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Personally, it saddens me greatly Politically, I'm on the bodily autonomy side, not my business what someone decides to do with their own body and I think it's beyond the scope and mandate of the government to regulate such things. As much as it pains me to say Hillary got it right with "rare but safe"2 points
Now our beloved leader "PP" with his magical tongue and hand-ridden caucus will say a few words and it'll all go away. Somehow. Magically. Just believe.2 points
Everyone knew the rates would be going up. That's why nobody was going to buy 30 year t-bills issued in 2020 and 2021. Every single one of those contracts is now deeply in the red (like easy double digits), and none of them will be made whole until they mature. The only buyers would have been institutional, heavily-regulated institutions with strict capital reserve requirements (think pension plans and insurance companies) who had no real choice in the matter. The real issue here, as has been discussed, is the glut of debt we took on and continue to grow. That's how Justin Trudeau has dicked us. The math nerds looking after bond financing almost certainly knew what they were doing, and did the best they could. This stuff is really cut and dry, and very boring.2 points
Democrats are certainly more credible on both. At some point Republicans became obsessed with legislating morality. And they'll use any anti-democratic tactic to get the votes to make it happen.1 point
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That's why I was so offended by you calling me American, your just racist against people who enjoy the delicacy of some delectable Jr mints But to quote a great Canadian band "American women stay away from me"1 point
I'll see if I can find it - I was reading something about it recently but didn't save the info at the time. I'm not asserting the dollars are doubled. I read the numbers being brought in are likely much more than we're being told - possibly double. Sorry for the confusion.1 point
1. I don't remember it that way, but depends on the question. 2. You're not paying attention then. Not that you have to but: Now I did for a time think that Trudeau statements on the convoy didn't happen but I was proven wrong so I retracted those statements. 3. Cite ? Noting what I said about mistakes I posted and retracted. 4. How many of your arguments require you saying things about me that just aren't true ? I don't watch CBC news. 5. I take you seriously enough to respond honestly.1 point
As long as it contributes to the story and it isn't gratuitous it's all good.1 point
Oh.. so you are a conspiratorial thinker... I thought better of you. It was a simple mistake. They do happen. Not every error or mistake is due to some illuminati conspiring in the background. Just today.. i found 3 transcription errors on forms filled out by business owners. They must be conspiring against someone, somebody.1 point
1. Remember he did that in French only, and for a reason. And although I didn't agree, you had evidence of wingnuts at the leadership level of the Convoy such as demanding the GG take over parliament (or something), racist diatribes, and Wexit talk... 2. Nope. You're just wrong on that. Any anyway, I hear about that stuff on this forum all the time. There's stuff that happens that isn't even covered on forums. I'm talking about things a little more serious than Pat King sitting in jail for awhile...1 point
To the contrary - PP does a great job of holding Trudeau's feet to the fire, including blaming him for provincial shortfalls. My public Facebook feed is full of people blaming Trudeau for lots of things outside his control and that's a credit to Pierre.1 point
When did you last see any issue or matter of any notable importance delivered or resolved, in this country? Regardless of the color of the cheeks and tongue? I won't even try to go through all recent failures. The first underground was built in the 19th century and here in the 21st we're missing all schedules and estimates, in the national capital. How naive could one be, credibly?1 point
The current yield on a Mexico 30 year bond is 10.199% with a 8% coupon. A $100 Mexico 30 year bond has a market value of $87 https://www.investing.com/rates-bonds/mexico-30-yeara A Canada 30 year bond yields 3.526% with a 1.75% coupon. Market value of $68 https://ca.investing.com/rates-bonds/canada-30-year-bond-yield1 point
1. Strange, because you responded to those 3 things in your last post. And I responded to your response too. You seem to be tamping down the incendiary language, so let's call that an agreement. Maybe that's why the conversation is over. 2. Do you see Bill Gates as some kind of supervillain ? I fail to understand why he is frequently brought up in these conversations. Maybe you think methane is funny or something, I don't know. But you earlier made reference to non-experts failing to understand a complex topic. I would submit Climate Change is another example. 3. Just cite your science and I'll read it. I'm definitely open to it, and if you don't believe me ask me about my concerns about Climate Change exaggeration ...1 point
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It would have been smart to agree to pay 8% interest on 30-year bonds, like FRIKKIN MEXICO? 😑1 point
Since you've chosen to be silly I'll leave you to it... our conversation is over. Because experimental vaccines seem to resonate with you I suspect you'll be glad to hear that a new one is under development for the food industry. Bill Gates is supporting startups who are developing vaccines to prevent cow farts and thus save the planet from global warming. Eventually this may get so silly and so dangerous that you notice. Perhaps we can talk rationally then.1 point
Accountability of what? Checks for what? Controls of what? You, the one that whines about government interference are demanding more??? LOL1 point
That is not accepting the election no matter what, that is what the media is asking of Republicans. No matter what means you can't challenge the results at all that is what "no matter what" means. Hilary still thinks the election was stolen and tells every new station that will listen. Gore still think the election was stolen.1 point
Its a headline from way before World War 2 and reich means realm in German not Nazi they were using it way before HItler and the "third" reich. The stupid thing was a template you can pay to use that made it look like vintage newspaper headlines and there were random stories about other things to. Funny thing is CNN had to stop the ad and zoom in because unless you studied it closely you wouldn't of even noticed. Once again you all take something out of context and blow it up to make a big deal out of it. I guess it give you all something to fixate about until the Trump trial starts again next week so you can explain to us how Cohen stealing from Trump was self care again.1 point
In a binary political system? Isn't it like, the eternal (political) engine, reinvented? (and beating, hands on all laws of the sane nature)1 point
