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The US? You mean specific industrialists in the US. You smeer an entire nation of people. Sure why not. Its why your words have such credibility on this board. Here's a reminder yes there were pro Nazi supporters in the US. There were also thousands who dies defeating Hitler. The US is a bug country full of a lot of people. Stop using sweeping stereotypes of an entire nation's people and no the US government did not do business with Nazis, individual companies like Ford Motor Company did.3 points
When the Liberals went giddy about their "charm offensive," and they were everywhere on tv calling it such, it suggests that Trump and his people are naive enough to fall for that kind of tactics. What more, the Liberals bragged about it in the media! It's like being at war, and telling the public how you'll deal with the enemy. This is negotiations, folks. Negotiations doesn't actually begins at the bargaining table. Why on earth did the Liberals have to brag about their "charm offensive?" Publicly, to boot? Like as if Trump team doesn't watch tv, or keep abreast of what's happening next door. The bragging of the "charm offensive," places the Trump team at an uncomfortable position: they'd look naive in public if they become amenable! What other position would the Trump team be forced to take than to play hard ball? So now, not only is Trump dumping on Canada (trade), but there seems to be hostility in his message! I wouldn't be surprised if this is the result of the so-called "charm offensive".....with Trump saying, "it didn't work, folks. I'm not stupid."1 point
So if people don't agree with you then they lack sense, are idiotic and support proven harmful immigration policies. This, despite the fact that Canada is rated among the best countries to live and among the top 10 performers economically, even with our 'harmful' immigration policies of the last 150 years. The facts don't support these conservative claims, Argus. That and their assumption that conservatives are the only sensible ones no doubt contributes to the way in which people consider conservatives claims more xenophobic than thoughtful.1 point
Yes sir...that is the bottom line. Why aren't the Canadian tree huggers thanking Trump ?1 point
We need to sell it more than the US needs to buy it, unfortunately for Canada.1 point
It gets funnier...when Canadians go to American owned Home Depot, they get to pick from the crappiest, lowest grade lumber left over after the best grades are exported to the U.S.1 point
Indubitably, my dear BC. You pretty much parroted one of my chum's very words from this morn'...lol.1 point
1 point
It's so cute each time it happens. "Damn Americans....boycott all American products!" "Snowbirds are traitors...no more travel to the U.S. !" "Take over all American owned corps in Canada!" "Shut off the cheap oil and stupid cheap "hydro" from stupid Wynne's energy policies" "Show the 'Muricans who is boss !"1 point
1 point
This is great...just like old times ! Canadians upset over another round of softwood lumber duty is always entertaining. Too bad Justin Trudeau cares more about immigrants/refugees than Canadians.1 point
Where did you or your previous generations come from I wonder.1 point
When tribalism does not unify and put the country first then I agree with you of course. If it puts the country and a unified neutral vision first then I got problems with the keesters who want to put their puff pastries before basic bread. What you are really referring to and you clarified thank you and in that case I agree with are that it are people put their own identities before the national one yes they can screw up a country as you say.. That's a recipe for special interest fractured crap we see in this country today with people bending over backaords to accommodate certain minorities but never other minorities. You saw my response to Mr. Harder. No I am not in agreement with anyone who puts their difference before the nation's common identity and good. I don't agree with segregation of any kind and liberal guilt posed as cultural tolerance-its not its justification to be bigoted for certain groups at the expense of others-pure and simple. The crap you refer to and there is no shortage of it are people who put their own tribes' interests first and to hell with everyone else. Never yet saw a Muslim country accommodate any non Muslim the way the Jewish state does non Jews. Its why I find all the Muslim states who are anti Israel a bunch of two faced liars using Palestinians to justify their anti semitic bigotry. As for Canada, I will never fault it for its tolerance. I blame specific individual citizens of Canada putting their own narrow interests first. I think most Canadians do not. However we give people the message right off the boat they are entitled to whatever they want instantaneously. First message we give them is break the law and we let you jump the line and get better benefits in Canada not only than those hard working honest people lining up to get in but also genuine refugees not to mention Canadian citizens like me. What a slap in our faces. What a slap to see this sob of an Immigration Minister hiss back at the press with contempt that he doesn't have to do a thing about the flood of illegals swarming into this nation. Gee who saw that coming. I mean come on, he's so neutral and able to logically consider the issue. He has no emotional attachment to his portfoilio. Oh but I am ranting because I call a spade a spade or in this case an Immigration Minister. Let's face it. We are living in a country with a spoiled rich boy who got whatever he wants in life an feels guilty about it so engages in this skitzoid attempt to act out his superiority and narcissism at the same time as acting as if he cares about others. Look at this collosal blood clot some call Justin Trudeau. He says what? Oh his rich family was able to use its privilege to get his late brother off a pot charge. So this is why he wants to legalize pot? What because he feels guilty his rich privileged status got his late brother off a pot charge? That's his impetus? What drivel. Oh I get it-he feels guilty and this produces his visions? Give me a bloody break. Yah see he can bring in some brown babies and pose with them, throw some winter coats at them, and presto, his guilt over being rich and sheltered is assuaged? That