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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. For sure, but it's still not really an accurate reflection of anything. A lot of people are a mix of 'descended from slaves & slavers', and a lot of the people who weren't slaves or slavers in America descended from those people in other countries. The classic assumption is that almost everyone who is black is descended from slaves but it couldn't be further from the truth. Black slave-owners existed even in the US, but they were common all over the world and at various points in history they were the world's biggest slavers. There are also a lot of people who weren't 'slaves', per se, but their lives were no better. People were drafted to fight in wars in their teens, people worked in coal mines for not much money back before unions became a thing, etc. What's worse? Being a slave until you're 50 and having grandchildren, or getting drafted and then dying in the mud of Viet Nam at 18 yrs old? Not everyone can be compensated. It's just all a joke.
  2. Kamala put Charlamagne tha toad in his place for a moment the other day and apparently the Dems are doing "damage control" for her. I didn't see the whole thing, maybe some of it really sucked, but when he quipped "Who's the president: Joe Manchin or Joe Biden?" I thought that it was appropriate for Kamala to step on him. She stuck up for Joe and then she said "...and my name is Kamala Harris and I'm the Vice President". At least one of America's top 2 people has a descended testicle. The actual problem is that she went on his show in the first place. It's far beneath the office of the VPOTUS to give an interview to a lowlife like that. Lay down with dogs, get fleas.
  3. That qualifies as a "brilyunt sumry" by leftist standards but this is an adult forum, so it just counts as a lie. Go fish, son.
  4. If Chinese tanks were rolling across Asia and Biden said "The best thing that we can do until the next election is roll over" I'd consider that the appropriate action, get it? ?‍♀️
  5. Nothing's really funny because politics is real life with real consequences for real people. There is a fuckin clear distinction and any adult can see it, in every instance. The Trump rally was 100% peaceful. Until it wasn't. At that point it was no longer a peaceful protest or a mostly peaceful protest, it was a protest that turned into a riot. AKA, a riot. When conservatives, or at least when I say "The mostly peaceful capitol riot", it's just to poke fun at stupid leftists. What you said there is just stupid. There's only 1 interpretation for: and it's not: "Attack the Capitol Police and enter the Capitol Building". You're truly stupid if you think that's the case, end of story. LMAO. You're waving your stupidity and hypocrisy like a flag now. You honestly want to take Trump to task for not responding firmly enough AFTER 26 MINUTES, and then again after 61 minutes, and then by video after 125 minutes, but you think it's fine that Obama didn't respond AT ALL for 26 days and then he incited more rioting after 61 days and then he justified the murder of 5 cops after 125 days. Obama lied about Trayvon Martin's death to start rioting. FYI Trayvon wasn't just going to get Skittles when he got shot. He wasn't just "a kid who looked like he could have been my kid". He was a person who got into an altercation with an armed security guard. Zimmerman wasn't a white supremacist racist Beave. He was a Mexican American who got into a fight with a 17 yr old. Mike Tyson was mugging adults when he was several years younger than that. 17 is just a number when you're fighting for control of a gun.
  6. Is it weird that CNN fired one, maybe two pedophiles just as Ghislaine Maxwell is rumoured to be getting ready to start outing people? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10324761/Ghislaine-Maxwell-start-naming-names-guilty-child-sex-trafficking-charges.html CNN: "Oh yeah, those guys. We fired them last week." ? TBH, CNN would look much worse for firing people right before they got named by Ghislaine, because it gives the impression that they might have known about it for a while. They'd be better off waiting until after she tells all so that they could at least act shocked.
  7. Project Veritas uncovered a story about another CNN producer who was arrested on pedophilia charges just a few days ago, a guy named Rick Saleeby. I'm not sure if they had two pedos there, or if there was just one and they got the name wrong. There's not much reporting coming out about Saleeby so maybe the story was incorrect? Even if there were two pedophiles at CNN that's not the worst thing going on over there.
  8. Everyone with any brains has known that CNN wasn't a legitimate source for news, but I don't think that we expected pedophiles to be so high up in the ranks there. https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/cnn-fires-pedophile-chris-cuomo-producer/ If the Russian collusion farce didn't destroy CNN's credibility then this won't hurt them either, but anyone who still believes in their alt-left news sources should pay close attention to how much coverage this story gets, as well as the Ghislane Maxwell trial.
