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Posts posted by blackbird

  1. 8 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

    Dude you're hopeless

    the verses talk about a circle where π is 3 that is impossible.

    Wait do you know how to calculate circumference?

    Can you quote the actual verse you are talking about?  I just looked at 2 Chronicles 4:2-5 and don't see anything specifically about a circle.  What version of the Bible are you looking at?

    Can you spell out the sentence you have a problem with?

  2. 3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    If you seriously don't know that you  literally lack the knowledge (and intelligence) to participate in any conversation about science, no just in any conversation period.

    That is nonsense.  Anybody can study the KJV Bible and don't need to know any letters of the Hebrew or Greek alphabet.  Those letters have nothing to do with the KJV which is in English.  The KJV is an absolutely accurate and trustworthy Bible and no knowledge of Greek is required to study and learn from it.

    The KJV translators would have had to have a lot of understanding of the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts when they made the English translation we call the KJV, but the reader doesn't need to know Greek or Hebrew.  We are reading it in English.

  3. 14 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

    Kings 7: 23-26

    You must mean 1 Kings 7:23-26

    There is 1st Kings and 2nd Kings, two separate books.

    What is your point?

    14 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

    Kings 7: 23-26

    Then again in

    2 Chronicles 4: 2-5

    Both KJV both say π is 3

    Direct claim by the Bible demonstrably false.

    I looked up those verses and don't see what your point is.  You quoted a few verses but never explained at all why or what you are referring to.

    I have a KJV Bible Commentary and can also see what they say if you can give details of what you are referring to.

  4. Just now, SkyHigh said:

    Faith can lead someone to believe in anything. Therefore can never be a path to truth.

    By faith I mean faith in the God of the Bible, the true God.  


    1 minute ago, SkyHigh said:

    Someone that has faith in Allah, Budda, crishna, Brahma , Vishnu,  etc . believes in their deity as strongly as you do and yet has come to a completely different world view. So again faith is irrelevant.

    There you give examples of faith in the wrong thing.  Of course faith in false gods will lead nowhere.

    I am talking about faith in the Bible, in English, the King James Bible of 1611.  If one has a basic understanding, they will realize that all these other gods you mention are false gods.  

    Of course we are not talking about faith in just anything.  It has to be in the true God and his written revelation, the Bible.

    5 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

    Saying you'll understand if you believe goes against every critical thinking,skill and logical reasoning , I and the entire human race has needed to survive for the last 140'000 years.

    Not correct.  If you don't understand the Bible at all, of course you won't see what this is all about.

    You talk about critical thinking and logical reasoning, but you ignore the central truth that the universe was created by God and he revealed himself in the Bible.  You seem to be trying to make an argument that all of that is irrelevant when it is the central issue.

    3 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

    Both KJV both say π is 3

    What does that mean?  Is that some kind of Hebrew or Greek letter?  If so, I don't see what your point is.  I am not a Greek or Hebrew scholar and it has no relevance here.

  5. 2 hours ago, SkyHigh said:

    All you can say is some (5000 year old) book says a thing. I have thousands of books updated and and advanced continuesly through out thousands of years all confirming the efficacy of the scientific method that has never supported and has in fact disproved much of what is written in your one book.

    False.  Nothing has disproved what the Bible says.

    The fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and seen by many eye witnesses proves he is who he said he is, God the Son, that is, God.  God is a trinity made up of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Since Jesus recognized the Scripture as being from God, then that should be final.

  6. 1 hour ago, SkyHigh said:

    Exactly, no reason required 

    All you can say is some (5000 year old) book says a thing. I have thousands of books updated and and advanced continuesly through out thousands of years all confirming the efficacy of the scientific method that has never supported and has in fact disproved much of what is written in your one book.

    If you don't have faith in what God wrote in the Bible, then you are not going to believe anything about it.

    I gave a link to help explain why the Bible should be believed, but of course you ignored it.

    All I can do is give you the reasons why you should believe the Bible.  If you refuse to read it, there is nothing much I can do.


    Though Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God, it is obvious that the world as a whole does not pay attention to what the Bible says. So why should we pay attention to what the Bible says?

    What is Faith?

    A nineteenth-century philosopher by the name of Comte held that we should believe only what we can observe personally. Though advanced as a practical philosophy, it is impossible to live with this definition of faith. Everyone in his daily life is constantly believing and acting upon certain facts that are not necessarily proved.

