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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Bullshit. If you have support for why 2000 mules can't be considered as evidence show it to me. You've used the word debunked incorrectly again. Debunking can't be debunked and what you've got has been...qualitatively. Go ahead though. Do your copy and paste thing and I'll do mine. We'll see who's been debunked. Show me some crappy Snopes crap. I always like revealing them as the partisan hacks they are. The laughable "fact checkers" of the left are all a bit of a hoot though. And the only real big lie that's been told is by you and your fellow big liars on the left. 2020 was rigged in ways including but not limited to fraud. Oh, and I didn't say just corrupt justices. I used the word "cowardly" as well. Did you miss that? Shame faced, I must admit, we have some of those on our side as well. But neither the corrupt nor the cowardly brought a case to trial where evidence could be considered. The fact so many refused to proves nothing.
    2 points
  2. Germany is a classic example of the lameness of coalitions as is Israel FPTP is better
    1 point
  3. Yeah dumb people always think other dumb people are “real smart”
    1 point
  4. And beaver cleaver still believes that the J6 demonrat show trial hearing going on in Washington is all on the legit. This beaver guy will believe anything that the lying MSM tells him. The movie 2000 Mules gave the beaver all that he needed to see and learn that the last American election was nothing but one big democrat fraud. And at the end of it all, nothing will become of this J6 show trial farce. Just more tax dollars being blown on democrat bullshit and lies. The beaver is going to cry when the midterms get here, and the Republicans take the house and the senate. Ya, baby! But of course, when they do takeover, the beaver will no doubt be crying and saying that the midterm elections were part of a conspiracy fraud and stolen from the democrats. Any bets on that? ?
    1 point
  5. Old senile Joe is frightened like hell that all of his crooked dealings with crooked Zelensky could be exposed if crooked Zelensky loses the war in Ukraine to Russia. Old BiDumb probably stands to lose millions of dollars in crooked dealings with Zelensky, if Zel goes down. This is why senile old Joe has to try and keep this war going on in Ukraine. ?
    1 point
  6. All lies and Ive provided my debunking of that ridiculous movie. Quick go take out another loan that you can donate to overturning the election. Please do, donate your life savings to the cause! Some Republican scammers need you to buy them new mansions they’re tired of last year’s model.
    1 point
  7. 250 million was donated to Trump’s Election Defence Fund, which doesn’t exist.
    1 point
  8. Saying "2000 Mules" to a leftard is like throwing holy water on a vampire.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Either way, how you choose to participate or not participate on the board is up to you. I don't understand joining a discussion board and then blocking nearly everyone just because you don't like them. **shrug** https://www.thecentersquare.com/indiana/indiana-life-insurance-ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40-among-people-ages-18-64/article_71473b12-6b1e-11ec-8641-5b2c06725e2c.html Since that company came out with alarm bells, there have been others too and some are analyzing the data they have collected. Not the CDC or the FDA or any governmental agencies of course, I don't' think they care much if a bunch of "useless eaters" die off. I keep up with what's going on with the insurance companies now and read the data that is concerning to them. If this interests you, (which I doubt) you are welcome to use the information to continue to look into the excess deaths and analyses as well, but I'm not going to spoon-feed all the links and articles I've read and research I've done, for you to ignore and then demand cites for again a week from now. Edit: It took me all of 3 seconds to again find that article that started me looking into what was going on in the insurance industry. Not sure if you're super lazy or just lack understanding in how Google works....
    1 point
  11. 1. I haven't seen it. I searched the site again and didn't find anything under 40%. This post from you which also lacks attribution: 2. Cite please. 3. It's horseshit. The antivax crowd perpetually states that the death rate from Covid was too low to warrant the response, so why would the same people ignore a 40% death rate ?!? The quality of your posts is lowering, you should adjust yourself or go away and re-educate yourself.
    1 point
  12. I keep going back to, you'll own nothing, and you'll eat bugs. That's why I'm a conservative. You don't know what you got till it's gone. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Sayings become sayings because there's something about them that makes sense to some important part of you. But you'll be "deus human," they say. Shove that up your progressive butt is what I say. That's what he called it, where they they want us to go, right? Deus human?
    1 point
  13. The public doesn't have the proper tools to do the job of keeping politicians honest. Think about this in the context of the original French Revolutionary definitions for the terms right-wing and left-wing. All too often politics is the business of pretending wealth and power serve the interests of the common man and conservatives have bought it hook line and sinker. The old saying 'no poor man ever gave me a job' misses the point of the term commonwealth.
