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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Hopefully Canada leaves the Paris Agreement and drops these targets and economy-killing carbon taxes. I’m not hopeful for Canada. Our leftists are dumber than the US Democrats who wouldn’t dare to impose carbon taxes on Americans. And before the posters pile on about Canada’s supposed responsibilities, remember that our emissions are rising along with our mass immigration under this profligate government, as China adds new coal plants with regularity. Do you really want to get rid of every last bit of industry and resource development in Canada? Do you really want to destroy our living standards?
    3 points
  2. Anyone who is a critical thinker and reasonably intelligent knows that much happened in the pandemic response that should not have. Early on governments had the excuse of trying to be prudent and protecting populations through measures like social distancing and perhaps even masking. Once the vaccines became available, the excuse for lockdowns disappeared, but really lockdowns should’ve been questioned and the freedom of movement preserved throughout the pandemic. Mandating vaccination with a new untested vaccine was wrong. Requiring vaccine passports for travel, work, and even use of private services was a massive violation of constitutional rights that was unnecessary. Pushing vaccines for young people and subjecting them to mandatory schooling from home was bad. Accommodation’s could’ve been made for immune compromised teachers, children, and workers who needed to keep a safe distance from people. The efficacy of the vaccines was proven to be low later on and they became unnecessary for most people by the time omicron rolled around. There’s no justification for mandatory vaccination at that stage, but really they never should’ve been mandatory. It’s highly likely that C-19 originated in a lab doing gain of function research. Foolishly and irresponsibly, our governments were allowing such research to take place with foreign adversaries. It’s obvious that governments are leaning on the excuse of national security to redact or hide what happened from citizens, though the threat to national security was the research and existence of the labs and partnerships with foreign researchers. I think that the reality is probably worse than what I said above. Nevertheless, populations were berated with fear mongering propaganda constantly. Many people including many posters on here are in denial of what happened and they will likely remain so. It’s simply too painful to admit and people want to believe what they are told. I say all of this as someone who is triple vaccinated and believed most of what I heard from media, even when much of it was scripted and the science on treatments was somewhat inconclusive. So much suppression of speech took place. The unfair maligning of invermectin is just one example of a false narrative being elevated by agencies to the level of official truth. We should all be very concerned about ceding more authority to the WHO. We should also put tremendous pressure on governments to explain what happened at our biolabs, to make sure that liberties can’t be removed again, and to ensure that unaccountable organizations and international bodies aren’t imposing policies on Canadians.
    3 points
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbis-data-is-faulty-as-crime-proliferates-in-big-cities-report Alt-Left media cultists were quick to jump on some new and misleading crime statistics published by the FBI recently, which appeared to show that violent crime was going down instead of up. In reality what's happened is that because of activist DA's, some violent crimes are not being prosecuted, or they are being prosecuted as lesser offences, which translates to lower crimes stats. In other instances some crimes are not being investigated at all due to a lack of police resources, so actual crimes just don't get catalogued. Worst of all, citizens and businesses are starting to feel like the police won't do anything or prosecutors will let the criminals go anyways, so they're letting the "little stuff" go, much like you'd see in a 3rd-world country. Why anger the criminals by setting the cops after them if nothing's actually gonna happen to them, right? The fact of the matter is that far more violent crimes are being committed now than before Biden was the presuhhdolt, there's just far less being done about it.
    2 points
  4. Yes, yes, we know that you think the entirety of the medical, scientific and academic community is all involved in a massive for-profit conspiracy. Turn off YouTube, take your meds and keep the cork on the fork.
    2 points
  5. Blacks and Transgenders DO have the same rights. What you want is EXTRA rights for Blacks and Transgenders - that's where the wokeness infection steps in.
    2 points
  6. Yet you've supported Trudeau when he was hate mongering conservatives and the unvaxed. How much further left can you be than to participate in/support hate-mongering?
    2 points
  7. Because that's what left-wingers do, Mike. Leftoids like to hunt their political opponents down and imprison them or just shoot them. You're not a left-winger, Mike, are you? I mean you say you're a conservative but you keep finding yourself on the left side of a debate. Doesn't that disturb you?
    2 points
  8. You don't understand the contempt and palpable hatred that a good percentage of Canadians have for the present Liberal government. Your fawning defence of everything Liberal would be amusing if Trudeau's policies weren't punishing citizens . . . in this 'land of plenty' with a plunging standaed of living.
    2 points
  9. So humans f*cking up the planet is God's will. That's a philosophy only a masochist could have.d If God intended us to be in his (its) image, he must be one unhappy camper. We aren't even capable of saving ourselves from ourselves. Let's keep rolling coal until the place incinerates itself. God's will.