  9. If you listen to Dems talk, you'd think that only white people are Republicans, and that all white people are guilty of systemic racism. The police only exist to enforce white privilege, they're committing genocide against blacks, blah, blah, blah. "Colored folk don't want no cops in their neighbourhood 'cause they'd just be there to kill people. Looting is a form a reparations and equity at work. Only poor white people know how to get ID, blacks can't figure it out. Zimmerman was a white supremacist Mexican-American. Brionna was shot in her bed for being black. George Floyd was killed because he was black." Etc. Blacks who get elected as Republicans are even called Uncle Tom by their own people. The political divide that the Dems have created is disgusting. The reason why Dems can't consider associating with Republicans is because they believe that Republicans are, in summary, evil. Long story short, it has gotten to the point where anyone who believes even half of what the Dems say is a complete moron, and there's a high percentage chance that they're racist as well.
  10. This isn't even accurate. More like "People who are descended from slaves in America might be forced to pay reparations to people whose ancestors owned slaves in America". That's because you can't just look at someone's skin and know whether or not their ancestors owned slaves. Black people owned slaves, and there will be people whose ancestor was black or white and after 4 or 5 generations some of their ancestors are of the opposite colour. For example, Kamala Harris is the daughter of a Stanford University prof whose grandmother was a slave owner, but Kamala's milking her skin colour as if her GG and all of her other ancestors were in chains all of their lives. Snopes gives that slave-owner GG claim an "unproven" label because they couldn't find any record of who her GG was (in Jamaica), but they're just lying because her dad was the person who made the claim, and most people can be relied upon to know who their own grandparents were. Especially people who had the wherewithal to become educated enough to be a professor in an ivy league skool. His statement actually stands as the statement of record until it's disproven. I'm sure that most Americans are a mix of people who owned slaves in America, were slaves in America, and other people who owned or were slaves in other nations, further back in time. The whole concept is a joke now.
  11. You might have a point if you made a point, but you didn't so... Just look at whatever image you tried to upload, I'm sure it's riveting.
  12. Biden has been such a complete disaster that he'll have an extremely hard time getting the green light to do anything. The Afghanistan debacle was bad enough, no one is going to want to be a part of Afghanistan v2.0 playing out against Russia or China. I'd rather just start learning to speak Russian/Chinese.
  13. I edited your post for clarity. Turns out it was more of a signature than anything else.
  14. In a recent Axios poll which surveyed 850 college students across the USA (not a huge sample size IMO but whatever) they found that young people who identify as Democrats are completely prejudiced against those who identify as Republicans. Their poll found that: 71% wouldn't go on a date with a Republican [31% of Republicans wouldn't date a Dem either] 41% would boycott the business of a Republican [7%] 37% wouldn't be friends with a Republican [5%] 30% wouldn't work for a Republican [7%]. The poll never asked whether violence against supporters of the other party was ok but by the numbers it seems like they probably should have. This is the damage done by the Dems' constant lies about white people and police. The majority of Dem politicians are hate/fear mongers who are quite happy to incite violence in order to get votes. There are even TV show hosts on MSNBC (Joy Reid) and CNN (Don Lemon) who are openly racist against white people now. Joe Biden proclaimed for all to hear that he was going to be a president for all Americans but he hasn't done a thing to tone down the racism on the Dems' 24 hr 'news' channels or from the members of his government.
  15. Not many people form bonds with other adults that are as close as the ones formed in the military. It's just a fact of life. Humans always need to have close personal relationships with others in order to be healthy, and when young adults leave home to live thousands of miles away, as they do in the military, that need is just way stronger. Throw in the stress of working 100+ hr weeks and [in your case, not mine] the danger of working in the theatre of war/peacekeeping and it's at a crazy level. The need for trust is unparalleled in the civilian world outside of maybe law enforcement. I've had a few good friends from every place that I ever worked but I'm not in contact with many of them anymore. My longest close civilian friendship is about 18 years but I still have friends from the navy that I see when I can. I got out 31 years ago. I'll never stop being friends with those guys.
  16. Your math is almost as ftarded as your politics. "I'm a conservative with a healthy respect for Trudeau's glorious scrotum, and I think that 2:12pm to 2:38pm is 3 hours" - Michael Hardner. Trump's speech ended at 1:10pm. His first tweet was only 1hr 28 mins after his speech. The first perimeter was breached at 12:53, Trump was still doing a speech for another 17 minutes from that point (yes, 17 minutes, so don't say it was 11 hours or something), but it was only 1hr 45 minutes from the time that the protest was even showing signs of possibly becoming a riot until Trump sent out his first tweet telling people to stay peaceful. The first rioter entered the Capitol at 2:12pm. Trump's first tweet was 26 minutes after that. By no reckoning did it take Trump anywhere near 3 hrs to start sending tweets to tell the rioters to stop. So what's your excuse for saying that it took Trump 3 hours to respond now? Are you totally retarded or are you a liar?
