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You are using Soviet techniques. Hiring mushy centrist, and supporting Biden is extreme leftism in the mind of deranged dialogues only. It's Impossible to discuss reality with such types, I am sure you would agree. Let's celebrate, therefore, you being added to my list of dreary clowns that I love to ignore. You should do the same to me, because I'm an extreme Left maniac who isn't worth your time, too left for Communist FOX even. My God I am crazy ?2 points
Our oil and gas sector accounts for approximately 26% of Canada's total, which itself is roughly 1.5% of world emissions. Basic math then says we're looking at about 0.35% of world CO2 emissions. Trudeau will hobble our economy in order and infuriate resource provinces in order to do little more than virtue signal. Notably, world leaders clapped politely, but no one else made a similar offer. Other world oil gas and coal producers are ramping up production as world prices spike, eager to pull in billions and billions of dollars. Trudeau will just borrow more money instead. And if Alberta and/or Saskatchewan wants to separate, well who cares, it's not like they're important anyway since they don't vote Liberal. Canada will impose a hard cap on emissions from the oil and gas sector, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Calling the promise "a major commitment" that should inspire other resource-rich countries to dramatically curb their own emissions, Trudeau said Canada is prepared to limit the growth of one of the country's largest industries to help the world hold the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. "We'll cap oil and gas sector emissions today and ensure they decrease tomorrow at a pace and scale needed to reach net-zero by 2050," Trudeau said during his two-minute speech in front of other world leaders gathered in Scotland. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-cop26-cao-oil-and-gas-1.6232639?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral1 point
that is the opposite of what he wants you want to pit people against each other you want people to be sacrificed you want the standard of living to be lowered by destroying the economy JP takes issue with that he is a real environmentalist you're a fake silly watermelon1 point
Giving every kid who spent some time in a foster home $40,000 is madness. It will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars and is nonsensical. I believe most of those kids were not abused in any way. The claim that they were denied their native culture and language is absolute nonsense but it is the reason the HRT decided to order the government to pay billions to them. It was not because they were abused physically or sexually; it was because of the new woke belief that they were denied native language, spirituality, or culture. This should never be a reason to pay tens of thousands of dollars in compensation. It is the taxpayers who are being abused.1 point
Twisting what I say does not help a discussion! What I said is that people who soil their properties and houses and live like cattle there cannot be expected to do any different on Crown Land or any other land. They cannot be expected to be alert of what their actions cause on the environment. And yes, I will repeat, such people need to be treated like cattle. This is why we have a punitive system and regulations to weed out this type of irresponsible behavior but it is not working. And who the heck is this Peterson guy, and why do I care about what he says,more than I care about what the reason in my head tells me? "who dies? well who dies first?..." - what a confused individual he is - lets put the rich against the poor to fight with one another rather than to pull together to save what is left of our planet. Apparently this is his agenda. A sallow person, looking for attention and recognition.1 point
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I have no similar recommendations fro you. I am convinced there isn't anyone who can help you. For you every concerned citizen who wants to protect the air over his or her head or the forest around their town, or the river flowing through it is a "environmentalist radical on welfare". Really?1 point
It's a good thing, for the most part, Canada doesn't leave it to environmentalist radicals on welfare, armchair critics sitting in their mom's basement or the child protestors like Greta Thunberg and the brainwashed school kids protesting on the streets to decide what industries we have in Canada. Your description of yourself as "fighting economic growth" shows you need counseling. Where did you go to school or where did you come from? No, you won't say. It might explain a lot.1 point
You leave it exactly up to those who have a job in the industry to decide when to stop logging !!! Really??? Like the cod fishery on the East coast and every other resource based industry. Leave it up to the oilmen to decide which pipeline is safe and where to put it.1 point
People who sign that petition obviously don't have a job in the forest industry or spin-off industries. Most are probably armchair environmentalists who have no clue how Canada's main industries are the natural resource industries. Many might be living off the spin-off industries of natural resources and living in homes made out of lumber that the forest industry provides. PS Calling fellow Canadians vermin for working in the natural resource forest industry is pretty low. Where did you come from?1 point
