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  1. HAHA-very funny to say Harper started a media war! Media spent years whining about his alleged "hidden agenda"-the one that never materialized! Balancing the govt books and maintaining Cdn security in the face of Muslim terror is not some sort of dirty secret. If we want to conitnue having an open border and good trade between Canada and U.S. then we MUST recognize Yankee security concerns! With 3000 dead in the ruins of World Trade Centre they are entitled to be nervous! The only "agenda" I have seen is the one where liberals demonize ALL Conservatives! How is it that Conservatives can be smeared for making senators Wallin and Brazeau pay back money that Consevative party feels was used wrongly and for suing senator Mike Duffy for refusing to pay back his carelessly spent share? While at the same time both media and liberals IGNORED that liberal senator MacDonald Harb who had mis-used MORE money than Wallin, Brazeau and Duffy COMBINED! Talk about hiding an agenda! Talk about biased reporting! But then liberal values are such that they were probably appalled by the idea of a political party taking real responsiblity-as Conservatives did- for anything! And liberals were absolutely horrified at the idea of actually paying tax payers back for money mis-used! Our Media promoted liberal propaganda-such as alleging Harper was "muzzling" Cdn scientists-reality is he was simply preventing them from insulting and reviling Conservative party on govt time! Civil servants do not care about politics-their ONLY concern is their oh so comfortable place on what Rob Ford rightly called the govt gravy train! Many civil servants see nothing wrong with using their time at work for what amounts to very partisan union business-which means disputing and smearing views that are counter to their own greedy and narrow self interests. Civil servants are demanding raises in pay and massive new funding for their already gold plated pensions while significant numbers of older Cdns cannot find the cash to purchase the medical drugs they have been prescribed! Civil service/liberal values and entitlements are way out of line-and they want to blame their greed on Harper-with media aid! And media only cares about regaining viewers and readers. Ad revenue for conventional main stream media is fading like snow in July so they are desperate to attract people-hence their willingness to cater to any point of view that gets them attention-regardless of truth about "hidden agendas"! This is why our vaunted CBC started to mock the liberal electoral reform plan-Cdns recognized electoral reform as a vote rigging scam-and CBC did not want to be on the wrong side of that fight with so much hostile public opinion -so they joined other media and mocked the badly biased liberal effort to fragment and break up our parliament. By breaking our parliament into a mass of small, one issue parties, liberals figured they could paralyze parliament and ensure that no single party could gather enough power in future to shut off the mad liberal spending machine. Fortunately CBC recognized they might be on the wrong side of that argument and did the right thing-for once!
    2 points
  2. Islam vs the West...part #25476 The Battle of Tours (732 AD) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours Charles Martel kicks invading Muslims out of France and back to Spain.
    1 point
  3. No, what i am doing is waiting for you to impress me with solid piece of evidence that makes your claims instead of news articles from i'm not sure where that do alot of talking but provides no evidence.........right now your running around squawking about a pipe line that never got built, in fact the powers to be built it just not through Afghanistan.....now there is also talks about a natural gas line it has been built , with once exception not through Afghanistan that was in 2016... So to even suggest that the US entered this conflict because of the pipe line is false and misleading.....it is so crazy to think that the US would spend multi bil dollars running a conflict when the return would be far less than that..... Who cares if the taliban is being wined and dinned bu the CIA, shit they talk to everyone .....But like i have said before it does not prove anything, as the vists have yet to be put into context.....you and your sources have yet proven the trips mean anything....papers, documents, conversations.....you got nothing except someone drawing a picture by following the dots and making guesses.... Most of your sources did not show up....maybe ,,,,maybe they have something in them.....If what you said is true ....then the evidence must be out there....but lets ask a question first......why would the US be playing multi sides, one with the northern Afghanistan , another with it's own forces, and now as you put it with the taliban ....sorry try again....prove it...
    1 point
  4. Did you watch the Oscars at all? http://www.businessinsider.com/jimmy-kimmel-donald-trump-oscars-opening-monologue-jokes-2017-2 Kimmel is a very immature, bitter anti-Trump. Yes, it's about time for it to be your last time.
    1 point
  5. The key word here is MAY have.....when you press the link it does NOT give any evidence of such an activity.....it does imply and provide evidence that Pakistan's ISI was funding and running the show, not the US CIA..... And yet there is NO classified report......or it would have been splashed all over this web page.... please try again....maybe provide a copy of the report, or maybe ask the question why would anyone give a copy to Turkey to start with....
    1 point
  6. Trudeau asked for it. Taking potshots about Trump, and posting those reckless tweets. He's been asking for it. He craved for Trump's attention. I'm glad he got what he wanted. Of course, Trump cooperated with Trade because he's not punishing the whole country. He just wanted to reserve the public bitch-slap for its PM.
