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Posts posted by blackbird
2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:
But I do ask you to reflect on his point that comparing current leaders to monsters like Stalin, Hitler etc.
No, you are the one falsely accusing me of comparing current leaders to monsters like Stalin, Hitler. You got that idea from Eyeball's posts but never actually read mine. I never made any such comparisons.
On 7/22/2024 at 5:48 PM, Michael Hardner said:
Low information discussion...
I started this subject with a constructive post, but it is being abused by the low level insulting posters.
And you give a uptick to Eyeball's insulting posts. You are stooping to his level of throwing insults on every posting. I thought you had more integrity.
On 7/22/2024 at 6:57 PM, eyeball said:
So does warning people about the consequences and talking about no truck nor trade with China or any dictator for that matter. Doing that just a few short decades ago only got you labeled and cancelled as an anti-capitalist commie/Nazi around these parts.
The main and IMO more telling thing that never changes with you people is your fetish for using the same terms to label and cancel others.
Anyway, I've been extremely skeptical about the notion that our wheeling and dealing with dictatorships would make them more like us for years and have been warning the opposite is far more likely.
It's hilariously ironic that it's you people who are now convinced we're already being ruled by fascists and commies.
Not as many as having to accommodate and suffer you exceedingly stupid stupid people. It never dawned on me that one of consequences of truckin' and tradin' would be even stupider right wing conservatives.
The topic is Canada sending our Minister of Foreign Affairs to China presumably to try to improve foreign relations with China which means the CCP. It appears they know nothing about the brutality of what is going on or choose to ignore it.
Yet you post insulting comments toward myself and conservatives, and which have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. You need to take a break and get help.
On 7/22/2024 at 1:03 PM, herbie said:
She's trying to normalize relations. That's her job.
Seriously? Do you think Canada should be trying to "normalize relations" with such a brutal regime? How is that going to help the victims of their brutality and violations of human rights?
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) - United States Department of State
On 7/22/2024 at 5:48 PM, Michael Hardner said:
Low information discussion...
There is a lot of information on the subject if you cared to find it. Also for Eyeball although I doubt if he cares.
This is a tiny piece of the Human Rights Report on China for 2023 by the U.S. Department of State.
"Former prisoners and detainees have reported they were beaten, raped, subjected to electric shock, forced to sit on stools for hours on end, hung by the wrists, deprived of sleep, force-fed, forced to take medication against their will, and otherwise subjected to physical and psychological abuse. Although prison authorities abused ordinary prisoners, they reportedly singled out political and religious dissidents for particularly harsh treatment."
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) - United States Department of State
Perhaps the Trudeau government does not know the extent of human rights violations in China.
They should read the 2023 Human Rights report on China published by the U.S. Department of State.
This is just a small part of it:
Political Prisoners and Detainees
Government officials continued to deny holding any political prisoners, asserting persons were detained not for their political or religious views but because they had violated the law. Authorities, however, continued to imprison citizens for reasons related to politics and religion or spiritual beliefs. Human rights organizations estimated thousands of political prisoners (not counting persons held in Xinjiang) remained incarcerated, most in prisons and some in administrative detention. The government did not grant international humanitarian NGOs or UN agencies access to political prisoners. Prison authorities at times withheld medical treatment from political prisoners.
Many political prisoners remained either in prison or held under other forms of detention, including writer Yang Maodong (pen name Guo Feixiong); Uyghur scholars Ilham Tohti, Rahile Dawut, and Hushtar Isa, brother of World Uyghur Congress president Dolkun Isa; retired Uyghur medical doctor Gulshan Abbas; Uyghur entrepreneur Ekpar Asat; Tibetan Buddhist monk Go Sherab Gyatso; Tibetan Dorje Tashi; activists Wang Bingzhang, Chen Jianfang, and Huang Qi; pastors Zhang Shaojie and Wang Yi; Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Deyong; Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Shanghai Thaddeus Ma Daqin; rights lawyers and activists Xia Lin, Gao Zhisheng, Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, Xu Yan, Yu Wensheng, Chang Weiping, and Li Yuhan; citizen journalist Zhang Zhan; Shanghai labor activist Jiang Cunde; and others.