is his vision, use the office of Prime Minister to indulge his guilt feelings? That's all the multi-culturalism of Trudeau is. Its a rich boy, a rich spoiled sheltered sexually confused emotional cripple acting out this sordid play of wanting to make Mama and Papa be happy.. He's as unstable as his mother and as arrogant and upper crust rich boy as his Papa.. This country should be built on a vision of what we stand for, not what we are ashamed of or feel guilty of being. Oh but wait its a rant. No its an opinion. I am fed up with self entitled individuals feeling guilty seeking to use the government and its services as psychotherapy for their sexual confusion. That in one sentence summarizes Trudeau and his disaster of an immigration policy let alone concept as to what multi-culturalism is. I grew up with plenty of Justin's with their noses wedged in the air thinking everyone should love them. Snot faced pukes who would never in a million years be caught dead with the masses other than a quick peek through Papa's Mercedez Benz window. Show me some fool suggesting we accommodate in public schools anyone who demands it and I will show you some sheltered privileged fellow mistaking his private school life with the real world where Mama and Papa don't buy the uniform and dictate the curriculum and laws based on privilege not merit.1 point
No, we prefer to spend it on our own. That doesn't mean we don't recognize a sense of international responsibility. Generally, conservatives are all for being generous to those they legitimately believe have no options. It's just that many of those on welfare clearly do have options. We all know this. I've known people who simply preferred welfare and the odd job on the side to working so they could party a lot. Conservatives believe in a sense of personal responsibility and think people need to raise themselves out of poverty - though we're willing to help. I'm all for skills and education training for those who lack either. I think we should spend more on that and less on warehousing people into a life of poverty. Fraud is NOT low. There are lots of people on welfare who could be doing something else, but they choose not to. Conservatives find it ludicrous that we have to pay for people to be on welfare and pogey while importing people from other countries to do low-skilled work here. Let me put it more bluntly. If there's a shitty job available you could be doing, whether it's working at Tim Hortons or skinning fish, you do it or starve as far as I'm concerned. Evidence? I'm all for ending corporate welfare. Most every conservative I know is too. That is not what Haidt said. He said conservatives believe in capitalism and personal responsibility, even if some people don't fare very well under that. We know that too much redistribution of income causes more people to hold their hands out and discourages innovation and investment.1 point
Bitching wouldn't be anywhere near as productive as refusing to ship weapons to them.1 point
It might not be universally true but it is certainly true as a generalized statement to say the Muslim world - all of it - is antisemitic. Thus bringing in lots of people from those countries is definitely going to increase antisemitism in Canada. That clearly doesn't bother you, but it would obviously bother most Jews.1 point
SSGN-727 to Pusan has been done before, along with other SSGNs as a show of force, as with China in 2010. USS Ohio, Michigan, and Florida were purposely surfaced in the region for Chinese satellite selfies. http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2002378,00.html1 point
I think that slippery slope of altering ones mind probably starts with little kids spinning around to make themselves feel dizzy - before you know it they're into harder stuff like the choking game.1 point
1 point
Refugees should be in proper camps as near to their homes as safely possible...they're going home, after-all.1 point
Someone tell Argus its probably the distasteful manner by which conservatives give expression to their position that poisons the relationship between the right and left on this issue. The greater value conservatives place on corporations over human beings and the fact they have no issue with an essentially border-less planet for corporations is also disturbing.1 point
Oil will go up (good for me). Some markets will rise, others will fall. Japan's index will go for shit. Of course my scenario is best case. There are a ton of not-quite-so-good cases that are possible - NK fires a nuke and the US shoots it down resulting in nasty crap in the environment. NK fires the rest of their nukes (to no real effect) and the US unleashes hell on them turning several sites into new Walmart parking lots. A bunch of UN do-gooders decide they don't like what the US has done (but won't sanction them of course). Russia decides it's a good time to come unhinged and puts part of it's fleet in the same floating territory as the US. At the same time Putin decides to put a ton of ground troops in Afghanistan as an irritant. Syria gets pissed even more and decides to "declare war" on the States backed by Russia. South Korea decides to move troops and artillery into the North to "preserve their own safety". US jets start bombing runs in NK and Syria to prove they can. Russia decides it's time the Ukraine returned to the fold and advances west there. France wets itself. Britain sends out a strongly worded communique. Germany issues the statement "We've started two world wars, with some success. We intend to stay out of this one." Russia and the US don't fire a single round against each other, because that would be stupid. Canada's Lost Leader stammering out some more platitudes and then declares theyself genderless.1 point
Speaking for myself, I've said why a few times now, perhaps you missed it. 1. I think our species will be better off without races and nothing mixes us together better than immigration. And its not just Canada, I want to give the whole planet away, to Earthlings. I'm for Earth First. 2. I enjoy the schadenfreude stemming from how far this gets up a typical right-wing conservatives nose.1 point
Please don't get him started. If you want to talk about lunatic stuff he's started a number of such topics for you to investigate.1 point
