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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2023 in all areas

  1. The greatest tax grab of all time, not to mention a colossal indoctrination of young people.
    5 points
  2. Tony Keller lays it all out pretty clearly in this Globe and Mail column. Canada's emissions constitute 1.5% and falling. China's emissions have been increasing at the rate of Canada's ENTIRE emissions every two years. Think about that, those so anxious about the oilsands emissions. The oilsands represent 11% of Canada's emissions. So China alone is adding almost 5 of them every single year! Five new oilsands pop up in China every year! And China isn't alone. Throughout the developing world other countries, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam, all of them are increasing their emissions. The developing world now represents 70% of CO2 emissions and they are not slowing down. They're growing them as fast as possible, adding more coal plants every year. We're going to bankrupt ourselves making our energy ever more expensive, punishing Canadians and Canadian corporations, punishing Canadian manufacturers so they move to places with no carbon taxes and cheap energy like uh, Vietnam and China and India and Malaysia - while the rest of the world is building coal plants. We're putting every roadblock we can in the way of developing and exporting natural gas that could cause some of those countries to ditch coal while seeking to close down as much of our energy industry as possible. For what? It's not going to help a goddam thing. All it is is virtue signaling. It's so Trudeau can stand on a stage, lift his chin and look smug and noble. Take China. It is now the biggest polluter, by far. Its emissions more than doubled between 2002 and 2010, as Canada’s flatlined. China’s emissions grew at a pace equivalent to adding an extra Canada’s worth of carbon into the atmosphere each year, for eight years in a row. China’s growth has since slowed; it’s now adding new carbon emissions at rate of one Canada every two years. China produces a third of the world’s emissions, more than all of the developed world. That’s more than 20 times Canada’s carbon output. And China has company. India’s emissions, barely higher than Canada’s in 1990, now equal those of the EU. Indonesia, whose emissions were a third of Canada’s in 1990, is now a bigger polluter than us. Or consider Vietnam. I travelled the country for a few dollars a day in the 1990s when its official name, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, still meant something. There were no bank machines, the national airline flew Soviet jets inherited from defunct East Germany, cars were a rarity and electricity demand was minimal. In 1990, Britain’s carbon output was more than 2,500 per cent larger than Vietnam’s. By 2021, the two countries were level – because Britain nearly halved its emissions, while Vietnam’s carbon output increased 16-fold. https://archive.is/xMAEs
    4 points
  3. The mediocre economics in Hungary allows for the items that you lay out to manifest. Competition over dwindling resources (real or perceived) combined with the prospect of their language/culture being diminished motivates xenophobic policies like Orban in Hungary. Those conditions do not exist in the US. Yes, Americans complain about them darn hispanics but their actual impact on the economy is minimal compared to what they face in Hungary. Also, hispanics in the US mostly assimilate and follow laws. Hungary.. the outsiders that come in are fiercely nationalist unlike random Guatemalan that arrives in Los Angeles. The warning signs in Hungary are the result of certain realities. Realities in which are not happening in the United States or Canada.
    2 points
  4. folks did terrible things to one another in the past. Slavery being one of those terrible acts. That being said.. reparations only work if the victim is living today and therefore can show lost earnings/income. The last surviving slaves supposedly passed away in the early 1970's.. 50 years ago. Slavery has not directly impacted the earnings potential of any living African American. Indirectly...yes. Directly would be where they were forced into slavery.
    2 points
  5. Actually...yes it does. You wanna buy an SUV. But the supply is low and the prices are high. That tells me that transport is still hamstrung by backed up deliveries and fuel prices.
    2 points
  6. Canada should be booming. Instead Pixie-Dust and his greenie army have Canada stagnating...and for what? This whole exercise is childish nonsense.
    2 points
  7. We would probably be much farther ahead if we focused on adaption rather than prevention. I don't think anything we do can stop it. i'm all over reducing pollution in general anyway. It's nice to have smog free cities or the like. So as tech allows for it to be done responsibly, sure. But sacrificing our people's lives and livelyhood on the alter of climate change when it makes no difference is insane.