This is the alternative petition to ground those 18,000 industrious vermin who cut the lungs out of our planet Signed by almost 200,000 https://act.stand.earth/page/22441/petition/1?gclid=CjwKCAiAm7OMBhAQEiwArvGi3KdxhJob1VtZEZ09J3jTo6hGyf7Nh6YgUt8hD89B27D1gbpRaSMdlxoCYVoQAvD_BwE1 point
"Wow. In just a couple of days, over 2,000 British Columbians signed the petition in support of standing up for BC Forestry jobs. Sign yourself and share at: https://www.ellisrosscampaign.ca/forestry The NDP are jeopardizing 18,000 jobs which put food on the table for BC forestry families. This is wrong! It's time to stop playing politics and stand up for BC Forestry."1 point
1. The fact you call it a scam or blackbird or anyone else, does not make it a scam. You need to have evidence human caused climate change does not exist. The evidence is with science , not you ! So, as I said many times; stop beating a dead horse, it will not jump for you! 2. Why would "they" want to destroy the economy? If this works against them too, I see no sound reason behind that. 3. There isn't one thing that helps both the environment and the economy. Why? Because the economy is based on destroying the environment. But we can somewhat mitigate the damage in the short run by converting more harmful to less harmful jobs and hi-emission to low emission industries or vehicles. 4. Yes, some people need to sacrifice and be limited in what they can do because they are not reasonable. Some need to be managed like cattle because in their mental evolution they are not a step above a cow level. When you look along the highways and into people's yards, you can clearly see where they stand. And many of those with clean yards are not very far up the evolution chain. Again, no need to beat a dead horse. You can't win an argument when evidence is clearly against you. But you can continue adding pointless posts and causing aggravation, of course. This is why we post here, to pick on one another and make one another feel crappy and miserable.1 point
Nah, contempt certainly, dismissive out of hand obviously, talking down like to a dim slow and little peasant looks like it but why would one hate a golden cow that can be milked at least $400K annually "for as long as necessary".1 point
I can see we're drifting too far off topic, so I will let most of what you said pass for now except the last sentence is more closely related. I disagree with all your other comments in that last post as well but won't go into it here. I think I would be wasting our time. You obviously believe the hoax of man-made climate change. You will pay for that because governments at all levels are making you pay for carbon emissions, even if it doesn't do anything to stop climate change and it won't. Man-made climate change has never been proven. Do you have any proof that man is causing it at all? Didn't think so. Dr. Suzuki is more of a CBC television radical environmentalist cult leader than anything. For a guy that makes much of fighting climate change and carbon emissions, he sure emits a lot of CO2 with all four of his mansions plus jetting around. He's all talk: do as I say, not as I do. " OTTAWA — Green sage David Suzuki has some expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation. QMI Agency has learned that Suzuki, who's made a name for himself fighting for the environment and against development, owns four homes, including one property he co-owns with a fossil fuels company. His primary abode is a sprawling mansion in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, worth approximately $8.2 million. At Occupy Vancouver, Suzuki extolled the virtues of his anti-corporate agenda and condemned excess. He owns another slightly more modest property in the Kitsilano neighbourhood. Its value is listed as $1.01 million. Suzuki owns a waterfront property on the Quadra Island area off the B.C. coast, that appears from photos to be something of a cottage getaway, complete with boat dock. The property is valued at $1.1 million. Perhaps most interesting is a property on Nelson Island of which Suzuki is one of several co-owners listed on a B.C. land title registry, another of which includes Kootenay Oil Distributors. Nelson Island is predominantly forested with little economic activity and a tiny permanent population." David Suzuki a man of property | Toronto Sun "David Suzuki has spent years telling Canadians that we all need to pay carbon taxes and reduce our carbon footprint. Yet, Suzuki himself loves to travel and has a massive carbon footprint." CRAIG: David Suzuki's carbon footprint is immense | Toronto Sun1 point
The Liberals will use every opportunity to further their image . . . this time on the backs of the armed forces and their veterans. All the while turning their collective backs on veterans that truly need help. Treacherous treasonous gasbags . . . .1 point
Well in Biden's case the man can hardly talk without slurring his speech and showing off his obvious dementia.1 point
Governments and liberals think resource extraction are evil industries and that tech is virtuous. That is what it amounts to.1 point
If you removed all the petroleum based products and components from your 'green' car, you couldn't even push it into your garage.1 point
Completely faked by Hillary & crew...Trump has been vindicated...AGAIN. ?1 point
they fought for the Crown not the Liberal Party of Canada flag putting that flag on the uniforms and coffins doesn't change that there is no need to wrap the flag in a cause that the flag had nothing to do with the flag is woke1 point