  17. Trump was extremely quick to call for an end to the riot. All that Obama and the Dems ever did was try to incite rioting for 3+ years. Dozens of people died. Thousands of people had their businesses burned or looted. Thousands of people were assaulted. Over 2,000 cops were injured but the Dems never lost their zeal for rioting and division. Suddenly they cared about rioting when they were affected. It's the epitome pathetic. "Kill the other peons, no big D, but don't inconvenience us or you're fucked!"
  18. Don't act like the Dems never cheated. They got caught cheating in every way possible on the 2016 election [actually 100% busted, do you want to dispute that?] and they even had lackeys at the FBI commit crimes for them which ended up with criminal charges, firings and demotions. Hillary's lawyer was also charged criminally for his part in cheating on the 2016 election. For you to just assume that the Dems wouldn't or didn't cheat in this election is just complete stupidity. It's an established fact that in Maricopa County alone there was widespread evidence of several electoral 'discrepancies', totalling 4x more than the difference between Biden & Trump. Just one example: over 23,000 mail-in ballots were counted from people who no longer lived where the ballot was sent. Russian collusion was 4 years worth of 'tinfoil hat' and you got sucked into every second of it. Ukrainian collusion was a blatant lie that only stupid people didn't understand. Basically everything that you post is just a sad example of how gullible you are MH.
  19. The goalposts have never changed, MH. Don't lie. Beave just made a stupid comment, calling Trump's tweets about not rioting 'mildly worded tweets', so I had to ask him if Obama ever even even cleared that low of a bar. He obviously didn't, but it never hurts to make Beave look stupid. You just followed him. Nice. You just lied again. That's two lies in 1.5 sentences. Grow up ffs. The protest at the Capitol was never going to 'steal' the election. Attempts at 'stealing an election' are things like having the MSM block legitimate information about Hunter & Joe's influence peddling and smearing conservatives as liars for referencing it. Or giving debate questions to Dems in advance of televised presidential debates and then waving the pom-poms shouting "OMG Hillary just nailed that question! It's like she was preparing for it her whole life!" Or it's when you rig the primaries. It's when you give money to a law firm in order to covertly hire foreign spies who collude with Russians to provide disinformation which your lawyers lie about to a FISA court judge to illegally obtain warrants to spy on political rivals and then, ironically, accuse them of being the ones who colluded with Russians. Crazy hey? Can you believe that Americans, and some Canadians, were stupid enough to fall for Hillary's low-down scheme? I can believe it, leftists are as dumb AF. They'll believe anything that they see as long as it fits within their narrative. People broke laws and those people need to be prosecuted. However, they should be held to the same standard as the Democrat rioters who set government buildings on fire, assaulted police, overran police departments and seized control of sovereign US soil. It seems like they'd get a lot of jail time for those things the Dems didn't, did they MH? Can you find me where someone who did those things served a lot of jail time? Of course not, so your argument is childish and hypocritical, as usual. Again, grow up. This is an adult forum, not a left wing echo chamber.
  20. You wrote a nothing post, what did you expect? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But hey, at least you get to have a trophy case now, right? It's an actual fact that Trump sent out 3 tweets within the first 90 minutes of rioting. If Obama sent out 3 tweets every 90 minutes for each city that there was a riot in then he would have sent out about 50,000 tweets. Did he send 50,000 tweets? No. Can you tell me how many 'mildly worded tweets' Obama sent out to end rioting during the 3 years of rioting that he incited? Zero. Kamala? Joe? How many strongly worded tweets? Zero. How many times did they go on TV and ask protestors to stop assaulting people, looting and burning down buildings? Zero. How many times did Obama et al go on TV and support the rioting or slander police officers in order to incite rioting? Many. It's their thing. During the height of the 2020 riots Michelle Obama even did a commencement address to high school grads where she glorified anger and violence. When they want to drum up support from their idiotic base they always incite hatred and division. It's their go-to.