Criminal punishments included “deprivation of political rights” for a fixed period after release from prison, during which an individual could be denied rights of free speech, association, and publication. Former prisoners reported their ability to find employment, travel, obtain residence permits and passports, rent residences, and access social services was severely restricted.
Authorities frequently subjected former political prisoners and their families to surveillance, telephone wiretaps, searches, and other forms of harassment or threats.
f. Transnational Repression
The government and its agents engaged in acts to intimidate or exact reprisals against individuals outside of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including against Uyghurs and other ethnic minority group members, religious and spiritual practitioners, dissidents, foreign journalists, and PRC students and faculty members on campuses and in academic institutions overseas.
In April Freedom House in its transnational repression report stated the country engaged in transnational repression, including physical and digital threats and intimidation, coercion by proxy, technical espionage, unexplained disappearances, and the abuse of Interpol procedures. Freedom House reported that the government coopted other countries into conducting renditions on its behalf.
Extraterritorial Killing, Kidnapping, Forced Returns, or Other Violence or Threats of Violence: The Economist reported in June that PRC police officers subjected a Uyghur woman in Turkey to psychological torture, including by berating her, asking her to post naked photographs of herself on WeChat, and threatening to imprison her family members in Xinjiang. This experience caused the woman to suffer panic attacks and be hospitalized multiple times.
Threats, Harassment, Surveillance, and Coercion: Safeguard Defenders reported in August that PRC officials surveilled and harassed Turkey-based family members of Uyghurs living in Xinjiang, relying on networks of Uyghur informants in Turkey – themselves often victims of transnational repression – to collect information for use in coercing family members abroad into silence or support for PRC policies.
Media reported the China Student and Scholar Association functioned as an overseas monitoring mechanism and information network for authorities, suppressing independent academic activity in third countries. This institution allegedly tracked and reported on PRC students with prodemocracy views, leading to intimidation and bullying.
Media reported that PRC students studying abroad expressed heightened concerns about returning home due to the revised counter-espionage law, which raised fears of potential surveillance and reprisals. The revised law required the country’s citizens, including students abroad, to assist with intelligence work if requested by the government. Some students worried that their academic activities or contacts abroad could be deemed suspicious, leading to potential legal troubles upon their return.
On January 12, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported PRC doctoral students admitted to Sweden via the Chinese Scholarship Council were obliged to sign secret agreements requiring them to pledge loyalty to the CCP, “serve the interests of the regime,” and never participate in activities against the will of PRC authorities. A breach of the agreement could reportedly result in fines for family members in China. In June the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany suspended collaboration with students funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council, citing concerns about students’ contracts violating academic freedom. Universities in Denmark, the Netherlands, and elsewhere also cut ties with the council during the year for similar reasons.
In April a foreign government charged two PRC residents of the country with opening and operating an illegal overseas “police service station” as a provincial branch of the Ministry of Public Security. The accused allegedly organized counterprotests, participated in “persuade to return” and other harassment practices on behalf of the PRC government, and stalked prodemocracy activists.
In May a foreign government charged an individual with acting in the country as an agent of the PRC government by allegedly providing PRC officials with information on local individuals and organizations, organizing a counterprotest against prodemocracy dissidents, providing photographs of and information on dissidents to PRC government officials, and providing the names of potential recruits to the Ministry of Public Security.
On June 20, a foreign court convicted three men of harassing victims at the direction of PRC authorities and acting as foreign agents of the PRC government in that country.
Misuse of International Law Enforcement Tools: There were credible reports authorities attempted to misuse international law enforcement tools for politically motivated purposes as a reprisal against specific individuals outside the country.
On August 21, the Washington Post reported on the country’s law enforcement relationship with Fiji and PRC misuse of international law enforcement tools to project its police powers overseas. A 2011 police cooperation memorandum of understanding between the two countries, scrapped by Fiji on January 26, went beyond the normal scope of such agreements between other developing countries, the report stated.
