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Posts posted by Altai

  1. On 10/15/2019 at 12:39 PM, Altai said:

    Turkish Army kills a "journalist", ohh how bad we are. 

    The last photo of the poor "journalist". He has an interesting camera, I have never seen such a camera before.




    How bad, now Turkish Army kills a "doctor". I cant see her camera, sorry her stethoscope, I am sure she has an interesting stethoscope.



  2. On 10/31/2019 at 7:55 PM, Altai said:

    - US congress approves the initiation of dismissal of Trump. Now they want Trump to surrender. If Trump rejects to surrender, they will try to assasinate him. 

    Welcome to "DEMOCRACY" :lol:


    On 10/20/2019 at 11:43 AM, Altai said:

    - The coup is coming, Trump said "Stop the Coup" in his social media account.

    - Evangelical people are getting ready for clashes to backup Trump.

    - FEMA emergency management institution started to make exercises about a possible coup attempt.



    Trump said "Angry majority" in his social media account.


    Means: My supporters are waiting for my signal to destroy cities. Do not attempt a coup. 

  3. Another scandal but sheeps cannot see. US and Western backed PYD terror organization member says that they were searching for Baghdadi since last 5 months. So even this fake statement they produce to seem "heroic" reveals the theatre. So they were "searching" for Baghdadi since last 5 months, not since last 5 years ? :rolleyes: hmm then what you were doing there in 4 years and 8 months under the pretext of fighthing isis ?

    By the way I extract 5 from 12 and find it 8 lmfajnsjkdna :lol:

  4. On 12/5/2018 at 11:23 PM, Altai said:

    - NATO backed Soros owned "The Open Society Foundation" is planning to create more riots in countries that wants to partipicate new army union PESCO. 
    - After France, Britain is going to make new energy agreements with Iran.

    Yellow ducks in Brazil riots : https://www.sott.net/article/346474-Footprint-of-Soros-The-ubiquitous-yellow-duck-appears-at-Russias-protests
    Yellow ducks in Russia riots: https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/not-our-tsar-russians-protest-putin-ahead-of-inauguration-61362
    Yellow jackets in France riots: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/france-s-yellow-jackets-inspire-protesters-iraq-n943996

    Ex Soros rioter Dragan Stanojevic: "Yellow Ducks rioters are used by CIA but their founder is Soros and Rockefeller. They will pay huge amount of money to strong opposition figures in countries, they give them their dreams and use them to lead crowds to riot." 

    Red dressed woman in Turkiye now she is in Chile, ohh these coincidences :lol:




  5. On 10/25/2019 at 8:22 PM, Altai said:

    - US  insistently wants Turkish officials to contact with a PYD terrorist named Mazloum Abdi. Turkiye rejected the offer.
    - After all US will give Nobel Peace Prize to this terrorist. 

    - British satellite Canada terror organization's so-called defence ministry invited the PYD terrorist Mazloum Abdi to Canada to present him a so-called award named "Clean Warrior" or something named similar.

  6. On 10/28/2019 at 3:12 PM, thedecider said:

    I have come from nothing with nothing to my name and 1st generation living in the UK. I work hard to save, buy a house, car assets etc. so I can pass it down to future generations. It will build firm foundations for generations to come and will give my kids a head start in life.

    What is the reason that you want to make children ? Why do you want to make children and put them in chaotic environment of the World and make them suffer ? Is it not masochistic ?  

    What benefit do you have of working hard to buy some assets and leave it for the use of your possible future children ? There is no logical reason seem behind it. 

    Should we not have some benefits to trigger us to take action ? 

  7. Turkish presidency spokeswoman said that killing of Baghdadi is a triumph for global fight against terrorism. Now it is time to start investigating all the connected cells to Baghdadi and we should start by asking where Baghdadi was hiding in last 48 hours before he came Idlip province and how he achieved that ? We are sure that he didnt call for a taxi of bus, nor he used a tube. Who was allowing ISIS to wander in Syria before ? Do you remember the Raqqa ? I think it was PYD, she said.

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