  21. I'm not 'triggered', I just really loved dissecting your idiotic sources - with one post - and showing you what pathetic liars they are. Now, whenever you come on here and spew idiocy I can just go roll up the latest AP article and spank you with it. ? You're not "a stranger on the internet". You're one of the sleaziest shitmongers on the internet and it was a joy obliterating your stupid and twisted little source. I love the fact that you're here pouting and making your snotty little insults because what's really happening here is you're admitting that you can't offer up any defence of the idiots who run your mouth for you. Aww, boohoo Beave. Just more snotty insults? I'm so hurt lol. FYI looters, arsonists and attackers are not 'elusive'. Dems and their DAs are just evil and they love riots. Your precious rioters were caught on multiple videos from multiple angles because stores have cameras and police have cameras and witnesses have cameras and, believe it or not, leftist mobs are stupid enough to film themselves at riots and put that shit on FB. Yeah, it really sucks Beave but the people who you admire the most are some of the dumbest people on the planet. I don't idolize the people who went into the capitol building, I just take solace in knowing that out of 75M Trump voters less than 1,000 were dumb enough to do anything stupid. On the Democrat side it's pretty close to 80M retards, because all of you guys supported the riots. Your own stupid source admitted that only 120 people were even being sentenced from all that rioting, arson, looting, assaults and murders. On average there's ONE person sentenced for every $20,000,000 in damage from looting and arson. How harsh is that Beave? You've yet to try to explain it because you can't justify such a tiny number of charges with such a tiny amount of jailtime, and that doesn't even take into account any jail time for the assaults and murders. Sorry Beave but Trump never incited the mob to riot at all, that's just another one of your lies. You've already tried to provide cites for that lame duck argument and the best that you could do was to lie, by twisting his words from "walk to the Capitol" to "march on the Capitol". Your lies work well in your leftist echo chambers but when exposed to actual facts they wither and die on the vine. Obama did everything that he could to paint cops as racist murderers and he didn't condemn the violence at all or he would have been doing it several nights a week for 3 years. Go ahead and find me some cites where he condemned violence, Beave. That's yet another thing that you reference but can never provide cites for. I can provide a cite showing that Obama admits to being a racist [Obama - "We're all a little bit racist"], I can provide a cite showing Obama standing in front of 5 dead cops and justifying their deaths by referencing "centuries of racism and slavery" as the cause. I've done it here. You don't have an answer. You never have answers, just snotty insults, like you do here. Oh, it was a takedown alright. I cited several spots where your source told actual lies that you were just too stupid to catch or you felt like perpetuating. In either instance you're just a beaten little man. Republicans aren't lying at all. You either 1) don't understand math or 2) you're lying again. Thousands of cops were injured in the BLM riots, people were killed, there was $2B+ in damages and only 120 people charged, almost all of them got less than 6 months. That's extremely light. Dems made new laws to get them out of jail wherever they could, their DAs ignored the laws and didn't press charges where they could get away with it, and in areas where they couldn't slime their way to keeping people out of jail there were high ranking Dems like Kamala bailing them out. That bitch just LOVES riots. <-click the link to see how much Kamala adored all of the violence. Cry me a river Beave. If you have a point to make then copy and paste it. Actually prove something for once. There are leftist trolls all over this site who would really love to see you prove me wrong for once. MH liked your post, but he'd be over the moon if you ever actually proved something. Just once, copy the part that you think was true, copy my rebuttal, and prove me wrong. Blammo. I do it to you all the time. I LOVE proving that you're lying, or that you're so wrong that even house plants feel intellectually superior to you. You'll be a leftist hero if you can get a lick in on me. Well isn't this just a peach. I already cited a link to Kamala Harris gushing about how beautiful the "movement" was, and how it shouldn't stop... it was fo sho gonna to keep going until after Christmas ? ? Unfortunately for her the bodycam footage came out and the riots just died almost instantly. There are videos of leftist dolt reporters standing in front of burning buildings and yet calling the protests there "mostly peaceful". It was the epitome of disgusting. So, you are busted on yet another lie. You're in the hundreds now dude. You have no shame. The summary is more like this: I have a lot of fun at your expense and you lack the ability to feel shame so you just keep setting yourself up. The important thing is that people who read this site get to see the kinds of stupid lies that you tell exposed for what they are. I'm a pretty conservative guy, as you might have guessed, so I'll be safe. No bungee jumping or sky diving happening here. I won't be able to make it out to Edm to see my family because the Coquihalla is closed but I have my wife and kids here so we'll be fine. When I get bored I'll just come here and smack some leftists around a bit. Thanks for boosting my ego again Beave ?