Efforts to Control Mobility: There were reports the PRC attempted to control mobility to exact reprisal against citizens abroad. Authorities refused to renew passports for Uyghurs, Tibetans, and others living abroad.
Bilateral Pressure: There were credible reports that for politically motivated purposes, the PRC pressured other countries aimed at forcing those countries to take adverse action against specific individuals or groups."
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and Other Related Abuses
The law prohibited the physical abuse and mistreatment of detainees and forbade prison guards from coercing confessions, insulting prisoners’ dignity, and beating or encouraging others to beat prisoners. The law excluded evidence obtained through illegal means, including coerced confessions, in certain categories of criminal cases. There were credible reports that authorities routinely ignored prohibitions against torture, especially in politically sensitive cases.
Former prisoners and detainees have reported they were beaten, raped, subjected to electric shock, forced to sit on stools for hours on end, hung by the wrists, deprived of sleep, force-fed, forced to take medication against their will, and otherwise subjected to physical and psychological abuse. Although prison authorities abused ordinary prisoners, they reportedly singled out political and religious dissidents for particularly harsh treatment.
In May 2022 Fuzhou-based human rights defender Liang Baiduan sued the municipal public security department for police brutality in March 2022 that resulted in broken ribs and injured tendons in his hands, according to media. Liang’s attorney appeared on his behalf at a January 29 hearing at a Fuzhou District Court.
The health of Zhang Zhan, sentenced to prison for four years in 2020 for her activities as a citizen journalist during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, continued to deteriorate while imprisoned in Shanghai; her weight dropped to less than 90 pounds. When Zhang went on a hunger strike in 2021, prison officials force-fed her, tying and chaining her arms, torso, and feet.
Members of the minority Uyghur ethnic group reported systematic torture and other degrading treatment by law enforcement officers and officials working within the penal system and internment camps.
The treatment and abuse of detainees under the liuzhi detention system, which operated outside the judicial system as a legal tool for the government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to investigate corruption and other offenses by officials, featured extended solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, beatings, and forced standing or sitting in uncomfortable positions for hours and sometimes days, according to press reports.
The law stated psychiatric treatment and hospitalization should be “on a voluntary basis,” but the law failed to provide meaningful legal protections for persons who could be involuntarily committed, such as access to a lawyer or other advocate or the right to communicate with those outside the psychiatric institution.
Official media reported the Ministry of Public Security directly administered 23 psychiatric hospitals for the criminally insane. While many of those committed to mental health facilities were convicted of murder and other violent crimes, there were also reports of activists, religious or spiritual adherents, and petitioners being involuntarily subjected to psychiatric treatment for political reasons. Public security officials could commit individuals to psychiatric facilities and force treatment for “conditions” that had no basis in psychiatry.
On February 28, media reported church leaders Lian Changnian, Lian Xuliang, and Fu Juan were under RSDL throughout 2022 and were finally transferred to a detention center in February. While in RSDL, interrogators beat them, deprived them of food, blew smoke in their eyes, and denied them the use of toilets.
Impunity was a significant problem in the security forces, including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice, which managed the prison system. unquote
Canadians really need to learn this kind of thing. I believe very few Canadians know what is going on in China. What is the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Canada doing going to China while all this is going on?
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) - United States Department of State
3 hours ago, Five of swords said:
And China can afford to do that because, quite simply, it is a superior country.
Further information from the Human Rights Report from the U.S. Department of State.
b. Disappearance
Enforced disappearances through multiple means continued at a nationwide, systemic scale.
The primary means by which authorities forcibly disappeared individuals for sustained periods of time was known as “Residential Surveillance at a Designated Location” (RSDL). RSDL codified in law the long-standing practice of detaining and removing from the public eye individuals the state deemed a risk to national security or intended to use as hostages. The primary disappearance mechanism for public functionaries was known as liuzhi. Numerous reports suggested individuals disappeared by RSDL and liuzhi were subject to numerous abuses including but not limited to physical and psychological abuse, humiliation, rape, torture, starvation, isolation, and forced confessions. According to an April 2022 report by human rights nongovernmental organization (NGO) Safeguard Defenders, between 55,977 and 113,407 persons were placed into RSDL (and later faced trial) from 2015 to 2021.