    For instance, if we drive a car across a bridge, how do we know by observation that the bridge will not break down? If we board an airplane for a flight to a distant city, how do we know whether the thousands of workers who put the plane together did a good job, whether the mechanics properly checked the plane, whether enough fuel has been added, and whether the flight crew is competent to fly the plane? We have been able to observe none of these factors, and yet we board a plane with a good deal of confidence. In everyday life, faith is a part of the way we live.

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    But faith is not a totally irrational step. After driving over many bridges and observing others doing the same, we assume that bridges are constructed safely. After flying thousands of miles, we assume that those involved in the process of flying have done their duty well. Though we have only partial knowledge, we believe it is sufficient upon which to base our faith.

    In coming to the Bible, we do not have all the proofs that the Bible is the Word of God, but we have many that are quite sufficient. A study of the Bible not only provides an object of faith, something to believe in, but gives us many reasons why we should believe what the Bible states. The answer to why we believe the Bible involves many facts that together provide an intelligent basis for believing the Bible to be a supernatural statement of truth. The Bible itself claims to be a supernatural book that God produced through human authors.

    The Bible Inspired of the Holy Spirit

    The authors of the Bible do not claim to be men of supernatural knowledge, and they freely admit that God is the source of their information. This is brought out in a central text that states, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The claim in this statement is that all Scripture, that is, all the “holy Scriptures” (2 Tim. 3:15), comes from God, who guided the men who wrote it. This was a supernatural process that human minds cannot understand, but the practical effect was that the writers wrote what was their thinking, but their thinking was so guided by God that the very words they used to express the truth were exactly what God wanted them to use.

    Because of this, the Scriptures are effective in teaching spiritual truth about God, about morals, about salvation, and about our future hope. The Scriptures are capable of rebuking those who are not obeying its commands. The Scriptures also provide correction. They answer the question, How can a person who is not doing the will of God correct his life and make it correspond to the will of God? They also provide training, or schooling, in righteous living as well as teach all the truth about God, His righteousness, His justification, and the righteousness that He can provide for a Christian. The end result is that the man of God as he studies the Bible will be equipped thoroughly, as the Scripture states, for every good work into which God leads him.

    The process of inspiration is beyond our understanding. In reading Scripture, however, it becomes evident that inspiration does not hinder human expressions. As illustrated in many Psalms, the Scriptures record the thinking of the psalmist, even his doubts and his fears. They state his struggles. All of this, however, is by divine design, and what is written accurately portrays the situation and helps one to understand something of the spiritual struggles that every godly person goes through. This also explains how various sources of information can be used sometimes by direct revelation from God, as would be the case in regard to creation and in regard to eternity future or in regard to history as to whether an account of history is accurate or not. Inspiration would assure that God would correct any mistake in recording history and in any other writing that might be used as a basis for information, such as the genealogies and other facts that related to Israel written by the scribes in the Old Testament. In all these cases, inspiration guarantees that what they wrote was accurate and true and that God would supernaturally correct any mistakes that otherwise might appear."

    For the full article:

    3. Why Believe the Bible? | Bible.org

  7. 2 hours ago, SkyHigh said:

    1) you have said (and I agreed) that many scientists are believers. Well many of them have published papers in this "so called peer review" and many are themselves the peers that review and therefore confirm (or deny) the validity of papers. So are you saying that all the christians in science not only accept this supposed bias science has against their most cherished beliefs but actually participate in making their world view seem antiquated and obsolete?

    I don't know how the peer review process works and who is permitted to make submissions to it.  

    What you believe about the Bible and creation is really a matter of faith.  It is not something anyone can prove to you in simple scientific terms today.  The only Biblical account we have is what is in Genesis.  So how you regard that and the Bible is really what matters.

    The evidence that God created everything is a matter of logic and the evidence of the creation before our eyes.

    It is so complex and I already pointed out the complexity of a single cell that it could not have happened without a designer-Creator we call God.  There is a book written by the great Reformation leader John Calvin.  It is available to read online.  If you want to know more about the rational proof to establish belief of the Scripture (which includes the account of creation in Genesis) perhaps you could read Chapters 7 and 8.  I would recommend you read them and understand what they are saying.

    Here is a link to chapter 7 of the book which is available to read online.

