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Infidel Dog

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Infidel Dog last won the day on February 13 2023

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  1. In a discussion of "vaccine passports' I was noticing a phenomena of certain types who feign a superior care or concern but whose actual priority is control

    Curiously enough there's a pundit I subscribe to on YouTube called Bill Whittle and shortly after my vaccine passport discussion I clicked onto something from Bill where he was examining a similar example of the phenomena coming out of Calgary.

    He calls it The woke vs the awake.


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    2. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog


      Antifa types have been protesting that for years

      Good for them. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. (Something for you to shoot for. ;))

    3. BubberMiley


      It's an easy fix. In the communist 1950s in the USA when America was Great, they taxed them at 90% and created a booming middle class and infrastructure that lasted generations.  It can be done again. Just repeal the Trump tax cuts on the elites for a start.

    4. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog


      It takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill, but it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes of research into historical tax rates to prove the above arguments wrong.

      As everyone that has filed taxes knows, the marginal tax bracket they fall into isn’t the effective tax rate you pay, because of deductions, and other factors. In the past, the tax code was ridden with loopholes.

      When the Revenue Act of 1935 was passed, raising the top income tax bracket to 75%, literally only one person paid it; John D. Rockefeller.

      It is true that we did use to have massively high marginal tax rates, but it was never the case that we had high effective marginal tax rates. Nor are the top rates comparable of the past comparable in the levels of income they affect. The new top income tax rate for households of 37 percent kicks in at $315,001 of income. The 91% rate in 1955 kicked in at an inflation adjusted $3.5 million in todays income.

      As you can see in this chart from the Congressional Research Servicethe top effective income tax rate in America has never exceeded 30 percent.


      Tax rates on the rich used to be much higher.

      But the tax rates that the rich actually paid? Not so much.


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