Many Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and members of other Muslim and ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang detained in the government’s mass arbitrary detention campaign remain imprisoned. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other NGOs alleged many of these detentions amounted to enforced disappearance, since families were often not provided information concerning the length or location of the detention.
According to ChinaAid, former lawyer Tang Jitian was released in January after nearly 400 days in detention. Authorities took Tang into custody in 2021 when he was due to attend a Human Rights Day gathering organized by the European Union in Beijing. A 2022 report by Rights Protection Network (RPN) stated Tang was held in a poorly ventilated room without windows, was beaten and subjected to rounds of sleep deprivation, was deprived of adequate medical care, and fell in a bathroom, suffering a concussion.
The government still had not provided a comprehensive, credible accounting of all those killed, missing, or detained in connection with the violent suppression of the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations. Many activists involved in the 1989 demonstrations and their family members continued to suffer official harassment. The government made no efforts to prevent, investigate, or punish such harassment.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and Other Related Abuses
The law prohibited the physical abuse and mistreatment of detainees and forbade prison guards from coercing confessions, insulting prisoners’ dignity, and beating or encouraging others to beat prisoners. The law excluded evidence obtained through illegal means, including coerced confessions, in certain categories of criminal cases. There were credible reports that authorities routinely ignored prohibitions against torture, especially in politically sensitive cases.
Former prisoners and detainees have reported they were beaten, raped, subjected to electric shock, forced to sit on stools for hours on end, hung by the wrists, deprived of sleep, force-fed, forced to take medication against their will, and otherwise subjected to physical and psychological abuse. Although prison authorities abused ordinary prisoners, they reportedly singled out political and religious dissidents for particularly harsh treatment.
In May 2022 Fuzhou-based human rights defender Liang Baiduan sued the municipal public security department for police brutality in March 2022 that resulted in broken ribs and injured tendons in his hands, according to media. Liang’s attorney appeared on his behalf at a January 29 hearing at a Fuzhou District Court.
The health of Zhang Zhan, sentenced to prison for four years in 2020 for her activities as a citizen journalist during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, continued to deteriorate while imprisoned in Shanghai; her weight dropped to less than 90 pounds. When Zhang went on a hunger strike in 2021, prison officials force-fed her, tying and chaining her arms, torso, and feet.
Members of the minority Uyghur ethnic group reported systematic torture and other degrading treatment by law enforcement officers and officials working within the penal system and internment camps.
The treatment and abuse of detainees under the liuzhi detention system, which operated outside the judicial system as a legal tool for the government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to investigate corruption and other offenses by officials, featured extended solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, beatings, and forced standing or sitting in uncomfortable positions for hours and sometimes days, according to press reports.
The law stated psychiatric treatment and hospitalization should be “on a voluntary basis,” but the law failed to provide meaningful legal protections for persons who could be involuntarily committed, such as access to a lawyer or other advocate or the right to communicate with those outside the psychiatric institution.
Official media reported the Ministry of Public Security directly administered 23 psychiatric hospitals for the criminally insane. While many of those committed to mental health facilities were convicted of murder and other violent crimes, there were also reports of activists, religious or spiritual adherents, and petitioners being involuntarily subjected to psychiatric treatment for political reasons. Public security officials could commit individuals to psychiatric facilities and force treatment for “conditions” that had no basis in psychiatry.
On February 28, media reported church leaders Lian Changnian, Lian Xuliang, and Fu Juan were under RSDL throughout 2022 and were finally transferred to a detention center in February. While in RSDL, interrogators beat them, deprived them of food, blew smoke in their eyes, and denied them the use of toilets.
Impunity was a significant problem in the security forces, including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice, which managed the prison system.