    2 points
  8. Kind of a thoughtless analogy at any rate. Just because climate change is real doesn't mean anything we do to fight it is a good idea.
    2 points
  9. I have lived under a number of Canadian Prime Ministers. None of them have been popular. Some, like Prime Ministers Harper and Trudeau were actively disliked. Prime ministers Diefenbaker and Mulroney, inspite of having the largest majorities in history, were very unpopular. Mike Pearson lead the most scandal ridden government sice the Customs scandal of 1925-6. Why do we have this position if nobody likes the incumbent? No matter who they recommend for the Governor Generalship, the Senate, the Supreme Court or an investigation into foreign interference in elections, accusations of partisanship and cronyism abound. I propose that when the incumbent retires or, after the next federal election, a Prime Minister not be appointed. We appoint a ministry but no first minister. Myata would be pleased at the savings. MP's would be free to serve their constituants without the bother of toxic ambition to get into 24 Sussex. In fact, we could let that wreck go and not put any more money into it. Appointments to the Court and the Senate can be given to eminent persons regardless of political affiliations. There is no Constitutional requirement to have a PM. No amendments are needed. The advantages are great. The disadvantages...I cannot think of any.
    1 point
  10. Humanism believes gay people have the same rights as straight people. That doesn’t mean that families are obsolete. That’s asinine. In fact, it makes families stronger and expands families. Humanism is pro family. You reject God too. Just not as much as humanists do. Nearly every Christian rejects the Sabbath, despite the claim that the 10 Commandments are holy. Clearly, they’re only holy when they’re convenient.
    1 point
  11. You can’t define for everyone what might be objectionable in the flag, nor can you assume that such objections are bad. You’re entitled to your opinion. There are reasonable grounds for questioning. Writing off everyone who doesn’t agree with your opinion as bigoted or morally suspect will only invite the same assessment of your opinion.
    1 point
  12. Why did you list a bunch of lies from a Christian website, and ignored what I copied from an actual humanist organization? Just looking at #9, nowhere in humanism is the family obsolete Is it a sin for you to post lies? Is there anything in the real humanism values that you disagree with? So do a lot of Christians. Not many of them deny human biology; only the science denying fundamentalists do.
    1 point
  13. So not a reflection on Hetrosexuals as a whole? Why are instances of perversion amongst Homosexuals used to define them as a group? I'm sure you wouldn't say the scores of religious leaders that took part in sexual crime and pedophilia is emblematic of religious people.
    1 point
  14. Everything is wrong with secular humanism. First it denies God, his revelation and His sovereignty over mankind. "Humanism 1. The sovereignty of man and the state is the starting point, and it is the word of scientific, elite man which we must heed. 2. Man is his own god, choosing or determining for himself what constitutes good and evil (Gen. 3:5). 3. Truth is pragmatic and existential: it is what we find works and is helpful to us. 4. Education is the self-realization and self-development of the child. 5. Education is freedom from restraint and from any idea of truth outside of us. We are the standard, not something outside of man. 6. The school and the world must measure up to the pupil's needs. The pupil grades the teacher. 7. Society must be broken and remade to man's will and the child's will is sacred. 8. Man's problem is society. Society must be recreated by man. 9. The family is obsolete. The individual or the state is basic. The great issue of the years ahead is the developing battle between Christianity and humanism. It is a war unto death. Christianity is a world and life view and faith, and it can only exist as such. It is either the Word of God for every area or none. Christianity was born into the same battle. It is only the dereliction of Christendom which has led to a return to the beginnings of this old battle of the centuries. On the day of Pentecost, St. Peter's great proclamation was this: "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ" (Ac. 2:36). "Jesus is Lord!" This is the joyful and central proclamation of the early church. It is the declaration of St. Paul (Phil. 2:9-11; Rom 10:9; 1 Cor. 12:3), and it is the joyful declaration that in Christ the prophecy of Isaiah 45:23 is fulfilled. To declare Jesus is Lord means that He is the world ruler Who absolutely governs every sphere of life and thought. It is the obligation of every area to be Christian: church, state, school, family, vocations, the arts and sciences, and all things else must serve only Christ the Lord. The