    John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion - Christian Classics Ethereal Library (ccel.org)


  8. 2 hours ago, SkyHigh said:

    Or even just how kangaroo's got to Australia , seriously answer that one question and I will honestly consider reevaluating my views of the Bible 

    "First, flying animals could make it to all sorts of places more easily than those animals that have to walk on the land. But many people instantly think land animals couldn’t have walked to Australia or North and South America from the Middle East where Noah’s Ark landed. But we think they could have. Actually, the event of the Ice Age is very important here. During the Ice Age, a lot of water was taken out of the oceans and accumulated on the land in the form of ice and snow. Most think that the ocean level dropped by about 350 feet! This drop would expose land bridges in different places throughout the world. Remember that Noah and his sons built the Ark, and it survived a global Flood! Noah lived 350 years after the Flood and Shem lived 500 years after it too. So they could easily have shared how to build some pretty neat ships. Many people could have traveled by boat to the Americas, Australia, Madagascar, and other places, possibly taking animals with them."

    How Did Animals Reach Other Continents After The Flood? | Kids Answers (answersingenesis.org)

  9. While there are some good things about China, I wouldn't choose to live there myself.  There is a lack of fundamental freedoms such as freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  One must be careful there not to go against the system.  Bible-believers would have to live underground so to speak or end up in prison for decades as many have.

    It has some advantages such as the cost of living, low cost of rent, compared with Canada.  Why Canada has fallen into such a costly mess is hard to fathom.

  10. This is just one reason.  There are many.


    The Failure of Socialism

    The common argument against socialism is that it simply does not work. It is an inefficient system that has destroyed societies and resulted in famine and death. This of course is true.

    Socialism’s impossibility results from its lack of a price system. In a free market, prices are subjective and determined by consumers. This results in the mutual exchange of goods and services by buyers and sellers. A socialist government attempts to set the prices of goods and services, but it is unable to set prices that will satisfy supply and demand (and thus socialist governments may look to the prices of capitalist societies). This is known as the socialist calculation problem, which was first introduced by economist Ludwig von Mises in 1920.

    In contrast to socialism, quasi-socialism does “work” in a sense because it only ruins part of an economy. For example, the United States economy has been able to survive and even thrive with socialistic programs and a large welfare state. This is because there is still a free market in which businesses can function, and these businesses in turn fund socialistic programs. This is only possible because of increased societal wealth from improved technology and capital goods. In other words, quasi-socialism is only possible because of capitalism.  

    Furthermore, even the socialist industries of the United States have not been fully socialistic. For example, even with Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and heavy government regulations in healthcare, there are still cash-only doctors and private clinics that operate with some freedom. In spite of Social Security, many Americans still have private retirement accounts. And despite the ubiquity of public schools and universities, there are still many private schools and universities that compete for students.

    Therefore, there is a need to critique not just socialism but quasi-socialism. There are certainly strong economic arguments against socialism and quasi-socialism. However, I here want to make biblical and theological arguments against these economic systems, particularly because they have become politically popular among some Christians. Socialism is more than impossible or inefficient. Socialism is immoral because it is government-sanctioned theft.

    All Forms of Socialism Are Theft

    Central to the moral argument against socialism and quasi-socialism is the 8th commandment: 

    You shall not steal (Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19).

    This command teaches the concept of private property and forbids the taking of property from an innocent person. God added to this condemnation of socialism by prohibiting envy in the 10th commandment:

    You shall not covet (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21).  

    God is a capitalist, which we know because God endorses private property. This is inferred from the 8th commandment. The prohibition of theft assumes that people own things. Of course, everything in this world belongs to God. Yet He has delegated control and responsibility of things to individuals. We call this private property rights.

    Everyone understands this concept. No one likes others stealing their belongings, and they therefore do things to prevent theft, such as lock their door at night. It is also the case that every civilized society prohibits theft. People have property rights, and the government should protect such rights.

    Yet this all breaks down for many people when the government gets involved. It is wrong for Bob to take a quarter of your income. But if Bob and his friends lobby the government, politicians pass legislation, and the government gives one quarter of your money to Bob, then all is right.

    This is exactly how the typical Western welfare state works. The government enacts a variety of taxes (sales tax, income tax, FICA, tariffs, etc.) and then redistributes the money to a variety of classes (the poor, students, elderly, disabled, politically well-connected, etc.). But this is not called “theft” because, well, the government says so. This situation exposes one of the chief flaws of democracy, a system where two wolves and a lamb vote on what to eat for dinner.

    Thus, modern societies have made an exception to the 8th commandment—“You shall not steal, except by majority vote.” One person cannot take your stuff, but if enough people vote to take your stuff, then it is “legal.” And if it is legal, then it is morally acceptable.

    Christians are enabling this problem by limiting the 8th commandment to individuals instead of societies. However, the 8th commandment provides no such limitation. Groups are made up of individuals, and stealing is still stealing when done by a group."