Prison and Detention Center Conditions
Conditions in penal institutions for both political prisoners and criminal offenders were generally harsh and often life threatening or degrading.
Abusive Physical Conditions: Authorities regularly held prisoners and detainees in overcrowded conditions with poor sanitation. Food often was inadequate and of poor quality, and many detainees relied on supplemental food, medicines, and warm clothing provided by relatives when allowed to receive them. Prisoners often reported sleeping on the floor because there were no beds or bedding. In many cases ventilation, heating, lighting, and access to potable water were inadequate.
The lack of adequate, timely medical care for prisoners remained a serious problem.
Conditions in administrative detention facilities were like those in prisons. Detainees reported beatings, sexual assaults, lack of proper food, and limited or no access to medical care.
In April, the Independent Chinese PEN Center reported prison authorities mistreated Lv Gengsong, sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment in 2016 by a Hangzhou court for “state subversion.” Because he refused to admit his guilt, prison authorities violated Lv’s reading and communication rights, injuring his mental and physical health. Observers believed Lv’s conviction was related to his ties to the banned China Democracy Party.
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) - United States Department of State
3 hours ago, Five of swords said:
And China can afford to do that because, quite simply, it is a superior country.
Perhaps you are posting from China as some kind of agent.
If you are posting from north America, it is sad if you really believe that.
This is from the U.S. Department of State.
2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet)
Read a Section: China
Hong Kong | Macau | Tibet
Genocide and crimes against humanity occurred during the year in China against predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: arbitrary or unlawful killings by the government; enforced disappearances by the government; torture by the government; involuntary or coercive medical or psychological practices; harsh and life-threatening prison and detention conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention by the government including, since 2017, of more than one million Uyghurs and members of other predominantly Muslim minority groups in extrajudicial internment camps, prisons, and an additional unknown number subjected to daytime-only “re-education” training; the lack of an independent judiciary and Communist Party control over the judicial and legal system; political prisoners; transnational repression against individuals in other countries; arbitrary interference with privacy including pervasive and intrusive technical surveillance and monitoring; punishment of family members for offenses allegedly committed by a relative; serious restrictions on freedom of expression and media freedom, including criminal prosecution of journalists, lawyers, writers, bloggers, dissidents, petitioners, and others; serious restrictions on internet freedom, including site blocking; substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including overly restrictive laws that applied to foreign and domestic nongovernmental organizations; restrictions of religious freedom; restrictions on freedom of movement and residence; the inability of citizens to change their government peacefully through free and fair elections; serious and unreasonable restrictions on political participation; serious government corruption; serious government restrictions on and harassment of domestic and international human rights organizations; instances of coerced abortions and forced sterilization; crimes involving violence targeting members of national, racial, and ethnic minority groups, including Uyghurs; trafficking in persons, including forced labor; the prohibition of independent trade unions and systematic restrictions on workers’ freedom of association; and existence of some of the worst forms of child labor.
The government did not take credible steps to identify or punish officials who may have committed human rights abuses.
For the whole report go to:
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) - United States Department of State
2 hours ago, Five of swords said:
Well I have certainly never heard of 'unknown author' ever being wrong about anything
Doesn't matter who it came from. You can Google and verify all the information. This is no secret and not hard to find. Most people don't bother.
3 hours ago, Five of swords said:
Freedom is just a meaningless platitude and I marvel at how many people are stupid enough to fall for it.
You have fallen for Communist or Socialist ideology. The U.S. and other western countries are the most free in the world. If you don't think so, try living in China, Russia, Iran, or N. Korea and see what it is like.
You sound like you don't appreciate the freedom you have.
I never said food banks are bad. Of course they are good for all the people that need them. But government policies that cause more unemployment, housing price crises, and outrageous food prices are not good. When government meddles in the economy to some bad ways, it causes more problems than it solves. Open borders with massive illegal immigrants also causes house prices to shoot up and other problems.
