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  1. Holocaust denier is also racist, what a shocker. Again, f*ck off back to X with the rest of your white-hooded ilk dipshit.
    3 points
  2. I never argued Trump attempted an "insurrection", that's a strawman. I said he attempted an illegal coup by he and his lawyers attempting electoral fraud via forgery of fake elector ballots and creating a fake slate of electors in several states they wanted to overturn, and Trump has been charged with such, along with his lawyers, including Giuliani. Trump also tried to convince his VP to along with it, who refused based on the unconstitutional illegality of it all, and then Trump publicly threw Pence under the bus for it calling him a "traitor". Trump is the traitor. Trump attempted an illegal coup and it failed and has been arrested and charged for it. Not all illegal coups are violent.
    3 points
  3. 'We Applaud Caesar For Doing The Right Thing And Stepping Down,' Says Senator Holding Bloody Knife https://babylonbee.com/news/we-applaud-caesar-for-doing-the-right-thing-and-stepping-down-says-senator-holding-bloody-knife#google_vignette
    2 points
  4. August you should create your own thread to post all your random thoughts in one thread.
    2 points
  5. Voter ID is a contentious issue. To me it is perfectly reasonable to ask someone to present some form of acceptable ID in order to vote. Which of the two main parties is claiming that requiring ID is a form of voter suppression? Which of the two main parties is starting to push for allowing non citizens to vote in elections?
    2 points
  6. You're both wrong. He tragically violently cut his own head off while shaving. So i guess that would make kamala goofy
    2 points
  7. Trump literally attempted a coup d'etat. Trump was arrested and charged for it in a southern Republican state which has a GOP Governor and fully GOP-controlled state legislature in both House and Senate. He and his lawyers literally tried to create a fake group of Electoral College electors in several GOP-friendly states and have them forge fake election documents to pass to Pence for him to count during the Jan 6 confirmation and make Trump the winner. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66503668
    2 points
  8. See now, the way I heard it, he shot himself in the head with a gun twice. Or maybe that was another guy.
    2 points
  9. Alberta’s updated bill of rights will include right to refuse vaccination, Danielle Smith confirms | True North (tnc.news) Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says the fall update to the province’s bill of rights will protect Albertans’ personal medical decisions, including the right to refuse a vaccine. Smith’s pledge came during a town hall in Bonnyville with over 300 UCP members, where she discussed strengthening residents’ liberties and freedoms, lowering taxes, protecting the province from federal overreach, and improving healthcare. Smith confirmed the plans in a statement to True North. “In the fall, we will be introducing legislation to amend Alberta’s bill of rights. Several amendments are being considered to strengthen Albertans’ individual and property rights, including an amendment to guarantee Albertans the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment,” she said. Before becoming premier in 2022, Smith pledged to amend the Alberta Human Rights Act to prohibit employers from terminating employees based on their vaccination status, but she ultimately scrapped these plans after she was elected. Bet if we kept pushing we could get that federally. At the very least in more provinces.
    1 point
  10. It is unusual for a polling outfit to ask if likely voters are legal citizens. In its analysis, Rasmussen said that nationally, “more than five percent (5%) say they are not U.S. citizens and a little less than four percent (4%) are not sure if they’re citizens or not.” Added together, that 9% translates into nearly 14 million votes. Time to start campaigning to illegal aliens. Republicans need a Spanish language ad on Telemundo that highlights how Democrats did nothing to stop them from being raped, their children being sold into slavery and their family members being indebted for life or killed.
    1 point
  11. Maybe be the more libertarian types but I would consider that child abuse and baby murder
    1 point
  12. If it's from the democrats are you sure that it was coming out of the horses MOUTH?
    1 point
  13. Did not know that anyone used Excel for editing photos. Learn something new everyday. I do what's called a join (usually left_join) all of the time. Left simply means that the items that you are trying to match on are on the left side of the table. Dates are usually on the left. The usual pattern in government data sets is time, area, ownership (federal gov, state gov, local gov, or private), and industry or occupation. For something to join.. the format has to be exactly the same and the number of characters (visible or invisible) to be exactly the same.
    1 point
  14. At least you admit that the assassination attempt wasn't fake. Good for you, robocrat.
    1 point
  15. A certain poster was trying to say that political violence or violence in general is purely a Democrat or Liberal phenomenon. Dylan roof would be very angry to be labeled as a liberal.
