That's laughable. What we actually had was a regional divide, with the south generally opposed and the north generally in support of civil rights. Kennedy and Johnson, both Democrats, led the charge for the civil rights act, at significant political cost. Progressives took over the Democratic party. It alienated powerful southern Democrats like Strom Thurmond and his allies. 

    The South didn't suddenly become less racist or less conservative. Thurmond didn't suddenly fall in line with the new Democratic agenda. His electorate wasn't going to vote for Democrats, who had "betrayed" them by supporting civil rights. They were going to vote Republican in the future. And that's the party in which Thurmond and his views were now welcome. 

    Nothing you said there is correct. It's made up history. Brought to you from straight out the Progressive Bung Hole.

    I offer no cites because you didn't. Don't think I've got em? Try me.

    We could start with "was MLK more Democrat or Republican?" Unlike you I've seen both sides of that argument. It's a complicated one and pretty much depends on who you believe. My best bet is nobody knows. Possibly not even MLK. At a certain point it became more about expediency. Some of the weasels around him jumped happily into the Democrat voter plantation when the opportunity presented itself. They'll tell you their good buddy MLK was a Democrat. Some relatives of MLK will tell you he was a Republican. His father was pretty much an activist Republican.

  7. On 1/9/2023 at 1:58 PM, Novablue said:

    Cripes You've got to be on bad drugs. Way the hell out there.

    Don't believe me or all the video and graphics of the breach team at the previous link?

    How about  Captain Carneysha Mendoza, a tactical commander for U.S. Capitol Police at the time:


    Defense Counsel Brad Geyer: Isn’t it true that you had a lot of people, a large quantity of people walking down two streets that dead-ended at the Capitol?


    Mendoza: Yes, sir.

    Geyer: And would it be fair to say that at least at some of the leading edges of that crowd, they contained bad people or provocateurs; is that fair?

    Mendoza: It’s fair.

    Geyer: Dangerous people?

    Mendoza: Yes.

    Geyer: Violent people?

    Mendoza: Yes.

    Geyer: Highly trained violent people?

    Mendoza: Yes

    Here's one of them. He's never been identified or charged. There are others as mentioned and shown at the previous link:


    A breach team opened up a turnoff to a causeway directly on the path the attendees of the Trump speech would be coming down. It led directly to the capitol building. By the time the Trump ralliers arrived gates had been pushed down on the first walkway, fences with signs warning the area was closed had been torn down in a coordinated manner.

    It was a setup. They were herded to the capitol building where other agent provocateurs and agitators were waiting.

    Go ahead deny your lying eyes. It's going to get harder as all the video Nancy and her committee tried to hide gets released in the upcoming months.

    But you can start with this one that has video and picks of the breach team that was never investigated or charged.


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  8. 4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. I have never said I support racism.   

    So. Does that mean you do support DeSantis refusing to support the racist policy of CRT with public moneys?

    If DeSantis doesn't want  to finance indoctrination of this below for example with public moneys for instance:

    1.   Members of one race, color, national origin, or sex are morally superior to members of another race, color, national origin, or sex. 

    is he still a free speech hypocrite?

    Because what I heard you say in response to that was:



    On 1/9/2023 at 4:57 PM, Michael Hardner said:

    What a big nothing.

    DeSantis is a disgrace, and the US has declined into a giant freedom LARP.  


    Ignoring racism when it's racism we like sounds kind of racist to me. Or are we redefining that word, 'racism', like we want to do with "trolling."

  9. 30 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Yes, trolling - Implying that I'm a racist because I called anti-Woke legislation a big nothing.  

    Racism against whites is racist. If you support it what does that make you? Asking or even implying the question is valid. It's not trolling.


    2. Don't let the possibility of discussing a topic with an actual human get in the way of your need to blame, scapegoat, scaremonger and - especially - assign meaningless labels to people in support of the prior mentioned activities.

    What? You mean like Troll?

    Taking a Prog stance is posturing as a Prog. I don't care what you want to pretend you are this week. And Progs aren't obscure. They're everywhere. Quite often pretending to be something else.

    Certain ideas do need not to be tolerated. Racism for instance or grooming. If you want to support them on the grounds of free speech don't expect people not to notice.

    As far as putting me on ignore, I'll miss you. Come back soon.

    But for future reference try to Allinsky me and I'll give you back a face full.

  10. 17 minutes ago, reason10 said:

    I asked if Hardner AGREED that some races should be treated differently than others, that some races are inferior to others? He claimed the Florida Stop Woke Act was ridiculous. Well the Stop Woke act PROHIBITS treating one race differently from  the other.

    Rather than be honest and answer, he called me a troll.

    (Definitely educated in a blue state.)

    Allinsky's rules for Radicals:

    RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

    There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

    RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)


    That's what he's doing when he incorrectly calls "Troll."

    Like I told you: Progs are Allinskyites. Knowing that is the first step to putting them back on their heels.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Please stop trolling.  

    Please stop changing the definitions of words to suit your mood.

    Come to think of it and seeing as we're talking about everything except the topic - Reason, were you the one who said there are no Progressives at this site?

    You're kind of right but kind of wrong. There may not be any actual "Progressives" by the actual definition. I'm not sure if they even exist. But there are Progs. Progs are everywhere.