8 minutes ago, Five of swords said:
Lol...delusional take. We do not live in some 'free enterprise society'. Take a look at thr history of united fruit, for example...you know the inspiration for the term 'banana republic'. The us government was certainly involved in that, and it made Leon black a lot of money.
I never said the free enterprise system in the west was a perfect system. But it has made western countries more prosperous than anywhere else in the world. The world is full of corrupt people and some scam other people when they can. The world is imperfect but freedom and free enterprise is the best system known to man.
3 minutes ago, Five of swords said:
Lol...the reason you have food banks is because without it a lot of people would starve. It's quite simple. Is that socialism? Okay then...socialism is what keeps people from starving. You seem to have cause and effect reversed, lol.
No, the reason so many people are having trouble is because of the government meddling and intervention in the economy. They caused the problems of the high cost of real estate, etc. by their policies at all levels of government.
3 hours ago, cannuck said:
No, Ukrainian Orthodox seminary. I am neither Ukrainian nor Orthodox - was there for very different reasons but obviously paid attention to what the theologs had to say.
I have come to the conclusion that the human animal seems to be borne with something that compells them to believe in the biggest lies they can be told.
I don't know a lot about the Ukrainian Orthodox church beliefs, but their website says the believe in evolution. Evolution is just a theory and is unproven. It is also contrary to the Holy Scripture, which in English is the King James Bible. It says in Genesis chapter one that God created everything in six days. That excludes the theory of evolution which is based on hundreds of millions or billions of years.
What is a lie and what is truth?
The King James Bible I believe is the truth. We are talking about spiritual matters and a spiritual book. It must be looked at in that way. There is a God which is a Spirit. The Bible assumes that God is. The Bible is also full of accounts of supernatural events or miracles. These were observed by eye witnesses. Many eye witnesses observed Jesus Christ after he was resurrected. The Bible records a lot of this.
God is a supernatural being. How else could the complex universe and life come into existence with a incredibly powerful designer-creator, we call God? It couldn't exist without God. Every effect has a cause. That is simple logic. The universe is an effect and the cause was God. Genesis says how God did that. Only God has the power to create something out of nothing.
5 minutes ago, eyeball said:
He said as the rich and powerful pats his head and says 'good boy'.
Why do you think there is a housing crisis and food cost crisis for many people? Why are millions of people depending on food banks in Canada? We have one of the richest natural resource countries in the world. But we also have a liberal Socialist type of government that imposes a lot of taxes federally and provincially in B.C. with the Socialist NDP.
I am not sure you are serious about discussing anything. You always reply with a smart alek answer which proves you are not a sincere poster. Much like Exflyer and herbie.
15 minutes ago, Five of swords said:
This is just trivially foolish. Government is tilted towards the powerful. It just so happens that the powerful also are often rich. In fact they use their power to become rich.
That is not actually how it is. We live in a free enterprise country. So anyone who wants can study and work and if they do well, they can make money. The government does not particularly aid someone succeeding or getting rich. Some invest it and some start successful businesses. That is not the government doing it. Others inherit wealth from their parents. That is what a free society does.
With the interventionist, Socialist-minded government we have, government actually works against people getting wealthy because of all the regulations, red tape, and taxes. We have a progressive tax system which means those who earn more, pay more taxes. All this means is the government is not "tilted toward the powerful". In Canada corporations and unions or businesses cannot donate to political parties. Only individuals can donate to a party and only up to a maximum amount, which is not really that much, maybe a couple thousand dollars a year or less.
1 hour ago, eyeball said:
Have you or do you read any books? Any history books or world affairs books?
Nonsense. People who study, get educated, work hard, still have the best chancer for success and those that invest in the right things also have the best chance for success.
You think robbing those that own something or have wealth and giving it to you and the poor is the right thing to do? Maybe you should read the Bible for a change. I know you don't believe in stealing or how could you complain if someone stole your things or money? You are just being your usual contrary self. If you love Communism, what are you doing here? We have some Marxists in the government but we are still largely a free enterprise country although the Socialist-minded politicians are wrecking that when they can. I don't think you've read much.