    1 point
  7. Of course Trudeau would've known. Trump would've made sure that he did know that he's just been slapped down. The comparisons in reception speak for itself.
    1 point
  8. "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you" Neil Degrasse Tyson
    1 point
  9. Islam vs the West...part #25476 Field of Blackbirds. The Battle of Kosovo (1389) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kosovo
    1 point
  10. A pretty conclusive argument that Canada is wasting billions of dollars just so Trudeau won't have to launch an open competition and see the F-35 win it. Everything can be traced to the prime minister’s election campaign promise to never buy the F-35 fighter jet, allegedly because it is too expensive and doesn’t work. His conclusions are being proven wrong, but he seems determined to proceed without a timely competition, thanks to a politically created “capability gap.” That gap was based on aircraft numbers that have never been demanded simultaneously; by fudging actual CF-18 operational serviceability history; and by the false narrative that the CF-18 cannot keep operating until we start getting new aircraft. Any imagined gap, however, could be filled by 27 available Kuwaiti F-18C/D aircraft for $330 million US. Or, we could upgrade our entire fleet of 76 CF-18s to close to Super Hornet systems status for about 20 per cent of what we’ll pay for 18 Super Hornets. Neither option was explored. http://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/columnists/hawn-choosing-super-hornet-over-f-35-will-just-keep-canada-grounded
    1 point
  11. You're free to read all the previous 9-11 Troother threads for your answers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnzHtm1jhL4
    1 point
  12. Islam has NEVER been trusted in the West. Nor will it be (by Westerners).
    1 point
  13. It refers to the US's plan that was already in place before the false flag event of 9-11 to invade seven countries in five years. General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
    1 point
  14. Altai, here is the article I told you about. The Missing Jolt http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/TheMissingJolt7.pdf
    1 point
  15. I love this part of the story...make what if comparisons to "USAF commanders". That's so....Canadian.
    1 point
  16. Canoes, sweat lodges, and potlatch
    1 point
  17. Conservatives value the culture and values and traditions of our country and don't want to see them changed by mass immigration from the Middle East.
    1 point
  18. I am also against our present day immigration policy that favors immigrants and refugees from countries who are incompatible with our Canadian values and ways of doing things as we once did. I would prefer our immigration policy of the past where we preferred to have more British and European immigration of people who have a common link. The conservative party is just as politically correct as the liberals are. We do not have nor ever will be allowed to have a Trump kind of conservative party that believes in more freedom, less government, less taxes. The zionist elite establishment will never allow it to happen in Canada. They don't want the same thing to happen in Canada like what happened in America where a guy like Trump is now the President. The phony establishment media party would have a hay day with whoever wanted to give it a try.
    1 point
  19. Sen McCain is part of the problem...he should have retired after a fine career years ago. No wonder he resents a fat cat like Trump just swooping in and taking the presidency he never had. Bitter ?
    1 point
  20. Back to the OP, Trump = shame Betsy would have us believe that lying and being politically incorrect are the same thing, which is an insult to anyone who is not politically correct. It is just another example of some Trumpites upside down ethics. Being politically incorrect is just presenting opinions that run contrary to current norms, not making up things that don't exist or never happened and presenting them as facts. That's just lying. I'm not positive Trump is shameless but he certainly often acts that way. Conway is definitely shameless and became a joke, so they have restricted her to friendly right wing interviewers only. I get the feeling Spicer does know the difference and struggles with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't long in this job and either resigns or has a breakdown.
    1 point
  21. Nothing catches a Kh-31. But I don't think she carries the big egg.
    1 point
  22. Russian fighters (Su-27/30, MiG 29/35) are perfectly capable of launching cruise missiles, like the Kh-31.
    1 point
  23. Yes really....operations planners get paid to scope out and design resource allocations that address current and potential threats. It would be incompetent to not do so. Russian aircraft with tactical and strategic range capabilities have to be addressed, especially now that weapons payloads include long range cruise missiles.
    1 point
  24. Not at all, and its been expanded in size and scope contrasted with its decline after the wall came down.........and not because there isn't a "threat".
    1 point
  25. Already deployed in these treacherous areas.
    1 point
  26. There's a base in Eastern Siberia called Ukrainka (one of many but with better resolution than most) that if you Google Earth it, you can see how seriously the Russians still take strategic bombers.
    1 point
  27. There were two nice Frenchie LHAs jus' sitting there...now Egypt of all places has them. I'm embarrassed as a Canucklehead.
