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Everything posted by cougar

  1. First of all, what is the meaning of "Canada's inflation RATE" and is this the inflation rate everyone in Canada is experiencing? You are asking us to compare one pile of s*t with another to come to a conclusion you like.
  2. 1. I have no idea what you mean. Hope YOU do. 2. "Thankful" you mean? You make it sound that someone is "putting up THEIR money" to help people and save the world. No. They don't! They put up money only to make MORE money at the detriment of someone else! Don't make me teach you capitalism. You should know better !
  3. They are paying that roof over their heads many times over and are also paying the landlords roof. You know they cannot stop paying rent because they will be on the street.And they cannot buy, because they either do not have the down payment money, or were not employed by the same employer in the past 3 years or something else. Seems like you are being that bit of an 1diot
  4. The renters enjoy nothing other than blowing their hard earned money away. Don't talk to us about renter protection. The news is full of cases of evicted tenants for no good reason other than to allow the landlord to get a 50% rent hike.
  5. Maybe not exactly like that, but thing need to wind down for all 8 billion, which by the way should go down to 3 billion or less. And by the way our government is not going to let me live in my cabin in the wilderness - they will take it from under my feet and ask for taxes.
  6. What "things" would I be needing? If my wooden cabin is built and I have enough food , clothes and wood for heating, there will be very few "things" I might need. In general we are looking at A*B=C, where we want to reduce C to survive. I was so far looking at reducing or bringing B down to zero, but we can also bring A down without making changes to B, if you know what I mean. (which I know you do)
  7. Again, wrong assumptions. I will not need a car, neither gas.
  8. Why do you think my ability to post is one of my paramount needs? I do not need to communicate with lost souls in a lost civilization over an internet. All I want is for those lost souls to stop f-ing up my world.
  9. Simple. We do not import, because in reality a human being does not need to import. What I think is the cities will eventually get destroyed by nature (upset by us), as our society has been so brainwashed by the concept of money and growth for now many generations on end, that nobody knows how to transition to something else, or something that may be "sustainable".
  10. Yes, it is. And that's because we have been sold an unhealthy model of existence. Those condo dwellers don't even know where food comes from, or what it takes to produce it. Don't know about you, but in 1 out of 1,000 gun owners this is exactly what happens. Then if 1 in 1,000,000 becomes crazy enough to disregard any legal repercussions they become the next mass killer.
  11. Is this a point of some sorts? Take away the guns from people and see if anyone will be shot. Take away money and see if exploitation can continue.
  12. Yes, extinct because they had no money to buy their land from our governments and then start paying taxes, I guess. You do not need to go to SaveOn for beans. You can grow your own food. No bananas and oranges , of course.
  13. I am not tasked with solving the world's problems I can only see the obvious - money, or the medium of exchange, allows the masses to be exploited while those who can take advantage of money are given land and wealth disproportionate to their worth. Nature has it working well for all other species with no money needed.
  14. My take is that people who oppose money are the ones who understand life better than anyone else. Well, one can start with understanding math and if their knowledge and reasoning are sound, it wouldn't be long before they understand we live in a scam and money is the medium.
  15. Looks like the Brits messed up this part of the World too by creating a country out of thin air and dispossessing the local Muslim population of their land. With this in mind what you claim to be "invading a country" may just be a rebellion by the Muslim to liberate and retake their lands.
  16. Those researchers studies the "wrong" individuals. A normal (good) person may derive pleasure from volunteering. Our society is not run or managed by this type of people. Our whole system is not based on this type of people. The people I commonly see is those who will want to make more, ask for more, scoff at the idea of giving anyone more or doing anything for free. If they did do anything as a volunteer, they would later declare it as wasted time and will have a hard time getting over it.
  17. You may want to read some history. ============================================================= During World War I the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, favoring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The British captured Palestine from the Ottomans shortly thereafter. The League of Nations gave Britain mandatory power over Palestine in 1922. British colonial rule and Arab efforts to prevent Jewish migration into Palestine led to growing sectarian violence between Arabs and Jews, eventually causing the British government to announce its intention to terminate the Mandate in 1947. The United Nations General Assembly recommended partitioning Palestine into two states; one Arab and one Jewish. However, the situation in Palestine had deteriorated into a civil war between Arabs and Jews. The Arabs rejected the Partition Plan, the Jews ostensibly accepted it, declaring the independence of the State of Israel in May 1948 upon the termination of the British mandate. Nearby Arab countries invaded Palestine, but Israel not only prevailed but also conquered far more territory of the Mandate than envisioned by the Partition Plan. During the war, 700,000, or about 80% of all Palestinians fled or were driven out of the territory that Israel conquered, and were not allowed to return, in an event that became known as the Nakba ("Catastrophe") to the Palestinians. Starting in the late 1940s and continuing for decades thereafter, about 850,000 Jews from the Arab world immigrated ("made Aliyah") to Israel. After the war, only two parts of Palestine remained in Arab control: the West Bank (and East-Jerusalem), annexed by Jordan, and the Gaza Strip (occupied by Egypt), which were conquered by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. Despite international objections, Israel started to establish settlements in these occupied territories.[1] Meanwhile, the Palestinian national movement gradually gained international recognition, largely thanks to the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO, founded in 1965) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat. In 1993, the Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the PLO established the Palestinian National Authority (PA) as an interim body to run parts of Gaza and the West Bank (but not East Jerusalem) pending a permanent solution to the conflict. Further peace developments were not ratified and/or implemented, and in recent history, relations between Israel and Palestinians have been marked by repeated military conflicts, especially with the Islamist group Hamas, which also rejects the PA. In 2007, Hamas won control of Gaza from the PA, now limited to the West Bank. In November 2012, the State of Palestine (the name used by the PA) became a non-member observer state in the UN, allowing it to take part in General Assembly debates and improving its chances of joining other UN agencies.
  18. Yes they can do that. Like the freedom convoy or the blockades on the logging roads. The final result is our society is falling apart. There is no unity, there is no nation, there is no common ground for anything other than chasing the $.
  19. A result of our profoundly multicultural society. You can't be pro Hamas or pro Israel. You can't be pro Russia or pro US or China or India or the gays and lesbians or the ecologists or the FN's Anything that becomes political or controversial is not allowed. You can only put your head down , say B-a-a-a-ah, and follow the other sheep that follow the $ , so we can grow our GDP (for whatever perceived stupid reason).
  20. On the outside they shouldn't. Social services as well are rent increases should be better managed by the government. But in our society very few things seem to work well. You have people spending nearly all of their incomes on rent, building no equity. Then you have others taking advantage of them , who own many properties and can sell them to comfortably retire.
  21. My take is, the demand is like a bell shaped curve. We add 7 more years of increases to reach the peak, then possibly another 7 years of decreases to get to the fossil level usage of today and then it will be dropping down. I will not see any improvement to the climate in my lifetime , it will be only getting worse.
  22. OK, Let's line up those 96+ year old nazis and send the firing squad to eliminate our political problem and embarrassment. This will be the most humane and cost efficient way to do it.?
  23. It doesn't. Seven more years of growing fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions when we are on the verge of collapse already is not optimistic, but predictable.
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