Were I in charge of immigration I would assign a panel of experts to decide how many based on demographics. Then I would have them decide on who to let in based on economics and cultural suitability. I have no problem with testing ALL applicants from anywhere on Earth. My personal preference under both economic and cultural suitability would be young Europeans as the government itself suggests they are the most economically successful, and I believe they are the most culturally suitable and would fit in the easiest. As a conservative, I do not think immigration should be used to appeal to the liberal desire for change, novelty, and diversity. I regard it as a purely economic tool, and if it isn't helpful to the economy it should not exist. If it is helpful then it should be done with as little cultural disruption as possible. I do not understand why liberals regard that position as somehow less moral than theirs.1 point
Once the THAAD is up and running, the US will stop pussyfooting around with NK. NK will fire something towards someone and the US will blow it out of the sky once it crosses out of NK airspace. This will likely precipitate NK firing on SK with conventionals and/or sending troops across the south border. The US will lose almost no troops; SK will lose many. China starts screaming at everyone but really does nothing other than bolster their defences on the north border (it's only 11 bloody miles anyway). Putin uses this whole mess as a distraction to try and grab some more territory. Canada won't be involved other than the Lost Leader stammering some platitudes. Just my thoughts.1 point
The reason it was shunned was because it became just how obviously it could be abused. How easy would it be for a bigoted neighbor to call in some bullshit like maybe the lady next door was wearing a face covering, which is one of the things Harper was trying to go after when he sought to create this nonsense.1 point
I dislike religion. All religion, Christianity most certainly included. I would be happiest if no one believed in all these dumbass fairy tales that have caused so much harm throughout human history. That said, I don't support violent or discriminatory solutions towards that end, what I hope for is that religious idiocy will slowly wither away. In Western countries we've done pretty well with reducing the role of religion to a mostly voluntary one, people can associate with religious institutions if they want, or they can not give a damn about religion if they want. That separation took hundreds of years to become an accepted part of the culture, and is still not fully accepted in some places, US "bible belt" states for example. Today, we are bringing in vast numbers of people from places where that kind of separation is not the norm and not part of the culture. They come from places where religion is essentially compulsory, and where irreverence to religion is met with outrage and, often, serious punishment. If we stopped bringing more of them in now, I expect that over the next several generations, their children would slowly adopt the voluntary mindset towards religion that most Canadians hold. However, at present rates of immigration, it is entirely unclear if that will happen, or if instead Canadian culture will shift to more closely resemble that of these origin countries. I want the fragile progress that Western civilization has made to draw the line against religious tyranny to be preserved and strengthened, not to be sacrificed for the sake of political correctness or dubious and unproven economic benefits.1 point
And harm-reduction is exactly the strategy that has been responsible for causing tobacco use to fall, precipitously. And all without arresting, imprisoning or executing a single user or dealer.1 point
Sounds like a right-wing moral-authoritarians paradise alright. So why do you get back on the plane home?1 point
Blackbird wrote; "Another thing that should raise alarm bells with Canadians is the Calls to Action, a long document with incredibly demands on Canada, as a result of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report. People should read the demands for action. If the government actually accepted all these demands, Canada would be totally bankrupt and the country would be turned over to the aboriginal people completely. " Didn't the country belong to the aboriginal people in the first place? Perhaps you would rather pay rent, say, $10,000 a hectre, per month, retroactive.1 point
In Canada, the Queen has all the authority and no power. The Prime Minister has the power but no authority. No General, Judge or politicial can legally have that ultimate authority. The Crown is the ultimate check on the actions of the Prime Minister. She appoints him and she can dismiss him."Can you have a parliamentary republic that has no head of state position whatsoever?" Yes, but it would be unwise. It is important to deny that ultimate authority to someone with power.1 point
Blackbird, I note that you say you don't believe in the effect of greenhouse gasses on re-radiation of energy. You can demonstrate this effect in any under-graduate lab. If you project energy into an atmosphere made up of the current gasses in the Earth's atmosphere, the energy re-radiated is measurable. If you increase the levels of carbon dioxide and / or methane, the energy re-radiated declines and the atmosphere heats up. The temperature rise is predictable and measurable. The levels of carbon dioxide and methane have been increasing at an accelerating rate, much of it due to human activity. The details of how this will effect atmospheric and oceanographic conditions in the short term depend on so many variables that detailed prediction is very difficult. However, in the long term, the results are clear. This is not a question of belief, it is a matter of science. As I say, the manner of how this manifests its self is a matter for on going research, but the end result is dire in the extreme.1 point
Or just deport the racists.1 point
B-C 2004, you paint a very clinical picture. Think about what it would be like on a human level and then consider how people would survive in a society without hospitals, electricity, communications, clean water, anything that depends on computers and electonics.1 point
I never type anything into a computer that I don't want to read on the front page of the New York Times. No banking, income tax, or anything I wouldn't want my mother to read. Nothing is private and never has been.1 point