  22. No, that was not 'established'. It's just your opinion that it was nothing, and your opinion is less than nothing.
  23. I guess he didn't know that it was even a thing. Poor guy. OK, so people who gave a shit knew, he just didn't know because he was too busy to find out. Or something like that. Whatever. His tears are a huge hit with leftards, and he correctly identified that this wasn't an issue where he needed to blow snot bubbles to make his point so at least we were spared more of that. I always felt like abuse was celebrated in the military. The first thing that happens when you arrive at Cornwallis is you get 'abused' (by leftists standards) and it never really ends. They say "I'll rip off your face and show it to you while it's still screaming" or you're greasy civvis or slack and idle crows or fuckin ODs or hairy bags or run chicken run or m.i.c.k.e.y PPCLI, etc (don't say those last two things if you're a civilian). No matter what you do you'll get abused by higher-ups or members of the other services. In the army they say "The navy is for keeping gays out of the army", and in the navy they say that grunt stands for 'government rejects unfit for naval training' etc. One of my best friends worked for a CPO that was black who called him Alfalfa and he called that guy Buckwheat all the time. It's almost like an insult if people don't make fun of you. I'm sure that the vast majority of 'abuse' is basically nothing. There was a gay guy at the barracks where I lived in Halifax for the first 6 months of my trades training and there was a gay guy on my ship when I was out in Esquimalt and I never saw or heard of a single instance of either of them ever being teased or abused, aside from the same shit that everyone did, all the time. Some people can't hack it and it's better to weed out snowflakes in peacetime than during war. Honestly, Trudeau is the exact kind of guy that would have been intentionally abused to the point where he'd quit.
  24. 1) Yes, you are supporting him. He's a serial scammer and he's exerting undue control over the media and the judiciary. He's going for more control over social media all the time. His gestapo are even beating people up for getting too close. And don't act like it's no big deal either. If Trump's secret service did that to Jim Acosta it would have been national news for months. The media skewered Harper for 3 years because of $90K Duffygate, which turned out to be duffynothingburger. SNC Lavalin is only 2 years old if you can believe it. 2019. When was the last time you heard about SNC Lavalin on CTV or CBC? When was the last time CTV or CBC said "Michel Fournier"? FYI Trudeau created a law which was solely intended to benefit the company that bribed Michel Fournier to get a bridge contract. Trudeau is limiting the investigations into his corruption. The WE scandal was even more recent. His mom received $300K from WE and approximately $140K in expenses from them. That's a lot of expenses for public speaking, don't you think? How much does it cost to fly an old whore around and get her some hotel rooms. She probably stays in other people's rooms for free anyways. 2) Who got the money MH? Show me the list of who got how much of the $1.4B that Trudeau gifted them. If you don't have that then you don't have a point at all - you're just running cover. 3) You might think that the government doesn't have controlling interest, but then you'd be wrong. Trudeau f'd up absolutely every aspect of fighting covid for the entire 2 years and you never heard a single bad word about a single thing that he did. He had to poach vaccines from the 3rd world charity pool ffs, most Canadians still have no clue. 4) Your answer is unsupported by facts MH. You haven't said an effective word in defence of any of your arguments. You have no facts so you resort to insults. That's the hallmark of leftist politics, but you pretend to be a conservative lol. By not acknowledging the serious drift of Canadian politics towards authoritarianism you're supporting it. I never advocated for force against Trudeau, I just pointed out the exasperating level of stupidity of the Canadians who keep on electing him. Nothing gets done without consensus. You can attack the gov't yourself if you want, but it will be called terrorism.