    2 points
  10. Listening to stupid people isn't a productive use of time. That's why Bubba was met with awkward silence at impartial's meeting. That's why so many of your thread topics are ignored and fade away, stillborn, into the back pages. It's why people lose interest in threads once you start talking about your muffins and your butthurt. Nobody derails and strangles a thread like CdnFux. 🥱
    2 points
  11. io: take your brain here for a second... Think back to Nov 2019, before you ever heard the word covid. Your mind is a blank slate... On the very first day of that month in Nov 2019, and even before that, Fauci already knew that he had funded research on a coronavirus, to make it more transmissible among humans, at the Wuhan BSL4 lab. Then when covid broke out, he stood there in front of the camera, talking to every American you know, every American you don't know, and everyone who died of covid, and said "The virus came from a wetmarket, where a bat and an intermediary species, like a pangolin for instance, were in close proximity..." Where I come from, that's called a FOG KING CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It's also a fabrication. If you grab a globe, that spinning replica of the earth we all had in our classroom at school, from your office and poke it with a pin, the Wuhan BSL4 lab and the wetmarket will both fit in the hole it makes. That's how close they are. Poke it as lightly as you want, they'll still both fit. But somehow Fauci just knew that his virus wasn't the one that's infecting everyone, and people were banned from social media for even saying "BSL4". Uh-huh. Last I heard, his virus was still the most likely culprit., and that's from the FBI, the most leftist of all organizations in America.
    2 points
  12. "this should be interesting" "this should be entertaining". The hallmark of someone who's not listening and doesn't care about the truth. Asking a question and dismissing the answer before it's even given. And from multiple people. Maybe that's the question you should have been asking the guy who brought it up at your meeting? Maybe he's concerned the state would do it agian in the future. Maybe he'd like to see the creation of an official state response plan that addresses people's rights to be used in the future. Who knows? You don't, because you were too busy being a pretentious jerk about it as you are now here. But this is the problem - people don't listen. You've obviously decided this guy was a scumbag for bringing it up and closed your mind. Now - we're used to seeing americans spread that kind of hatred and intolerance towards one another but it's a lot more shocking for us in Canada to see it happening here. But - here we are. Why dredge it back up if it had been resolved. What did he want to discuss? There must have been something. In his mind SOMETHING must be unresolved or why mention it.
    2 points
  13. Case counts in January 2022 alone were higher than the total case count for all of 2020 but the death and hospitalization rates were drastically lower, how can you post so much about a subject and still not understand basic statistics, you crackpot goof?
    2 points
  14. Like Canada, NZ has had way too many immigrants in a short span without the infrastructures required to welcome them. NZ's government has taken action, and will prevent employers from hiring foreign workers in areas as in to which there is no labour shortage. A problem New Zealand has had was also that many Kiwis were leaving the country to go to Australia as many of the well paying jobs in New Zealand were given by the employers to foreigners. They lost many of their own constituents, productive ones at that, because the elite wanted cheap labour. It's important that we start to realize that other nations face the same problems Canada is facing, and they find solutions. Why couldn't we replicate what New Zealand just did? https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c25l0vxpnd8o
    1 point
  15. "The Arizona Supreme Court ruling on abortion could cause some political problems for Republicans, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax on Wednesday, but said it won't have much influence on the presidential election, because most votes will be based on other issues." As it shouldn't harm the GOP. Only abortion cultists get fanatical about slaughter, and nobody gives a shit what they think or feel. https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/mike-huckabee-arizona-abortion-ruling/2024/04/10/id/1160452/
    1 point
  16. All of a sudden? Governments and activists have been using every opportunity under the sun to control us for years and years now or so we're told. As a lefty however I just don't feel the control. That said it seems its never been easier to make right-wingers jump 10 feet in the air over something. It's just you folks that are being controlled. You aren't surrounding a circus you're the synchronized dolphins at Sea World.
    1 point
  17. It does play a role just not the lead role. its sad that I have to say this twice. Increased govt spending does lead to increased consumer spending but not on a 1 to 1 ratio as you are claiming... The data simply does not back you up.. its not up to me whether you believe it or not.
    1 point
  18. its pretty clear that society is moving on from the topic. Should they? That is for you to decide. Are they doing so? yes. Why are they? Simple human nature. The more time passes by, the less connection we have to a topic. Its not that difficult to understand. Now I know some on here will NEVER stop yapping about it. It really bothers them that it is not the lead story now and into perpetuity.