    1 point
  14. Wrong.. Giuliani brought forth sworn affidavits from poll watchers discussing irregularities. HE didn't make up anything... this whole nonsense is ridiculous.. we now going to start going after cops who take statements from individuals claiming a crime happened? It's also hilarious you aren't outraged by Shifty Adam Schiff for reading his delusional parody of the discussion between Trump and Zelensky into the court records. He flat out did lie. As a lawyer he should be facing discipline. Yet here you are engaging in fake outrage yet again
    1 point
  15. Well, it obviously has. In PR a single party majority is near impossibility. Parties in the coalition hold each other and the coalition, accountable. Particularly, smaller parties have much more direct links to their electorate. They are additional and strong check on the policies and actions of the government. Because there are no default governing parties, offices like attorney, justice system tend to be more independent as well. And the examples are in no way perfect. Britain is a one-off case. US is plagued by partisan divisions that FPTP naturally engenders, if not me has to be you. When you begin thinking what is the party of your doctor or lawyer, something has to be quite not right.
    1 point
  16. Giuliani's case will go nowhere. It was never meant to. It was meant to shut him up. Which it did. One has to wonder if this is a gross abuse of the legal system.. As for the childish blatherings of The Beave and his (her? They? Its?) trusty sidekick traveler ... we all know you're desperate to keep Trump from running in 2024. From 2 failed impeachments, through the frankly gross mugging of a presidential election, to this asinine Jan 6 commission, the Democrats have scarred the USA and left a trail of failure in their wake. Biden's presidency is the crown jewel of this failure. He and his angry mob have screwed the entire country. So a parting gift for you shills and operatives... This year the SCOTUS will kill Roe V Wade and return abortion to the states where it belongs. The Republicans will roll over the Democrats and take both houses. Cheyney, Kinsinger and the rest of the RINOs will be ousted. After that...a string of "Congressional Hearings" will drag Hunter and a host of sitting Democrats through the mud. Then...in 2024...Trump or some other America First Republican, will become POTUS. The Democrats won't stand a chance without their mailin cheating. Come upins will be swift and merciless. And while Republican rule will benefit the American economy, the mud-slinging will maintain this partisan bullshit. But that's what happens when you start a culture war. Feathers fly. Personally...I can hardly wait to see Adam Schiff with no feathers.
    1 point
  17. It simply means never ceding the possibility the other side may be correct on occasion. That also gets you off the hook for when you're wrong.
    1 point
  18. And I’ll tell you what else, you folks on the left wouldn’t know a dictator if your bank accounts got frozen by edict, and then your vehicle insurance illegally cancelled without an arrest, charges or a judge ruling on your guilt. Funny how the left in Canada go on and on about the evil dictator Trump, and then ignore the dictator moves of Trudeau. Beyond belief...
    1 point
  19. “All politicians lie, so why is the Big Lie being treated differently?” ?
    1 point
  20. So you guys have gone all the way from "JOE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT HUNTER WAS WORKING FOR BURISMA AND ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS A DAMN LIAR!" to "Yeah they peddled influence like MFers in Ukraine and China and we all knew, but we lied our faces off. That's cool." I admire your newfound honestishness, but basically you're admitting that you're a huge liar when you admit to all that sooooo, I'm gonna hafta say that your credibility remains below zero for now (now being "eternity").
    1 point
  21. If lying is such a big deal, shouldn't pretty much everyone in the Senate be disbarred? Almost all of them are lawyers, and for sure every Dem in that Senate has done nothing but lie for the last 5 years. The GOP aren't as bad, but they all lie to some extent as well I'm sure. Liz Warren pretended to be an indian ffs. She did it to get into Harvard and she did it to gain minority credz when she ran for president. "My mom said we were Cherokee" lol. Your mom doesn't know her pasty white ass from a hole in the ground. Adam Schiff is a lawyer, he said "New bombshell evidence of collusion is coming out this weekend" every week for 2 years, and no new evidence ever came out. His story started off sounding shockingly stupid and was known to be a complete farce after a couple months, but he kept saying it for 2 years after that. Schiff is the biggest liar in the history of the world by any reckoning, and whoever's #2 is not even close. Has he been disbarred? This is just more political witch hunting by the party of corruption and their lackeys in the DOJ/FBI.
    1 point
  22. I’m surprised so many are that gullible. It was not an insurrection. Americans involved in an insurrection would have seen about a million bullets flying, and the military brought in to restore peace. And that wouldn’t have succeeded. I hate to break it to you, but the American ruling class is much more sophisticated than that. That’s why you don’t even know that Biden’s election “win” was a coup.
    1 point
  23. I'm halfway through. I like it. He just said something that resonates with me because sometimes I think I'm the only one who notices. Progressives can be right or left. They're most blatant on the left so that's where you direct your fire is all. But that's not what he's really talking about. The topic is much larger. I just wanted to stop halfway in to go "Yay you, for noticing that bit, guy."
