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Status Updates posted by Shady

  1. Carbon tariff Carney wants to reignite a trade war with the United States, by putting carbon tariffs on American products.

  2. Carbon tax Carney and Freeland are trying to distance themselves from Trudeau’s policies.  Too little too late.

    1. Aristides


      Carney was never part of the Trudeau policies, probably why he turned down the job of finance minister. He is also against the carbon tax. 

  3. Trudeau set to resign in disgrace, today or tomorrow.

    1. DUI_Offender


      From a distance, your avatar looks like Kelsey Grammar. However, up close I see it's Rush Limbaugh. 

  4. Black Dogg followed me over to this forum.

  5. Teachers and their ‘muh freedumb’

    1. Aristides


      The teachers aren't on strike dumbass, its CUPE who represent the support workers. The teachers are represented by the Ontario Teaches Federation. Even I know that and I live in BC.?

  6. Pfizer admits that it didn’t test the vaccines for preventing transmission.  Which was the whole argument of vaccine mandates and passports.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. sharkman


      You can’t be alright with the pharma industry lying to you for 2 years, and then call somebody out.  Either it’s wrong to lie or it isn’t.

      And Oftenwrong was not lying.

    3. OftenWrong


      “They are anti-science, and many of them are racists and misogynists.”

      - J Turdeau,,,

    4. TreeBeard


      BIG PHARMA!!!  

      Check the link….  It is a summary of their clinical trials that says the question of whether the vaccine prevents spread is something needing study.  So…. where did the BIG PHARMA lie?

  7. The FBI has turned America into a 3rd world banana republic.  Congratulations.

    1. Boges


      Awww muffin. 


  8. Biden has covid AGAIN. ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Could be a ploy. What if they say Uncle Joe died of Covid... you do the math

    3. sharkman


      Okay, they are reporting he tested positive again a third time.  Or am I double counting.  
      Either way, the fact that they are now reporting his condition repeatedly, instead of hiding it with a ‘nothing to see here’ attitude is strange.  Beyond strange.  They are not even trying to protect his image in the public eye.

    4. OftenWrong


      From my recollection, most viruses (or virii, as it were) are still in a person’s system for up to 14 days after symptoms disappear.

      For them to declare it as five days with Covid was yet another absurd, and probably politically motivated decision.

  9. Monkey pox has been re-named schlong covid, as per Tucker Carlson Tonight.

    1. OftenWrong
    2. sharkman


      Tucker is the only bright light in that network.

  10. 1300+ excess non-covid related deaths per week in the U.K.  Officials don’t know why.  It’s also happening in other countries.

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. OftenWrong


      What they don’t understand and dismiss with shrugs, is these numbers are indicative if an unexpected and largely unseen problem. It’s the tip of the iceberg.

      By our former health standards, this should have been cancelled.

      Bad policy, bad medicine, bad science.

    3. Boges


      Damn I missed that reply. 

      16 year old boys aren't children. But even if that was the MAIN risk of the vaccine. Health authorities have taken it seriously. 


    4. OftenWrong


      Thats fine for them to puff up their chests and make unsubstantiated claims, as reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg. 

      I guess it begs the question, would you send your kid to play in a thunderstorm because some chivatto says it’s low risk?

  11. Hunter Biden on video arguing with a prostitute about how much crack he has.  Can only imagine if it was Don Jr.

  12. Pregnancy support clinics now have to hire armed security because of degenerate pro-abortionists.

    1. Boges
    2. Boges


      Abortion Clinics have long had to deal with "Pro-Life" degenerates. 

  13. I don’t want to ban abortion.  I just want common sense abortion laws in Canada.

    1. Boges


      Good luck with that. 

      But it's helpful to actually find out how many abortions in Canada are on otherwise viable fetus'. I would suspect that number is very low. 

  14. SCOTUS: Abortion is none of our business, and so we revert the issue back to the states.

    The Left:  hOw dARe YoU!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boges


      No, but a state is now free to restrict contraception if they deem life to begin at fertilization. Same with IVF. 

      The right to own a gun doesn't mean a right to carry one concealed. When the constitution was written, only long guns existed, so they couldn't consider a concealed handgun. 

      Just like they couldn't consider a medical procedure to end an unwanted pregnancy. 

    3. sharkman


      Nice soapbox.

    4. Boges


      Nice non-rebuttal. 

  15. My immune system my choice.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Boges


      If they make getting or giving an abortion a felony, they certainly are forcing a rape victim to have the child. 