    1 point
  16. I'm sorry what. https://www.nps.gov/foth/learn/historyculture/the-lincoln-conspirators.htm With that being said the notion that there would be conspiracy to kill Trump originating at the highest levels of the US government and they would use a 20 year old mentally ill dipshit to try and carry it out is one of the dumbest ideas imaginable.
    1 point
  17. To be fair, anything that people care about is an election issue. But I know what you're saying: Dems want to pretend that abortion and global warming are more important than the economy, the border, Fentanyl, WWIII, war in Europe, and war in the ME.
    1 point
  18. It takes a lot more than DNA to create a human. Esp one with humanity. Freedom of religion means no one else has to believe YOURS.
    1 point
  19. Canada ‘shocked’ after spying scandal hits Olympic women’s football champions https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/jul/24/canada-shocked-after-spying-scandal-hits-olympic-womens-football-champions Put that in your pipe and smoke it, QueenMandy85. The real world is full of intrigue.
    1 point
  20. point taken although it should be noted that the US Army does not intend to employ the ISV for winter/arctic operations for winter/arctic operations the US Army is acquiring the BAE Systems Beowulf which opens the door for Canada to piggyback on some orders for those as well
    1 point
  21. Done it many many times, for mike specifically in fact. Go look up sealioning. So isn't it about time for you to contribute something useful?
    1 point
  22. It depends if you're running on what a great person you are or not. Consider trump vs hillary. Hillary tried to run as a paragon of virtue, an honest politician who was the icon for women and left wing ideology and puppies and stood far above the 'despicables'. Trump on the other hand was considered a pig going into it and that was baked in from day one. His shtick was 'i may be an a-whole but i know how to deliver these results and hire me for that. So when trump gets mud splattered on him - nobody cared. Pigs always have mud on them. That's what you'd expect. But when mud got thrown at hillary it really stood out. If you try to wear white politically, ever bit of mud is very obvious. Kamala seems to be setting up for " Me woman, you vote woman" and "trump bad, you no vote bad". And the challenge is she's not clean enough to run as 'virtuous' and everybody already thinks trump is a dink, so that's not going to have the impact one would hope.
    1 point
  23. In NV.. the instant that you apply for a DL or learner's permit, you are registered to vote. If you move and come back.. which happens often, you will have two records in the database. There are many other examples but yes.. most states do a poor job of cleaning their voter registration database. Why? It is tedious, laborious, and hard to justify the expense to higher ups. To pay 3 or 4 relatively high paid staff to do this is a big item on the budget.. one that puts you into the red.
    1 point
  24. I love when right wing people are oblivious to their own projection. There is plenty to dislike about the Democratic party, how it operates, and it's consensus on certain issues. But it's a pretty big tent of different viewpoint and people who do not agree on fundamental issues. For example it has distinct left wing socialists camp and a centrist liberal capitalist camp. As well as caucuses of different labor and social groups. The republicans used to have a big tent coalition of different groups but the trump people gradually took over and have largely purged anyone who isn't a trump loyalist. Sounds a lot more like a cult to me.
    1 point
  25. At issue: Population growth? The world does not lack children. It lacks educated children.
    1 point
  26. You're falling into a trap though. Woke as a pejorative term doesn't actually describe anything specific. People on here have have made it clear that it's a fashion, or a social trend, not anything so specific in policy.
    1 point
  27. No, two things can be true. It can be true that harris slept her way to the top AND it can be true that trump didn't say she did. LOL so the loser would be that guy in your mirror, not @User
    1 point
  28. Mike Harcourt for saying the role of a Premiere is not to lead but to manage. He managed the province, didn't steer it.
    1 point
  29. I think most of the world is mystified by a country that lets states decide who gets to vote in a federal election.
    1 point
  30. LOL, so you provided a source that you do not even believe to be true. Brilliant. Almost as bad as when you tried to provide a source to back your claim that there were not gas chambers because they lacked blue walls, but you didn't actually read it and see that it explained how they were in fact gas chambers.
    1 point
  31. Must have been a bump stock. Those things just fire themselves.
    1 point
  32. Yet you were too much of a pu$$y to take this stance before when you were pretending Trump wasn't saying the same thing, you're such a f*ckin loser.