True Meaning of "Church" A problem in understanding the scope of our work is the common misuse of the word church. Our English word comes from kyriakos, a Greed adjective, as in kyriakon doma, or kyriake oika; our word "church" refers to an institution of worship, the ministry of the Word, or a building. The New Testament word translated church is ecclesia, which gives the sense of two Hebrew words, 'edhah (congregation) and qahl (assembly). It can refer to all the redeemed people, to their assembly in worship, their civil government, the family, the godly army, and more: it means the kingdom of God. Thus, where Scripture speaks of the church, it means Christ's realm in every area and sphere of life. All things must be brought under the dominion of Christ the Lord. At present, humanism has brought all things, including most churches, under the sway of man the lord. The purpose of state schools, as laid down by Horace Mann, James G. Carter, and others, was twofold: first, to establish centralism, the priority of the state over every area of life, and second, to eliminate Biblical faith. The founders of statist education in the United States were Unitarians. They rightly believed that control over the child through the schools is the key to controlling society. Control over the schools will determine control over state and church finally. Christianity and humanism are diametrically opposed religions; one is the worship of the sovereign and Triune God, the other is the worship of man. Let us briefly analyze some of the key points of difference between Christianity and humanism as they affect education. This is far from an exhaustive analysis. Our purpose is to provide a brief outline of some of the fundamental differences: Christianity 1. The sovereignty of the Triune God is the starting point, and this God speaks through His infallible Word. 2. We must accept God as God. He is alone Lord. 3. God's Word and Person is the Truth. 4. Education is into God's truth in every realm. 5. Education is discipline under a body of truth. This body of truth grows with research and study, but truth is objective and God-given. We begin by presupposing God and His Word. 6. Godly standards grade us. We must measure up to them. The teacher grades the pupil. 7. Man's will and the child's will must be broken to God's purpose. Man must be remade, reborn by God's grace. 8. Man's problem is sin. Man must be recreated by God. 9. The family is God's basic institution. unquote Christianity Versus Humanism (chalcedon.edu)
    1 point
  15. Wal-Mart deliberately forced over 1,000 American factories to close and relocate to China. When you think of Chinese manufacturing replacing America’s, Wal-Mart bears the most responsibility by far. Here is an excellent article about how Walmart fixed Snapper Mowers to close their Georgia factory and outsource to China: https://www.fastcompany.com/54763/man-who-said-no-wal-mart#:~:text=And the power and allure,to sell to Wal-Mart.
    1 point
  16. Why argue with people who will never "get it"? Just deny climate change exists at all. Like Trump's idea of not reporting Covid cases would make it go away. Doing anything at all isn't worth the effort unless it's 100% effective. Why should I pay when someone who can't pay doesn't? Same recycled complaints, repeat in circles. No further thought or action required.
    1 point
  17. I dont want my kids to be exposed to some nut case with a giant strap on. If that makes me a bigot so be it.
    1 point
  18. and that's a childish simplification. If the goal is to limit emissions to avoid a runaway greenhouse effect, then waiting for 5-6 Billion people to pull themselves out of poverty via coalfire burning will make a joke of it. China's overpopulation is a problem of its own making, and there's no per-capita allotment for emissions. That, and the fact that China's a hostile and untrustworthy partner that the West is starting to steer away from.
    1 point
  19. People have had enough and some are speaking out, or taking their kids out of classrooms that do this. I can certainly see the point for a religous muslim family to be offended at teaching their kids about transexualism, especially in the manner it is being done recently. These are sensitive issues that arguably do not belong in the classroom at all, for those who believe schools should only focus on the three R's. Especially as they are a political football even among adults. And I've been pretty clear in my opinion on how politics in this day and age really needs to be reigned in. Another point was raised earlier about pride parades starting in the 90's are now a thing that's completely normalized. Yes it is, and that speaks to the place we are at as a country. People who are gay need to feel that they belong, and Canada (the west actually) already says yes they do. Therefore I see no reason to put heavy emphasis on this, it's a non-problem and that's as far as we need to go.
