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Posts posted by paxamericana

  1. On 4/26/2019 at 11:41 AM, Argus said:

    The world's thugs are feeling very chummy towards each other.

    So the way it works is this, China offer generous amount of loans to host countries with no way of paying it back. They bribe the leadership of said country to keep their position while they hold this debt leverage. Its a vicious cycle, they'll keep financing you to stay in power as long as you sell out your country's strategic asset and do their bidding. You wonder why dictatorship growing, well that's because the CCP is buying them. Case and point, Venezuela, Syria etc...

  2. 1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


    Further to my earlier replies to your posts, I wanna post this little nugget of information:


    In a country with just a hair under 1 Billion Hindus and a religious makeup of; 80% Hindu, 14% Muslim, 2% Christian and only 1.7% Sikh, a Sikh was elected twice in a row as PM.


    Mic drop!


    I was gonna stop there, but honestly, I think that people need to take a closer look at the folks who are dissing India. I think it has more to do with their own agenda than anything that the majority of people in India are doing.

    I'm not Indian, or Sikh, or Hindu and I don't have any of those guys in my family or married into my family. But if you look at the view from 50,000 feet it's had to say those are the "bad guys".


    Yeah I know this is off-topic, I don't recall being the one who directed the discussion here.





    Sooooo can people marry outside their caste in the smaller town yet? 

  3. 10 minutes ago, dialamah said:

    This topic isn't about that; its about "forcing assimilation" with a subtext about Somalis who aren't working.  

    And I have done that research and have found credible links that aren't just about stoking fear and hatred toward Islam and Muslims.  Here is one

    So using the website you gave, data still point to the same thing... overwhelming Muslim and leftist organization. I don't think refuting these facts is a tenable position to be in imo. So why defend it? Why defend the valid criticism of Islam as a "religion of peace"? Islam needs to reform, specifically when it comes to secularism. This abslutely relates to immigration, the majority of Somalis are Muslims. You think they'll just rescind Sharia law when they come over to Canada....?




  4. 1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

    America should just fight a little war against Canada, not prolonged to the point of damaging American economic interests, but just to give Canadians a taste of their own medicine, to let them know where they really stand.

    I'm not talking military action, just shut the border for a few months,  a shot upside the heads of Canadians, punch them in the economic mouth, you don't have to beat them to a pulp, just enough to ring their bell.

    Nah we'll just send you your new driver license in the mail. We do expect an apology for not supporting our steel tariff though. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

    Like if the Bernie Bro leftists ever get control in America, that's going to be very bad news for the Canadians leftists, because the only way America can shift towards a socilaist agenda, would be to run a much more closed off economy, resulting in throwing Canada under the bus.

    As I've proposed before to other members in this forum, America should annex Canada and complete manifest destiny. 

  6. I'm not sure why Canadians even bother with criticizing us. They should just accept their role as America's little brother. Its not like anyone else would trust another country to actually run the world. Does anyone really want China to be the next hedgemon? The reason why america is better than any other country is not its military or imperialism. Its much more than that. Something call american exceptionalism. Our country is unique in history because it was the first country to protect the individual from its own government. There's a reason why freedom of speech is not the third or fourth ammendment. 

    Same with our guns which you all seem to hate. There's a reason why the second ammendment is second only to the first. Speech and a well a regulated militia spells out significant distrust of a tyrannical government. 

    Think about it Canucks, who establishes a government with a founding principle of limiting its own governance? No one except uncle sam. 

    This is why America's constitutional republic is superior to the european and canadian democracy.  

    The propensity of government is to become larger and more tyrannical, there needs to be a system of checks and balance to limit this. 

    If you think the main reason America is better than any other country is because of its military and imperialism then you haven't really thought through the low hanging fruits offered by the postmodern leftist. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, jacee said:

    Why do only Christians get to disavow terrorists who murder in their name? Isn't that a Christian supremacist prejudice?

    Colonialism was white Christian supremacist terrorism in the extreme. The repercussions are still occurring today, including in Sri Lanka. 

    I think you are being intellectualy dishonest. Here in the US islamist extremist are still responsible for the most victims if we are talking headcount. Remember 9/11? 

    Also your argument seems to boil down to colonial imperialism, typical play book of the post modernist. Discounting the fact that the Quran is written down by 6th century war lords with no reformation period. There's a reason why Islam IS NOT a religion of peace. It advocates for a theocracy much like ISIS. The post enlightenment west adopted secularism with regards to christianity because of the catastrophic war in europe involving the church of england and the pope, Islam has yet to do so. This is the real reason why islam is not a religion of peace. You may want to check your post modernist playbook for intellectual dishonesty. 


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  8. On 3/18/2019 at 11:44 PM, Zeitgeist said:

    I’m not for banning most speech even when I know some of that speech is irresponsible, but when speech infringes on other freedoms like a child’s ability to walk to school and be in public places without being called racist insults, a line is crossed.

    To put it in perspective, being rude to someone or saying something mean can be considered hate speech and therefore be liable to the state sending people to jail. Regardless of what hate speech is even overtly racist rants, should still be protected under free speech. This is why I think the american protection of free speech is superior. Most western enlightenment ideals  outside the US is fading. This notion that hate speech is the justification to silence people lead to the gulags and concentration camps. 

  9. On 3/16/2019 at 11:47 AM, Zeitgeist said:

    not all faiths are of equal value from a morality standpoint.  It’s why whenever we try to pretend that our political and cultural traditions are completely separate from beliefs and that all faiths/philosophies/traditions are of equal value, we soon realize that in actual fact some are more in line with liberal democratic values than others, for example, in terms of the treatment of women or tolerance towards different faiths or lifestyles.

    HA! I could remember not too long ago I said the exact same thing and got called out for being Islamophobic by other members here. Like there are real and legitimate concern with Islam as it currently stands. Especially the fundamental 6th century interpretation as well as the lack of secularism to be compatible in a liberal democracy. How are we to acknowledge these serious criticism of Islam without being called a racist by the social justice snowflakes?

  10. 1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Who has killed more in Canada - Muslim terrorists or home-grown hate killers ?  I believe it's still the latter.  In any case the threat is somewhat in the same scale.

    false narrative. The only reason why you don't see as much Muslim terrorist in America is because we vett more of them here than Europe. There's not much the government can do about homegrown terrorist unless we all be subject to a police state. 

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    If he wants credibility for standing up for human rights, it has to be everywhere, not just in selected countries. 

    HA! good luck with that. The world doesn't work that way. Trump is doing what he thinks is in the best interest of America. His definition is America first, not everyone else first at the expense of America as was Obama's strategy. 

  12. 48 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    I don’t criticize American power as a force for good. With power comes responsibility. Anyone with power can abuse people for selfish gain.  History is full of stories of misused power.  The challenge is to show restraint when necessary and exert power for the right reasons.  It’s basically the same function as being an authoritative parent. 

    Yes well those restraint are becoming unshackled. The only thing our politician fear is the people.That's a built in regulatory mechanism. 

    As for naively believing that China can righteous supplant the US as the next hegemon, I hope all this has been a good lesson for everyone who thought so. 


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