  25. @BeaverFever You were too cowardly to name your favourite news sources, but you cited an article from AP so I just decided to carve those losers up for you. The underlined was a lie, see below. Right about here the penny should have dropped for you if you have any brains at all. FYI "Dozens of people" didn't manage to loot all of those stores, assault and kill so many people, and cause billions of dollars worth of property damages. A LOT of people got off Scot-free for committing extremely serious crimes. Here's where the math comes in: 2+ billion dollars divided by 120 criminals equals 20 million dollars in damages per charge, and that doesn't even account for a single one of the people murdered or assaulted. Did Obama get sued for egging on riots? Kamala? Pelosi? How many police departments sued those guys? Their support was happening during and after the riots, and it went on for years. Demmies act like Trump was too slow to respond, he sent out 3 tweets in the first 90 minutes. Obama didn't send out 3 tweets in 3 years condemning the violence. All he did was egg it on. Videos of murders during the BLM riots also shocked the world. Does AP link them? No? Why not, it seems like an important part of the story. LIE. Virtue signalling bullshit. No one ever said that the Capitol riots weren't bad, so there are no "supporters". Conservatives said right from the first second that they started happening that it was wrong. They just CORRECTLY STATED that leftards are hypocrites for suddenly caring about cops and rioting when it happened at their doorstep. Do you know how many Americans were killed, assaulted and had their neighbourhoods destroyed while the Dems cheered? LIE. They were not dealt with seriously at all. Tens of thousands of people who committed felony-level crimes like assaulting officers & civilians were released without charges or had their bail paid by a jubilant Kamala Harris and her equally stupid peers. LIE. Several thousand felons got off without any charges at all. Time served or no time for assaulting people as part of a mob...? And this is just the 19 that were even charged at all. Civil disorder? Not terrorism? They literally terrorized neighbourhoods and murdered people for their own political purposes. This is a perfect example of how the BLM riots were treated far more lightly. Instead of letting the riots go on for 100 days and refusing to bring in the national guard they brought in 20,000 national guard the very next day. Instead of dismissing 60% of people right away they locked people in solitary for months without even laying any charges. That's close to the truth "Racial injustice protest cases" lol. When you say it that way, doesn't it seem like they shouldn't be going to jail? The bias is visible from outer space ffs. How about "arson, looting, felony assault and murder cases"? No? We can't use the actual words to describe them? Lies. There was never an "attack on the capitol" and there are zero charges stemming from BLM 'protests'. Just from BLM 'riots'. Conservatives sought to equate rioting at federal buildings in one place with rioting at federal buildings in another place. Seems to make sense, right? Floyd's death had nothing to do with the riots, the riots happened because Dems and leftist falsely attributed Floyd's death to racism when there was never any evidence of that at all. Tony Timpa was killed the exact same way and racism was never mentioned as a cause of his death. More lies. 1) They never use the word riot regarding the BLM riots, but it is the only accurate word to describe them; however, they use the word insurrection on the Jan 6 riot, while the FBI still have no evidence of an 'insurrection'. 2) Over 2,000 officers were injured in the BLM riots and only 120 people have charged with any crimes at all. Exactly 5 times as many people have been charged in the capitol riot and 1/15th as many cops were injured. More lies. Are you keeping score Beave? No one ever attempted to overturn the election at the capitol 'electoral justice rally'. (see how words make a difference?) Lies. The violence wasn't occasional, it happened night after night in the exact same places. That's the exact opposite of the word 'occasional'. They also left out the fact that people were murdered. OMFG, cue the violins for that poor man! Mitigating factor? Not by a long shot. 4 years and repaying $1.5M in damages is light. This is a lie because there's not a cite to back it up. I can guarantee that there's much more to it than that. That actually seems fair, but he probably broke the window himself, which actually makes it much worse than just looting. They were charged with misdemeanours for what? A lot of them committed misdemeanours or less. Talk about false equivalencies... If this stupid asshole wants everyone who went to the capitol charged with felonies then guess what? He should also be saying that everyone who went to the riots should be charged with felonies. OH SNAP! Six months? Some of those people walked in with cops right there by the door allowing them to gain entry. Looks a lot like entrapment. ? What a stupid, lying piece of shit. He literally typed thousands of words above, all downplaying the massive amount of violence and destruction of the riots, and then complained about some Republicans who used the Dems' own words against them. Cruz and the GOP senators were 100.0% correct. This is lying by omission: in Portland they barred the doors shut and then tried to light the building on fire. They also shot fireworks at police officers. Wow, it sounds like she hardly did anything.... ? Given how many lies there already are in this article, and the complete lack of cites, this summary can safely be regarded as bullshit. She's right where she needs to be. This is the false equivalency champion of all time. "My client just assaulted two people, destroyed private property, destroyed public property, brandished a firearm and threatened to kill police officers. He should get the same sentence as people who went to the capitol and just walked around." How fuckin stupid does a person have to be to post shit like this and think that it's woke? Those are 3 really stupid pieces of shit. Beave: Your source has been exposed as absolute garbage that makes CNN look almost news-like. You would have more credibility if you said that you read tea leaves and tossed chicken bones. You will never find anything on Fox News that's as unintelligent and dishonest as this steaming pile of leftism.
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