    1 point
  19. It is impossible for ultraconservatives to imagine a Premier or Prime Minister as a CEO, Chairperson administrator. They can only view them as Kings or Emperors as that is the 'classical' concept of leadership. On top of that we're bludgeoned daily with the saga of Donald Trump announcing what "he" will do and his party cowering and falling in line like the sycophants they are. What's needed here is a demonstration of the difference where like the UK and some other Parliamentary democracies, the leader is removed by the Party itself if he/she strays to far from policy. The biggest problem here is that the ultraconservatives have convince themselfes they are mainline conservatives and themselves wander all over the political map on conservative economic policies and only congeal like willnuts* on 'traditional' social issues. *look it up if you don't know
    1 point
  20. Done that, didn't like it LOL So, as usual. lots of useless banter but no evidence and cannot answer simple questions asked of you. Maybe becasue all that comes out of you is in fact bullshit??/LOL You don't even have good retorts. You trying hard to become a PP's ass pimple confux and one trick pony westconman clone but you still have work to do. LOL
    1 point
  21. It's true, isn't it. Look at the two fat ass DA's dogging Trump: They talk all kinds of shit, in PUBLIC mind you, and they still get away with it. You know Mike better than I do, but I can easily take your word for it. Sometimes I think he's just another roboshill trying to dupe conservatives.
    1 point
  22. It’s just not something you have to worry about. Many other people do worry.
    1 point
  23. The whole experience was intrusive and damaging in ways we can’t fully comprehend, and that’s apart from the impact of the virus itself, which for much of the pandemic had flu-like mortality rates. Basically our society was under a kind of mass hysteria that damaged our democracy and social cohesion in significant ways. The learning gaps, mental health damage, substance abuse, breakup of families, loss of businesses, and non-Covid increased death rate are a terrible legacy.
    1 point
  24. And who doesn't have either? Conservatives.
    1 point
  25. I don't find myself on the left side, no. Conservatives welcome opinions, and value debate. They don't talk about mindsets as filth, that's a fascist idea.
    1 point
  26. Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg was sentenced today to five months in the Rikers Island jail for perjury. This is Weisselberg's second prison sentence. Isn't Donald Trump a great guy to wokr for? 76 years-old and he's going to prison again for illegally helping Trump commit crime. During his trial, prosecutors presented a letter from the Trump criminal organization, which was a severance agreement of $2 million. The deal prohibited him from cooperating with any law enforcement investigation unless legally required. Obviously, only a criminal organization would pay someone $2 million in return for a promise not to cooperate with law enforcement. I've signed plenty of non-disclosure agreements of all sorts, and I was never asked to refuse to cooperate with law enforcement or investigations.
    1 point
  27. These Libbies don't care about mundane things like eating. They're on a mission to punish Canadians. For what? Everything. Trannie rights, native rights, speech rights, colonialism, Pierre Polievre, apples...you name it...the Libbies hate you for it. There's nothing worse than a whole bunch of women...on a mission.
    1 point
  28. I'm glad that you mentioned your kids, because kids are who these scumbags are going after. We have to keep pouring it on until that filth is in the underground where it belongs.
    1 point
  29. Yeah but the last thing Labrdorians (Labradites?) wanted is to be part of Quebec so they chose Newfoundland and Newfoundland chose them. Wise decision on both parts LOL
    1 point
  30. Oh yeah, almost forgot There is no such thing as a creation scientist that is literally an oxymoron
    1 point
  31. First neither atheism nor secular humanism have anything to do with science. Second there are plenty of scientists that believe in God in all fields of study. Third you really don't care to understand the other side do you? If any scientist could provide testable novel predictions for either the existence of God or that evolution is false they'd win a Nobel prize and be the most famous scientist on earth. They don't because they can't. The hypocrisy of you calling the cumulative knowledge of multiple scientific disciplines biased when you get your information from a website called creation.com is astounding. If that alone doesn't make you at least curious enough to just look at what the scientific community says on the topic, you're not just ignorant you're willfully ignorant and that is an insult.
    1 point
  32. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, back in reality, people around the world are grateful for the millions of lives saved and untold economic devastation averted.
    1 point
  33. Once again you show your ignorance not only on your views of evolution but the basics of what science is. Proof only exists in math. Science is always provisional. That's what makes it great. New information, means new discoveries means modifying theories. No scientists I repeat NO scientists say they have proved Anything. In fact what the vast majority of scientists do is to try and disprove the experiments of other scientists. They call this peer review, the pseudo scientists you quote only write for pretend "scientific institutions" like creation.com , because they know if they tried to publish in any actual science journal they'd be disproven so fast they wouldn't be able to con their ignorant flock.