    1 point
  24. And what exactly do you have? Cowardly or corrupt justices refused to put existing evidence on trial or give the plaintiff time or ability to gather the whole truth. Much evidence has been gathered since. Go ahead tell me 2000 mules is just a popcorn flick. I'll show why it isn't. Then you can try to produce something more than a slur to show me why it is. We'll see who's got "nothing." I'll show you what "Zuckerbucks" are. Then you can give me some evidence telling me why only Democrat donators are able to slip an illegal amount of funding into how the election is run. Except you can't. We both know it. And I've had about enough of the king of wrong standing on his soap box bragging BS about how he's shown only Republicans have ever been found guilty of election fraud when all he's really proved is election fraud exists. Would you like to see what the Democrats have been up to since you've been busy ignoring that side of the question? Go ahead then, your majesty. Show me what you've got and I'll show you what I've got. We'll see who's got "nothin'." Lets' do this then. Do you two really just want to posture then smear n slur or do you actually want to get into the nitty gritty of what the evidence actually shows. Very well. Show me what you've got. I'm your Huckleberry.
    1 point
  25. You've promised us everything from treason to pee tapes. Just more noise from the left wing.
    1 point
  26. LMAO. How many people showed up at Biden rallies compared to Trump rallies?
    1 point
  27. I call false flag. They're staging these in order to justify taking our guns.
    1 point
  28. Gas prices are high because the war in Ukraine continues. If Trumps coup attempt had been successful, Putin would have quickly and successfully invaded and annexed Ukraine. Trump would not have provided Ukraine the support its has needed to resist the Russian invasion. So sure I’ll admit it’s possible gas prices might be lower under a Trump dictatorship but that doesn’t make it worthwhile.
    1 point
  29. Trudeau is more susceptible to catching covid because he cannot resist doing what he loves most and that's partying with other celebrities in close proximity . He has to get very close to others in order to pose for all those selfies. Trudeau lives large in LA while Canadians at home struggle to get by | The Post Millennial I guess his schedule is pretty booked up most of the time with photo ops and the like. But he's got equally incompetent people to fill in while he's busy partying.
    1 point
  30. Let’s face it. If Jan 6 had been an actual insurrection, Trump would be dictator right now and gas would be 1.20/ltr.
    1 point
  31. It definitely makes me question the value of having a Canada. Imagine the savings if all powers devolved to the provinces as independent states. We could stop paying off Quebec and stop paying for all this French language training in the rest of Canada. We could end the Trudeau Laurentian elites’ overbearing and expensive social controls and pet projects. Quebec would be isolated in North America and stop draining our coffers. Ontario would finally fire on all cylinders economically. Alberta could keep its oil money. BC would lapse into eco-communist hell. I’m starting to not give a shit. Trudeau’s Canada, that we’re always told is colonial and shameful, is getting too expensive. Scrap all this federal nonsense altogether. Let the communists in Ottawa get real jobs and work for a living.
    1 point
  32. Well I always loved Quebec inside Canada and as an English speaking Quebecer (out of province student at the time), I was in the 1995 "We love Quebec" huge gathering in downtown Montreal a few days before referendum however, if Quebec wishes to violate our Charter and walk over our fundamental rights and demonstrate a shameful picture of present democratic Canada then I prefer them OUT of Federation rather than a shameful inside. We have to stand for what is right not to buy their votes by violating fundamental human rights of our citizens.
    1 point
  33. Just in case someone doubts me, take a look at the story. https://www.christianpost.com/news/disney-employees-among-108-arrested-in-florida-trafficking-sting.html https://www.foxnews.com/us/disney-employees-among-108-arrested-in-florida-human-trafficking-sting-police And before you claim it’s fake news, use that grey matter for a second. If this wasn’t true, Disney would be suing Fox and anybody else that posted such a story.
    1 point
  34. 1) Disney had absolutely no business whatsoever opining about Florida legislation. 2) Chiming in with the common lie about "Don't say gay" was just bizarre and disgusting. 3) They never should have had "self-governing, tax-free status" to begin with 4) DeSantis runs Florida democratically, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't stand up to Disney's BS. Disney stepped up publicly, Disney got gob-smacked publicly. Easy peasy.
    1 point
  35. You folks are missing some crucial facts. In the last couple of years, Disney employees have been arrested for various indecent activities with children. I kid you not. In one such incident on a Disney cruise ship a child was assaulted on the elevator. Disney covered it up and allowed the accused to return to his home, in India I believe. That company has some serious issues on top of the beyond strange decision to begin hyping the transgender thing, thus torpedoing their own stock value.
    1 point
  36. Nice illustration but it’s 100% BS. When you realize how badly you’ve been misled by this propaganda media that you give your trust to...
    0 points
  37. Leftism should be treated as a mental illness.
    0 points
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