    They self-identify or posture as Progressive but they're the opposite. What Mikey just did; that's the kind of thing a Prog does. I'll give you another example. You know those types that want to think of themselves as tolerant but are obviously intolerant of anything that contradicts them? Total Progs.

    They're Allinskyites. Even the ones that don't know what that is. Here you'll see them use the one that demands they attack the enemy by making them live up to the letter of their own ideals.

    If you don't like you or your children being indoctrinated by inculcating racism into your ideology you're opposing free speech, you hypocrite. Don't want to see your kid turned into a sex puppet for Gender ideology? What's wrong? Don't believe in free speech? 

    The proper response to that might be, "Bullshit. Run along little Proggy."

  12. If you insist on this:


    "Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend," the event description states.

    it's discriminatory. Sorry we can't let you do that.

    Allinsky's Rules: Rule 4.


  13. Tucker introduces a good point though. Let's clarify it.

    Kevin McCarthy Pledges to Release All Security Footage from January 6 Capitol Riots

    We'll finally get to see the full truth of what happened January 6 as shown on the massive storage of video the Nancy/Liz "Get Trump" committee kept hidden from the public.

    There were no officers killed on Jan 6, of course but there were other lies that need to be exposed as well. 

    We'll see all the open doors to just walk through, people milling around just taking selfies, friendly interchanges with guards, police at the one entrance some were herded to initiating violence, operatives who were never charged, leading attacks. All the stuff Liz and Nancy didn't want us to see, we will see.

    • Like 2
  14. I enjoyed the white Indian lady from the article's story about how her Indian name is Rotting Wood though.

    It reminded me of something. There was a time in the lower mainland of British Columbia you could walk around in the forest and enjoy buckets full of these wonderful, little orange, sweet n sour berries. We called them "Huckleberries." Technically I think they were wild cranberries. But they were amazing. They had a unique taste and they grew in rotting wood.

    You don't see them so much anymore. The "Progressives" needed immigrants and the immigrants needed new subdivisions.

    So the Huckleberries had to go. 

    OK, that wasn't about Communists or the CBC. Sorry about that.

  15. You know how Andy Warhol quipped that in the future everybody will get 15 minutes of fame?

    I think it's more like in the future everybody will get to be a minority so they can write an article for the CBC.

    Why not? The CBC seems to be made of money. Other People's Money but money. So you pay your taxes. A big chunk gets funneled to the CBC and you get some of your money back telling people how repressed you are.

    Who said the CBC aren't Communists? :P

  16. 16 minutes ago, herbie said:

    You are the poster boy for the stereotype of An American I.diot. Wilfully uneducated, insular, isolationist, easily duped and never ventured beyond your bedroom door at your Mom's house. Unable to demonstrate logic nor critical thinking whatsoever.

    Let's just pick your last post to shreds here:
    DemoNazis - you are always critical of Democrats for being too leftist, but Nazis are the definition of right wing extremism.

    No they aren't. Nazism began out of a socialist movement. There's very little breathing room between Nazi and Communist extremism.

    I would expect somebody like yourself who wants to posture out of claimed educational superiority to know that.

  17. On 1/7/2023 at 6:55 AM, Novablue said:

    The traitors should have been repelled with live fire.


    And some think of you and yours as traitors. I doubt you'd want to test your maxim out with them that traitors need to be shot. You'd lose that 'shoot the traitors' battle if it ever came to that. Badly.

    I imagine the first round would be with Miley's wokies. There are still blood n guts marines types out there that might not take kindly to being told to shoot their Moms and siblings because Miley wants them to use proper pronouns or whatever that psycho traitor's problem is. How do you think that battle would come out?

    But no, you just want GI Joe to shoot his moms and siblings because they thought an election was rigged. Is that it? Same result and how far do you want to take it after that, hero? 

  18. That's kind of a click bait for Commies title for this thread.

    "Defund the IRS?"

    Where did anybody in that article say they wanted to "defund the IRS?"

    They're making it impossible for the Dems to hire 87,000 new agents which reason suggests the average guy would have been right to worry about in spite of Dem lies they only wanted to tax the rich.

    How is this "defunding the IRS?"


    "Our bill leaves in place funding for customer service and IT improvements because IRS is in desperate need of reform, but it protects middle-class families from audits they cannot afford," Smith said.

    The bill rescinds any funding that could be used to conduct new audits on Americans and funding that would double the agency's current size.

    Actually that was kind of a sloppy, questionable writing from Fox in general in their telling of tale. It would have been so easy just not to bury the lede. The Daily Mail managed:


    The House Republican majority passed a bill Monday night to claw back $72 billion from the Internal Revenue Service, making good on a pledge to voters to 'repeal 87,000 IRS agents.' 


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  19. Could be. Showrunner, Taylor Sheridan says it's the wokest show on TV.

    I think this guy below is trying to ape Sheridan's point.

    I think he is trying to make Sheridan's point that there's a lot of woke in Yellowstone and claim it as his own.

    Not sure though. He's such a phony I've never been able to finish one of his videos. I watched a bit though and I was pretty sure that's where he was going.

    They're both kind of right but why wouldn't there be woke in a story of the modern moving in on the traditional.

    I didn't watch All in the Family to see Meathead though. I watched Boston Legal, but only for Denny Krane. 

    On Yellowstone Beth may be a strong female character but she's not woke. And she's why I watch Yellowstone.


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