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Cum Laude

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    2. AngusThermopyle


      Oh so sad. It doesn't fit your narrative so it's doctored. Did you see previously where I mentioned his FB page? Then when I looked again I couldn't find it. well I checked again and lo and behold, there it is. Only this time it's not the same page I originally saw. This time it looks squeaky clean. No thug stuff, no criminal stuff, just a wholesome clean leave it to Beaver type picture. How on earth could that have happened?

    3. The_Squid


      You’re truly an idiot if you think I was against theStanley verdict.  I just don’t fall for this brainless stupidity when there is no evidence.   It’s not even a good faked photo.  


    4. The_Squid


      How dumb do you have to be to believe that crap???

  1. If you go on Twitter, and look at #justiceforcoltenboushie, you will see where this could lead. I sometimes wonder if "tolerant" Canada is in trouble.
  2. This was a short, but well-reasoned response, squid. Knowing what you know about this case, what would you have done if you were Stanley on that unfortunate day? A situation I wouldn't wish for any law-abiding citizen on his or her own property. I also heard that Stanley had to pretty much sell off his farm to pay legal costs. His life will not be better. I can't confirm that though.
  3. Yeah. When Trudeau speaks, the world stops and listens.
  4. I never heard that. That is terribly irresponsible, if true. Do you think Stanley should be locked up for life, knowing what you know about this case?
  5. Yes. The case in Sask. is about property invasion. I used home invasion because most of us own a home or live in an apartment. Most of us don't own farmland. I would have to think farmers are vulnerable because they are isolated. If you live in Toronto, you don't understand how long it can take for police to arrive at your farm in rural Saskatchewan.
  6. The OP was an opinion piece from someone who lives far away from Saskatchewan. It was in Maclean's. I heard the 5 young people had a loaded gun. I heard they tried to steal an ATV. I heard they rammed the wife's vehicle. I hope I am never in a situation like this. None of us really no how we'd react if it actually happened to us. So many what ifs. You mentioned what you'd do if it was a me or them situation, which I understand. But at what point do you decide it's me or him. I don't know what the answer is. I hope I never have to face a situation like this.
  7. Can one even have a thought that deviates from the politically correct narrative we have been trained to accept?
  8. I agree with you. The OP was written by someone with obviously no clue. Maybe she lives in a sheltered gated community where police response would be quick. That is not the case in rural Canada. If you go to twitter and view #justiceforcolton you will see that this case is causing a lot of anger.
  9. Was the 22 year old running away? The piece I linked was written by a big city elitist. It was the comments that followed that, to me, were more informative. You would do anything you could to defend your family is noble. But would you still do it if you knew your actions would result in you being labelled a racist?
  10. If someone broke into your home while you were sleeping, and you had young children, what should you be allowed to do to protect your family? What would you have done if you were in Gerald Stanley's shoes? Direct questions are hard to answer when one chooses to evade. This is a huge story, Michael. Social media is ablaze.
  11. If someone breaks into your home, what measures can you use to protect your property and family? It's a frightening situation for the homeowner, especially when it occurs in the middle of the night. What happens if you live in a small community where police response time might be 30 minutes or longer? This situation has never happened to me and I hope it never has, but home invasions and break ins have occurred near me. What would you do if you had vulnerable, young children in your home? This isn't a left/right partisan issue. I will link a story from Maclean's. The article is one thing but the comments that follow delve into the debate of what a homeowner should and shouldn't be allowed to do. Please read the comments that follow to get many perspectives. http://www.macleans.ca/news/no-rural-prairie-dwellers-you-cant-shoot-to-protect-your-property/
  12. As I see it the US has one, just one, last shot at staying at least a player on the world scene. What’s happening all over the Eastern Hemisphere must be reproduced here or we stagnate and drift into redundancy. Trump and the leadership must ‘make nice’ with China. That’s where the money is; ditto the energy, and the vision. China, Russia and Japan are ready to do it; have the money and the expertise. It’s up to the US now. To join the China B&R movement; actually the 21st Century movement, by linking the two hemispheres via the Bering Strait High Speed Rail project through Alaska and British Columbia to the rest of our Hemisphere. Trump knows all about it. We’ll soon see if he champions the effort or it , along with us, dies aborning.
  13. I remember my brother saying one time, during a petrol shortage, that he’d been queuing to fill his tank and there were people there whose tanks were almost full already but they queued anyway because they wanted that last couple of litres rather than see someone else get it. He specifically said ‘You wouldn’t want to be in a food queue with this lot’! HAHA
  14. You do realize this is a classic debt trap. The bankers and the producers are locked in the cycle of lending and borrowing to keep servicing prior bad debt. Each round costs more (normally) and produces less leading to the next round, and so on. The only alternative at every point along the way is immediate default, although at some point, default becomes simply inevitable no matter what. Add in current managers’ short term incentive to kick the can down the road just far enough to escape themselves, and you’ve got one helluva little self-destructive system. Extend and pretend indeed!
  15. Often, but not always. I pride myself on being a lone wolf. To each his or her own I guess.
  16. This feels like a warning shot to me. A preview of coming attractions if you will. The Wall St sector telling anyone who will listen that they have the power to continue the party and they have the power to taketh the punch bowl away. For most of the baby boom generation this is “real money,” since their putative retirement money is tied up in the undecipherable financial circuses and inflated home prices. Were either or both of those markets to collapse, we’d hear unprecedented wailing and gnashing of teeth, as the tide would go out on their collective American Dreams, revealing only the rusted and decaying flotsam and jetsam underpinning what is actually the great American scam. The Fed is purely a monkey on string, if you will, being manipulated by persons whose identities and purposes (other than profit taking of course) are not precisely known at this time. No intel on whether that monkey also flies just yet, but I’ll let you know if I find out anything.
  17. Terms like liberal left and conservative right have no meaning. Hitler is called Far Right, when in actuality he was a National “Socialist.” Stalin is considered a communist so is called Far Left. Yet, wasn’t he, (unlike the original commies of the Russian Revolution), also a National Socialist, since he believed in “Socialism in One Country” instead of worldwide communist revolution? Perhaps it would have been in their best interests to stick to their Non-Aggression Pact, and realize that Western Corporate Global Expansion, based on usury and the subjugation of the masses into endless debt, was their real enemy.
  18. Not at all. He is young and poorly informed. Sometimes the circle needs to be stretched to the point where it can't reclaim it's original shape. Much like “critical thinking” is the act of debunking “conspiracy theories” to validate “legitimate, mainstream information”.
  19. The allegations look really bad only to people who care. Take away the Trump hating and the number of people who will remain concerned about snooping excesses will be down to twelve. The fourth amendment is far too abstract in our land of nothing matters and everything goes for our Uber generations to care about. America is a nation of voyeurs who alternate between the big blue screen on the wall or the little blue screen in your hand. The idea of such people becoming concerned with snooping and its propriety or misuse is ludicrous. Pedestrian snooping which takes up at least four hours of an average Americans day is also limited to entertainment where there is no possible participation with the dancing images. The painful mental leap of realizing that more than watching can go on is never made.
  20. That a lady. Think the way you've been programmed.
  21. It's almost like Charles Anthony said, "The concentration of mind after we see what that portends will not leave a lot of interest in the political swamp."
  22. Thank you. At least one person on this forum understands what is truly happening in the USA. People who rely on Canada's CBC are in the dark.
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