What will happen, though, is that the tribesmen will switch sides as to how bad our problems are in different areas. And don't forget the time honoured tradition of blaming the last guys for the mess we're in.1 point
This is an example of the normalization of political violence, ie changing social attitudes diminishing the seriousness of it.1 point
I'm talking about you stating that "not complete or accurately marked" is a binary result. IT'S NOT. The punch cards were ONLY "marked" with punches. It was the voting machine which CONTROLLED the punches. I read what you wrote, MORE THAN TWICE. It's WRONG. You're not making any sense. If a punch card is fully punched (chad gone), that is one result. If a chad has NO SIGN of a punch, that is another result (chad fully intact with no deformation). But IN REALITY some chads had ONLY dimples (PARTIAL PUNCH) and others had "hanging chads" also partial punch. It was the machine's design which produced non-binary results (AKA AMBIGUOUS) results, and THAT is what made the recount arduous and very time consuming. The SCOTUS cancelled the full state recount, so no one knows who actually won. So you see, what should be a machine that gives a clear BINARY result, in REALITY gives AMBIGUOUS RESULTS. AKA NOT the BINARY RESULT THAT YOU CLAIM. Do you understand now? I doubt it.1 point
No ignorance from me. You are the one running around like a chicken little here, screaming about Nazis when it was little more than some staffer grabbed a generic newspaper background.1 point
Not really shocking that you guys are lying and playing politics with something stupid AGAIN.1 point
Two things: 1) You still linked 4 videos above this directly from the Russian Ministry of Defence, telling us it's "reality" 🤡 2) Dumping links with no explanation of how you figure it supports your point is goofy. What part of that article do you figure is relevant, or supports your point? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/ukraine-stabilized-kharkiv-russia-offensive-crimea-drone-attack-power-rcna152717 https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-fighting-donbas-kharkiv/31851233.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/21/ukraine-war-russia-putin-kharkiv-attack-failure-brigades/ We can both lob links with no explanations at each other all day. It's stupid, but maybe that's just the language you communicate in.1 point
I heard he's been diagnosed with Stage 1 McConnell syndrome.1 point
well I do have right of return to the Republic of the United States of America but I married an all Canadian girl thus I am bound to the Confederation for better or worse, unto death as necessary therein "The children won't go without me. I won't leave The King. And The King will never leave." ~ HM Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, The Queen Mother1 point
Don't be silly. Nobody in the DNC is even remotely considering a swap for RFK. Not even a little bit plausible. Another septuagenarian of questionable faculties is nobody's idea of an upgrade. We have 3 of those right now, and nobody is excited.1 point
Well they did catch the guy according to the story. I would imagine that it's somewhat challenging to put a broomstick in someone's head in prison and not have their be some evidence 🙂1 point
So a woman who chooses to stay at home and go through the very difficult task of raising her child providing a home for that child and caring for her family is essentially the same as a liar to you. And you unironically claim that you have said nothing to meaning about women?1 point
Here's the things I learned: At least 75% of the population has very strong authoritarian tendencies. Too large a % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated. When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, they will demand it. Humans can be trained and conditioned relatively quickly and easily to significantly alter their behaviours, for better or for worse. 'The Science' has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing. It is difficult to get people "back to normal". Fear of social disapproval is stronger than fear of death. Propaganda is just as effective in the modern age as it was 100 years ago. Anything and everything can be politicized by the media, the government and those who blindly follow them. Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their financial aspirations. Most people believe the government always acts in citizen's best interests. Once they've made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong. People who are dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said 'safety' is merely an illusion. Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach. Most people are fairly compassionate and have good intentions (this is good). As a result, most people deeply struggle to understand that some people, including our 'leaders', can have malicious or perverse intentions (this is bad).1 point
Reason? You expect that from someone who quotes the contents of a book to verify the truth of that same book. Yeah, the sky is blue because it is the sky.1 point
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So things like DEI quotas in the public service don't cost anyone any money? This is a pretty poor take.1 point
In your own words: I don't assume there are kids that are poor because they have a certain level of melanin in their skin, but you do. That is pure racism. Yes, Zionist is the new N word. It is used to describe people in a negative manner with the intent to create a hate-filled impression based solely on their association with Judaism. I mean, just wow. You vomit just typing the word Christian and you don't hate Christians? Please. You are a hate filled person. That's your existence. At least that is what you project on here. I gave you an opportunity to prove that wrong and you attacked me. What do you want me to think? You expect me to believe you are a good person that is amicable when all you do is post vitriol and attack others?1 point
The advantage of the Constitutional Monarch is the armed forces and the RCMP swear allegiance to the monarch and this prevents a would-be little tin-pot dictator from seizing absolute power and setting up a Communist or Fascist dictatorship like north Korea or Cuba or China and eliminating all human rights and freedoms. We have an elected Parliament now and supposed to have human rights although at times it is not perfect. But if you get rid of the Constitutional Monarch you could be setting yourself up for an absolute dictatorship because the barrier to protect from that would be gone. Many simple-minded people don't understand that.1 point
https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Populism+and+democracy+ Watch the clips and then make grandiose claims. Populism is a struggle to introduce common sense to politics. To introduce real representation of the people...instead of empty promises. Watch the clips. Pelosi is particularly weak.1 point
Yes, this is your dishonest game. We all know what we are talking about here regarding how you are demeaning women.0 points