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2 hours ago, Rebound said:
But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”
I am not sure what your point with this verse is. You did not say how you understand it.
You highlighted part which says if there is harm to the mother or baby, then the one who assaulted them must be punished. This actually shows the opposite of what you think. It shows the fetus is a human and one who causes harm must be punished.
User hit the nail on the head. The point is the Bible explicitly recognized the unborn baby as a person in many verses in the Bible. We can't ignore that.
2 hours ago, Rebound said:I could continue: In Jewish law, if the mother’s life is at stake, abortion is not simply permitted… abortion is required. Further, if a pregnant woman is sentenced to death, the death sentence is carried out unless she has gone into labor. Further, in the book of Numbers, a woman is commanded to drink a potion which kills her fetus. This is in the same religious text that you say you believe in!
Again you did not give any book, chapter and verse numbers. It is impossible to comment on something without examining it in context.
100 Bible Verses about the Fetus Being Human
Here are 100 Bible verses about the fetus being human, curated from both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, King James Version, arranged from most to least relevant.
Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Full Chapter | Parallel Translations | Explain Verse
Psalm 139:13-16 KJV
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet …
Full Chapter | Parallel Translations | Explain Verse
Exodus 21:22-25 KJV
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, …
Genesis 2:7 KJV
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Ecclesiastes 11:5 KJV
5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.
For the rest of the 100 verses go to:
100 Bible Verses about the Fetus Being Human (KJV) | StillFaith.com
It should be mentioned if there are many verses that make it clear that the fetus is a human, and you find a verse that is not clear about that, you must interpret that verse in a way that agrees with the large number of other verses in the Bible. Otherwise you are misinterpreting the Bible. You can't use one verse to nullify a hundred other verses.
55 minutes ago, eyeball said:
Not as much as I think the government should stop tilting the economy so much towards the rich.
In lieu of that, then yes we should tax the goddamn snot out of them.
How is the government "tilting the economy so much towards the rich"?
So you believe in Communism or government ordered wealth redistribution.
Do you understand what you are proposing means a Communist system, which means no freedom?
3 minutes ago, eyeball said:
To you maybe. The reasons I think the world is such a mess is the respectability that's afforded dictatorships, economic inequality and climate change.
Do you believe in a one world government or system?
When you say economic inequality, do you believe government should take wealth from the rich and give it to the poor?
1 minute ago, eyeball said:
Why? I can see that just reading these threads.
Have you or do you read any books? Any history books or world affairs books?
1 hour ago, eyeball said:
Well, like I said I stopped voting for Canada's right wing parties nearly 50 years ago when I saw how they pandered to Canada's wealthiest.
Like PET did with Galen Weston Sr.
Guess that means you vote for the left wing parties which is an evil ideology. You think it is evil for someone to somehow work hard and earn wealth? Do you somehow seem to covet what other people have and think it's your right to have what they have? Isn't that Communist ideology?
On 7/24/2024 at 10:38 AM, eyeball said:
So civilization is an artificial construct that runs counter to human nature?
I am not sure what your point is. It sounds a little confusing.
Have you ever read parts of the Bible or learned that human nature is fallen and corrupt?
Would you believe that if anyone told you that is what the Bible teaches?
It makes sense when we look at what is going on in the world, right?
If the alternative is Kamala, I think the world is in trouble. An article by Con Couglin in Newtz says she does not have the foreign affairs experience. She was a disaster when Israel's PM Netanyaho visited Washington the other day. She was given the job of Czar of the southern border and illegal migrants have continued to pour in. He says Russia, China, Iran and N. Korea will be happy if she is elected. I doubt if she has the diplomatic skills to deal with these troublesome countries. The position contested is not just the President of one country. The person in it is the leader of the free world. Therefore the candidate must know how to deal effectively with the whole world. That's a tall order.
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What is Canada's foreign affair minister, Melanie Joly, doing trying to make up with China?
in Federal Politics in Canada
Yes, thank you.