    1 point
  33. Fact - nboody has attempted a coup. Has anyone been charged with rebellion against the state or insurrection? No? well there you go. And fact - she has not conceded the election, she still says he was not the 'real president'. So while they may have given up that night she has never stated trump is the lawful president. Further fact - trump did concede. I dont know why you guys keep claiming otherwise. here's a video below IF you mean he didn't concede right away - sorry but the dems have a history of that too (hanging chad anyone? ) So you were wrong across the board. Why do you feel the need to lie about stuff like this?
    1 point
  34. Yes, same difference. You are playing stupid semantics games to make some kind of dishonest point. It doesn't matter if I call it a concentration camp or a death camp or an extermination camp - the point remains the same, Jews were sent there to be killed. Just like Jews were killed in the gas chamber you lied trying to call it a delousing chamber as if they were not killed by gas inside. This is all just some dumb game for you.
    1 point
  35. That's your opinion. The SF government does an elaborate survey of their 7000-some homeless people every other year. Why they believe they unable to get a home (2022 data): - 39% Can't afford rent - 24% Not enough income - 17% Can't afford to move elsewhere - 15% No housing available Why they say they are homeless in the first place: - 21% Lost a job - 14% Eviction - 12% Alcohol/drugs - 9% Argument with family - 7% Mental health issue - 7% Parole/probation restrictions 1. San Fransisco's homeless overwhelmingly resided in California before becoming homeless. 71% specifically from SF. 2. It doesn't matter for your puposes if they rented for a year before becoming homeless. You're claiming that drug addict homeless people from across the US choose to flock to CA. Also there is an intense bureaucratic process for obtaining free housing is SF that prioritizes families. One cannot easily float in and get that. Nope There is not free housing available to everyone. And the main problem is housing costs. Addiction and mental health is a big issue for about 50% of them in SF but there are plenty of people who simply can't make enough money to afford outragously high rent.
    1 point
  36. No I'm frankly speechless that you could look at that quote and think "durrr where's the innuendo" because it's remarkable an actual adult human could be so gormless.
    1 point
  37. Cmon Herbie you are so far left you'd need the Hubble to see the center.
    1 point
  38. No. No excuse. You just ignored all my questions and did not directly respond to most of my points. You were not simply informing me or anyone of anything. You outright tried to claim that the picture I showed you was not a gas chamber and then tried to argue it was not a gas chamber and instead was a delousing chamber. The issue is not whether a gas chamber used over 70 years ago could still function as one today. Do you agree that they did function as gas chambers under the NAZI's to kill Jews? Yes or No? Was there a holocaust? Yes or No?
    1 point
  39. In that case I assume he spent the day in front of the TV watching FOX news, munching KFC, slurping on coke, and engaging in twitter wars with celebrities while Harris ran the country.
    1 point
  40. Hmm.. not sure what this has to do with anything.
    1 point
  41. https://medium.com/transgender-soapbox/science-proves-again-that-watching-fox-news-makes-you-dumber-than-not-watching-any-news-at-all-6783ac48a348 https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/ So much for original thinking. Just quote Fox and consider their talking points as "fair and balanced."
    1 point
  42. The psychic hotline, I presume? What a nutter.
    1 point
  43. You didn't look, once again Robo the hypocrite is on here attacking the source, not the substance, when he will take a Vanity Fair article as the absolute truth and happily quote them or an opinion columnist from NYT and treat that as truth. How many articles have you quoted claiming Trump is fascist or Hitler from obviously biased sources that you called an "expert".
    1 point
  44. I think that most people who ride shotgun there have good reason to believe that if they do well, they've got a chance. My advice to JD would be: "If Trump gives you an important job to do, and the whole country knows that you have it, and you suck at it, don't cackle about it when asked by reporters."
    1 point
  45. Don't worry, you didn't. I'm pretty certain Broadbent will remain head and shoulders above any other Canadian politicians for a long long time.
    1 point
  46. Ok, will give you this one. QCEW dates to 1935 and Soros is from 1930.. But he financed it at 5 years old.. quite the comedian. Still.. I can tell that you have absolutely no idea what QCEW is... You think it is a magazine or a blog... damn, you can't make this stuff up
    1 point
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