    1 point
  28. Wrong...it is commonly understood to be disrespectful to sit in the president's chair. This also applies to other heads of state, ship's captain' chairs, etc. Trudeau was wrong to suggest it if he did, and only demonstrated his naivete and inexperience in such matters. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4223814/Ivanka-posts-picture-Oval-Office-desk.html
    1 point
  29. Great picture, it seems Justin was the one who suggested that Ivanka take the seat in the President's chair
    1 point
  30. Your opinion only, not shared by anyone who actually is not extremely biased.
    1 point
  31. Lot's of lovers of Israel here, and haters of Canada. Time to move.
    1 point
  32. Gee, being a Trudeau fan boy..........you sound like a sour grape. Trudeau got his payback. Big time.
    1 point
  33. There, you have it folks. Compare the reception that Trudeau got with the receptions given to Abe and Netanyahu.
    1 point
  34. Regardless of font size or color, it still makes no sense. It seems you love the man who may well drag the country you love through the mud. But hey, that's your choice.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Is the "because I love Israel" part supposed to make a difference somehow?
    1 point
  37. Oh yes, a master once again of the dangling participle.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Canadians just need to steel themselves by remembering the sacrifices our grandparents made in the face of tyranny. They came through it stronger than ever.
    1 point
  40. The whole planet is reacting to the mark of a true moron.
    1 point
  41. I suppose so except these dickheads really go out of their way to make asshats out of themselves.
    1 point
  42. These plow-boys are clearly wearing stupid looking white cones that come with a hoodie. The hoodie thing always makes me wonder if the silly pricks also have a affection for wearing dickies.
    1 point
  43. It must be the notion that racism has got nothing to do with it that produces the stench. They're only losing because they're losers. Like I said, go back to school...I must have gone back at least three or four times myself. Ten bucks says the fattest people also live in Republican areas. Their mothers dress them funny too.
    1 point
  44. Well, it's obvious the mobile version can support larger text without spreading off the sides so I fail to see why a larger default text size for the mobile wouldn't work. Otherwise I've come to like this mobile version more than the old one. For me its really just a few tweaks. The desktop version is fine and I have little to no issues with it at all.
    1 point
  45. Changing the subject won't help you. Slacker. Go back to school and get a trade. Where's my fricken shovel...
    1 point
  46. Seriously though....what's changed? Why should you people get a free pass on your fear of foreign competition after all the decades of bellicosity that's been directed at lefties for saying the same thing? This is the sort of thing that should make lefties want to beat someone with shovel.
    1 point
  47. Nope, I'm saying that some people's rhetoric make it clear that killing Muslims for being Muslims is just fine with them. Did you know that about 350 Western civilians worldwide were killed by Islamic extremism from 2014-2016? Did you know that as many as 1000 Muslim civilians (aka non-combatants) have been killed in Syria alone since 2014? Bring up the civilian casualties attributable to Western forces, and these people don't care at all. That's fine, these casualties are the price of war. Bring up the fact that the vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorists are Muslims, they don't care about that. As far as they are concered, Muslims don't matter when it comes dying. But if a terrorist attack claims a non-Muslim victim? OMG - that is outrageous, barbarous, and those Muslims must be punished! And not just the guilty ones; all of them! So yeah, these people support the killing of Muslims for being Muslims. As I said prior - they may not pull the trigger, but they're happy to hold the gun. https://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/START_AmericanTerrorismDeaths_FactSheet_Oct2015.pdf http://www.datagraver.com/case/people-killed-by-terrorism-per-year-in-western-europe-1970-2015 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/26/syria-coalition-airstrikes-civilian-death-toll-amnesty-international https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/29/us-airstrikes-isis-death-toll https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/20/us-airstrike-allegedly-kills-56-civilians-in-northern-syria http://inthesetimes.com/article/19501/the-u.s.-recently-apologized-for-killing-syrian-soldiers.-why-wont-it-do-th https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/09/us-airstrikes-civilian-deaths-iraq-syria
    1 point
  48. The concern being raised over this is ridiculous...it's on par with fears over creepy clown masks. It's amazing how tightly wound up some people insist on being. I wonder how many old stock Canadians are descended from similarly tangled roots of conflicted often failed regions?
    1 point
  49. Right... and politicians that send 18 year olds to die by the thousands are... cool and tough! Trust me... you can be sure these people would rather have a shiny new fighter plane to deliver ordinance to the target. But these are guerillas against a VASTLY superior opponent. Assymetric warfare is the only option at their disposal. They arent gonna march out onto the battle field, stand in a line, and fight fair. Israel is trying to permanently occupy an area with millions of hostile inhabitants in it, and settle it and plunder its resources. The relatively managable ammount of succesful attacks against it are just the cost of doing business.
    1 point
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