    1 point
  20. So not hanging a Pride flag makes one a bigot? Your position is radical and illustrates why many reasonable people are questioning stances like yours.
    1 point
  21. You’ll spin anything to fit your agenda. First thing: All autos are manufactured GLOBALLY. New cars sold in America have stickers showing you how much of the car is sourced from the US and how much from elsewhere. Car sales are rising faster than manufacturers WORLDWIDE can meet demand. This is an irrefutable sign of a strong, recovering, and growing economy, you bonehead.
    1 point
  22. Ha yes, I see you speak two languages, English and Rubbish, the latter being your first, Also along with Butts you seem to be favourable to Chairman Mao
    1 point
  23. I believe some Republicans did, but not so much anymore. Democrats are the facilitators now.
    1 point
  24. Referring to them as "undocumented immigrants" already suggests that you believe the idea of having borders is absurd. See, I like the term "Illegal alien"; it serves as a reminder that they have no business being here until they take the necessary (and legal) steps.
    1 point
  25. The problem is including resource revenues in Equalization calculations. Resources belong to AB (and BC, SK, NL) and so to include them as Equalization capacity (a totally arbitrary calculation), even at the 50% level, is punitive. Yes the personal tax structure at the federal level is the same, but that's not the point. And now with the Feds taking the money they want AB to kill its main industry as well. An analogy of what the draining payments of Equalization are like would be to have ON add the capital gains in Toronto property to their calculation and then see what happens. The resource provinces are being treated as colonies and their wealth is being stripped by the central Canada power axis.
    1 point
  26. They think promoting "Pride" is promoting deviant sexual behaviour and kids shouldn't be exposed to that. Completely ignoring the fact that they're basically telling Gay kids that something is wrong with them. The exact opposite of the Love they propose they get from Jesus.
    1 point
  27. the Prime Minister of Canada himself has publicly declared that Canada is no longer a nation state and that Canada has no identity therein so I wouldn't even know what I am supposed to be patriotic about anymore
    1 point
  28. I'm assuming you would, seeing as though you're cheerleading Putin's invasion, parroting his propaganda and reveling in his attacks on civilians. What's Syrian news saying about the conflict lately? Quick, check your Twitter feed!
    1 point
  29. Or they could just deport them and starve/murder them in the millions like the Russians usually do. Only a deluded clown actually believes any of the justifications Putin used for his invasion. Do you have a picture of him above your bed? You dream of strong brave manly man at night?
    1 point
  30. Hold on. YOU said that Sowell “destroyed” the reparations argument because there were other instances of slavery that were worse. THAT WAS YOUR ARGUMENT. That is what you said. So I replied to YOU, asking if someone should avoid punishment for murdering your son, since there are other people who killed ten children. Please answer me: Is it ok for somebody to murder your son or not? I know you’re a little slow, but that ought to be pretty easy to answer.
    1 point
  31. Alberta dodged a bullet. Things won't be perfect by any stretch under the UCP, but things would certainly have been far worse if the NDP won.
    1 point
  32. How about a compromise? Why don't blacks sue the Democrat party(party of slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, etc) for reparations? Will you acknowledge the actual racist history of the Democratic party?
    1 point
  33. Add outright sanctions for human rights abuse. Canada should have started down this road while building a trading coalition/bloc of similarly minded countries decades ago. And all the while pushing hard on a zero emission goal. That said there's no time like the present to get started on the human rights side but it's likely way to late to to stop the unfolding of a climate crisis.
    1 point
  34. Seriously you can’t tell the difference between sexual health education and porn? A lecture on how STDs, how bodies change during puberty and how sperm fertilizes eggs is no different than porn? That’s what you’re going with? Sex-ed is not pornography thats a fact. It has been in schools for decades already. You guys are no different than the Taliban
    1 point
  35. You have a quarrel with the Gov't's actions. Which in and of itself is not a problem - as you say lots of people have things they want to fix. But - if your quarrel is that canada is an illegitimate country and has no right to exist and there shouldn't BE a gov't ... that's not just a quarrel with the gov't or with ottawa that's a quarrel with the whole country. Again - they have a quarrel with the gov't in ottawa. Which is fine. That is different than having a quarrel with ottawa's gov't existing at all which is doug's position.