    1 point
  34. Oh i don't mind - you're entertaining if nothing else But joking aside, the vast majority of intelligent people will tell you the same thing: Even stupid people have important knowledge to share, if you know how to listen. Intelligent people don't discount them out of hand. Of course - you wouldn't have known that T Really I think you're projecting a bit. Impartial didn't say he was stupid. Or a 'bubba' (ahhh the dehumanizing of the left). And you weren't at the meeting. So you just assume anyone who says something you don't want to talk about must be stupid and a 'bubba'. This is why you wind up looking like a fool so often - you just don't know how to pay attention to anything that doesn't feed your confirmation bias. LOL - Oh look, you're mimicking the ass porn guy Always striving for those intellectual heights aren't you actually most of my threads do pretty well. and some are really just to get information out there anyway. But yeah - lots of them go dozens of pages. And making fun of you is always worth some time - i'd have to pay to see a real comedy act Whereas your threads..... oh... wait. You don't start threads. in fact you really don't contribute at all. About 80 percent of your posts are chasing after me trying desperately to gain some ego back, you really have nothing to bring to the table. But i do love that you've set aside "Your posts are too long" and are now going for "your threads have insufficient replies in some cases" as your primary critique Having you around always makes me feel increadibly intelligent It's what keeps me coming back. Mind you i suspect a particularly dense bullfrog would feel smart after a conversation with you
    1 point
  35. Other countries have number crunchers too and let me assure you they are looking carefully at Canada’s sky high per capita production of greenhouse gases. The notion that we can hide our profligacy just because we are few in number and it’s cold up here is childishly naive.
    1 point
  36. Humans pumping billions of tons of carbon trapped in the earths crust for millions of years is not an act of God.
    1 point
  37. it is exactly how it is. Something written thousands of years ago absolves you of the obligation to think for yourself.
    1 point
  38. Sure - I have to go through your 'karen' moments all the time. But even tho they're annoying to put up with i still listen to what you say.
    1 point
  39. Mark Carney? Michael Ignatieff with a bigger ego.
    1 point
  40. Ok, first it was not my meeting. The governor meets with a select group and each person presents their small bit. Mine is unemployment insurance claims. My turn was over before this guy came up. His unsolicited idea was that we should retroactively pay those who opted to not get the vax and make some sort of statement. The guy is not aware that no one sacrificed pay.. they lost sick leave or vacation time if they went to the testing. I felt that we had already crossed that bridge and so no need to keep revisiting it. The governor (again Republican) just stared at him and said nothing. He is the one that needs to say something not me. I just stared out the window knowing that this was out of left field. precisely. When he came into office.. he dealt with the covid issue. No need to keep revisiting it. Its over.
    1 point
  41. so what can the current governor do to address this issue in such a way to appease you? Keep in mind that he is only a governor and can't just impose his will. This should be interesting.
    1 point
  42. If I had already addressed it in the past and did not want to keep on doing so over and over again.. by your logic, I should just keep doing it. Lather, rinse, repeat. the governor did all that he could do.. he stopped the mandates and made sure that they were in the past. Lets hear what else he could have done... this should be entertaining
    1 point
  43. Lol...I'm lucky. My little euro-mouthpiece wears a shirt that says "I Will Not Comply". Even our kids are center right. Wokeness is dying. We can thank DeSantis for stabbing it in the heart. "Thank Ron."
    1 point
  44. You are actually using Tucker Carlson, super flake, that even Fox finally saw through, as a person that has credible sources?? Wow, you are hitting the bottom of the credibility barrel LOL
    1 point
  45. Each generation gets more stunted than the previous generation. Notice how the "center" of politics has been shifting left for God knows how long. Satan has been awful busy.
    1 point
  46. Any news source has much more credibility than one which had to pay $800M for LYING. Duh
    1 point
  47. The BC carbon tax was introduced by the Liberals, was revenue neutral and capped. The NDP dumped revenue neutrality and put it into general revenue to be spent as they see fit. They now use it for wealth redistribution which is the norm for NDP. Because they use it for winners and losers. The less tax you pay, the more they give you. Earn more than 61K taxable income, you get nothing. Buying the votes of those who pay the least.
    1 point
  48. Is Chinada going Marxist? I believe we are witnessing the globalist takeover of Canada. Trudeau denies foreign interference affected elections in 2019 and 2021, but the evidence is in. It did affect at least several riding. Check this webpage: Chinada, an open book... - inkletter
    1 point
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