      When was not getting the vaccine ever criminalized? 

    3. sharkman


      1)They didn’t  make abortions illegal.  They said it should be up to each State.  Don’t like the State laws?  Vote in some change, that’s democracy.

      2) Most rape victims don’t get pregnant.  Why must you lefties go after a subset of a subset of a subset to support your idiotic positions?  What about all women, what’s best for 100% of women?


    4. Boges


      The hypocrisy of the court is that they stepped in a few days earlier saying that New York couldn't restrict concealed weapons. So the national rights of a gun-owner supersede that of a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant. 

      Also most abortions aren't late-term. Doesn't stop Pro-lifers to use that as justification for calling it murder. 

  16. Pro-life group fire bombed by pro-abortionists.

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      If you are pro-life then this response is entirely consistent.

      The extremists are ready to right.  

    2. sharkman


      Just wait until antifa gets rolling. Because we know the Biden administration will allow rioting, destruction of property and the attacks on citizens who happen to get in the way.  Good thing the Rittenhouse case illustrates that Americans can still defend themselves.

      BTW, it’s against the law to demonstrate around judges homes in Washington DC.

    3. betsy


      There goes...............law and order.

  17. The “my body my choice” crowd is back, after completely ignoring it for the last 2 years for vaccines.  Utter scum.

    1. sharkman


      They have sowed to the wind, now they can reap the whirlwind.

    2. Aristides


      Funny how the anti vax crowd takes exactly the same position over abortion. 

    3. sharkman


      Yeah, my body my choice.  The baby gets to choose, because it’s his/her body.

  18. “Elon Musk tweeted: "I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in." It's all fun and games Elon until Hunter Biden gets his head stuck in the vending machine.”

    1. OftenWrong


      Nice. Apparently Twitter membership is seeing an increase. That can only be a good thing for their company.

      The way the media is whining would amusing, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    2. sharkman


      The REAL Coca-cola?  If it was good enough for my forefathers it’s good enough for me.  I think. 

    3. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I thought everyone was on coke these days...now how do we explain the woke, and liberals...

  19. It’s weird that billionaires owning media wasn’t an issue until a few days ago.  Weird.

    1. scribblet


      Yeah, the meltdown over freedom of speech is inexplicable.

    2. OftenWrong


      The billionaires who own the media do not like this upstart billionaire. 

      It’s frightening to see how easily the general public is swayed to hold whatever opinion media moguls want them to believe.

  20. I bet that you didn’t know the Will Smith/Chris Rock incident is an example of white supremacy.

  21. Men are incredible at women’s swimming.

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      PPPSSSTTT i don't think we can talk about that topic, i remember the day everyone used to say all the Russian female athletes looked a lot like men, or grizzly bears one of the two... and today we have ushered in a new time of inclusiveness, where girls can be boys or boys be girls or be both in the same minute, the choices are endless...   

    2. sharkman


      I'm reminded of an old song by the Kinks, called Lola...

      "Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand

      Why she walks like a woman and talks like a man"

    3. Goddess


      I don't watch MMA, but I remember some coming out and saying male to female trans shouldn't be fighting biological females after Fallon Fox twice broke opponent's skulls and a couple of other trans fighters who completely beat the sh!t out of their biologically female competitors, inflicting life-altering harm.

  22. BLM activist and convicted pedophile sentenced to 39 months in prison following a 2020 attack at a Trump rally.

  23. The ⁦@nytimes⁩ confirms the authenticity of Hunter Biden emails derived from his laptop that had been previously dismissed as Russian disinformation.

    1. sharkman


      Over a year late, but what do you expect, eh?  They can't stop what's coming...

    2. sharkman


      Oh Bubber, clean up in aisle 5!  Those ‘Russian bots’ are at it again!

  24. Sick f*cks in the other forum want 5 year olds taught sexuality.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BubberMiley


      I would never defend you. You"re garbage. But hilariously gullible garbage. :lol:

    3. Shady


      Garbage is wanting to sexualize 5 year olds.  Complete and utter garbage.

    4. BubberMiley


      I agree. You should seek help.

  25. Boston BLM leader charged with fraud in federal indictment.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BubberMiley


      I'm happy to point out your shortcomings though. It's practically a full-time job. 

    3. Shady


      You’re the king of whataboutism and hypocrisy over whataboutism.  

    4. BubberMiley


      You're the king of projection.

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