    1 point
  36. It's the only way they can win elections.
    1 point
  37. Birth citizenship is a thing of the Americas. It except for a couple of countries in Africa, it doesn't exist in the rest of the world, time to stop it here as well. We are fools to continue with it. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-birthright-citizenship
    1 point
  38. I sometimes wonder if there's a section of a democrat's brain that even comprehends "Illegal immigration" lol.
    1 point
  39. Oh yes, those missionaries were such a benefit to those colonized. They should fall on their knees in gratitude. [/s]
    1 point
  40. I don't have any problem with pushing towards green energy etc, and do want to see fossil fuels curtailed BUT the bolded part is absolutely right and it makes so much of what we're currently trying to do hopeless and pointless. I used to argue with people on here about how dumb Ontario's Green Energy effort was ~10 years ago with the Ontario Liberals. Heavily subsidizing inefficient/immature green tech and taxing our industries has no effect if corps are just going to outsource production to Southeast Asia. The only way to make this work would be to tariff dirty production abroad.
    1 point
  41. Yup OK ? You just keep reproving my point "Never argue with an id iot, they'll only bring you down to their level & beat you with experience" and you do.....again and again and again LOL
    1 point
  42. Awww that's sweet Nice to know i live rent free in your head trying to? You do it every time i ask you to !! There's no trying, you're basically my biatch at this point You can't even help yourself Oh and you can't count Well i did promise an insult for the ten so here you go - You are the human equivalent of a participation trophy You seem to be suffering from delusions of adequacy You are the reason tubes of toothpaste have instructions on them. You are why the gene pool needs a lifeguard. You are the Monday of people. You couldn't pour water from a boot without instructions on the heel If you were a spice you'd be flour. I'm sure your brain's pH level is 14. Basic. Stupidity is not a crime. You're free to go. There ya go Give us another one Biatch - show everyone how i'm 'not goading' you
    1 point
  43. Just another attack on the pillars of society.
    1 point
  44. So you cannot actually name a Republican civil rights leader. And then you wonder why black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat. (Psst!!! Clue to the clueless: When your politicians think they’re being super-clever and sly with their racist dog whistles, black people do figure it out)
    1 point
  45. The problem is that progressives, while a minority, congregate in the arts, entertainment, and media, as well as academia. This has allowed them to slowly indoctrinate people, starting in university (and now working their way down into K-12 schools) and through a distorted media lens. And since none of them have more than a few brain cells, no vision or ideas, they take all their cues from the United States. Whatever is the latest political/social fad in the US becomes the same here. And being emotionally immature they seize upon every new fad as of critical importance to the universe and any disagreement as blasphemy in need of punishment. So our history, as benign as it was, is to be singled out as the most horrifically evil in the world and our ancestors must be renounced and condemned for everything they've done which, while it was pretty common in their day, is blasphemy in ours. Egypt can hold grand celebrations of its conquering, slave-taking ancestors but Canada must tear down statues of ours because, well, they made some natives go to school. Also, they came here and took over without permission. Thus the entire country is to be thought of as illegitimate. and continually denounced. Do I need to point out that virtually none of these people could survive in their present occupations without government assistance? That their talents, if I can use that term, would not command sufficient approval or interest among ordinary people for them to quit their day jobs at Starbucks?
    1 point
  46. Anything think using a source called Chevron.com to talk about climate change may result in biased information ?
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. TBH, I don’t see any difference between the two stances. Questioning by studying and learning is a good thing. Questioning by making a political speech filled with rhetorical questions which propose an answer is not “questioning,” it’s avoiding culpability and responsibility. Same thing that Tucker Carlson does all the time: “Shouldn’t we be asking: Don’t vaccines murder babies and the government covers it up?” An RFK Jr. Quote about the Covid vaccine: “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland,” he told a crowd of flag-waving anti-vaccine enthusiasts at a “Defeat the Mandates” rally. “You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.”
    1 point
  49. Are Democrats REALLY stupid enough to run on their record?
    1 point
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