    The Bible Prohibits Socialism — Knowing Scripture

    The failing public health care system is a prime example of the failure of quasi-Socialism in B.C. and Canada. 

    There are a number of reasons why it is failing and cannot be fixed.

    The main reason is because of the horrendous cost that must be born by government through taxes.

    Government is under endless, heavy pressure to fund all kinds of social programs, housing, and everything every group demands.  Therefore it must make decisions based on political priorities.  That means public health care is only going to receive as much money as the political system will allow.  Those decisions are made by politicians who must weigh the pressures from the countless other demands for money. 

    They seem to have decided that a certain portion of the population cannot have a family doctor for instance.  They can't hide behind any excuses for this situation because they control the purse strings and had the power to do whatever they want to solve the problem, but did not do so.

    Secondly, but most important, is the number of people dying on waiting lists.  This is a direct result of a public health care system that has determined the public system will receive x number of dollars and that is all.  They have many other priorities to fund.  If political pressure allows them to do this, then many people will continue to die on waiting lists.  These are preventable deaths.  But the system does not allow them to purchase private health insurance as in many other countries and obtain private care quickly.  That would go against the quasi-Socialist ideology that forbids private care and forbids anybody with the money from purchasing private health insurance.  They must die on some waiting list instead.

    Thirdly, a public system or quasi-Socialist system is inherently inefficient because bureaucracy has a natural tendency to grow larger and larger and everything gets bogged down in bureaucracy and union contract demands.

  11. 9 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Well the truth of the matter is, people will flock to countries where their quality of life will improve for them and their children. If China or India was like this, we would inevitably see millions of Africans, Ukrainians, and people from other parts of Asia and Eastern Europe waiting to immigrate there.

    Here is something that I think not many people know.

    When asked why he lives in China a lot, this Canadian said:

    "Let's face it; being an old white guy in China is much better than being in Canada. How better you may ask? I get the "movie star" treatment very often. People give me their seat in the metro, people press my floor elevator for me. Basically, I have white privilege, and nobody points it as being bad."  He also says there is a kind of respect for older people.


  12. 1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Since I can remember (since WW2), people Worldwide have always wanted to migrate to North America and Europe, since we have relatively stable democratic principles, and in most cases, are not engaged in conflict.

    Yes, that is true.  This social media acquaintance who works in China says he is treated very respectfully because he is Caucasian.  Isn't that strange.   A white person in China is highly respected and treated very well. 

    I don't think most people would want to immigrate to China for a number of reasons.  We are better off in Canada in many ways.  I wouldn't trust their legal system either.  Of course I wouldn't want to live in a Communist system.

    I think Japan has great respect for Americans too.

  13. The failing health care system is just imposed on us.

    People are denied the right to pay for health care insurance in Canada.  That is dictatorial.  Thousands are dying on waiting lists that could have afforded health insurance.  Preventable deaths.  Nobody voted for that.

    Disability groups are fighting MAID and going to go to court over it.

    They are negatively affected by MAID.  

    Nobody voted for that.

  14. 3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    You're saying socialism works better than you've been led to believe?

    No, I am not saying that.  I am saying there are some serious problems in the way Canada has been governed.  I don't think it proves Socialism is better.  It only proves how badly we are being governed in Canada.

    Canada is more of a welfare state.  Government meddles and interferes in everything in every way possible.  But Canada also taxes in every way possible and tries to provide funding for everything they can imagine.  We are taxes quite heavily if you calculate all the way they tax us.


    What is also important is what the average rent a person pays in China for an apartment.  I know a Canadian who is staying there and he pays $550 per month and $50 for utilities.  This has to be calculated as a percentage of income to determine how they are doing.  I am not sure how much homes cost to buy in China.  But if the average income is around $1300 per month USD, and the rent is $500 Can, they are still far better off than many Canadians who can't afford the high rents in many Canadian cities and towns.

  16. 16 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    To even question the differences is as obtuse and 1diotic and simple minded as one could possible be.

    There is nothing wrong with comparing income and standard of living between different countries.   What reason do you have for saying that?

    Just now, blackbird said:

    obtuse and 1diotic

    You are clever in changing the spelling in the word 1diotic to get around the moderation filter.  Shows how your mind works too.

  17. 14 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

    The average person in China does not have a better standard of living than in Canada.  Your figures are probably not correct either.

    Yes, I am discovering that.  One website said the median or average income in China is about $4200 USD per month.  How could this be true?  Looks like there is lots of false information on some websites.  Sorry for the error.

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